
My mother is a nurse。Unit 3 Lesson Its a pineapple Whats this in English。Its an apple. Whats this in English。Unit2 Whats your number。


1、This is my new friend. Lesson 5 Teacher: Zhang Rui Grade: Grade 4 综合组英语学科小专题研讨课 -对话教学中的情景和情景创设的有效性 Lets sing. Lets chant. My father is a doctor, doctor, My mother is a nurse, nurse , My un。

2、Whats your number? one two three four five six seven eight nine 0 zero 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nine nine three three four four five iveseven se ntwo two zero z ro one one eight e ght 6 9 74 35 6。

3、Unit 3 Lesson Its a pineapple Whats this in English? Its an apple. Whats this in English? Its an apple. Whats this in English? Its a pear. pineapple lemon 这是给你的。 Its for you. 给我?为。

4、Unit 5 I like those shoes. Lesson 26 Happy birthday to you! Birthday gift! Open it and see. 打开看看! Whats in the box? 盒子里面有什么? for me for you d r e s s 连 衣 裙 b l o u s e 女 衬 衫 Monkey T。

5、Unit4 Hows the weather today? Lets have a revision snowy windy sunny cloudy rainy cloudy Hows the weather today? Its________. rainy Hows the weather today? Its ____.。

6、Lets do. Farmer, farmer,嗨咻咻,嗨咻咻。 Singer,singer,嘻唰唰,嘻唰唰。 Dancer,dancer,蹦嚓嚓,蹦嚓嚓。 Driver,driver,嘟嘟嘟,嘀嘀嘀。 This is my teacher What does your father do? Hes a teacher. (Maybe hes a farmer/worker/nurse。

7、Lets sing apple orange lemon watermelon kiwifruit pineapple tomato potato carrot cuucumber Question: Guess! Whats that in English? egg plant green pepper Questions: 1.Does Lisa like green peppers。

8、I like those shoes. Words and expressions shoes 鞋 Words and expressions socks 袜子 Mum , I like those shoes Can we have a look at those shoes , please ? Sure , here you are . Thank you . May I try them。

9、Unit2 Whats your number? Lesson 7 Review New words one two three four one two three four one+two=? four-two=? one+three=? three-one=? 1321 4321 4132 一 班 二 班 三 班 四 班 Class One Class Two Class Three Cla。

10、Unit 6 Im tall. Lesson 32 long short long ears short tail A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. long tail big mouth It has big mouth and a long tail Look at the monkey. Look at the cat It has smal。

11、Unit 2 Whats your number Lesson11 Read the words class grade thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen Whats。

12、Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip Lesson 32 张六庄小学 郭红莲 What are they looking at the zoo T: Come along,boys and girls。

13、LOGO Unit 1 This is my new friend. Outline 一学习目标: 1. 复习如何用英语介绍别人,询问某人的籍贯和职业并进行回答; 并能够听说认读有关国籍和职业的单词; 2. 能够听说读写 26个英语字母。。

14、Lesson 23 Lets sing a song: We are happy to play. Guess Hows the weather today Lets play football. Shall we go swimming。

15、unit 3 Its a pineapple Lesson 13 I like You like Everybody like Like Like Like What What What Lemmon Lemon I like lemon。

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