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两种有:所属“有”(某人拥有某物) have / has got存在“有” 某地有某物 there be + 名词 + 介词短语。所属“有”(某人拥有某物) 的2种表示方法:have got 与 have has got 与 has1 陈述句 我有一个姐姐。 他有一个姐姐。I have got a sister.= I have a sister. He has got a sister. = He has a sister.2 否定句 I have not got a sister.= I dont have a sister. 我没有一个姐姐He has not got a sister.= He doesnt have a sister. 他没有一个姐姐。3 一般疑问句 你有一个姐姐吗?Have you got a sister? Yes , I have. No , I havent.=Do you have a sister? Yes , I do. No , I dontHas he got a sister? Yes , he has. No , he hasnt.= Does he have a sister? Yes, he does. No , he doesnt.3 特殊疑问句 你有什么?What have you got? =What do you have?存在“有” 某地有某物 there be + 名词 + 介词短语。 提问用: Whats + 介词短语? 某地有什么? There is a book in the bag. There are some books in the bag.无论单复数,就划线部分提问都用:Whats in the bag?名词单数变复数的变化规则。 一般加-s 以s, x, ch, sh,结尾的,后加-es辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为ies libraries boys 以f, fe结尾的,变f, fe 为 ves wife- wives knife- knives 有生命的以o结尾,加-es的是: tomatoes potatoes heroes 不规则名词:man-men woman women child children foot feet动词单三的变化规则 (与名词复数相同) 一般动词后加-s。 comes 以s, x, ch, sh,结尾的,后加-es。 watches matches finishes 辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i,再加-es。 study-studies plays goes does have-has数量词1 a glass / cup / bottle/ box /basket of一玻璃杯/茶杯/瓶/盒 / 篮2 a piece of 一块 ,一片3 a pair of shoes / sunglasses一双,一对a pair of trousers / pants / jeans / shorts / briefs /underwear/pajamas pdmz一条 裤子/ 长裤 / 牛仔裤 /短裤 / 内裤 / 内衣裤 / 睡衣4 a map / photo /picture of 一张的地图/照片/图片如何改一般疑问句1 Be (am, is are) ,can, would ,have/ has got 中的have 或has 提前,其余照抄。 没有以上词的,在句首加助动词do, does(单三),其余照抄, 单三动词变成原形如果句子里只有have,has, 那么have,has不能提前,而是要在句首加do或 does2 第一人称改成第二人称 I - you , me you , my- your , we- you, us - you , our your 3 some(一些) 改any(任何) 注意:some , and 用于肯定句 ;any , or 用于否定句和疑问句 I have some apples and bananas. I dont have any apples or bananas. Do you have any apples or bananas?(1) I like English.I dont like English.Do you like English?(2) 单三句子改否定和疑问句加助动词does, 单三动词变原形My sister likes English.My sister doesnt like English.Does your sister like English?do 和does的两种用法:作为实义动词,意思为“做” 作为助动词,没有意思,帮助构成否定句和疑问句,后面加动词原形 记住结构: dont do 单三doesnt do(3) I do(实意动词) my homework at home.I dont do my homework at home.Do you do your homework at home? (4) He does his homework at home. He doesnt do his homework at home.Does he do his homework at home?来自的两种表达: be from = come from1 I am from China.= I come from China. 我来自中国。2 He is from China. = He comes from China. 他来自中国。3 I am not from China.= I dont come from China. 我不来自中国。4 He is not from China.= He doesnt come from China. 他不来自中国。5 Is he from China?= Does he come from China? 他来自中国吗?6 Where are you from?=Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?7 Where is he from?= Where does he come from? 他来自哪里?