
Ann will play in the . Ken will play in the . David will play。I want to play the drums。Unit 8 The concert。Can you play football。


1、北师大版五年级英语下册,Unit7 At the airport,How was your winter vacation?,Yesterday Dad came back from Germany. Mom and Ann and I went to the airport to meet him. Mocky went with us, too.,Mocky saw Dad first and ran to him quickly.,Mocky saw Dad first and ran to him quickly.,Mocky saw Dad first and ran to him quickly.,He wanted to help Dad with his bag.,Soon, Mocky found a blue bag, but it wasnt Dads bag. Dads bag was green.,Mocky went away again. This time he got a green bag.,Mocky went awa。

2、Unit 7 At the airport,第一课时,Sing a song,Preview,Ask and answer.,T: Do you like football? S: Yes, I do . /No, I dont .,Talk about “What do you know about football?”,Lets learn,Look at the picture, ask student to say what the story is about.,Play the tape,Ask questions: What are Ann, Ken and Mocky doing? Which row are you in ? What are they watching? What is happening? What is Mocky ? Whose team won at last?,Role play.,Homework,将课文故事讲给父母听,Goodbye,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,。

3、What will they do?,They will have a concert.,will 将要,I will They will,play the,play the,d,play the,Ann will play in the . Ken will play in the . David will play in the .,Ann will play the piano in the concert. Ken will play the guitar in the concert. David will play the drums in the concert.,Where is it?,National Theatre,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全。

4、Unit 8 The concert,OK. One, tow, three !,Ken, lets do it again !,Wow, super ! Well be great !,Wonderful ! I want to play the drums , too .,Here s the program, Dad . Can you and Mom come ?,Yes , we can .,Where s David ?,He s not well !,Can he play tonight ?,No , he cant .,Who will play the drums ?,I will !,Are you kidding ?,No , Im not kidding,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全。

5、Unit 8 The concert,Childrens Day,concert,piano,drums,guitar,What time does the concert start? Where will the concert have? Who will play at the concert?,Questions,program,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,Complete the sentences,1.The Newtown school will have a concert on ________. 2.___, ___and ____will play together in the concert. 3.____will play the piano. ___ will play the guitar. ____will play the drums. 4.The concert is going to start, but David is not there. Because he is ____ ___。

6、Unit9 A football game,教学目标,掌握本课新单词,如play,there,why,sign等等; 仔细听书上的听力部分,完成相关练习; 完成本课课后的家庭作业。,New words,1. play,玩游戏,踢(球)v.,踢足球 play football,打篮球 play basketball,Can you play football?,Yes,I can. / No, I cant.,玩游戏,去玩,play a game play games,go to play,2. there,be there,go there 去那,come here 来这,We can play football there.,You cant play basketball here.,在那里adv.,反义词:,here,They are there.,3. why,为什么adv.,Why not?,Why not + do。

7、Unit 10 Buying e-books 第一课时,Lets enjoy,Lets learn,New word,interesting 有趣的 boring 无聊的 expensive 昂贵的 exciting 兴奋的 difficult 困难的,Play the tape and answer the questions. 1)、Where are Ann, Ken and Mocky? 2)、What book is it? 3)、Why cant Mocky read the book?,They are in a bookstore.,Its a comic book.,Because the book is too difficult.,Lets answer,Show yourself,You can read it!,Answer the questions,1、What did Ann and Ken want to buy? 2、Did they like the science book? 3。

8、Cooking with Mocky,Ann was puzzled,Ann was more puzzled,Ann was even more puzzled,salt,pour,bake,knife,plate,cookbook,My Disc (G)U11.exe,7,3,5,2,8,6,4,1,step,Which cake do you like?,Which is your favorite cake?,Peter Kate,Complete the dialogue 补全对话,Group work,Cooking a cake in a group,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全。

9、Unit11 Cooking with Mocky,Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky,?,1、Do you like cakes?,2、Do you know how to make cakes?,3、What do we need?,Lets look at how Mocky make a cake.,What do they need to make a cake?,Read story and please circle the words in the story.,s,b,f,e,m,What do they need to make a cake?,How do they make a cake?,How many steps in the story?,Discuss the steps in the group.,Whats the first step?,Read the picture2 and picture3.,Whats the second step?,1 kilogram,Read the picture5。

10、北师大版五年级英语下册第十二单元,Review,visit Bobby Bear black clouds in the sky an umbrella turn left on this tree be late Dont worry a sunny day,读一读,A:What are you going? B:Im going to visit Bobby Bear. A: Where is Bobbys house? B: Its near Uncle Bookys house. A: Whats the time? B: Its five oclock. Were going to be late.,practice in groups,listen for sounds,读一读,mouse coins moon store dog arm,box fox spoon clock star food horse oil car farm boi。

11、北师大版五年级英语下册第十二单元,Talk Together,Mocky:Hi,Ken and Ann. Shall we go to the park? Ken: No , we cant. Its going to rain. Ann:Lets watch a video, then.,Talk Together,Ken: Its 4:30 now. lets visit UncleBooky,Ann. Ann:No,we cant. He always goes to the library in the afternoon.,Talk Together,Mocky:Hello.Where are you going? Ken: We are going to the movies。 Mocky:Can I come, too? Ken: Yes, you can.,Talk Together,listen and number,试读短语,go home by bus a new movie at the movie t。

12、北师大版五年级英语下册 Unit12,Review,rain rainy cloud cloudy wind windy snow snowy sun sunny fine weather,辨一辨,rainy,cloudy,windy,snowy,sunny,读一读,Its fine today. Lets play football. Its snowy today. Lets watch TV. Shall we go to the park.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全。

13、Unit 12 Review,Lets practice,nobody true laugh never,Check the correct pictures.,In the street there were many people many liars many horses,Check the correct answer,Check the correct answer,The people wanted to buy new suits catch the liars see the Emperors new suit,Check the correct answer,The Emperon wasnt wearing anything.The people were worried happy surprised,Check the correct answer, said,“The Emperor isnt wearing any clothes.” A boy A liar A woman,Check the correct answer。

14、Unit 12 Review,____________is my favorite fruit. I also like ____,____,____,and _____.,____________is my favorite vegetable. But I dont like ____,____,____,and _____.,_________is the most interesting class. _________is the most exciting class. _________is the most difficult class.,Weather for the week,What time is it?,The hottest day in a year is in ________________. The coldest day in a year is in ________________. The most beautiful season is ________________. My favorite season is ______。

标签 > 五年级下册英语课件-unit[编号:69374]

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