
My father is a writer.。zebras。Zebras in a zoo. You like zebras. I like zebras. We all like zebras。


1、They are a happy family.,幸福的 快乐的,policeman,nurse,teacher,farmer,doctor,singer,writer,Unit 3,My father is a writer.,Lesson 13,1.How many people are there in Toms family ? 2.Whats hi。

2、Unit 1 We have new friends Exercise Class 练习超链接 Compare 1. Whats your name? My name is Linda. How old are you? Im twelve. Im=I am 2. Whats her name? Her name is Carla. How old is she? Shes。

3、Unit 3 My father is a writer. LESSON 17 He looks great in his uniform. He often helps people in his work. policeman Hes a policeman policewoman Shes a policewoman. Who are they? police Read after the。

4、12 8 6 3 Is that your watch ? Zebras, zebras, zebras! Zebras in a zoo. You like zebras. I like zebras. We all like zebras, too. Zz chant Whats this? Whats that? practice 揭阳爱维艾夫医院 Its a rabbit kangaro。

5、Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag? I cant find my mask. Dont worry, let me help you. Its over there. Questions: 1.How many people are there in the dialogue(对话)? 2.Who cant find the ma。

6、Unit 3 My father is a writer Lesson 14 This is my father. Hes a writer. writer Just practice This is my mother. Shes a dancer. dancer This is my aunt. Hes a singer. singer this family father。

7、Unit 3 My father is a writer. Lesson 15 actor Hes an . Shes an . actress worker Shes a factory . I want to be an actor i。

8、Where do you work Teacher: Fay cinema 电影院 bank 银行 hotel 宾馆 work 工作 study 学习 CCTV 中 国 中央 电视 台 hospital 医 院 New words and。

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