
The land of abundance (天府之国)——Sichuan province。The colorful food。The colorful food。The origin of Sichuan。The origin of the name。带着对我们国家军队的好奇。使我们对军队的制度。


1、Spring FestivalPrimary school attached to K asetsart University Class two grade 2 DuanH aoran Spring Festival is the mos。

2、The land of abundance (天府之国)Sichuan province,Speaker:,1,1,1,2,目 录 ONTENTS,The origin,The colorful food,The entertainment,The scenery,C,2,My impression,1,3,The origin of Sichuan,The origin of the name “Sichuan” because of the four riversMinjiang, Jialingjiang, Wujiang and Tuojiang.(岷江,嘉陵江, 乌江和沱江)Its also named “the land of abundance”.It has a long history and culture.,3,the map of Sichuan,1,4,The colorful food,Bowl chicken(钵钵鸡),6,1,5,6,1,6,Although the 。

3、Are you ready?,Football match begin at once,Wonderful wait.,proucer,5,4,3,Football match START,Welcome to the world of football,伦理曹斌,Article Directories,Soccer star s。

4、中国军事建设,组员: 陆文成 梁晓飞 袁冠杰 江 波 江锦焕,选 题,带着对我们国家军队的好奇,对军人神圣的的气质,使我们对军队的制度,军队的武器装备等都产生了很浓厚的兴趣,我们当然是很想揭开军队那神秘的面纱,所以带着这一好奇心.我们选择了这一课题.,我们完成这次的检索,在集中一起讨论后,我们就开始分工合作. 比如说写论文就是几。

5、The Chinese animal zodiac 十二生肖 -THREE P Do you know the12 zodiac animals? Why rank like this? In Chinese Zodiac, twelve animals are used to represent each year in turn in a twelveyear c。

6、domestictour overseastour 1 Visa2 Passport3 Creditcard4 Essentialthings5 Yourpartners6 Methodtocommunicatewithlocalpeople dictionaryorlocalguide 7 Knowthelocalculture Europe 1 thingsfordailyuse2 certi。

7、HanFu -The traditional clothes of Chinese Han People,When we introduce the Han nationality When we give publicity for the Han nationality When the 56 ethnic groups take photos together Have yo。

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