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考点跟踪突破27动词的时态1. 一 Peter , you speak Chinese so well.Thank you.I _C _ Chinese since I came here in 2013.(2016,扬州)A. will learn B . learnedC. have learned D . learn2. Be quiet ! The baby _D_ . (2016 ,南充)A. sleeps B . sleptC. are sleeping D . is sleeping3. Where is your grandfather , Tom? He C the flowers in the garden now.(2016,德阳)A. waters B . wateredC. is watering D . was watering4. 一 Lucy has _D_ to London.How can I get in touch with her? Dont worry.She will phone you as soon as she there.(2016, 烟台)A. been, will get B. been , getsC. gone, will get D. gone, gets5. Anita , where is your brother? He _C_ out in the garden with a group of kids.(2016,绵阳)A. plays B . playedC. is playing D . has played6. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _B_ me to_Disneyland at weekends.(2016 ,温州)A. takes B . took C . will take D . has taken7. Did Billy and Anna find a way out at last?Yes, they _B_ a plan and did it.(2016,连云港)A. were working out B . worked outC. are working out D . have worked out8. My mother _B_ dinner when I got home yesterday.(2016,天津)A. has cooked B . was cookingC. will cook D . cooks9. My sister with my parents _C_ dumplings when I got home yesterday evening.(2016 ,兰州)A. are making B . is makingC. was making D . were making10. William Shakespeare _Dfor 400 years , but his works still have greatinfluence today.(2016,青岛)A. died B . was dyingC. has died D . has been dead11. “I want to go to Mars(火星),because its a place that no one _D一 to before said Carson.(2016 ,临沂)A. has gone B . has been C . was D . went12. I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon.They_D_ games with their classmates then.A. play B . will playC. are playing D . were playing(2016 ,安徽)13. I_C_ the History Museum twice.Ive learned a lot there.(2016,重庆 A卷)A. visit B . am visitingC. have visited D . will visit14. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I A half of it.(2016 , 无锡)A. missed B . was missingC. will miss D . would miss15. Where are you going , Bob?To go hiking.Eric_D_ for me at the school gate! (2016 ,黄冈)A. was waiting B . waitsC. waited D . is waiting16. 一 Have you returned the book to the library yet? Not yet.Dont worry.I _D_ it soon.(2016,随州)A. return B . returnedC. have returned D . will return17. 一Jenny, when did you move here?I _D_ here for three years.(2016,泸州)A. lived B . movedC. have moved D . have lived18. We _B_ have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday.(2016,临夏州)A. are going B . are going toC. will going D . may going to19. Sorry , Tom.I cant find the book you _D_ me._ Its OK.I dont need it any more.(2016,武汉)A. lend B . have lent C . will lend D . lent20. Dont you see the sign No Parking ! ” on the right? Sorry , I _B_. But now I know parking here is not right.(2016,绵阳)A. dont B . didnt C . hadnt D . doesnt21. Dont worry.Bill will help you look after your dog when you A away on _ business.(2016 ,重庆 A卷)A. are B . wereC. will be D . have been22. I _C一 scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old.A. will be B . wasC. have been D . would be23. 一 When will he come?When B_, Ill let you know.A. does he come B . he comesC. will he come D . he will come24. Jim will phone you as soon as he A the tickets to the art exhibition.A. gets B . gotC. has got D . will get25. I _C_ this mobile phone for five years. Im thinking about buying a new one.A. use B . used C . have used D . will use26. Alan has many different stamps. He _D_ them for ten years.A. collected B . is collectingC. will collect D . has collected27. - May I speak to the headmaster? He A a meeting now. Can I take a message?A. is having B . had C . has D . will have28. Our physics teacher told us light A fasterjhan sound.A. travels B . traveled C . traveling D . to travel29. 一 You look very nice in your new dress today. Oh, really ? I _B_ it when it was on sale.A. buy B . bought C . have bought D . will buy30. 一 Why are you walking so quickly , Edward?There_B_a talent show in ten minutes.A. will have B . will beC. is going to have D . are going to be31. Julie , what _B_ in your hand?Look! Its a new iPad for my daughter.A. do you hold B . are you holdingC. were you holding D . will you hold32. Tom wants to be a singer and he _C_ singing lessons to do it.A. took B . has takenC. is taking D. was taking33. I cant find David.Where is he?He _B_ for tomorrows competition at home.A. prepares B . is preparingC. has prepared D . prepared34. If my brother _B_ well in his exams, hell go to Tsinghua University next September.A. did B . does C . is doing D . will do35. Since 2000 , Jingmen has become a new city.Everything _D_A. is changed B . was changedC. had changed D . has changed36. Hey, Tom.Lets go swimming. Just a moment.I _Ca message.A. send B . sentC. am sending D . have sent37. Do you know if he _C_ 上o play football with us?-I think he will come if he free tomorrow.A. comes; is B . comes; will beC. will come ; is D . will come ; will be38. Though he_C_ the book three times , he hopes to read it again.A. read B . readsC. has read D . would read39. I have to be off now.My friends _B_ outside.A. wait B . are waitingC. have waited D . were waiting40. The twins didnt go to the theatre, they _D_ the light music all night.A. have enjoyed B . will enjoyC. are enjoying D . were enjoying41. 一 Li Lin , where were you at lunch time? Oh, I _D_ Rose with her Chinese.She comes from London.A. help B . have helpedC. am helping D . was helping42. 一 Your shoes are so old.Why dont you buy a new pair?Because I _B_ all my money on an MP5.A. spend B . have spentC. am spending D . was spending43. Look, so many passengers _C_ with their smart phones on the underground.A. played B . will playC. are playing D . have played44. The schoolboy _B_ to the blind man on his way home yesterday afternoon.A. apologizes B . apologizedC. will apologize D . has apologized45. Every student who B in the same group takes part in his birthday party.A. study B . studiesC. are studying D . have studied46. Whats the book on your table , Lingling?Alices Adventures in Wonderland.Betty _D_ it to me from England.A. is sending B . will send C . sends D . sent47. You will be able to meet the famous writer if you A to the bookstore tomorrow.A. go B . went C . will go D . are going48. 一 Have you had your breakfast yet?Yes.Mom D it for me.A . was cooking B . is cookingC. will cook D . cooked49. I called you yesterday evening , but you were not in. Sorry , I _C_ in the shop with my mother.A. am B . will beC. was D . have been50. 一 Excuse me , look at the sign “ No photos ! Sorry , I _B_ it.A. dont see B . didnt seeC. havent seen D . wont see


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