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-中考英语专项突破-名词易错题汇编一、单项选择题共45小题1What can I do for youId like two _.Abo* of appleBbo*es of applesCbo* of applesDbo*es of apple2Help yourself to _.Asome chickensBa chickenCsome chickenDany chicken3_ it is today!AWhat fine weatherBWhat a fine weatherCHow a fine weatherDHow fine a weather4Which is the way to the _Ashoe factoryBshoes factoryCshoes factoryDshoesfactory5This class _ now. Miss Gao teaches them.Aare studyingBis studyingCbe studyingDstudying6We will have a _ holiday after the e*am.Atwo monthBtwo-monthCtwo monthsDtwo-months7There is no enough _ in the corner to put the table.AplaceBroomCfloorDground8E*cuse me, are you _No, we are _.AAmerican, EnglishmanBAmericans, GermansCAmerican, GermenDEnglishman, American9 Lily has a silk _. Listen, she is singing in the ne*t room! How nice!AlookBnoiseCvoiceDsound10How many _can you see in the pictureOnly one.AdogBsheepCchildDcat11I dont think looking after children is just _ work.AwomanBwomansCwomenDwomens12 Well, you look so happy! Because I got a good _.AworkBnewsCjobDadvice13_ mothers cant go to the meeting , because they have gone to New York on business .AAlice and LilysBAlices and LilysCAlices and Lily14How far is your home from schoolIts about two _ walk.AhoursBhoursChours15Whose puter doesnt work _ ,I think.AJohn hasBJohn doesCJohnDJohns16How far is it from the railway station to the hotelIts about _ walk.Aten minutesBtenminutesCten minutesDten minutes17一What do you have _ for Paul一I think he should study harder than before.AnewsBadviceChelpDinformation18Im so hungry. Please give me _ to eatAthree breadBthree pieces of breadCthree pieces of breadsDthree piece of bread19Toms watch is the same as his_.AbrotherBbrothersCbrothers20 Can I help you, sir Id like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures.Apiece of paperBpieces of paperCpieces of papers21How many _ teachers are there in your school _them _ over two hundred.Awoman; The number of; isBwomen; The number of; isCwoman; A number of; isDwomen; A number of; are22Our hospital needs two _ doctors, Mrs Li. You can ask your son to have a try.AwomenBmanCmenDwoman23For my homework I have to write a(n)_ about the wonders of the world.AmusicBpictureCpositionDe*am24Please pick up the _. Dont keep it on the floor.ApaperBbo*esCbooksDbottles25 Could you please tell me something about the two_ _. They arc e*change students of No. 1 Middle School.AFrenchmen; Yes, pleaseBFrenchmans; e onCGermen; Not at allDGermans; All right26E*cuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stopGo down this road. Its about_ walkAfive minutesBfive minutesCfive-minutes27We have only one Earth. Its our mon _.AfamilyBhouseChomeDroom28Whats in the icebo*A few _, but little _.Aapple,milkBapple,milksCapples,milksDapples,milk29Mazys skirt is the same as her_.AsistersBbrotherCbrothersDsisters30Wheres JackHes