
went。went。read。练习书P55过去式。I w。write ---。go ---。Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller。Module 4 Unit 1。I cant carry them all.。六年级。外研版(一起)六年级英语下册。


1、Module 7 Unit 1,He spent about 21hours in space.,do,did,eat,ate,make,made,write,wrote,go,went,take,took,say,said,came,come,read,have,had,read,put,put,cut,got,give,gave,fall,fell,drink,drank,get,cut,fl。

2、练习书P55过去式,I went to Beijing with my parents.I got there by car. I visited my grandpas house. I visited the Great Wall. I saw lots of old buildings.I ate lots of delicious food. I had a good time.,I w。

3、写出下列单词的过去式:,can -,could,cant -,couldnt,become -,became,have -,had,draw -,drew,learn -,learned,write -,wrote,go -,went,live -,lived,Helen Keller 海伦凯勒,Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller,Mo。

4、Unit 1 Were going to have a picnic.,read books,play basketball,go shopping,go swimming,watch TV,Please say the activities,clean the room,play football,fly a kite,go to school,play computer games,学习任。

5、Module 4 Unit 1,I cant carry them all.,l,六年级:刁冰,Teaching aims,Vocabulary: carry supermarket party hold fall later away stairs heavy Grammer:现在进行时: be+v.ing现在分词形式,Learning words,carry (提,搬。

6、外研版(一起)六年级英语下册,Module 9 Unit 1 Whats the matter?,1.Why couldnt Helen Keller hear ?,2.Why couldnt Helen Keller see?,Because she was deaf as a small child.,Because she was blind as a small child.,1.Wh。

7、Module 7 Unit 1 He spent about 21 hours in space. The name of spaceship is _________ . Shenzhou Who was Chinas first man in space? Yang Liwei. From Liaoning In October 2003 Shenzhou V How many hour。

8、Module3 unit1 Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. 1.Where did they go? 2.What was the weather like? They went to the park. It was rainy. 1.When did Daming have a funny day? 2. When it rai。

9、Module 2 Unit 1 Were going to have a picnic. 今天我们要通过复习 一般将来时 ,来学习本课 的内容,大家还记得将来 时的句型吗? be going to A 描述 过去 发生 的事 B 描述 正在 发生 的事 C 描述 将来 发生 的事 一般将来时: (一)基本结构: 人 或 物 + be going to + 动词短。

10、Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing but then the telephone rings. What are they doing? What are they doing? What are they doing? They are having a birthday party. 1. Daming is playing the trumpet. But then。

11、外研版(一起)六年级英语下册 1.Why couldnt Helen Keller hear ? 2.Why couldnt Helen Keller see? Because she was deaf as a small child. Because she was blind as a small child. Whats the matter? Because I am happy. W。

12、Unit 1 play football play basketball ride a horse play the piano play table tennis sing swim ride a bike 什么是情态动词? 情态动词本身有一定的词义, 表示说话人的情绪,态度或 语气。 can是情态动词,表示 “能,会”。 sing swim ride a bike She can sing。

13、space 太空 travel 旅行 interested 感兴趣的 spaceship 太空飞船 model 模型 give和 buy的用法 interesting与 interested give的用法 : give sb. sth. give sth. to sb. 例如:我给了他一本书。 I gave him a book. I gave a book to him. = = 1.她。

14、Module2 Unit1 Who has good eyes? play computer games run play football w tch TV read a book Free talk. What do you like doing in your spare time? Guess what an animal it is. It can swim and eats the。

15、Unit 1 schools Xinhua Middle School Beijing Primary School Qinghua University Weifang No.1 High Middle School A: Which middle school are you going to go to ? Where is it ? Whats the school like ? B:。

16、spaceship Shenzhou V spaceship Liaoning pilot an astronaunt 168cm Chinas first man In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space. YangLiwei was inside. He spent about 21 hours in space. Everyone was v。

17、Module 9 Unit 1 Whats the matter? What are they doing? What are they doing? They are laughing. Why are they laughing? Because . What are they doing? They are playing baseball. Why is he crying? He i。

18、Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. Look and read. 1, ate eat 2, was am, is 3, were are 4, had have 5, went go 6, wanted want 7, took take 8, rained rain 9, ran run Look and gues。

19、Module 4 Unit 1 I cant carry them all. l 六年级:焦芳 Teaching aims Vocabulary: carry supermarket party hold fall later away stairs heavy Grammer:现在进行时 : be+v.ing 现在分词 形式 Learning words carry。

20、Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller (18801967) 海伦 亚当斯 凯勒 ( Helen Adams Keller, 1880年 6 月 27日 1968年 6月 1日,巨蟹座), 19世纪美国盲聋 作家,教育家。慈善家、社会活动家。她幼年因急性 脑炎 引致失明及失聪,她在安妮 沙利文老师的帮助 下,掌握了英、法、德等五国语言,完成了她的一系 列著作,并致力于为残疾人。

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