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大班英语日常用语问候篇早上好!Good morning!你好!Nice to meet you!你好嘛?How are you today? Im fine, thank you!你叫什么名字?May I have you name? Whats your name?再见!See you tomorrow/later/next week.迟到。Im sorry, Im late.我可以进来吗?May I come in? Come in, please.问年龄。How old are you?你好吗?Are you fine today?和爸爸/妈妈说再见。Say goodbye to your Daddy/Mummy.你今天开心吗?Are you happy today?搬个椅子坐在那里。Take a chair and sit down.今天谁值日?Whos on duty today?今天值日。Today is on duty.我们来点名。Lets call the roll.今天星期几?What day is it today?今天几月几号?Whats the date today?今天天气怎么样?How is weather today? Whats the weather like today?户外活动篇排队。Line up, please.我们出去户外活动吧。Lets outside and do some exercise.一个跟着一个。One by one.当心。Be careful.慢慢走。Walk slowly.立正。Attention!稍息。At ease.围成一个直线/圆圈。Make a line/circus.转圈。Turn around.让我们做早操。Lets do morning exercise.我们休息一下。Lets have a rest.集合。Fall in.报数。Count off.从这边走。Lets go this way.大家手拉手。Please hold your hand.手放下/后。Hands down/back.向前/后一步走。One step forwards/backwards.向前/右/左看。Eyes front/right/left.不要推。Dont push others.不要跑。No running, please.慢点跑。Run slowly.轮流。Take turns.课堂用语篇好!非常棒!Good! Great! Excellent! Good job!你真棒!Youre the best!试一下!Have a try!加油!Come on!请安静。Please be quiet.认真听!Listen carefully!谁想来试试看?Who wants to try? ( I want to try.)跟着我读。Read after me.大声点。Louder,please.明白了吗?Do you understand?跟着我做。Do as me, please. Follow me.请看图片/黑板。Look at the picture/blackboard, please.准备好了吗?Are you ready?翻到书本第页。Turn to page搬椅子(坐好)Please bring your chair and sit down!举手/把手放下。Hands up/Hands down.回到你的座位上。Go back to your seat, please.这是/那是什么?Whats this/that?请把手伸出来。Show me your hands.继续。Go on, please.你可以看见什么?What can you see?动动脑筋。Think about it.还有其他的回答吗?Anything else?轮到谁了?Whos turn?我们数一下。Lets count.看着我。Eyes on me.没关系。Thats ok. / It doesnt matter.打扰一下。Exercise me.拍拍手。Clap your hands.让我们为拍拍手。Lets clap for 请举手。Please raise your hands.请起立。Please stand up.请坐下。Please sit down.回到你的座位上去。Please go back to your seat.第一组先做。现在第二组做。Group one first . Now group two.结束了吗/就这些吗?Is that all?随着音乐做动作。Act with the music.我们来做个游戏。Lets play a game.请不要吃到。Dont be late next time.猜一猜。Guess.让我们看一看。Lets have a look.盥洗篇 我想上厕所!May I go to the toilet?我想喝水!May I drink some water?洗手。Wash your hands with soap.擦手。Wipe your hands.刷牙。Brush your teeth.节约用水。Save water.第组上厕所。Group one, go to the toilet.别忘了冲马桶。Dont forget to flush your toilet.擦嘴。Wipe your mouth.餐点篇吃早饭、午餐、点心的时间到了。Its time for breakfast/lunch/afternoon tea.早饭、午餐、点心好了。Breakfast/lunch/afternoon tea is ready.坐在桌子边。Sit at the table, please.你饿了吗?Are you hungry?自己吃。Enjoy yourself.还要吗?Do you want more?不要把持物掉在地上。Dont drop the food on the floor.擦嘴巴。Clean your mouth with napkin.不要浪费。No wasting, please.我吃饱了、饿了、渴了。I am full/hungry/thirsty.自己吃。Enjoy yourself.这是你的。This is for you.给你。Here you are.今天我们吃。Today we have and .游戏篇让我们一起玩。Lets play together.收拾玩具。Pick up your toys.和你的朋友们分享玩具。Share your toys with your friends.我想和玩。I want to play with我想玩。I want to play让我来试试。Let me have a try.我赢了。I am the winner.你能和我一起玩嘛?Can you play with me?游戏结束。Game over.我能加入你们吗?Can I join you?需要帮助吗?Do you need any help?午睡、散步篇穿,脱衣。Put on your coat. / Take off your coat.盖被子。Cover yourself up.把手放进被子。Put your hands inside.闭上眼睛。Close your eyes.午睡。Its time to go to bed/have a sweet dream.请把外套脱掉。Please take off your coat.梳头。Come your hair.让我们去散步。Lets go walking.安静。No talking.


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