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苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案20116A Unit 5 教学方案(第一课时)第一部分 简要说明一、年级:6年级 二、单元:Unit 5三、课题:On the farm 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元Part A 六、教学目标: 1掌握单词、词组National Day, last week, parents, holiday, carrots, watched, visit, watered, pulled up, milked collected, picked, tasted. 2能听懂、会说、日常交际用语Wonderful! Did you like the film? We all liked it very much. Really?七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:What did you do last week? What else did you do? I 第二部分 教学过程第一步:重难点突破T: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!T: Today, well learn Unit 5 On the farm Part A. (同学们,今天我们将学习第五单元A部分。)T: First, look at some pictures and answer my questions. (PPT) 同学们,让我们一起来看这些图片,并回答老师提出的问题。Now, lets look at the pictures.现在,看看图片。Q1.T: What are they doing? T: Yes. They are watering flowers and milking a cow.Q2. T: What do they often do on Monday? T: Yes. They collect eggs and pulled carrots.T: Here is a new phrase. (指银幕,教读1个新词,慢)Q3. T: What do they often do on Tuesday? T: Yes. they pick up oranges and taste them.T: Here are two words.(指银幕,带读2个新词,慢)T:询问对方经常做什么时,可以用句型What do you do? 询问对方过去做了什么事情,就要用句型 What did you do?(PPT) (指银幕,重复,慢) 请大声跟我读。回答时要将动词做些变动。Look, (PPT) lets read. 注意单词的发音。这些词就是动词的过去式。Now, lets practice.T: What did you do last week?T:Yes, I watered trees .(指银幕,带读,慢)T: 同学们,询问别人过去做了些什么时,就使用句型:What did you do? 回答时用动词过去式。同学们,下面就请你们使用这些词和小伙伴们练习吧。操练要用到句型What did you do last week?(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文生词多,对话中反复出现新句型What did you do? I .本单元出现了行为动词过去式,学生感觉陌生,在理解和使用时会产生困难。通过对比操练,让学生感觉到它们的不同之处,可以帮助学生理解本课新知识。)第二步:课文学习 T: Well, I think you did a good job. Look at the picture. (PPT) Answer my questions. Who are they?T: Yes, Helen and Nancy.T: Where are they?T: Yes, they are in the school playground.T:It is the first day of school after the National Day holiday(国庆假期后开学第一天). (PPT)(指银幕,重复, 慢)T: The National Day holiday. (PPT)(指银幕,重复、慢)T: Look at these new words. early, (指银幕,重复、慢)T:This word: meet. Read after me.T: We can say I go to school early. Helen meets Nancy in the playground. You make some sentences with the word: early, meet. 请你用early, meet造句。T: Now, try to read the foreword?现在你能试着来读一读前言部分吗?请注意生词 the National Day holiday, early, meets(半分种停顿)T:Now answer the questions.T: Well done. You did a great job. T:Helen 在操场遇到了Nancy, 她们在谈论假期间的活动。首先,听一听Nancy的活动,请你仔细听,并回答问题。(PPT)Q: What holiday was that? It was the National Day holiday.Q: Does Helen go to school early? Yes, she does. Q: Who meets Nancy in the school playground? Helen Nancy in the school playground.T:What did you Nancy do on Wednesday?T: Yes, she watched a film with he parents. (带读句型)T:Did Nancy like the film?T: Yes, she liked it very much. (带读句型)T: Nancy watched a film. What did Helen do? (PPT) Lets listen and answer. (放录音) 同学们,Nancy看了一场电影,Helen干了什么?让我们来听一段录音。T: What did Helen do?T: Great. She visited a farm with her family. (带读句型)T: What did she do on the farm?T: Right. She watered trees and pulled up carrots. (带读词组和句子)T: She watered trees and pulled up carrots on the farm. What else did she do?你还干别的吗?(带读句子)T:Yes. She milked cows and collected eggs. (带读milked cows, collected eggs)T: Was that fun? 有趣吗?T: That was fun. (带读句型)T: There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. Did Helen pick and taste them?T: Yes, she picked and tasted. (单词要注中文,带读)T:Good. 好,现在让我们来完整地听一遍录音。(PPT)T:Now, open you books, lets listen and repeat. ( 放录音,学生跟读每句间停顿。)现在,请同学们打开书,听录音跟读课文,然后在你们老师的安排下分角色朗读课文。(本步骤设计说明: 本部分教师利用情景问答引入课文前言部分,让学生初步感知课文,然后将Nancy和Helen谈论假期的对话分成两段进行问答,降低课文难度,让学生在回答问题中掌握课文内容。)第三步:巩固操练 T: Now, we have known a lot about their holiday. And Nancy is telling Yang Ling about her conversation with Helen. Read the sentences. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is wrong. (PPT 显示图和题目内容) Nancy 告诉Yang Ling关于她和Helen的谈话。请你根据课文文章,对它们俩的内容进行判断。T:OK. Lets check our the answer. 请你来核对一下的答案)。 (小组活动判断。)(结束语(本节课我们一起学习了发生在过去动作的对话,希望同学们在课后好好复习。并同小伙伴们一起表演一下。)T: Ok, so much for this class. See you next time.第三部分 说明本节课教师通过一般现在时What do you do? 和What did you do last week?导入,帮助学生学习课文所涉及的新单词及其过去式,为后面课文的学习排除了障碍。对于课文教学,教师进行了处理,将其分为三段进行教授,分别采用设置情景、听录音和问问题几种方法。最后通过对课文的整体把握,在让学生巩固课文内容,完成书面练习。这样的设计比较有递进层次,学生不会感到有太大的难度,易于学生更好地掌握课文。


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