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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第二十二课单词学习dreamdream-dreamed-dreamed / dreamt-dreamt-dreamt区别:在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。1) n.梦,梦想eg. Have a good dream.祝你做个好梦。/ Have a sweet dream.Have a bad dream.做恶梦。eg. Life is a dream.人生如梦,世事无常。eg. He realized his dream at last.他终于实现了自己的梦想。eg. His dream was realized at last.他的梦想终于实现了。/His dream came true at last.dream-boat梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西)Mr. Right白马王子2) n.(口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的)eg. Your dress is a perfect dream.你的裙子真美啊。perfect pfkt; (for v.) pfekt adj. 完美的;最好的;3) v.做梦,幻想,梦想dream of sth梦想得到某物dream of doing sth梦想做某事/dream about sth/dream about doing stheg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming.我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day.他梦想有一天会成为总统。president prezd()nt n. 总统;董事长;校长eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise.我从来没有想过会涨工资。eg. She is daydreaming.她在做白日梦。/开小差。daydreaming de,drim 做白日梦(daydream的ing形式)Dream on!做梦去吧!eg. So you want that girl? Dream on!你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧!“I have a dream.”美国黑人民权领袖马丁路德金的演讲实现美国价值中未赋予黑人的自由与平等:“我梦想总有一天,这个国家将站立起来,实现它的信条的真谛,我们认为这些真理不言自明人人生而平等。”“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”creed krid n. 信条self-evident selfevidnt 不言而喻的;不证自明的create kriet 创造equal i:kwl 平等的agen.1)年龄,寿命,成年,法定年龄,时代eg. You should never ask a ladys age.你不应该问一位女士的年龄。eg. He bears his age well.他不显老。/He carries his age well.eg. He lived to a great age.他高寿。eg. We have a son of your age.我们有个和你同龄的儿子。eg. This belongs to the Bronze Age.这件东西的年代属于属于青铜器时代。bronze brnz n. 青铜come of age达到法定成年年龄look ones age看上去与真实年龄相当2) very long time很久eg. It took us ages to find a place to park.我们找地方停车花了很长时间。eg. Havent seen you for ages.好久不见。channeln.1)海峡the English Channel英吉利海峡/ the Channelcut a channel开凿水道2)(喻)(新闻,信息等传递的)途径,路线,渠道the black-market channels of foreign goods外国货的黑市渠道proper channel正当途径proper prp adj. 适当的;本身的a television channel电视频道eg. Lets see whats on the other channel, shall we?我们看一下另一个台上演的节目,好吗?throwv.投,抛,掷,扔throw-threw-thrownthrow the bottle into the sea把瓶子扔进海里throw the book at sb(口)警告某人须按照规定办(否则可能受处分)throw cold water on sb泼冷水/pour cold water on sbthrow sth away丢弃,抛掉eg. He threw up his dinner.他把吃的饭都呕吐了。eg. The soldiers threw up an earthwork.士兵们赶造了一座土垒。earthwork wk n. 建 土方工程throw up a ball into the air向空中抛球throw out伸(四肢),挺胸eg. She threw out a leg and made him fall.她伸出一条腿将他绊倒。within a stones throw近在咫尺within wn prep. 在之内make a nice throw投得好a good throw(篮球等)好球Key structures后面可搭配of,from,in,和on的动词:Of:accusekjuz控告 approvepruv赞成 assure ; 让放心 bewarebwe谨防 boastbst夸耀 complainkmplen抱怨 consistknsst由组成 convinceknvns使信服 curekj; kj治愈 despairdspe丧失希望 dream幻想 expect期望 hear听到消息 be/get ridrd 过去式 rid或ridded 过去分词摆脱 semll闻到 suspectsspekt; (for v.) sspekt猜测 think思考 tired厌烦 warn警告有危险from:borrow从借 defenddfend保护,使免于 demanddmnd向要求 differdf有别于 dismissdsms解雇 draw从中得出 emergemd从出现 escapeskep; e-逃脱 excuse允许不;免除某人的责任等 hinderhnd阻止,妨碍 preventprvent阻止 prohibitpr()hbt不允许,禁止 protect保护,保卫 receive收到 separate(for v.) sepret; (for adj.) seprt把分开 suffer受难in:believe信仰 delightdlat喜欢 employ mpl; em- (ed)从事 encouragenkrd; en-鼓励 engage nged; en- (d)正在做 experience(d)在有经验 fail没做到 help帮助 include包括 indulge ndld沉醉 instruct教导 interest(ed)对感兴趣 investnvest投资 involve (d) nvlv卷入 persistpsst坚持 share分享on:act遵守 base(d)基础之上 call拜访 commentkment评论 concentratekns()ntret集中于 congratulatekngrtjlet祝贺 consultknslt商量,请教 countkant依赖 decide决定 depend依靠 economizeknmaz节约 (economize on money/water) embarkmbk; em-从事 experimentksperm()nt; ek-尝试 insist坚持 lean(or against)依靠于 eg.lean on/against the wall live靠为主 operate起作用 perform扮演 pride(oneself)为感到自豪 relyrla依靠 votevt对表决,投票 write写的事 Exercise用in ,on ,of ,from填空1. I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday. withdrew wdr 收回(withdraw的过去式)2. I refuse to comment on his work.3. The waiters tip is included in the bill.tip tp 小费4. I dreamt of you last night.TEX课文receive收到accept ksptreceive a letter from sb/ hear from sbeg. They received us most cordially.他们十分热情地接待了我们。cordially ,k:djl adv.热诚地,诚挚地,友善地eg. He was hospitably received.他受到热情接待。hospitable hsptbl adj.好客的,招待周到的hospitably /-bl/ adv.