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2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Since the Second World War, the rivalry in military strength between the worlds great powers has produced a( )balanced peace.问题1选项A.peculiarlyB.radicallyC.precariouslyD.rapidly【答案】C【解析】句意:自二战以来,世界大国间的军备竞赛产生了一种不稳定的均势和平。考查副词辨析。peculiarly 尤其,古怪地;radically 根本上,彻底地;precariously危险地,不安全地,不稳定地;rapidly 迅速地,很快,立即。因此C符合句意。2. 单选题Study can help us look into the future and( )confused thinking.问题1选项A.notifyB.simplifyC.clarifyD.justify【答案】C【解析】句意:学习能帮助我们展望未来,可以澄清混乱的思想。考查动词辨析。Notify通知,公布; simplify使简化,使简易; clarify 使更清晰易懂,阐明,澄清; justify证明正确(或正当、有理),对作出解释。故C符合句意。3. 单选题The government( )the diplomatic note from Japan for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries.问题1选项A.deniedB.refusedC.rejectedD.objected【答案】C【解析】句意:因日本在两国间的贸易问题上态度不明确,该政府拒绝了日本的外交照会。考查动词辨析。deny 否认,否定;refuse 拒绝别人的请求、帮助、邀请等,是普通用语;reject 拒绝接受,不予考虑;object 反对,不赞成,与介词to搭配。故选C。4. 单选题The statistics( )that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.问题1选项A.provesB.is provingC.are provingD.prove【答案】D【解析】句意:这些统计数据表明这个地方的生活标准在最近已经彻底地改善。语法题。考查时态。主语为statistics (数据(复数),句意为“数据表明”,因此此处应该用一般现在时。故选D。5. 单选题The two countries have( )friendly relations for many years.问题1选项A.retainedB.sustainedC.maintainedD.remained【答案】C【解析】句意:这两个国家多年来保持着友好关系。考查动词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的过去分词形式。Retain持有,保留; sustain维持(生命、生存),使稳定持续,遭受; maintain维持,保持,维修; remain仍然是,保持不变,剩余,遗留,续存在。因此C符合句意。6. 单选题After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was( ).问题1选项A.leakingB.tricklingC.prominentD.noticeable【答案】A【解析】句意:大雨过后,叫来一位建筑工人修理在漏水的房顶。考查形容词辨析。leaking渗漏的,泄漏的(leak的现在分词);trickling trickle(滴,细细地流,慢慢地移动)的现在分词;prominent 突出的,显著的,杰出的,卓越的;noticeable显而易见的,显著的,值得注意的。因此A符合句意。7. 单选题The meeting was so prolonged and exhausting that( )the speakers stopped for refreshments.问题1选项A.at largeB.at easeC.at intervalsD.at random【答案】C【解析】句意:这个会议是如此拖延,让人筋疲力尽,以至演讲者时不时停下来喘口气。考查短语辨析。At large 详尽的,逍遥法外的,未被捕的,整个的;at ease 安逸,自由自在;at intervals 不时地,相隔一定距离(或时间)地;at random 随便地,任意地。因此C符合句意。8. 单选题The tone of the article( )the writers mood at the time.问题1选项A.reproducedB.reflectedC.imaginedD.imitated【答案】B【解析】句意:这篇文章的语气反映了这位作者当时的情绪。、考查动词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的过去式。reproduce 复制,再生,生殖;reflect 反映,反射;imagine 想像,猜想,臆断;imitate 模仿,仿造。空格处动词的宾语为the writers mood (作者的情绪),因此B符合句意。9. 填空题Memory is undoubtedly one of the most important human facilities. (1)it there would be no learning from experience, no intellectual functioning, no(2)of language, nor any of the qualities that are generally(3)with being human. Yet, with the possible exception of consciousness itself, memory (4)the most mysterious of the minds(5). Despite the fact that more research has been(6)to the study of memory than to any other mental function, comparatively(7)is known about how the mind remembers things, and why it also appears to(8).Memory is often thought of(9)the ability to recall past events.(10)someone were asked to remember what he ate for lunch yesterday, he would probably be able to give a brief(11), and if we were to(12)back with what he had(13)eaten, it would be possible to see how well he bad remembered it.Memory,(14), is more than just the ability to recall. If the(15)person were asked what he ate for lunch a year ago, he would probably be very(16)to recall it. Yet if we could(17)him of what he actually ate, lie might well say, “Ah yes, now I remember.” He would(18)the items and still could be said to have retained(19)memory of the event. Thus, retention does not(20)imply recall.