特殊疑问句= 疑问词 + 一般疑问句动词适当形式搭配(一) 动词不定式 to do to连接2个动词,包含将来时的含义。 1 need /plan to do 需要/计划干事2 ask /tell / teach sb to do 要求 /告诉/ 教 人干事3 want (sb) to do = would like (sb) to do 想要(人)干事4 help sb to do 帮人干事5 use to do 使用去干事9 Its time(for sb ) to do (人) 该干事了10 Its + adj (for sb) to do 对于某人干是怎样的 (it 形式主语)Its difficult for me to learn English well. 对于我来说学好英语是很难的。be +adj 形容词+ to do I am happy to hear that.听到这个我很高兴。11 remember to do 记得去干12 how to do 怎样去做(二)动名词 doing 1 thanks for (doing) sth thank sb for (doing) sth 感谢人做了事2 be good at (doing) sth =do well in (doing) sth 擅长干事4 how / what about (doing) sth 干怎么样9 be busy doing sth 忙于干事11 enjoy / finish / keep doing sth 喜欢/ 结束/ 持续干事(三)to do & doing like / love / begin / start to do 喜欢 /爱/ 开始 / 干事 doing (四)动词原形 V 情态动词后加V1 can +V原 能干 2 lets +V原 让我们去干3 why not + V ? = why dont you + V ? 为什么不干人称代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数形容词性物主代词 我我们你你们他她它他们my our youryourhis heritstheir主格I weyouyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouyouhimheritthem形容词性物主代词 + 名词 my/ your/his/her/ their favourite主格做主语,放在句首。 宾格做宾语,放在动词和介词的后面。构成动宾和介宾。I love her/ him/ them very much. She is very cute.元音字母及其字母组合的发音五个元音字母,在开音节中发字母本身音,在闭音节中元音发短元音。什么是开音节?开音节分两种,一种叫绝对开音节,一种叫相对开音节。 绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节例如:no she he we by相对开音节:辅+元+辅+不发音的e ,构成的重读音节 例如:name bike home excuse like 5个元音字母的发音Aa 开 /ei/ date take 闭/ sad manEe 开 /i:/ she he 闭/e/ bed letIi 开/ai/ like time 闭 /i/ pig sitOo 开/u/ home nose 闭/ lost sockUu 开/ ju:/ use student 闭/ 或/u/ bus shut 字母组合的发音:L l 后面有元音let long leg play delay ; 后面没有元音 table tall c , k , ck 发/k/ cake clock catc发 /s/ 或 /k/ nice caketh发/ 或/ this fifthx发 /ks/ six box exerciseg发 /d/或 /g/ cage dogsh发 / she shoe ch或tch发/t/ chair watch matchtr发 /tr/ tree truedr发/dr/ drive al 发/:/ all fall wall bally发 /ai/ Sunday 在词尾一般都发/i/ sunny funny cloudyay,或ai 发/ei/ wait fail day say playtion或sion 发/n / profession correction translation ture / t / picture future ir ur发/:/ sir bird girl nurse er / / worker teacher farmer ee 或 ea 发/i:/ see sea bee oi 或oy发/i/ soil noise boy oo发/u:/ 或/u/ food foot oa发/ u / road boat or 发/:/ short sport north horse ar 发 /a:/ hard farm darkow发/u/ 或/au/ now snow bowair发 /e / hair airport ere, ear, eer 发 /i / here dear near deer igh读/ ai /(gh 不发音)night fight right 含有相同音素的字母:/ei/ Aa Hh Jj Kk /i:/ Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz/ai/ Ii Yy / ju:/ Uu Qq Ww/e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx字母名称字母名称字母名称字母名称AaeiHheitOo uUu ju:Bbbi:IiaiPppi:Vv vi:Ccsi:Jjd3eiQqkju:Wwdblju:Dddi:Kk kei Rr :Eei:LlelSsesXx eksFfefMmemTtti:YywaiGg d3i: Nn enZz zi:附加词汇211 finish v 结束2 classmate n 同学3 early adj 早的/地4 street n 街道5 road n 马路6 useful adj 有用的7 download v 下载8 meal n 一餐饭9 run v 跑步 running10 free adj 免费的 空闲的11 cook n 厨师 v 烧饭12 price n 价格13 show v 给某人看14 must +v 必须15 back n 后背16 