


1、课时训练 九 Modules 10 12 八上 限时 30分钟 xx广州改编 完形填空 Before graduating college Jackie began to look for a job She aimed at a famous pany but the 1 for such jobs was very strong The pany plan。

2、语法专题 九 非谓语动词 语法综合演练 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 I bought a big box collect books for kids in poor areas 2 AmazingChina 厉害了 我的国 wins high praise from the public I think the documenta。

3、课时训练 十 Modules 1 3 八下 限时 30分钟 xx郴州改编 完形填空 Sometimes kids don t think their parents are fair to them When you want to dress 1 a modern way your mum doesn t like you wearing a mini sk。

4、语法专题 四 数词 语法综合演练 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 How many friends will e to your birthday party About twelve 2 Meimei is going to be an elder sister Her parents are planning to have their。

5、语法专题 一 名词 语法综合演练 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Each couple in China can have two child from January 1st xx 2 Here are two nice photo of my family 3 When autumn es leaf of most trees turn。

6、课时训练 十一 Modules 4 5 八下 限时 30分钟 xx陕西改编 完形填空 Since my mother moved to live with us in the city she has been much heavier than before As time went by her health got 1 So I had to take。

7、课时训练 十四 Modules 1 2 九上 限时 30分钟 xx辽阳改编 完形填空 A boy called Tom sat near a wall with tears in his eyes Mrs Bell came and asked What makes you so 1 Tom answered We will have a poetry 诗。

8、语法专题 七 动词的时态和语态 语法综合演练 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Have you watched the movie DyingtoSurvive 我不是药神 Kelly Not yet I watch it with my cousin tonight 2 Your mobile phones requi。

9、课时训练 四 Modules 7 12 七下 限时 30分钟 xx阜康 完形填空 On Sept 1 xx China passed the NationalAnthemLaw 国歌法 It 1 how we should sing or play the song and it asks all Chinese to 2 it seriously Acco。

10、语法专题 十四 连词和状语从句 语法综合演练 用适当的连词填空 1 What have you learnt after three years study in China Maria I was taught knowledge good manners 2 Betty kept silent at first soon she joine。

11、课时训练 二十 Modules 5 8 九下 限时 30分钟 xx鄂尔多斯 完形填空 Your junior school life have already finished Do you want to say something about it What were the rewards 收获 of the three years Some st。

12、语法专题 十 常考动词词组 语法综合演练 根据中文提示完成句子 每空一词 1 我的父亲上周末熬夜看xx年世界杯 My father to watch the xx World Cup last weekend 2 不要骑得太快 戴维 考虑事故的危险 Don t ride too。

13、课时训练 十三 Modules 8 10 八下 限时 30分钟 xx孝感改编 完形填空 A traveller was in a large desert planning to walk across it in one month Twenty more days passed The journey had been going on 1 Soon I。

14、语法专题 五 介词和介词短语 语法综合演练 选择适当的介词填空 1 Mary is flying to France in on the morning of July 2 and will arrive at in Paris at 10 am 2 I have been in China since for xx 3 How I miss。

15、课时训练 十八 Modules 10 12 九上 限时 30分钟 xx乐山改编 完形填空 Once upon a time there lived a kind king But the king was also very 1 He would not do anything rather than eat and sleep He became fatt。

16、课时训练 十六 Modules 5 6 九上 限时 30分钟 xx荆州 完形填空 One day when a successful businessman opened the door of his car a dog sleeping 1 his car suddenly came out and bit 咬 his leg He threw a sto。

17、语法专题 六 形容词和副词 语法综合演练 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Look How slow Sandy is running What s wrong 2 I think the programme NationalTreasure 国家宝藏 is good one I have ever seen 3 The ch。

18、语法专题 十一 主谓一致 语法综合演练 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Maths be my favourite subject What about you Physics be I think it s very interesting 2 Not only my children but also my husband be c。

19、课时训练 二 Modules 5 10 七上 限时 30分钟 xx安徽改编 完形填空 When the Spring Festival falls red flowers bloom 盛开 on the windows of my home Of course there are not 1 flowers But in the cold of 2 the。

20、语法专题 十二 简单句 语法综合演练 根据句意完成句子 每空一词 1 These shoes look cool are they They are on sale only 69 2 do you volunteer in Old People s Home Once a week 3 will the match between HAS a。

标签 > 鄂尔多斯专版2019中考英语高分复习[编号:717198]

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