
Unit 6 Turn right 原地踏步走。左边的 right 右边。Unit 6 Turn right 守护甜心 Wendy Lets play a guessing game. Left。Unit 9 Its one hundred 守护甜心 Wendy Is this right。


1、1 Lets play a game Miss Wang 对每组第一个同学说句悄悄话,如:Im a Tiger. I am strong.每组的第一个学生依次向身后的第二名同学轻轻传达这句话。最后一个学生快速跑上台根据听到的句子进行表演。 。

2、Monkeys see, monkeys do . Follow me, follow me. Hands up , hands up. Follow me , follow me. Hands down , hands down. Lef。

3、Unit 11 Wheres the cat Enjoy the song twinkle, twinkle, little star. kitchen bathroom living room bedroom kitchen bathro。

4、Unit 6 Turn right 原地踏步走: 121 121 左右左 左右左 立正稍息立正向右看齐 向右转向左转 left 左边;左边的左边;左边的 right 右边;右边的右边;右边的 turn 转弯转弯 up 向上向上 down 向。

5、Unit 5 I like noodles. 20211113 hungry 饥饿的饥饿的 Im hungry. 我饿了。我饿了。 20211113 noodle s I like noodles. 我喜欢吃面条。我喜欢吃面条。 I don。

6、 Sing a song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Supermarket Apples, apples, I like apples. Oranges, oranges, I like oranges. Ba。

7、Unit 6 Turn right 守护甜心 Wendy Lets play a guessing game. Left,right. Left,right What are we Are you soldiers Yes,we are. 。

8、Unit 7 Whose is this Miss Yin New words bag scarf key wallet hat phone Whose is this Whose is this Its Janes purse. Jane。

9、20211113 20211113 授课班级:四授课班级:四2 2 执教老师:郑倩倩执教老师:郑倩倩 Welcome to 20211113 Food Shop What do youWhat do you likelike dumplin。

10、Unit 9 Its one hundred 守护甜心 Wendy Is this right, Miss Li Yes, its right. Good Thank you Please think again. Fortysix and。

11、湘少版四年级英语上册课件湘少版四年级英语上册课件 Unit 14 What can you see 教学目标教学目标 掌握本课新单词;掌握本课新单词; 掌握本课新句型掌握本课新句型What do you like I likedont li。

12、Shapes are all around us This is a circle. This is a square. This is a triangle. This is a rectangle. Whats that Its a t。

13、Unit 4 These are flowers.birdbirdseggeggstreetreesflowerflowerssheepsheepgrass1.The children are .AB2.The children see .。

14、Unit 10 Welcome to our home 欢迎欢迎来到来到我们的我们的家家 bathroom 浴室living room 客厅客厅bedroom 卧室2345bathroombathroombedroombedroomlivi。

15、 使用我们所学过的表方向的单词或者词组:Turn left Turn rightupdown等等,来走迷宫,最终寻找到bag。Now I wanna asking you guys a question. Whats this现在我想问你们。

16、hathat a scarfscarfcarpark a pursepurseturnhurtMagic eyes火眼金睛Its my hat.Its Miss Rens hat.Miss Yangs bagMiss Luos scarfM。

湘少版[]四上Unit 3 Look at that elephantppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 2 It’s a circleppt课件1
湘少版[]四上Unit 10 Welcome to our home!ppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 8 She wears a whiteppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 7 Whose is thisppt课件2
湘少版[]四上Unit 2 It’s a circleppt课件3
湘少版四上Unit 4 Those are eggsppt课件
湘少版四上Unit 1 Nice to meet youppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 3 Look at that elephantppt课件4
湘少版[]四上Unit 12 Peter can jump highppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 11 Where’s the catppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 2 It’s a circleppt课件2
湘少版[]四上Unit 6 Turn rightppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 5 I like noodlesppt课件1
湘少版[]四上Unit 5 I like noodlesppt课件2
湘少版[]四上Unit 6 Turn rightppt课件2
湘少版[]四上Unit 7 Whose is thisppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 5 I like noodlesppt课件
湘少版[]四上Unit 9 It’s one hundredppt课件2
湘少版四上Unit 14 What can you seeppt课件
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