forget v 忘记17heavy adj 重的18 light adj 轻的,淡n灯光 19 friendly adj 友好的20 find v 找到,发现21 when 当的时候, 什么时候22 and so on 等等23 first 第一24 second 第二25 third 第三26 try v n 试一试27 bring v 带来 28 take v 带走,买走29 leave v 离开30 month n 月31 season n 季节32 coat n 外套33 thing n 事情,东西34 angry adj 生气的35 club n 俱乐部36 think v 想,认为37 ride a bike 骑车38 hard adj 困难的 adv努力地39 far adj 远的40 life n 生命,生活41 Japan 日本 Japanese 日本人,日本的 42 if 如果43 and so on 等等44 leave v 离开leaf leaves 树叶45 nothing 没有东西46 clean adj 干净的 v 打扫 Starter Module 1-4 重点词组和句型Module 1 1 Hello , class. 你们好,同学们 Goodbye , class. 再见,同学们。2Good morning. 早上好。3 Good afternoon. 下午好。4 Whats your name , please? 你的名字是什么? My name is Tony. = I am Tony. 我的名字是Tony。5 Can you spell it, please? 你能拼写它吗?Yes, T-O-N-Y, Tony.6 Thank you.= Thanks. 谢谢。7 How are you? 你好吗? Im fine. And you? 我好,那你呢? Im fine , too.我也好。8 This is Miss Zhou. She is my teacher. 这是周老师。她是我的老师。9 This is my friend. Her name is Betty.这是我的朋友。她的名字是Betty。10 Nice to meet you , ( too). 很高兴见到你。11 Its time to go now. 现在该走了。12 See you tomorrow. 明天见。13 my / your /his / her friend 我的/你的/ 他的/ 她的 朋友Be动词的用法I am 我是 单数用is 复数和you 用are Module 2词组 1 sit down 坐下 2 open / close your book打开/关上书本 3 stand up 起立 4 put up your hands 举手5 how old 几岁 6 how many 多少 8 what colour 什么颜色句子:1 Are you a new student here?你是这里的新学生吗?Yes, I am . 是的,我是 No , Im not. 不,我不是。2 What class are you in ? 你在哪个班?I am in Class Three, Mr Chens class. 我在三班, 陈老师的班。3 Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?Its 1234567.4 How old are you? 你几岁了?I am twelve years old. 我12岁了。5 How many boys are there? 有多少个男孩?There are 15 boys . 有15个男孩。Module 31 Whats this in English? 这个用英语说是什么?(单数)Its a book. 它是一本书。 不能回答: This is a book. 2 What are these / they? 这些 / 他们是什么?(复数) They are books. 他们是书。3 Write it on the blackboard. 把它写在黑板上。4 How do you spell “pen”? 你怎样拼写“pen”?P-E-N,pen.5 Can you spell “pen”? 你能拼写“pen”吗?Yes , I can . P-E-N 是的,我能。6 Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。7 Im sorry. I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。8 Can you say that again? 你能把那个再说一遍吗?9 Youre welcome. 不用谢。10 What colour is the pen? 这只钢笔是什么颜色?Its red. 它是红色。 不能说:Its a red . 11 What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?(单数)Its red. 它是红色12 What colour are they? 它们是什么颜色?(复数)They are red . 它们是红色。Module 4 词组:1 in your book 在你的书上2 in spring/ summer / autumn / winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天3 on Monday 在周一 4 after school 放学后 5 this afternoon 今天下午6 Good idea. 好主意。 7 play football / basketball 踢足球 / 打篮球8 go swimming去游泳 9 like doing 喜欢做10 lets do 让我们去做句子:1 What day is it today/ tomorrow ? 今天/明天是星期几?Its Monday. 是星期一2 What day is your favourite day? 你最喜欢星期几?My favourite day is Monday. 我最喜欢的是星期一。3 Whats the weather like (in spring) ?=How is the weather? (春天)天气如何?Its warm in spring. 春天是温暖的。4 Whats your favourite sport? 