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小学六年级英语第一次月考试题一、 听辨词语。(每小题读两遍,请将答案番号提案在提前括号里,15分)(一):听音,选出与你所听到词语相符的图示.(5分)( )1. A.third B.second C.send( )2. A.boat B.coat C.goat ( )3. A.eat B.it C.art( )4. A.flow B.slow C.snow( )5. A.class B.glass C.plus(二).听音,从A.B.C.三个选项中选出你听到的句子。(10分)( )6.A.Welcome to my home. B.Welcome to my room.C.Weicome to our school. ( )7.A.This is the teaching building. B.This is the tall building.C.This is the ground floor. ( )8.A.It is an art room. B.This is a bedroom .C.That is a classroom. ( )9.A.What are they doing? B.Where are they going? C.What is she doing? ( )10.A.He is playing the piano.B.We are planting trees. C.She is drawing a picture.二 听辨话语。(15分)(一)听音找答语。(5分) ( )11. A.We are waiting for Sam Smith.B.They are planting trees.C.Hes singsing a song. ( )12.A.Im in Class3 Grade5. B.Im new here. C.This is my classroom. ( )13.A.Its on the second floor. B.We are looking for my pen . C.Yes,it is. ( )14.A.Its in the tree. B.Yes,youre right. C.Theyre waiting for a bus. ( )15.A.We usually send carnations. B.Its on September 10 th. C.Theyre writing a card. (二).听音选择,使下列话语完整。(10分) ( )16.May I your name ? A.no B.now C.know( )17.Lets hello to Miss Wang. A.see B.say C.sea( )18.Can you fly a bird ? A.like B. look C.lake( )19.Whats lunch ,Grandma? A.four B.for C.fur ( )20.Would you like my birthday party ? A.come B.come to C. to come to( )21.Its late. I must go home . A.too B.to C. two( )22.LeLe, the table, please. A.seat B.sit C.set( )23.In summer ,trees are green and flower . A.biue B.bloom C. blow( )24Wow! The dog swim . A.can B. cant C.can not( )25. notebook is it ? Its mine . A.Whos B.Who is C.Whose 三听音理解。(10分)(一)听音,为你所听到的话语找到相应的答语。(6分)( )26.A.Theyre writing a card . B.Theyre waiting for their teachers . ( ) 27.A.Its June 1st . B.Its September 10th . ( )28.A.We usually send card or flowers to their teachers. B.We send some fruits. (二) 选出你所听到句子的中文意思。(4分) ( ) 29.A.他们正在练习英语。 B.他们正在种树。( )30.A. 今天是教师节。 B.今天是父亲节。 基础知识与语言运用四书写。(5分)(一)写出单词中所缺字母。(2分) 31.c _ _dle 32.p_ _ty 33.blackb_ _ _d 34.h_ _sework (二) 把下列话语按正确顺序写下来。(3分) 35. you let around me 36.is library the where 37.Mothers day is when 五选择题。(20分) (一)单项选择填空 ( )38.Wang lins family is . A.Lin B.Wang C. wang ( ) 39.I do homework evry evening . A. our B. me C.my ( ) 40.Theyre Christmas . A.celebrate B.celebrateing C.celebrating ( ) 41.Look! The girl in biue is . A. run B.runing C.running ( ) 42.We are waiting our teachers. A. in B.for C.four ( ) 43.What class are you ? A. on B.for C.in ( ) 44.We are in 1 6 . A.Grade Class B. Class grade C.Class Grade ( ) 45 .What do they do that day ? A .in B.for C.on ( ) 46. a beautiful skirt ! A.How B. What C.what ( ) 47.A bird can . A.flying B. fly C.is fly (二)情景对话。(5分) ( )48 . Thanks, sir ? A. Youre right . B.Thats OK . C.Thats right . ( ) 49 .What day is today ?A. Its on June 29 th . B.Its Mothdays Day . C. Its Tuesday. ( ) 50 .Are you a teacher ? A.Yes,I am . B.No,we arent . C. No, Im not . ( ) 51.What season is it now ?A. Its spring . B. Its autumn . C.Its Autumn . ( ) 52. .Where is your classroom ?A. Its on the first floor . B.Its on the secong floor . C. I dont know .六判断题。(5分)(下列各题均有一处错误A或B或C,请选出其番号填在题前括号里) ( )53. Do you love Chinese ? Yes, I love . A B C ( ) 54. Im new here . I can find my classroom . Can you help me ? A B C ( ) 55. I come from Bazhou . Where do you from ,Tom ? A B C ( ) 56. My Chinese teacher is mr Wang . A B C ( ) 57.My I know your name ?A B C 七阅读理解。(25分) (一) Summer: Lele,what are they doing ?Lele : Lets go and see . Theyre writing a card . Summer: when is Teachers Day ?Lele : Its on September 10th .Summer: What do you usually do on this day ?Lele : We usually send cards or flowers to our teachers .Summer: What flowers do you usually send ?Lele :We usually send carnations .Summer: We send carnations on Mothers day . ( 1 )根据文本内容判断下列各题正(T)误(F )。( )58.Lele sends carnations on Mothers Day . ( ) 59.Teachers Day is on June 10 th . ( ) 60.Summer sends cards or flowers to teachers on Teachers Day . (2 )运用从文本中获得的知识解决下列问题。( )61.What a nice day ! How about a picture here ? A.take B.to take C. taking ( ) 62 . In autumn , its . A .warm B .cold C .cool ( ) 63 . They are our maths teachers . A.What are they ? B.Who are they ? C .Where are they ? 64 .通过阅读,我知道:The children are talking about . (二)The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is a very old festival . It is more than five thousand years old .It used to be called “the start of new life .We always paste spring couplets,set off firecrackers and fireworks (鞭炮和礼花),eat dumplings and say NewYear greetings(问候) on this day .( 1 ) 根据文本内容,判断下列各题正(T)误(F) ( ) 65 .The Spring Festivai is very old . ( ) 66 .We love the old festival . ( ) 67“Spring couplets” means “春联”(2 ) 根据文本知识内容回答下列问题。 68 .How old is the Spring Festival? . 69.How do you celebrate the Spring Festival ? 70 .What does “New Year greetings mean ? 八根据语境完成话语。(5分)71.I dont like music because I sing well . .73.Snow is .74 . I very beautiful ?75.Its late . I go home .

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