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大连小学六年级小升初英语模拟试题(附答案)总分:100分 考试时间:60分钟考试校区:_ 考号:_ 姓名:_ 成绩: _第卷(55%)一、语音知识(10%)A )找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。(5%)( ) 1.borrow A.kapok B.photo C.come D.lion( ) 2.autumn A.sunny B.cut C.album D.summer( ) 3.have A.game B.cake C.name D.that( ) 4. great A. sweater B.bread C.head D. break( ) 5.stopped A.waited B.asked C.needed D.cleanedB ) 指出划线部分读音部分不同于其他三个词。(5%)( ) 6. A. three B. thin C. thank D. there ( ) 7. A. cook B. good C. food D. look ( ) 8. A. no B. know C. not D. yellow ( ) 9. A.fly B.only C.family D.baby( ) 10.A.country B.house C.blouse D.sound二、选择最佳答案。(15%) ( )11. -Whats in the fridge? -There are _. A. two tomatoes and three bottles of milks B. three tomatos and four boxes of milk C. four tomatoes and five bottles of milk D. five tomatoes and two boxs of milk ( ) 12. -Wheres Miss Chan? -I saw her in the _ office. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers D. teacher( ) 13. It is _ here in July. But it is much _ in August. A. hot, hotter B. hotter, hot C. hot, hoter D. hoter, hot ( ) 14. Mr. Smith is _ old farmer. He has _ big farm and _ farm is far away from GuangzhouA. a, the, a B. a, an, the C. an, a, the D. an, the, an ( ) 15. We had _ classes this morning and _ was my favourite -maths. A. the fourth, the four B. fourth, four C. four, the fourth D. four, fourth ( ) 16. He isnt very rich, _ he has a lot of friends. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( ) 17. -Would you like _ orange juice? -No, thanks. I dont want _ orange juice now. Id like some tea. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D. some, any ( ) 18. My uncle _ a teacher five years ago. A. becomes B. is going to become C. become D. became ( ) 19. He _ a lot of homework to do the day before yesterday. A. have B. has C. had D. is going to have ( ) 20.There _ some tea in the cup.A. has B. have C. is D. are( ) 21._ is the post office ? Its about two kilometers away. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far( ) 22.They often help mum _. A. wash the dog B. cleans the rooms C. washing clothes D. to painted the wall( ) 23.I wish I could _ _ the Monkey King. A. fly like B. flew as C. fly as D. flew like( ) 24. My birthday is just _ June 1st. A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 25. -Is your school larger than _? -Yes, _. A. them, they are B. theirs, it is C. them, that is D. their, we are三、找出下列句中错误,将序号填在横线上并改正。(5%)26._Guangzhou is one of the most beautiful city in China. A B C27._My father like watching TV. He watches TV everyday. A B C28._ His brother is in Class three, Grade One. A B C29._ Are there a pencil-box and three books on the desk? A B C30._ You are late. Why not you come a little earlier? A B C四. 词汇运用(15%)A)根据短文内容,填上合适的单词(首字母已给出), 使短文意思完整。每空只填一个单词。(10%) I have an uncle. He is a bus driver. He goes to work at five forty-five in the morning. Every day he is very b_31_ and gets home very late. He o_32_ comes back at twelve at night. He likes h_33_other bus drivers do more work. He is the first driver to come to the bus s_34_. And the last one to l_35_. My uncles son and I are in the s_36_ class. He s_37_ hard. He says he l_38_ his father. He wants to be a bus driver l_39_ his father. But my aunt wants him to be a d_40_. 31._32. _33. _34. _35. _36. _ 37. _38. _39. _40. _B)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(5%)41. Amy is a member of the_(swim) Club.42. Look! Hobo is_(dress) up as a ghost.43. He would like_(have) some hot drinks.44. There_(be) a lion dance at 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.45. Sandy has three_(knife).五、句型转换:每条横线只填一个单词。(10%) 46. -_ Ben _ TV in the evening? (根据答句的提示完成问句) -Yes, he usually watches TV after supper.47. He did his homework at school yesterday afternoon. (改为否定句) He _ _ his homework at school yesterday afternoon. 48. Whats the price of your new bike, please? (改为同义句) _ _ is your new bike? 49. Tom has lunch at school every dayl. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Tom _ lunch every day? 50. Put on the new coat. (改为否定句) _ put on the new coat. 第卷(45%)六、完形填空(10%) I think (51) _ likes dogs. Dogs are our friends. My neighbour Thomson (52) _. He has a dog. Its name is Bobo. Hes very (53) _. Every Saturday afternoon Thomson takes Bobo for a long walk in the street. Sometimes Thomson takes Bobo to the park. Thomson throws the frisby (飞碟) and Bobo (54) _ it in the air (在空中). Bobo (55) _ open the door and close the door. When Thomson goes to school, Bobo sits in front of the door and waits (56) _ Thomson to come back. When he sees Thomson, he opens the door and carries Thomsons school bag. I like Bobo. I often go to Thomsons home to play with him. I often give Bobo (57) _ to eat. We are friends. I want to have a dog, too! And my mother also likes (58) _. We are going to buy one (59) _. We (60) _ a brown little dog with long hair and big ears.( ) 51. A. someone B. everyone C. no one D. we all( ) 52. A. very likes dogs B. much likes dogs C. well likes dogs D. likes dogs very much( ) 53. A. sad B. quiet C. happy D. clever( ) 54. A. catches B. catch C. catching D. is catching( ) 55. A. can B. may C. must D. would( ) 56. A. to B. after C. with D. for( ) 57. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( ) 58. A. flowers B. trees C. animals D. birds( ) 59. A. last month B. two days ago C. next week D. the day before yesterday( ) 60. A. have B. had C. has D. will have七、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2%,共30%) ( A ) In some foreign countries, some people do not like the number 13. They dont think 13 is a lucky number. For example, they dont like to live on the thirteenth floor.My friend Jack has got the same idea. One day, he asked some friends to dinner. