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彭玉兰笔译作业1:中译英说明:以下文字摘自中国政府一部宣传纪录片。该记录片旨在向世界介绍当今中国的经济转型与发展情况。任务:先翻译,然后请根据自己的译文,提出自己的意见,并修改你认为不当的译文。要求:(1)请将译文写在每一段的中文后面(无时间限制,可使用字典和网络等工具)。(2)为了便于我更好地评估大家的译文,有针对性地提供建议,请记录你处理翻译问题(句子、表达等)时的过程和思路:即你是如何得出这个译文的?依据是什么?可以在翻译内容上直接加批注说明,也可以在译文后面写,不限长度,越详细越好。今天,整个世界都处在前所未有的变革之中,中国不例外。全球化、城市化、不断更新的信息技术、社会保障、日益严重的环境压力等等,冲击着“工业革命”后几个世纪形成的秩序、伦理和价值观。在这种挑战之下,每一个人、每一个族群、每一个国家,都不得不重新定位自己。Nowadays the whole world is under the unprecedented social change, not excepting China. The order, the ethics and the values formed after several centuries of the industrial revolution are lashed by globalization, urbanization, consistently updating technology, social security, increasingly severe environmental pressures and so on. Under this kind of challenge, everybody, every ethnic group and every nation have to relocate/reposition themselves.2011年12月29日,在新华社评出的年度国际十大新闻中,“中国经济总量跃居世界第二”位列其中。激动之余,专家们纷纷指出,世界第二大经济体的头衔并没有太多值得庆幸的:未来20年,中国发展中所面临的形势,也将越发严峻。那么,今天的中国,究竟是什么状态?明天,又会怎样呢?The topic “Chinas GDP came to second in the world” is among the top ten international news of 2011 reported by Xinhua News Agency on December 29, 2011. But more than excitement, the experts point out that the title of “the Worlds Second Largest Economy” is not worthy of ecstasy. In the future 20 years of China, the developing situation will be much tougher. So, what is the state of contemporarys China? And what about tomorrow?一场大雪,把沈阳带进了寒冬。清晨六点,公园里依然像往常一样热闹起来。几年前,这里还是烟囱林立的工厂区。一大早,李喜昌奔波在上班路上。这条道,他已走了40多年。2007年,沈阳铸造厂整体搬迁到新的工业园区,只留下了这栋厂房。而李喜昌,也从一名普通工人,变成了沈阳铸造博物馆的顾问。A heavy snow brought Shenyang into chilly winter. At 6 oclock in the morning, the garden was still lively as usual.Several years ago, it was an industry area with plural chimneys.Li Xichang rushes his feet on the way to work in the morning. He has walked over 40 years on this way.Shenyang foundry integrally moved to the new industrial park in 2007 except for this workshop. And Li Xichang was promoted to be the consulter of Shenyang Foundry Museum from an ordinary worker.因为铁西在建国以来,对国家做了巨大的贡献,它为国家创造了五百多个第一,这样来讲,许多老工人、政协委员,大伙提议建这么一个博物馆,将来给子孙后代留个印象。Tiexi Area has contributed most to our country including more than 500 No. 1 in the country since the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Thus, many retired workers and political commissars put forward to setting up a museum to give an impression upon the descendants沈阳铁西区,中国最早的工业城市图景,承载了一个时代的理想。1953年,中国开始执行国民经济的第一个五年计划,其核心,是156个大型建设项目。这些项目,遍布国防、机械、电子、化学和能源等工业领域,因此,“一五”时期也被称作是中国的“工业化奠基之役”。Tiexi area in Shenyang, an earliest urban industrial landscape in China, conveys the ideal of that era. In 1953, China has implemented the first Five-year Plan of the national economy whose core is 156 large-scale constructing projects. These projects cover the industrial fields of national defend, machinery, electronic, chemistry and energy sources etc., therefore the first Five-year Plan is also known as “the foundation of industrialization of China”.危机,似乎是在不经意间到来的。上世纪八、九十年代,中国实行改革开放,东南沿海依靠区位优势和灵活的机制,成为时代的前沿。而像铁西这样的老工业区,却因人员、设备老化和自身的体制问题,而陷入困境。The crisis comes without any alert. In 1980s and 1990s, China implemented the policies of reform and opening up. Relying on locational advantage and flexible mechanism, the south-east coastal cities became the frontiers of the times, while the old industry areas like Tiexi were stuck into troubles for their own talents shorting, equipment degrading and system rigidity.95%以上的企业亏损,90%以上的企业停产、半停产,16万产业工人下岗失业。