
Unit 2B Lets talk。Unit 1 Welcome Unit 1 Welcome back to school back to school A lets talkA lets talk主题主题1主题主题2C1 12 23 34 4页数点击添加大标题China。


1、 Unit 1 Unit 1 Welcome Welcome backback toto school school ChinaCanadaUKUSAMikeAmyWu YifanSarahHi, Im Mike.Im from Canad。

2、Lets play a guessing game . 猜猜游戏猜猜游戏GreatWhere is the ballIts the box.inboxWhats thisIts a ball.Where is the ballIts the。

3、Unit 2B Lets talk,Lets playHello, Liu Xing. Whos that manHes my father.Whos that womanShes my mother.Whos that manHes my。

4、orangeorangesbearpearbananabananasaappleanaplespWhats missinggrapesGrapes Grapes Yummy Yummy YummyGrapes GrapesIn my tum。

5、 Unit 1 Welcome Unit 1 Welcome back to school back to school A lets talkA lets talk主题主题1主题主题2C1 12 23 34 4页数点击添加大标题China。

6、 Uint6 How manyB Let s learn数一数How many apples do you seeI see fifteen.数一数How many bags do you seeI see twelve.数一数How ma。

7、Unit 2 My FamilyHello,everyone.I am Nice to meet you.evriwn每人,人人Raise your hand. Sit down. Stand up.Get the book. Opencl。

8、Unit3 At the zooB Lets learn 学校要建立一个小小动物园,今天请大家讨论各种动物的特征,为学校挑选合适的动物。Look at the pig. Its fat. It has big eyes and short 。

9、The little blue bird is fast.The little turtle is very slow.The little brown bird is a little bit fast .L bird, l bird.Y。

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