left a _ saying that he will be back in a minute.AmessageBnewsCinformation31As young adults, it is our_ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher.AworkBjobCdutyDtask32 You look so healthy! Yeah, I like eating apples. An apple a day keeps the _ away.AteacherBworkerCfarmerDdoctor33Peter regards Liaocheng as his second_ because he has lived here for ten years.AfamilyBhouseChomeDroom34The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _ to him.AgameBpleasureCskillDlesson35Mrs Black, could you give me some advice on how to write an application letterWith pleasure. Remember that the letter should be written in the formal _.AvalueBstyleCeffectDmood36I am tired after the long walk.I want to have a _.AtalkBlookCpartyDrest37Im sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired.Theres no _ for this while you are at work.A. cause B. e*cuse C. matter D. choiceAcauseBe*cuseCmatterDchoice38Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.Ae*perimentsBe*pressionsCe*periencesDemotions39There are millions of websites on the Internet and there _ a lot of useful _ on the websites.Aare; informationsBare; informationCis; informationDis; informations40- Im going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit.- OK. Thanks for your _.A. offer B. information C. message D. orderAofferBinformationCmessageDorder41_ about the sports meeting make us e*cited.ANewsBInformationCMessagesDAdvice42Can you imagine what life will be like in _ timeA50 yearsB50 yearsC50-yearsD50-years43Mum, 1 am hungry. May 1 have some_Of course. But dont eat too much.AbreadBnoodleCdumplingDhamburger44There is little_in the fridge. Lets go to the market to buy some.AeggsBvegetablesCfruitDsnacks45Cici enjoys dancing. Its one of her_ .AprizeBprizesChobbyDhobbies答案局部1.考点:名词试题解析:这里bo* 和apple都是可数名词.故bo*和apple都加s.答案:B2.考点:名词试题解析:chicken:当鸡肉讲时是不可数名词。chicken:当鸡讲时是可数名词。答案:C3.考点:名词试题解析:weather不可数. 同时weather是名词, 要用what来引导感慨句。答案:A4.考点:名词试题解析:这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil bo*; school bag等.答案:A5.考点:名词试题解析:当这种概念名词当 人讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等.句意:现在这个班的同学们正在学习。答案:A6.考点:名词试题解析:选择C的同学要注意应用two months; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.而且其名词要用单数形式。答案:B7.考点:名词试题解析:room:空间,房间。根据句意知道,这里表示没有地方放桌子。选A的同学要注意place表示地点,是可数名词。floor: 地板;楼层. ground: 地面;土地;范围;战场答案:B8.考点:名词试题解析:从词性来看,American 和 German 既可以用作名词也可以用作形容词,用作名词时,其复数形式分别为Americans 和 Germans;选项中的Englishman只能用作名词,其复数形式是Englishmen。答案:B9.考点:名词试题解析:名词词义辨析。look可数名词,意思相貌,样子,外表,常用复数形式;noise 不可数名词,意思噪杂声,吵闹声; sound: 声音 . voice,可数名词,意思嗓音,说话声。答案:C10.考点:名词试题解析:名词的用法。How many后修饰可数名词的复数,这里的sheep是单复数同形的,用复数。其他答案都只是单数。在英语中单复同形的有sheep-sheep dear-daer fish-fish等。答案:B11.考点:名词试题解析:名词用法。句意为我认为照看孩子不仅仅是女人的工作。有句意可判断此处应用名词所有格,又因为woman的复数形式是women,应选D。答案:D12.考点:名词试题解析:work不可数名词;news不可数名词;job可数名词,advice不可数名词。由不定冠词a可知答案为C 。答案:C13.考点:名词试题解析:考察名词所有格。A选项是指他们共有的母亲;B选项表示她们各自的母亲;C选项没有这种表达形式,首先排除。