你最爱的运动是什么?My favourite sport is ( playing ) football. 我最爱的运动是踢足球。5 I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳6 Lets play football after school. 让我们放学后去踢足球。7 Lets go swimming on Wednesday. 让我们周三去游泳。Module 1词组1 in my class 在我的班上 in Class Three 在三班2 in my classroom 在我的教室3 an / our English teacher 一个/我们的 英语老师4 her English name 她的英文名5 be from = come from 来自6 welcome to 欢迎去7 Class Four , Grade Seven 七(4)班8 the capital of China 中国的首都9 in England = in the UK 在英国,在英格兰10 my family name 我的姓 my given name 我的名句子:1 Where are you from? 你来自哪里?Im from China/ England/ America. 我来自中国/ 英国/美国。Im Chinese / English / American. 我是中国人/ 英国人/ 美国人2 Are you from America?你来自美国吗?(一般疑问句)Yes, I am . No, Im not.3 What about you? 那你呢?4 How old are you?你几岁了?Im 12 years old.我12岁。5 Tony and Betty are our friends. Tony 和Betty是我们的朋友。6 Im your teacher .我是你的英语老师。7 Youre my students. 你们是我的学生。8 Daming is from Beijing . 大明来自北京。(陈述句) Is Daming from Beijing? 大明来自北京吗?(一般疑问句)Yes, he is . No, he isnt.9 Is Betty English ? Betty是英国人吗?Yes, she is. No, she isnt.10 Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。11 Nice to meet you.= Good to see you. 很高兴见到你。12 Shanghai is a very big city. 上海是一个很大的城市。中外姓名位置的不同 1 中国人名:先姓再名 Liu Dehua 刘德华family name (姓) given name(名)first name 第一个名 last name 最后一个名2 外国人名:先名再姓 Betty Smith 贝蒂斯密斯given name (名) family name (姓) first name 第一个名 last name最后一个名Module 21 look at 看2 a photo of Tonys family 一张Tony家的照片3 on the left / right ( of ) 在 (的) 左边/ 右边4 I see. = I know. 我知道。5 next to 在的隔壁the woman next to her 在她隔壁的女人6 in front of 在的前面the girl in front of Paul 在保罗前面的女孩7 the manager of a theatre 一个剧院的经理8 at school 在学校(学习) in/ at a school 在一个学校(工作)9 at a police station 在一个警局10 at the same hospital 在相同的医院(same前一定要加the)11 on a / the farm 在一个/这个农场句子:1 Is this your family? 这是你的家庭?Yes, it is . No , it isnt.2 What a big family! 多么大的一个家庭啊!3 This is my sister. 介绍一个人:这是我的姐姐。(单数)4 Is this your sister? 这是你的姐姐吗?Yes, she is. No , she isnt.5 These are my grandparents. 介绍多人:这些是我的祖父母。(复数)6 Are these your grandparents? 这些是你的祖父母吗?Yes, they are . No , they arent.7 My dads parents are on the right. 我的父母在右边。8 Those are Pauls son and daughter. 那些是保罗的儿子和女儿。9 Whos this? 这是谁? 10 Thats my dad. 那是我的爸爸。11 We are American(s).我们是美国人。12 She is an English teacher at a school. 她是一个学校的英语老师。名词所有格 在有生命的名词 (人)后加 s , 以s 结尾的加 , 即为s 意思是 某人的” 1 Lucys coat 露西的外套 2 my mothers book 我妈妈的书3 my parents jobs 我父母亲的工作4 Lucy and Lilys room 露西和莉莉共同拥有的一个房间 Lucys and Lilys rooms 露西和莉莉各自拥有的两个房间Module 3 词组: 1 really big 真的很大 2 how many + pl(复数名词) 多少 a lot of许多+两可修 many + 可数名词3 on everyones desk 在每个人的桌子上 on the teachers desk 在讲台上4 on the wall(s) (图画等)在墙上 in the wall (窗户) 在墙上5 at/ in the front of the classroom 在教室内部的前面(如:黑板在教室前面) in front of the classroom 在教室外部的前面(如:池塘在教室前面)6 a map of the world 一张世界地图7 on my right 在我的右边 on the right of 在的右边8 betweenand 在和之间 9 behind the library 在图书馆后面10 in the middle of the school 在学校的中间 11 near the gate 在大门的附近12 a dining hall 一个餐厅 13 a sports hall 一个体育馆14 a classroom building with 24 classrooms 一幢有24个教室的教学楼 a book with many pictures 一本有很多图片的书句子:某地有什么? Whats + 介词短语? 