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【复习】发明家 _ 自由的 _ 永远 _ 发明 _ 电影 _ 没错_ 让更好_Unit 6 Steve Jobs【课文】Do you love playing with an iPad or watching wonderful cartoon movies like Toy Story? If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs, too. He made these things come true.Steve was born in America on February 24th, 1995. When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker. But he quickly got bored. So in 1976 he and his friend started to build computers in their home. They called their company Apple Computers. People loved their computers and Steve made a lot of money.But Steve left Apple in 1985 and started making cartoon movies. Once again he was very successful. In 1998 Steve sold his movie company and returned to Apple. After he returned, he turned Apple into the worlds biggest company. They first made the iPad, then the iPhone and later the iPad. People love these things very much.When Steve Jobs died in2011, the world lost a great man.【词汇必会】平板电脑_ 或许_ 出售_真的_ 公司_ 完成_一次_ 成功的_ 回到_失去_ 制造游戏的人_ 出售过去式_ 现学现卖1. 请选择1) He _ wont come.A. sell B. probably C. company D. once2) He _ many cars last year, so this year he stops _ and has a holiday.A. sold; sell B. sell, sold C. sold; selling D. sold; to sell3) Is it _ that animals are our friends?A. sell B. turn C. true D. lose4) My father work in a big _.A. once B. come C. company D. game-maker5) Do you want to be a _ one day?A. sold B. return C. game-maker D. successful6) -I drink water _ a day. -Oh, you should drink more water.A. true B. probably C. finish D. once7) Work hard and you will be _.A. come B. probably C. game-maker D. successful8) When I _ home, mom is cooking dinner for me every day.A. true B. sell C. finish D. return9) He feels sad because he _ the game.A. sell B. come C. lose D. iPad10) Can I go out with my friends after I _ my homework?A. true B. finish C. true D. once11) _ here. I want to see your face.A. company B. return C. finish D. come 2. 请翻译1) If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs.2) He made these things come true.3) Who is the actor in that movie? 4) When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker.5) Once again he was very successful.3. 请填空 1) 我可能要卖掉公司,回归家庭了。I will _ _ the company and _ home.2) 汤姆再一次失去了机会Tom _ the chance _ again.3) 别忘了饭后洗手。Dont forget to wash your hand when you _ eating.4. 填词游戏 1 72 3 4 4 5 6 8 9 1. go back2. people who make game3. make a success4. a place where many people work in5. asked people to buy6. ask people to buy7. end the job8. change9. it is the fact【词组必会】变成现实_ 热爱做_ 出生于_ 毕业_再一次_ 感到厌倦_把变为_ 现学现卖1.连线对对碰love doing the second timefinish school learn all the lessonsonce again become the factget bored come into this worldturninto like doing very muchcome true feel sth. boringbe born in changeinto2. 精讲精练1)come true意思是_ 我的梦想成真。My dream _2)be born in意思是_ in后面加时间还是地点?他生于1997,北京。_3)finish school意思是_ finish work意思是_ 他了断了自己_4)once again意思是_ again意思是_小明又一次说谎了。_5)get bored意思是_ get tired意思是_ 我们变更聪明了。_ 【滚瓜烂熟】一 翻译句子1. 如果你回答是,你很可能热爱乔布斯。_2. 他让这些事成为现实_3. 他毕业之后,做了一个游戏制造者。_【知识点精讲】1. If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs, too.if 意思是_, probably 意思是_if 引导的句子的经典名言是_probably 和maybe 比较哪一个更可能呢?练习_you cannot wake up, you will _be late for school._mom doesnt cook dinner for me, I will _ die!2. He made these things come true.made 的意思是_,是_的过去式these的意思是_ ,它的单数形式是_。come true 意思是_。练习音乐使生活更美好了。Music_ life _.这是你们的_这些是我们的_3. He made a lot of moneymade 的意思是_ 这句话的意思是_4. he worked as a computer game-maker请翻译_ as 的意思_练习The actor act _ a lion. 5. return to返回_ 近义词组_练习结束学业后它回国了。He _ his country after finishing school.火力太大,坏蛋撤回了银行。 The fire is strong, so the bad men _to the bank.6. They first made the iPad, then the iPhone and later the iPad.firstthenand later练习他先吃饭,再看电视,然后睡觉。 He_ eat, _ watch TV,_ go to bed.7. lost a great man.lost意思是_, 它的原形是_练习请说出句子中lose 的意思He lost the game.He lost his way.语法讲练怎样回答Yes or No?一 两步法1) 确定主语。与问句的主语“对应”2)动词类型与疑问句一样疑问句用be动词,就用be动词; 疑问句用情态动词,就用情态动词 疑问句用助动词,就用助动词二 小试牛刀1)Are you in Class 2, Grade 6? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.2)Isthisabox? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.3)IsMikeyourbrother? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.4)Are theyducks? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.5)Isthatateacher s desk? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.6) Isthereaforestinthepark? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.1)Canyouuseacomputer? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.2)Can Lily speak Chinese? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.1) Doesyourbrotherlike playingfootball? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.2) Didyourunclereadbooks? Yes,_ _. No, _ _.3) Do they go to see him? Yes,_ _. No, _ _肯定句怎样变成疑问句?1. 在有be动词(am, is, are; was, were)的肯定句里,只要把这个be动词直接放到主语(名词)前面。 bingo!eg. Mary is a Japanese girl.Is Mary a Japanese girl? eg. There are some books on my desk.Are there any books on your desk?2. 在有情态动词(can, may, will, must, should)的疑问句里,只要把这个情态动词直接放到主语(名词)前面。 bingo! eg. I can spell it. Can you spell it?3. 如果疑问句里既没有be 动词也没有情态动词,(而是有一个实际的动作词),1) 回答时用助动词(do, does, did)。2) 还是把助动词放在主语前面。3) 调整助动词的形式正确。(时态对应了没?人称对应了没?)4) 调整句子原有的实际动作词的形式正确(总是改为原形) bingo! eg. I like English. 第一步:我们发现没有be动词(am, is, are)和情态动词(can)。所以决定用助动词啦。 第二步:助动词放到主语前 Do you like English?第三步:调整助动词正确形式。 you 应该加do, ok! 第四步:把原来的动作词改为原形。 原来的动词是:like!已经是原形啦 热腾腾的饼干从烤箱里拿出来啦:Do you like English? eg. She lives in Beijing. 第一步:我们发现没有be动词(am, is, are)和情态动词(can)。所以决定用助动词啦。 第二步:助动词放到主语前 Do she lives in Beijing?第三步:调整助动词正确形式。 she 应该加does, 所以变为 Does she lives in Beijing? 第四步:把原来的动作词改为原形。 原来的动词是:lives!所以变为 Does she lives in Beijing 热腾腾的饼干从烤箱里拿出来啦:Does she live in Beijing? 三 牛刀小试1. Mr Wang is thirsty. _ _ thirsy?2. The elephents ears are long. _ elephents ears long?3. We like birds. _ _ _ birds? 4. I can sing and dance. _ _sing and dance?5. I am listening to music. _ _listening to music?6. Tom can clean the classroom. _ _ clean the classroom?7. They are in the zoo. _ _ in the zoo?8. There are some flowers in the vase. _ _ _ flowers in the vase?9. This is my sister. _ _ _ sister?练习1. We need some masks. _ _ _masks?2. They like making the puppet. _ _ _making the puppet?3. Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house. _ _ _ in a new house?4. I put a book on my head. _ _ _a book on my head?5. They sing “In the classroom”together. _ _ _” in the classroom” together?6. We play basketball on Sundays. _ _ _basketball on Sundays?


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