隆冬季节,很多企业甚至没有钱买煤取暖。Over 95% of enterprises were in deficit, above 90% enterprises were in discontinued production and semi-stagnation, and about 160,000 workers were unemployment. In the bitter winter, many enterprises even had no money to buy coal for warming.这段视频,拍摄于2000年的1月1日。就在世界各地都在为新千年第一缕曙光的到来而欢喜雀跃的时候,老铁西的许多产业工人,却在为自己的未来忧心忡忡。This video was captured on 1 January, 2001. When the whole world was delighted and embracing the first light of the new millennium, many workers from the ramshackle Tiexi were depressed for their future.一切的金色,都在迅速地褪去。从厂房、铁路,到那些寄托梦想于此的人们,无不展现出一种锈迹斑斑的落寞。The glorious of Tiexi was fading out. From workshop, railway to those people who attached their dreams closely to Tiexi, everything indicated a rusted and desolated picture.转机终于来临。2002年,由于住宅、汽车、电子和基础设施建设等行业的拉动,包括装备制造业在内的重化工业快速发展,再加上中央提出“振兴东北老工业基地”。各路资本纷至沓来,给铁西这个传统装备制造业重镇,提供了难得的发展机遇。Eventually the turning point was coming. Spurred by residential, vehicles, electronic and infrastructure constructing fields, boosted by fast developed heavy chemical industry including equipment manufacturing, and slogan “revitalizing the old industry zone of north-east ”put forward by the central committee of PRCC, all capitals coming in a throng which provided the precious opportunity to develop and reform an traditional equipment manufacturing town-Tiexi.实际上铁西改造,应该倒推1986年国务院就开始了,主要是针对世界工业发展的一些情况,比方说尤其研究了德国的鲁尔工业区,它也经过兴旺衰退,那么铁西也同样。但是国家也投入了大量的资金,我们粗略地统计,投入了300多亿,但是铁西为啥一直没有走出这种困境?我们总结,主要是过去的改造是就改造说改造,就工业说工业,没有跳出这种历史的圈子。Actually Tiexi reform was dating back to the year of 1986, the State Council had done the research on global industrial development especially German Ruhr Industrial Area which had also experienced flourishing and recession as well as Tiexi. The nation also invested much capital in Tiexi, more than 30 billion in accordance with the rough statistics, however, why Tiexi did not get out of trouble? Finally, as concluded that we reformed the old industrial area like a peep through a tube at a leopard, which did not get of circle of history.笔译作业2:英翻中说明:以下文字摘自一篇国际政治关系论文,作者需要参加在中国举行的国际论坛,希望向中国同行介绍自己的观点。任务:全文翻译要求:同作业1 Geopolitical Constellations in East Asia东亚的地缘政治群As illustrated in the previous section, East Asia has embarked on its own regionalism since the late 1990s. An increasing number of bilateral FTAs have been negotiated and implemented and several other multilateral agreements are already in force. Also, a number of region-wide FTA initiatives with different membership compositions are on the table for either official negotiations or further elaboration. The apparent competition between the TPP initiative led by the United States and the RCEP initiative led by China is one outstanding example of the increasing complexity of the East Asian regional architecture. In short, the geopolitical constellations of and thus the environment for East Asian regional integration have changed substantively compared with 15 years ago.如上一部分所示,自上世纪九十年代开始,东亚开始致力于其区域发展。越来越多的双边自贸区和其他多边贸易协定的协商落实已经生效。许多由不同成员国构成的区域内的自贸区计划处在正式谈判状态或是有待进一步深入阐述。由美国发起的跨太平洋伙伴关系计划和由中国发起的区域全面经济伙伴关系的计划间的透明竞争是东亚区域结构日益复杂化的显著例子。