


1、Module9Family Unit1Thisismymother 1 Let ssayachant Boyboyboy thisisaboy Girlgirlgirl thisisagirl Boyboyboy heisaboy Girlgirlgirl sheisagirl 2 Yaoming sfamily 3 Liuxing sfamily 4 Xiaoxin sfamily 5 Sam。

2、字母,/ei/,/bi:/,/si:/,/di:/,/i:/,/ef/,/di:/,字母大小写换一换,BAG BED DAD face age bad Bag bed dad FACE AGE BAD 拼音标 /bei/ /feis/ /sei/ /dei/ /eid/ /deis/ /bed/ /sed/ /ded/ /fed/ /det/,Lesson 1 I am a cat,R。

3、lets talk,Lesson 10 How are you?,Hello,hello,how are you? Hello,hello,how are you? Fine,fine,fine,thank you! Hello,hello,how are you? Oh,oh,just so so. Hello,hello,how are you? No,no,Im terrible。

4、Qiqi,Im Qiqi.,-My name is Qiqi.,-Whats your name?,Whats your name, please?,Im Dongdong.,Homework:,A.课下练读Lets talk和Lets sing。 B.用英语询问姓名,如:Whats your name? C.预习Lets learn。,Goodbye。

5、Lesson 5 How old are you?,Greeting,Revision numbers Look at my cards. You say and you move.,Show me your fingers.,You say and clap your hands.,You say and stamp your foot.,do math exercises five + fou。

6、Lesson 3 Nice to meet you,1.生词:my、name、is、goodbye、bye 2.熟练掌握并运用下列句子: 1)My name is XXX. 2)Goodbye. 3)Bye.,我勇敢,我表现!,my,name,is,我的,名字,是,mai,neim,iz,和它们交朋友,goodbye,bye,再见,再见,Goodbye!,Thank you。

7、Unit 1 hello,1. 掌握26个英文字母, 从AZ; 2. 掌握本课重点单词: Hello等。,My ABC,Letters A-H,Letters I-P,Letters Q-W,Letters X-Z。

8、Lesson5 How old are you?,相传遥远的地方有一座神秘的古堡,打开古堡大门的钥匙就藏在遍地向日葵花的地方,小朋友们只有用智慧和勇气才可以打开它,打开它的小朋友就会得到永远的幸福,你愿意去吗?,我们一起去探险啦!,Hi!,Hello!,Cat: Are you Mr Dog? Dog: Yes,I am. Cat: Whats your name? Dog: My name。

9、Lesson 1 Whats your name?,Miss Zhang,New words,hi hello what is name your my,你好,嗨,你好,什么,是,你的,名字,我的,Game Time,Up and down(大小声):老师带领学生认读单词,当老师的声音大的时候同学们声音就小,当老师声音小时同学们声音就大,考验同学们的反应能力。,人名,Mocky Ann Ken,姆。

10、Unit 1 Hello!,Lesson 2,学习目标:(课本2、3页),1.能用Good morning!和别人打招呼; 2.能用英语介绍自己,询问对方的名子; 3.能初步表演故事。,Good morning. My name is Wang Ling. What is your name?,My name is Ken.,Story:,Where are the children。

11、Lesson 8,Whats this ?,this an egg red hot that bun rat,这个 一(个) 鸡蛋 红色的 热的 那个 馒头 老鼠,a bun,Its a bun.,a hot dog,Its a hot dog.,egg,an,Its an egg.,this,Whats,?,这是什么?,that,Whats,?,那是什么?,Whats this。

12、Whos that? 那是谁?,Part 1 listen and Read,he 他,she 她,Who 谁,that 那,那个,Whos that? 那是谁?,Thats Cathy. 那是Cathy。,Whos that? 那是谁?,Thats Ken. 那是Cathy。,Whos that? 那是谁?,Thats Ann. 那是Cathy。,Whos that? 那是谁?,Thats Da。

13、Lesson 1,I am a cat,嗨,喂,你好,狐狸,你好,小猪,你好,狐狸,New words,I ai am m a cat kt dog dg Tom tm Eve i:v I am a cat. Im a dog.,我,(我)是,汤姆,伊芙,我是小猫。,我是小狗。,Text 1,你好,小猪。,你好,狐狸。,Text 2,Hello! I am a dog.,Hello! Im a。

14、Revision,pass 传,the 定冠词(表特指),ball,football,play 玩,玩耍,Ok 好,行,可以,catch 接住,kick 踢,throw 扔,Who 谁,he 他,she 她,cousin 表(堂)兄弟姐妹,friend 朋友,whos this? 那是谁? Shes my friend. 她是我的朋友。,whos that? 那是谁? Hes my cousin。

15、Sing a song,Review & Free talk,A: Hello. B: Hi. A: Im *. Whats your name? B: Im *. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you. A: Goodbye. B: Bye.,Unit 2 My classroom,Whats in the classroom? 教室。

16、Unit 6 Lets sing!,fly 飞,read,sing 唱歌,draw 绘画,draw 绘画,swim 游泳,cook,fly, fly, I can fly. read, read, I can read. sing, sing, I can sing. draw, draw, I can draw. swim, swim, I can swim. cook, cook, I c。

17、本课时学习内容,1.学习Happy Birthday及第五单元的新词。 2.学习数字1至10。 3.学习运用How old are you? Im.询问和回答年龄。 4.学习运用How old is he/she? Shes/Hes.询问和 回答他人的年龄。,Lets sing!,Number Song,Whats missing?,1、让孩子再读一次1至10的英语。 2、按动作。

18、Unit 5 My thingsLesson 1 Thats his dog.,Lets sing.,Who is he / she?,Where is Mocky?,What does he do?,Who does he meet? Guess!,What can you see in the story?,Whose computer is it?,Whose dog is it?,Whos。

19、Lesson 2 Are you Mr Dog ?,cat,fox,dog,pig,I am Miss Li.,我是李小姐。,Miss 小姐,Mr 先生,Miss Cat,Miss Fox,狐狸小姐,猫小姐,Mr Dog,Mr Pig,狗先生,猪先生,Good morning .,早上好!,Qiqi 奇奇,Lulu露露,早上好!,早上好!,are 是,you你(们),yes 是的,no 不,我是奇。

20、playing together 一起玩儿,Part 1 listen and Read,football,play football 玩足球,Lets play football. 让我们踢足球吧!,pass the ball 传球,catch the ball 接球,kick the ball 踢球,the 定冠词(表特指),Ok 好,行,可以,Pass, pass, pass the bal。

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