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八年级下册英语期中试卷班级: 姓名: 得分: .单项选择。(15分)1. If it sunny tomorrow, we football in the park.A. is, play B. is, will play C. will be, will play D. will be, can have2. While Jimmy the CD, his father came home.A. was watching B. was hearing C. was listening to D. bought3. I think there less cars in the future.A. dont , will have B. dont , will be C. /, wont have D. do, is4. Lily is over there, she is talking to a friend the phone.A. on B. in C. by D. for5. Dont worry she is _ to babysit her little sister.A. enough carefully B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. careful enough 6. Mom,I dont have enough money to buy the camera. Could you me some?A.borrowed B.lent C.borrow D.lend 7. The teacher said I could do better _ English .A. in B. at C. on D. for 8. Whats wrong with him? He got _in an accident Ahappy Binjured Cexcited Dsurprised9. There are two new cars in front of the building. One is Bills,_ is the managers. A. other B. another C. others D. the other10. There is nobody here. Lets play football.No, we cant. My father often tells me _in the street. Its dangerous.A. to play B. dont play C. not to play D. playing11. It is important_ you_ out for a walk after supper.A. of ; to go B. to; to go C. for; to go D. for; going12. On my way _ home, I lost a ticket _ Titanic.A. to, to B, to, of C. /, of D. /, to13. Miss Lin teaches _English this term. You are lucky._ is a very good teacher.A. our; She B. us; He C. us ; She D. ours; He14. It took us about _ to fly to Hong Kong DisneylandAtwo and half an hours Btwo and a half hoursCtwo hours and half Dtwo hour and a hal15. Lets surf the Internet _ A.Thats all right B. Good idea C. Good luck D. Thank you . 情景交际。(15分)(A) 从栏中找出与栏相匹配的句子。( ) 16. Helen did badly in the math exam. ( ) 17. Wang Fang looks unhappy. ( ) 18. I moved to this new city this year. ( ) 19. I dont know how to solve this problem. ( ) 20. When something bad happens to us. A. We usually feel sad. B. I am a stranger. C. I ask my teacher to help me. D. Her father is ill. E. She is upset. (B) 根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. You are right. B. I did badly in the exam. C. What a shame!D. Thats very nice of you. E. Why are you crying?F. Thats all. G. Youre welcome!A: Hello, Maria! 21 Whats wrong with you?B: 22 Im worried about how to tell my parents the result, for they must be disappointed and unhappy. A: Dont worry! Even though your parents are strict with you, they love you very much. B: 23 But what shall I do?A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can help you with your subjects. B: Thank you! 24 A: 25 21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _ 25. _完形填空。(15分)Once(从前)there was a king. He was very rich(富有)and 26 great power(权力). But he wasnt happy. He was 27 .It made him feel sad all the time. No doctor knew 28 was wrong with him. One day one of them 29 him, “After much thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way for you to get 30 .You must wear the shirt of a happy man. ”So the king sent(派)his men to every part of his land 31 a happy man. First, they visited the rich and powerful(有权势的人). They asked these people if(是否)they were happy, 32 each of them answered that they didnt know 33 real happiness meant(意味). One day, one of the kings men met a woodcutter. “Are you happy? ”asked the kings men. “As happy as the day is long, ”answered the woodcutter. “Oh, good! ”said the man, “ 34 me your shirt. ”“Why? ”said the woodcutter, “I havent got 35 .”阅读理解。(30分)(A) 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写T,不正确的写F。Mr and Mrs Brown lived in a small town near London with their child. Sometimes Mr Brown came back home from work very late, when his wife and the child were asleep, and then he opened the front door of this house with his key(钥匙)and came in very quiet. But one night when he was coming home very late, he lost(丢)his key, so when he reached his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again. Again nothing happened. Nobody moved inside the house. Mr Brown knocked at(敲)the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didnt wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. ! Mother! ”he said. ! I want to go to the toilet! ”He spoke quite quietly but at once(立刻)Mrs Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him. ( )36The Browns lived in a small town near London. ( )37Mr Browns wife and his child went to sleep after he came back from work. ( )38One night Mr Brown lost his key to the door, so he knocked at the front door and the bedroom window. ( )39Mr Brown said! Mother”like a small child because he wanted his wife to wake up. ( )40Mrs Brown woke up at once when she heard the bell rang. She opened the door for her husband. (B)Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasnt paid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able but they couldnt get enough money for their family.Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons. When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked him and married his daughter to him. The young man did not have his own house and had to live with his parents-in-law. His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered. So the young man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.It was one fine Sunday. The old woman wanted to have a picnic on the top of the hill. She told Mr. Hunt to drive her car. But sometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. The young man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red but she made him turn left. The policeman stopped them and told the young man to give his license to him.“If I did wrong, sir,” said Mr. Hunt, “It was my mother-in-laws fault(过错). She was driving the car though she sat behind me!”( ) 41. The Hunts were poor because _. A. they were lazyB. they were too weak to workC. they couldnt make enough moneyD. they werent able enough( ) 42. Mr. Hunt left the school because _. A. he didnt like studyingB. his family was poorC. he wasnt cleverD. he hoped to stay at home( ) 43. _, so the old man married his daughter to him. A. Mr. Hunt became a skilled workerB. Mr. Hunt was friendly to himC. Mr. Hunt was paid much in the factor D. Mr. Hunt worked for six years there( ) 44. The old woman was _ to Mr. Hunt. A. goodB. badC. friendlyD. useless( ) 45. Which of the following is wrong?A. The old woman herself drove the car that day. B. It was the old womans fault. C. Mr. Hunt hated his mother-in-law. D. The old woman told Mr. Hunt to run the red lights. (C)Some Advice on Travel1. Forget fashion(时尚)! Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on longjourneys(旅行).2. Traveling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.3. If youre going somewhere cold, remember to put on your warm clothes!4. If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to bring your sun-block(防晒霜) and sunglasses.5. Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments.6. Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place, like a train station. There are many thieves there!7. Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you are a student, take your student card with you.8. Always leave room in your bag and buy presents on the way home.9. Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way, save your money by buying presents at local shops.10. If you travel abroad(国外), remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, dont lose it!( ) 46. If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take _ with you. A. warm clothes and sports shoesB. sunglasses and sun-blockC. fashionable(时尚的) clothes and a big bagD. some fruit and drinks( ) 47. According to the passage, _ is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调) while youre on a train or a bus. A. taking a cameraB. reading a good bookC. listening to musicD. sleeping for some time( ) 48. You must always _ while you are at busy places because there are often thieves there. A. put your things awayB. look after your things wellC. give your things awayD. get your things ready( ) 49. If a student wants to buy some presents at lower prices while traveling, he should show _ to the shop assistant. A. pricesB. his thingsC. his passportD. his student card( ) 50. The underlined word “capture” in this passage means _. A. 拍摄B. 感受C. 抓住D. 控制. 书面表达。(A题10分,B题15分,共25分)(A) 根据下列四幅图和提示词写出一篇语法正确,意思连贯,语句通顺,符合逻辑的短文。要求:1. 用第三人称。 2. 词数4050之间。 3. 选择下列词语:rush hour(上下班车辆拥挤时间),cross, make sure, come over, traffic rules 开头已给出:Last Monday, Jim got up at 7:40 in the morning. It was the rush hour. _ _(B)李莉生病住院了,病情严重,需要花很多钱。由于家庭困难不能支付医疗费用,同学们去医院看望她,后来有人提议给报社写一封信,请求社会的帮助,后来请以此为话题写一篇60词左右的短文。要求:语法正确,语句连贯,字迹工整。_新目标八年级下册英语期中测试卷参考答案(2012至2013下).单项选择。(15分)15 B C B A C 610 D A B D C 1115 C D C B B. 情景交际。(15分)(A) 1620 E D B C A (B) 2125 E B A D G完形填空。(15分)2630 B C C D D 3135 B C B A A阅读理解。(30分)(A) 3640 T F F T F(B)41. C由第一段最后一句 . they couldnt get enough money for their family. 可知。42. B由第一段话及Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons.可知。43. A由第二段第三句He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. 可知。44. B由第二段倒数第二句His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered. 可知。45. A由第三段第三句She told Mr. Hunt to drive her car. 可知。(C)46. B根据第4条建议可知,如果你打算去一些阳光充足的地方,要用到太阳镜和防晒霜,而海南岛正是这种气候。故选B。47. B根据第2条建议可知,乘火车和汽车旅行很单调,因此要带一本好书去读。故选B。48. B根据第6条建议可知,因为在像火车站这样的一些繁华的地方有很多小偷,因此要照看好你的东西。故选B。49. D根据第7条建议可知,许多国家都有对学生优惠的商品,因此你要随身带上学生证,这样可以节约钱。故选D。50. A根据第5条建议可知,总要随身带上相机去拍摄那些特别时刻。故选A。. 书面表达。(A题10分,B题15分,共25分) (A)Last Monday, Jim got up at 7:40 in the morning. It was the rush hour. He rode his bike to school very fast. He was crossing the street when a car came at that moment. Jims bike hit the car and he fell to the ground heavily. The driver stopped to make sure Jim was all right. Then a policewoman came over. She told Jim to ride more slowly next time and must obey the traffic rules.(B)Li Li is my classmate. She is in hospital now because she is badly ill. We went to the hospital to see her one day. She lay in bed with a sad look. Her doctor told us that her illness was very serious and she had to stay in hospital for a long time. But her family is poor. She has no money to pay for the medicine. We decided to do something. We wrote a letter to a newspaper and asked people to help her. With the help of the doctors, Li Li is getting better and better. She said thanks to us and said that she would study harder to catch up with us.


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