简而言之,与15年前相比,东亚的地缘政治群和东亚区域一体化环境已发生了巨大变化!The economic integration attempts mentioned above have largely been influenced by the evolving regional production network. In particular, Japanese and Korean multinational corporations have assembled a vast and dynamic network of production facilities in the region, thereby making the most efficient use of the natural, human and other resources available in the region. Alongside this enhanced regional production network, countries in the region have been making supportive efforts through institutional arrangements, as discussed in the previous section. The vision to establish an East Asian Economic Community, as proposed by the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) in its final report published in 2001 (EAVG:2001), is one of the most prominent examples of this kind.以上提到的经济一体化的尝试受到日益联系紧密的区域生产网的深刻影响。特别是日本与韩国的跨国合作组成了区域内的庞大的有活力的生产设备网,因此区域内的自然环境,人力和资源得到了最充分的利用。随着这种区域生产网的扩大,区域内的国家通过如前讨论的机制安排给予了强有力的支持。东亚展望集团在2001年最终报告中提出建立东亚经济共同体的设想是这种设想的最显著的例子。In contrast to economic integration attempts, cooperation programmes in the political and security areas are still a rarity. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which has existed since the 1980s, has not yet reached the stage of providing mechanisms for avoiding disputes and/or achieving peaceful co-existence in the region. What is lacking in the East Asian region is a multilateral security framework, as noted by Sohn (2010). The Six Party Talks in the Northeast Asian region, too, have not yet been able to secure the strategic status of a multilateral security arrangement. In fact, the security constellations in East Asia are still dominated by some East Asian countries cobweb of bilateral arrangements with the United States as the most important security partner, which in turn has been confronted by the ChinaRussia axis.与经济一体化设想相反,政治与安全领域的合作项目依然不乐观。东盟区域论坛自上世纪八十年代成立后,至今尚未建立起一个幼小的机制来避免区域争端或使区域和平共处。索恩在2010年提出东亚区域所缺乏的是一个多边安全框架。东北亚区域的六方会谈同样没有找到确保多边安全安排的战略地位的方法。实际上,东亚的安全格局受到东亚国家与以美国作最主要安全伙伴的双边协议的联系网的支配,反过来与以中俄为轴心的国家相对抗。Correspondingly, the geopolitical constellations in East Asia are still relatively vulnerable. In addition to the background factors mentioned above, the leadership rivalry between China and Japan, the ups-and-downs of Koreas international role, and the ineffectiveness of ASEAN are hindering East Asias journey towards regional cooperation and integration. Some observers point to these deficiencies to conclude that the future of East Asia is not optimistic or that the idea of an East Asian community is a myth. These rather pessimistic evaluations notwithstanding, a careful investigation of both more recent developments in East Asian regional integration and the respective national strategies of the countries involved reveals some constructive pathways, through which East Asian regional integration could be realized at some point in the future. Especially, increased Chinese participation in both the regional and global production network and in the discussion of the regional architecture in East Asia is a new and remarkable phenomenon, and therefore deserves special attention in this context.相应地,东亚的地缘政治群还是相对脆弱。除了以上提到的背景因素,还有中日的领导权争端,韩国扮演的国际角色的起伏和东盟的无效性都阻碍了东亚区域合作和一体化的进程。一些观察者指出并总结说东亚的未来并不乐观,东亚一体化的想法或许会是个传说而已。尽管有这些相当悲观的评价存在,但一项对东亚区域一体化和国家间迥然不同的国家战略的最近发展的详细调查却揭示一些建设性的道路,通过这些具有建设性道路的实施东亚区域一体化将在未来的某一天实现的。尤其是中国越来越参与到区域和全球生产网并参与到东亚区域结构讨论中去,是一个新奇又引人注目的现象,因此在此背景下应引起我们的特别注意。


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