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit around the dinner table. He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food. Suddenly, he cried out, “Oh, there are thirteen people here!” Everybodys face turned white except Mr Brown. He said slowly with a smile on his face, “Dont worry, dear friends! We have fourteen people here. My wife will have a baby in a few weeks. Shes in the family way (怀孕) now.”All of them became happy again. “Congratulations!” they said to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening.( ) 61. _ were asked (被邀请) to dinner that day.A. Jack and I B. Some of my friends C. 14 people D. Some of Jacks friends( ) 62. My friend Jack _ the number 13.A. likes B. doesnt like C. has got D. wants( ) 63. Jack began to count the people _.A. before dinner B. at dinner time C. after dinner D. when they came in( ) 64. Why did their faces turn white when Jack said there were 13 people?A. Because the table was too small. B. Because they needed another person.C. Because they thought 13 was a lucky number. D. Because they thought 13 was an unlucky number.( ) 65. All the people became happy again _.A. when I went in B. because they had a good time C. Because the food was delicious D. because they heard they had one more person there ( B )E-mail from ClaireMay, Thanks for your e-mail. One weeks holiday! Thats great!These are school holidays. Like you, I also have a one-week holiday in October. My family usually goes on holiday in the UK. I have a two-week holiday at Christmas time, in December and January. We usually stay at home because I can get many presents at Christmas. We also have a two-metre Christmas tree with lights in our house. We have a big party on New Years Day. A lot of family and friends come to our house.We dont have a Spring Festival but we have a two-week holiday in April. On that holiday, we always paint eggs and eat a lot of chocolate eggs because many chickens are born at that time.I also have holidays for six weeks in summer, from July to the middle of August. My family is going to France for three weeks.I should go. My mother is going to buy clothes for me! Please tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival.Bye!Claire( ) 66. _ a holiday in October. A. Claire doesnt have B. May doesnt have C. Only Claire has D. Both Claire and May have ( ) 67. Claire stays at home for _. A. Christmas B. New Years Day C. Christmas and New Years Day D. Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival( ) 68. A lot of chickens _ in April, so people paint eggs and eat chocolate eggs at that time. A. come out of eggs B. come out to play with eggs C. come out to play games D. come out to have a holiday( ) 69. In how many months of a year does Claire have holidays? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.( ) 70. How many weeks does Claire have for holidays in one year? A. Five. B. Eight C. Eleven. D. Fourteen. ( C )Once a learned man (有学问的人)was crossing a river in a boat.“Do you know maths?” he asked the boatman. “No, sir,” the boatman answered.“Then you have lost one quarter of your life,” said the learned man.“Do you know history?” he asked again. “No, sir,” said the boatman.“Then you have lost half of your life,” said the learned man.“Do you know drawing?” he continued(继续说). “I dont know that, either,” said the boatman. “Then you have lost three quarters of your life.” said the learned man.Just then a strong wind came and turned the boat upside down(掀翻).“Do you know how to swim?” asked the boatman. “No,” answered the learned man . “Well, then,” said the boatman, “you have lost your whole life.”( ) 71. The learned man was _. A. crossing a street B. crossing the sea C. crossing a river D. crossing a road( ) 72. The learned man asked the boatman _ questions on the way. A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 73. The learned man did not know _. A. maths B. history C. drawing D. how to swim( ) 74. The boatman _his life. A. lost a quarter of B. lost half of.C. didnt lose D. lost three quarters of ( ) 75. At last, the learned man _. A. crossed the river B. learned how to swimC. lost his life D. saved the boatman 八、用所给词的适当形式写五句话,描述你喜欢的一个人或宠物。(5%)have, look, can_小升初英语模拟试题答案第卷(55%)一、语音知识(10%)A )找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。(5%)ACDDBB ) 指出划线部分读音部分不同于其他三个词。(5%)DCCAA二、选择最佳答案。(15%)CBACC BDDCC,DAABB三、找出下列句中错误,将序号填在横线上并改正。(5%)C citiesA likes C ThreeA IsB dont 四. 词汇运用(15%)A)根据短文内容,填上合适的单词(首字母已给出), 使短文意思完整。每空只填一个单词。(10%)busy, often, helping, stop/station, leave, same, studies, love/llike, like,doctor B)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(5%)swimming, dressing, to have, will be, knives, 五、句型转换:每条横线只填一个单词。(10%)Does, watch; didnt do; How much; Where does have; Dont 第卷(45%)六、完形填空(10%)B D D A A; D A C C D七、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2%,共30%) ( A )DBBDD ( B )D C A D C ( C )CBDCC 八、用所给词的适当形式写五句话,描述你喜欢的一个人或宠物。(5%)人物:The man is tall, handsome and strong. He likes sports and can do Taiji very well. He has a funny face. He looks like my father. He is my hero because he always helps others. Who is he?Yes, he is my uncle. 宠物:Look at the animal. It is my favourite pet dog. His name is Bobby. It has a funny head and a round nose. It can sing and dance. It can help me do a lot of things. 评分标准:至少写五句,每句两分。5分,能写出五个以上的句子,内容丰富,意思连贯,基本没有语法和拼写错误。4分,能写出4个以上的句子,内容充实,有语法和拼写错误,但不影响意思的表达。3分,能写出三个以上的句子,有较多的语法和拼写错误,影响意思表达。1-2分,只能写出个别句子和单词,有很多的语法和拼写错误。

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