回答用:There be + 名词 + 介词短语。1 Whats your classroom like? 你们的教室是怎么样的?Its big. 它是大的。2 Whats in your classroom? 你的教室里有什么?There is a map of England in it. 它里面有一张英国地图。3 Is there a map of England in it? 它里面有一张英国地图吗?Yes , there is . No , there isnt. 4 How many students are there in your class? 你们班上有多少学生?There are 40 students in my class, 20 girls and 20boys.我们班上有40个学生,20个女孩,20个男孩。5 There are some pictures on the walls.墙上有一些图画。(肯定句)6 There arent any pictures on the walls.墙上没有任何图画。(否定句)7 Are there any pictures on the walls?墙上有任何图画吗?(一般疑问句)Yes, there are. No , there arent.8 Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里?The library is on the left of the playground. 图书馆在操场的左边。On the left of the playground is the library. 在操场的左边是图书馆。(倒装句)9 Where are the school offices? 学校的办公室在哪里?The school offices are behind the library. 学校的办公室在图书馆的后面。Behind the library are the school offices.图书馆的后面是学校办公室。(倒装句)Module 4 语法 名词的分类: 选择疑问句 = 一般疑问句 + or +选择内容,不能用yes, no 回答。Have you got a small family or a big family?你有一个大家庭还是一个小家庭? 回答:Ive got a big family. 我有一个大家庭。词组:2 go shopping for = shop for= buy 买3 too much +u 太多 too many+ c太多 much too +adj 实在太4 a lot of = lots of + 两可修 许多 5 be good / bad for对有益/有害6 All right. = OK.好的 8 do sports 做运动7 a kind of一种 two kinds of两种 what kind of哪一种9 speak English 说英语 say it in English 用英语说它10 healthy / unhealthy food 健康/ 不健康 食品11 a bit tired 有点累 12 eat well 吃得好 13get fat 变胖13 stay / keep healthy 保持健康15 in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/下午 / 晚上every morning 每天早上,前面不能加介词16 have dinner /breakfast / lunch / supper 吃正餐/ 早饭/ 午饭 / 晚饭 have a good breakfast 吃一顿好的早餐17 at home / school / work 在家/在校 / 在工作18 remember to buy some fruit 记得去买些水果19 how / what about doing sth ? 做怎么样? 表示建议或者希望得到对方肯定回答的时候,疑问句用some,不用anyHow about some orange juice? 买点桔子汁怎样? like doing sth 喜欢做 can + do 会,能做 lets do 让我们做 lets get some fruit. 让我们买点水果吧。特殊疑问句= 疑问词 + 一般疑问句疑问词 :放在特殊疑问句的句首 6 How many people are there in your family? 你家里有多少人?(people是pl, 不加s )There are four people in my family. 我家里有四个人。 Who are they? 他们是谁? They are my parents and me.他们是我的父母和我。7 How many apples has he got? 他有几个苹果?What have you got? 你有什么?What has he got? 他有什么?8 Whats your favourite food ? 你最爱的食物是什么? My favourite food is eggs.我最爱的食物是鸡蛋。 Eggs are my favourite food. 鸡蛋是我最爱的食物9 I eat eggs for breakfast. 我早饭吃鸡蛋(一日三餐前介词用 for )10 Its important to remember to buy some fruit. 记得去买一些水果. it是形式主语,代替动词不定式 to remember11 What kind of fruit have you got? 你有哪种水果?Module 5时间的表达:问: Whats the time ? = What time is it? 