
Contents 考什么学什么明确方向 备考省时高效 一 怎么考怎么解掌握 套路 解题有径可寻 二 考 什 么 学 什 么 命题点一 简单句 命题点二 并列句 EitheryoumustimproveyourworkorIshalldismissyou 要么你改进工作 要么。


1、111Unit 1 School life(3)一. 教学内容:Unit 1 School life二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 1词汇及词性变化三. 教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法Unit 1 School life(一)词汇attendvt. 参加,出席earn n. 获得respect v. 尊敬,敬重achieve v. 取得,完成grade n. 等级,成绩subject n. 科目literature n. 文学average adj. 普通的;平均的n. 平均数;普通on averagean average ofcooking n. 烹饪extra adj. 另外的,额外的Spanish n. 西班牙语adj. 西班牙的, 西班牙人的,西班牙语的etc. 等等missv. 想念 dessert n. 餐后甜点d。

2、111【模拟试题】(答题时间:15分钟)一、将下列句子连接成一个句子,用尽可能多的关系词。1. The book is mine. He is reading the book.2. I like the girl. The girl is wearing a red skirt.3. She is the student. We saw her yesterday.4. The athlete is Liu Xiang. You talked to him.5. This is the biggest earthquake. It had struck the city.6. I have lost the book. He gave me it yesterday.7. I have seen every film. You talked it about last night.8. My husband threw the chair. Its legs are broken. 二、单项选。

3、111【模拟试题】(答题时间:20分钟)一、填空1. I can still remember the sitting-room ____my mother and I used to sit in the evening.2. A child____ parents are dead is called an orphan. 3. Im one of the boys______ _____never late for school. 4. We visited a factory____ makes toys for children. 5. The factory_________ ________ his mother works is in the east of the city. 6. The car ran over a dog and a boy ____were just crossing the street.7. This is the only dictionary____ he often turns to f。

4、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块八 Unit 4 Films and film events(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1.deliberately A. obtain or provide money for or the commercial activity of providing funds and capital 2.finance B. not large or expensive; not talk much about ones abilities or achievements3.sponsor C. a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen4.boycott D. look like5.modest E. with intention; in an intentional manner;6.contradict F. r。

5、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块二 Unit 2 Wish you were here(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1.altogether A. all living things(except people) living or growing in nature2.rough B. later3.adventure C. give or sell something that somebody needs4.extraordinary D. full of light5.shade E. make somebody frightened6.advance F. a small battery-powered electric light which can be carried7.scare。

6、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 2 Fit for life(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1.revolution A. having a good effect 2.possess B. surprise someone very much3.beneficial C. agreement to go ahead with a plan or an idea4.effective D. the possibility of sth happening or being developed or used5.astonish E. have or own something6.approval F. a great change that affe。

7、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 4 Public transportation(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1. route A. take sb./sth. ; carry sb./sth.2. convey B. so extreme that it hardly seems possible3. unbelievable C. arrange sth. at a later time4. postpone D. way taken or planned to get from one place to another5. interval E. the fact of owing sth. 6. choke F. breathe with great difficulty, as when ex。

8、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1. cheerful A. admire very much 2. horrible B. say sorry to 3. guilty C. be full of happiness 4. quarrel D. having acute mental or emotional awareness 5.sensitive E. make or write a comment on6. envy F. the time of persons life when they are a child7. childhood G. showing a sense of guilt8. argue H。

9、1112013届高考英语词汇检测(与译林牛津新版教材配套)系列资料School life一、词义配对A1. challenging A. knowledge or skill acquired from seeing and doing things2. earn B. giving pleasure3. respect C. give up (oneself, ones time, energy, etc)(to sth. or sb.) 4. extra D. politeness or consideration arising from admiration or regard5. enjoyable E. more than usual6.devote F. sweet food eaten at the end of a meal。