亲切地,招待周到地,善于款待地eg. She received a gift from him but did not accept it.她收到他的一份礼物但没有接受它。eg. Dont blindly accept anything printed.不要盲目地接受印刷品。blindly blandl 盲目地;轻率地printed prntd adj. 印刷的;accept fully全盘接受,完全同意receivern.收到的人;电话听筒hang up the receiver挂断电话hold on the receiver不挂断电话put down the reveiver放下电话话筒replace the receiver把听筒放回原处replace rples 把放回原处of her own age和她同龄的ownadj.自己的 v.拥有,承认eg. I dream of owning my own car.我梦想拥有自己的汽车。own up to a fault爽快地承认一个错误fault flt; flt 错误eg. Little Willian finally owned up to have taken his brothers ball.小威廉终于承认拿了他哥哥的球pron.call sth ones own声称某物为自己所有eg. Theyre out to get their own back.他们力图报仇。Last year, we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.过去进行时,用来叙述故事的背景,由此引出一般过去时表示的新动作。with her name and address on it后置定语修饰paperthink of / think about考虑eg. What do you think of my new dress?你认为我的新裙子怎么样?eg. Someone must think of a plan quickly.必须有人很快地想出一个计划来。(invent, suggest sdest)eg. Please think of it.请考虑一下这件事。/Please think about it./Please consider it. consider 【knsd . 考虑;认为each other两者间互相eg. We should help each other.我们应该互相帮助。eg. We should learn from each other.我们应该互相学习。one another两者或两者以上相互write to给写信write back写回信write down写下write off a debt注销一笔债款debt det 债务;借款be written in water转瞬即逝eg. His fear is written on his face.显然他很害怕。writer作家a big name writer大名鼎鼎的作家a comic writer喜剧作家hack writer受人雇用的穷文人hack hk 砍;出租regularly regjll adv.有规律地,定期地,经常地eg. The cocks crow regularly at five every morning.公鸡有规律地在每天早晨五点钟打鸣。crow kr 啼叫;报晓regularadj.定期的,定时的a regular meeting定期集会a regular customer老主顾take regular exercise定期做运动adj.有秩序的,井井有条的,正规的,正式的a person with regular habits生活有规律的人the regular army正规军a regular cook专业厨师cost1) v.花费sth cost sb some moneyeg. How much does it cost for dry cleaning?干洗需要花多少钱呢?eg. Courtesy costs little and means much。礼貌不费事,意义却重大。courtesy k:tisi n.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止言词2) n.费用,代价,成本meet the costs of university attendance.支付上大学的费用attendance tend()ns 出席;到场eg. All costs will be readily returned.所有费用将迅速偿还。readily redl 容易地;乐意地spare no cost不惜一切代价spare spe vt. 节约,吝惜a little more稍微多一点(修饰比较级)修饰比较级的词:much, far, a little, even, a bit, slightly slatl . 些微地,轻微地, still, a lot, a great deal.much more多得多,a little hotter热一点,far bigger大许多,even less lucky甚至更不幸运eg. This text is a little more difficult than the other one.这篇文章比那篇文章稍微难一点。/This text is a bit more difficult than that one.eg. Our room is slightly bigger than theirs.我们的房间比他们的房间大一点。Our room is much bigger than theirs.我们的房间比他们的房间大许多。eg. He is fat, but his brother is still fatter.他很胖,但他的哥哥甚至更胖一些。eg. Ive made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错误比你多得多。eg. Their country is a good deal richer than ours.他们的国家比我们国家富有得多。eg. She has made far greater progress this term than she did last term.她这学期取得的进步比上学期要大得多。progress prgres 进步eg. That one is no good. This one is even worse.那个不好,这个甚至更糟糕。Exercises1. She received a letter from a girl of her own age, The girl is _she is.A .the same age with B.the same age C.as old D.the same age as分析:D:与年龄相同,是正确表达方式;A:不符合语法,same通常跟as搭配;B:the same age后面缺少asC.as old后面也需要补充一个as。2.We were travelling across the Channel. We went on a _across the Channel.A.sail B.travel C.trip D.run分析:C.went on a trip表示“进行旅行”,跟前面的were travelling的意思相符;A航行,不符合题义B. go on a travel是个错误搭配,可以是went on a journey/trip;D.跑,含义不正确,而且went on a run 也不是正确搭配。3.Both girls often write to each other now.They write_.A.frequently frikw()ntl B.occasionally kenli C.sometimes D.now and again 分析:A 经常,跟前面的often是同义词 B.不时地,偶而地;C、有时候D、时而,不时。4.I didnt know the word. I had to _ a dictionary.A. look out B. make out C. refer rf to D. go over分析:A:小心 B:读出来,认出来。 C:参阅,参考 D:复习。我得查一下字典。ReviewMain points:have a good dreamhave a bad dreamdream of sth dream of doing stha girl of her own age across the English Channelthrow sth at sbthrow cold water on sb throw cold water on sth throw away throw up receive a letter from sbthink ofthink aboutwrite to sb write backsth cost sb some moneya little more a bit more量词a species spiiz; -z; spis- of 一种,一类(植物或动物)eg. This is a rare species of rose这是一种名贵的玫瑰。rare re 稀有的;稀薄的用法species的单,复数形式相同,eg. There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark.鲨鱼种类达到250种以上。

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