由句意可知,这里指的是她们各自的母亲,因此答案为B。答案:B14.考点:名词试题解析:名词所有格的用法.两小时的路程表达法是two hours walk 应选C.答案:C15.考点:名词试题解析:句意:谁的计算机出毛病啦 我想是约翰的电脑。故答语应用名词所有格形式,所以答案应选D。答案:D16.考点:名词试题解析:句意:从火车站到旅馆有多远大约有10分钟的路程。根据句意,应用名词所有格形式,复数名词应在s后加; ten-minutes修饰名词时应当去掉s,故答案应选C。答案:C17.考点:名词试题解析:此题题意:对于Paul你有什么建议吗 我认为他应该比以前更加努力学习一些。news新闻,消息; advice建议; help帮助; information信息,由题意及解析可知答案为B。答案:B18.考点:名词试题解析:考察可数名词与不可数名词的用法。bread为不可数名词,不加s,也不能直接用数字修饰,排除A和C。量词piece片是可数的要加s。答案:B19.考点:名词试题解析:名词所有格。根据句意:汤姆的手表和他哥哥的一样。His brothers =his brothers watch.答案:C20.考点:名词试题解析:此题考察不可数名词的运用. paper是不可数名词,它没有复数形式,假设表示数量,一般用a piece of短语表示,它的复数形式应表达在piece上。 paper是不可数名词,故排除C;答句意思:我想要100*纸。100*纸中,量词piece应用复数形式,故排除A。正确答案是:B。答案:B21.考点:名词试题解析:此题主要考察名词复数的用法。英语中有这样使用习惯: man、woman这样的名词作定语时,如果后面被修饰的名词是复数,、man、woman要变成复数。a number of表示假设干,许多,谓语用复数。the number of表示.的数量。题意为:-你们学校有多少女教师-数量超过200。可知此题选B。答案:B22.考点:名词试题解析:名词复数。由你让你的儿子试一试可知我们医院需要两名男医生,排除A,D;man作doctors的定语,doctors用复数,故man也应用复数形式。答案:C23.考点:名词试题解析:词义辨析。Music 音乐, picture 图片, e*am 测试,都不符合句意。position n. 作文,作曲,作品 。只有position 作文符合句意。答案:C24.考点:名词试题解析:名词的考察 由Dont keep it on the floor.可知应是不可数名词或单数可数名词.答案:A25.考点:名词试题解析:名词复数与交际用语用法。Frenchman的复数是Frenchmen,German的复数不是把a换成e,而是直接加s, 即Germans,故B,C错。Yes, please包含好吧和感谢的意思,All right指指好吧。故D对。答案:D26.考点:名词试题解析:这里考察的是表示时间、距离时,使用含数词的名词所有格形式作定语。名词应用其复数形式的所有格。答案:B27.考点:名词试题解析:amily: 家庭;亲属;家族;子女 house: 住宅;家庭;机构Home: 家,住宅;产地;家乡;避难所 room: 房间;空间答案:C28.考点:名词试题解析:few修饰可数名词的复数形式,little修饰不可数名词。apple:可数名词。milk:不可数名词。答案:D29.考点:名词试题解析:考察点:名词所有格。解题思路:skirt表示裙子,根据常识可知一般女孩才有裙子,故排除B、C。根据句意:Mary的裙子与她妹妹(姐姐)的(裙子)一样。比较的对象应该一样。应选D。答案:D30.考点:名词试题解析:leave a message: 留言;留口信。答案:A31.考点:名词试题解析:句式构造。work 工作;job 职业;task任务。句意:作为未成年人,在教师的帮助下尽力处理好教育方面的每次挑战是我们的责任。应选C。答案:C32.考点:名词试题解析:结合俗语考察名词意义。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.这是一句俗语。意为每天一只苹果,医生远离你。答案:D33.考点:名词试题解析:名词词义辨析。family指的是家庭成员,一般不涉及房屋。house是指居住的建筑物。home是指家庭成员所居住的那种环境或与房屋有关的家。句意:彼得把聊城看作他的第二个家,因为他已经在这儿住了十年了。应选C。答案:C34.考点:名词试题解析:词义辨析。be a lesson to sb意为对于*人来说是一个教训。答案:D35.考点:名词试题解析:考察句意理解和词义区分。理解句意,此处指用正式的格式,style意为:样式,风格。答案:B36.考点:名词试题解析:词义辨析 have a talk谈话 have a look看一看,have a party举行聚会 have a rest休息。根据句意长时间走路以后我很累。可推测我想休息一下。答案:D37.考点:名词试题解析:cause指的是原因;e*cuse指的是借口;matter指的是麻烦事;choice指的是选择。根据句意:在上班时没有借口出去抽烟。答案:B38.考点:名词试题解析:名词辨析。根据句意她说他将永远不会忘记她在那儿工作的愉快经历。 e*perience当经历讲可数。应选C。答案:C39.考点:名词试题解析:考察there be构造。information意为消息是不可数名词,be动词应用单数,先排除AB;应选C答案:C40.考点:名词试题解析:考察名词的用法。 句意:我打算去超市。让我给你买些水果。好的,谢谢你的提议(帮助)。offer提议;information消息,信息;message消息,口信;order命令;定单。答案:A41.考点:名词试题解析:名词的考察。根据句意,谓语动词make是原形,可知主语应该是复数形式,而news, information, advice都是不可数名词,故C是正确的。答案:C42.考点:名词试题解析:此题考察名词所有格做定语的用法, 当名词为复数作定语时, 直接在后面加即可。答案:A43.考点:名词试题解析:考察名词辨析。bread面包;noodle面条;dumpling水饺;hamburger汉堡由下文的too much(太多),修饰不可数名词,可知空格处也须用不可数名词。应选A。【易错分析】解答此题的关键在于too much,答案:A44.考点:名词试题解析:little:修饰不可数名词。A,B,D都是可数名词。应选C.答案:C45.考点:名词试题解析:考察名词用法及one of这个句型,由题意可知:跳舞是Cici的一种爱好。One of后加名词复数。答案:D. z.


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