10、111Unit 1 School life(1)一. 教学内容:Unit 1 School life二. 教学目标:掌握阅读技巧skimming and scanning掌握Unit1词汇及词性变化三. 教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法 Unit 1 School life(一)词汇woodwork n. 木工enjoyable adj. 愉快的,快乐的(二)课文重难点1)Going to a British high School for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.动名词做主语,例:Playing basketball is an easy job while learning English is really hard work for me.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 我。

11、111Unit1Unit 3 复习一. 教学内容:复习Unit 1-Unit 3二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 1-Unit 3中的单词、词组三. 教学重难点:掌握Unit 1-Unit 3中的单词、词组(一)参加讲座 attend a lecture 参军join the army加入我们为希望工程捐赠活动join us in donating to Project Hope计划学习文学mean to learn literature 意味着永远失去这个机会 mean losing this chance forever听起来是个疯狂的主意sound like a crazy idea听起来是不可能的sound impossible习惯对儿子严格要求be used to being hard on his son曾经是一位美丽的女性used to be a。

12、111【模拟试题】(答题时间:15分钟)一、单项选择1. ________ children were calling for their mothers.A. Frighten B. FrighteningC. Frightened D. To frighten2. ________ a company has a new breakfast cereal that it wants to well.A. Suppose B. IfC. With D. As3. He looked very _________ at the _________ scene.A. frightened; frightening B. frightening; frightened C. frightened; frightened D. frightening, frightening4. _______ at the news, we all stood there, ________ nothing。

13、111【模拟试题】(答题时间:50分钟)I. 选择填空1. -My brother is not good at speaking English.-I suggest ______ English for two hours every day.A. he practise speaking B. him to speakC. he speaking D. his practicing to speak2. The music, which used to _____ before the important meeting, has now been changed.A. play B. playing C. be played D. being played3. The children are _____ into 4 groups and each group will have a ____ room to live in.A. divided; separ。

14、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块二 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1.aboard A. unable to understand2.possibility B. a person whose job is to find out who did a crime3.disappear C. someone who saw an accident and can describe it to others4.assume D. the sound of laughing5.puzzled E. on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train6.incident F. a person whose job is to write about t。

15、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 1 Living with Technology(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1. regular A. finally, at last2.broadcast B. a law or rule that is behind something3.contribute C. easy to reach, obtain or use4. drawback D. disadvantage, obstacle, shortcoming5.evolution E. spread something over an area6. accessible F. made to move around itself or something else7. wound up G. foretell p。

16、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 3 The world on line(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1. accuracy A. write letters to someone and receive letters from them2. command B. give a warning or feeling of danger to (a person or an animal); frighten; disturb3. diverse C. make a speech to (a person or an audience), esp. formally4. correspond D. One trained in teaching5. withdraw E. an order that should be obeyed6. ad。

17、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 3 Tomorrows World(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1. amaze A. sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect 2. headset B. safe from and protected against damage or attack 3. studio C. to hurt yourself or someone else 4. confident D. a set of headphones, often with a microphone5. disappointed E. relating to towns and cities 6. disabled F. something that causes problems 7. conveni。

18、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 2 The environment(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1. consultant A. connected with environment 2. duty B. a person who speaks on behalf of a group or an organization 3. greedy C. responsibility, obligation 4. businessman D. a person who works in business, especially at a high level5. belief E. in its natural state; not yet changed into sth else 6. environmental F. an expert who gives advice7. operate。

19、1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1.figure A. something that is done to cure an illness or injury2.ashamed B. the act of trying to persuade or to force sb. to do sth.3.energetic C. having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm4.treatment D. to choose one thing rather than sth. else because you like it better5.damage E. to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lac。

20、111Unit 1 School life(4)一. 教学内容:Unit 1 School life二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 1语法定语从句三. 教学重难点:掌握定语从句(一)that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。(1)先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow.(2)先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时。Ive read all the books that are not mine. (3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。This is the fi。

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