
冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me Lesson 25 Im hungry。What do you like。What is the weather like today。What do you wear today。Lesson 30 Work hard at school。


1、冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me Lesson 25 Im hungry! Im thirsty!,fruits,vegetables,I like to eat them.,They are good for me.,I like strawberries! What do you like ?,I like melons!,hungry,thirsty,dri。

2、冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me! Lesson 29 Dress for the weather.,What is the weather like today? What do you wear today?,coat,scarf,hat,gloves,boots,shirt,shorts,blouse,dress,sweater,Is anybody i。

3、冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me! Lesson 27 Help your friends! Review the words run swim skip fly Guess the meaning A friend in need is a friend in deed. 患难见真情 friends 朋友 Answer Who is Dannys friend。

4、Lesson 30 Work hard at school! 冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me! Who can tell me something that you do at school? Does every body in the class work hard at school? Look at page 60 and 61 (1) What are。

5、冀教版(一起)三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me! Lesson 26 Lets exercise! Can you swim? Okay. Its good for your health. Yes! Lets go swimming. I like to swim every day. What do you like to do every day? I like to r。

6、冀教版一起三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Healthy me Lesson 28 Play with your friends New words: soccer play ball park Answer the questions: W。

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