几点钟了?1 整点,加oclock; 9:00 nine oclock.2 半点用half past 6:30 half past six. 3 30分钟,past(过) 7:20 读作 twenty past seven 或 seven twenty 4 30分钟用to(差, 时钟加1)7:50 读作 ten to eight(八点差十分) 或 seven fifty 5 注意两个特殊的表示时间的单位词:30分钟用half,15分钟用a quarter 6:30 读作:half past six 5:45 读作:a quarter to six 6:15 读作:a quarter past six 时间介词:1 大的时间段用in 如:周, 月,季节,年 ,泛指的上下午用 in in the morning / afternoon/ evening in a week / month in winter in 1997 2 星期几或具体某一天(的上, 下午)用onon Sunday 在周日 on Sunday morning 在周日的早上on a cold winter morning 在一个寒冷的冬天的早上on a sunny day 在晴朗的一天3 时刻前用 at at 5 :00词组:1 have Chinese / art / IT / maths 上语文课/美术课/信息课/数学课 have a Chinese lesson /class = have Chinese lessons / classes2 talk to / with sb 和人交谈 talk about sth 谈论事3 on Monday (afternoon) 在周一下午 in the afternoon 在下午every Monday afternoon 每周一下午 every day 每天4 be good at (doing) 擅长(干) = do well in (doing )5 on weekdays 在工作日/在周末 on the weekend 在某个周末 on weekends 在每个周末 on Sunday 在某个周日 on Sundays 在每个周日 this Sunday 这个周日6 get up 起床 7 watch TV 看电视8 have a break / rest 休息一下 9 drink juice 喝果汁10 do ones homework 做作业 11 and then 然后12 go to bed / school / work 去睡觉 /上学 / 工作 go home 回家13 see/visit my friend 看望我的朋友14 wash my hands / face洗我的手/脸15 play with their friends 和他们的朋友玩 have dinner with my family 和我的家人吃饭16 in / on the playground 在操场 17 all the students 所有学生18 my parents jobs 我父母亲的工作 19 my friends names 我朋友们的名字句子:1 I like maths. 我喜欢数学。 (肯定句) I dont like maths. 我不喜欢数学。(否定句) Do you like maths? 你喜欢数学吗?(一般疑问句)Yes, I do. No , I dont.2 We have maths on Monday. 我们周一有数学课。 Do you have maths on Monday? 你们周一有数学课吗? Yes, we do . No , we dont. 3 Lessons begin at 8:00 in the morning.= We start lessons at 8:00 in the morning 我们早上八点上课。4 They have 4 lessons in the morning. 我们早上有4节课。There are 4 lessons in the morning. 早上有4节课。5 Maths is difficult for Betty. 数学对于Betty是困难的。6 Whats the time ? = What time is it? 几点钟了? Its half past six. 六点半。7 Whats your favourite subject? 你最喜欢的功课是什么?My favourite subject is history. 我最喜欢的功课是历史。8 What time is your art lesson? 你的美术课是几点钟?9 We have art at half past ten. 我们十点半上美术课。10 What are your parents jobs? 你父母亲的工作是什么?They are teachers. 他们是老师。Module Revision A词组1 make afternoon tea for you 为你做下午茶 make sth for sb 为人制作物2 live with him 和他住一起3 read a book = read books 看书 read my favourite book 读我最爱的书4 go shopping / boating / swimming 去购物/去划船 /去游泳 do some reading / shopping 读书/ 购物/5 after school / class 放学后 / 下课后6 look for 寻找 find out 找出来7 I do my homework at home. 我在家里做作业。 否定句:I dont do my homework at home. 我不在家里做作业。8 My favourite day of the week is Sunday. 一周里我最爱的是周日。9 They also do homework like you.他们也像你们一样做作业。 介词 “像” Module 6 词组:1 such as 例如 + 举多个例子 for example 例如 (举一个例子)2 come from= be from 来自3 look at 看(有看的内容) look 看啊(没有看的内容)4 over there 在那里 here 在这里5 a panda called Lingling 一个叫做玲玲的熊猫 Lingling the panda


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