【答案】1.Without2.development3.associated4.remains5.function6.devoted7.little8.forget9.as10.If11.description12.check13.actually14.however15.same16.unlikely17.remind18.recall19.some20.necessarily【解析】1.词汇题。分析句子可知, it后面的句子是完整的,因此,空格处应该填入介词;此外,段首句讲到记忆是人体功能最重要的一部分,而后文用并列的否定词“no或nor” 说明在记忆的某种情况下,就不会有智力功能。因此应该填入“without”。2.词汇题。空格处和of language一起应该和learning from experience(从经验中学习) ,intellectual functioning(智力发挥作用)是并列的,因此此处填“development”表示“语言的形成”。3.固定搭配。Be associated with 与有关。4.词汇题。分析句子结构可知, memory是主语, the most mysterious是形容词的最高级做表语,因此空格处应该是系动词。“with the possible exception of”,表示“可能除之外”,空格处应该填“remains”,与前文中“除之外”形成对比关系。5.词汇题。根据后文“mental function”的提示可 知,空格处可填入“function”表示“人脑功能”。6.固定搭配。此处想表达“针对记忆,进行了大量研究”,此处可以填入“devoted”即符合句意。Be devoted to 献身于,致力于。7.词汇题。根据关键词“despite”,以及“comparatively”可推知前后文句意的对比关系,前面句意为:更多的研究致力于记忆的研究,而不是任何其他的心理功能。所以此处应该填入与“more research”相对的词。因此填入表示对比逻辑关系的“little”。8.词汇题。空格前是动词不定式to,因此空格应该为动词。通过前半句关键词“remembers things”可知,此处应填对应词“forget”。9.固定搭配。be thought of as+n. 被认为是。10.词汇题。通过分析句子谓语动词“were asked”以及“would probably be able to”可知,这是if引导的虚拟条件句。11.词汇题。空前brief为形容词,所以空格处应该是名词。句意: 如果被问及昨天中餐吃了什么,可能给出大概的描述。因此此处填“description”。12.词汇题。所在句为If引导的虚拟条件句。此处“back with”对应前面的remember,故填“check”,check back with 确认。13.词汇题。空格前后分别是had和eaten,即动词的过去完成时。因此空格处为副词。根据句意可知“actually”合适。14.逻辑分析。上段的中心句为: 记忆通常被认为能回想过去事情的能力。此段开头为:记忆不仅仅是回忆的能力。因此是对上段的对比转折。15.词汇题。此处应该填入修饰 “people的形容词,句意为:如果一个_人被问及一年前吃过什么, 而且此处是对上文例子的一种情况的描述。因此被问及的应该是同一个人。16.固定搭配。be unlikely to 不可能做某事。17.固定搭配。Remind sb. of 提醒某人。18.词汇题。根据前文句意可知空格处应该谈论继续想起这个事情的情况。因此填“recall”与“retain”对应。19.词汇题。此处应填形容词修饰memory,句意为: 已经保留了这件事的某些记忆。因此,可填“some”。20.词汇题。空格后是动词imply,因此空格处应为副词。此句是对此段中心句的总结,因此可填necessarily。10. 单选题If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of( ).问题1选项A.persuasionB.remedyC.encouragementD.compromise【答案】C【解析】句意:如果一个人谈及自己的缺点,那么他的听众就被期待说一些关于鼓励的话。考查名词辨析。persuasion说服,劝说;remedy补救,治疗;encouragement 鼓励;compromise 妥协,和解。由前半句句意可知C符合句意。11. 单选题One of the most influential literary figures of the twentieth century was American authorGertrude Stein. Her literary style and vision was often a radical departure from traditional methods, which relied on a more linear plotline. Instead, Stein focused on language itself by employing methods of repetition and spontaneity in an attempt to mirror human consciousness. But, Steins influence did not stop with her writing. As an expatriate in Paris, she was responsible for bring some of the greatest minds in ai t and literature together at her apartment, Salon 27. The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso and American writer Ernest Hemingway were two frequent visitors. Indeed, Stein was the one who coined the phrase “Lost Generation” to denote up-and-coming American writers living in Paris at the time mainly due to their disillusionment with art as a whole back home. While Gertrude Stein may not be the most recognizable figure in literature, her personal and literary influence on artists was invaluable.Stein began living in Paris in 1903. Eventually, her flat. Salon 27. became a center of intellectual exchange for writers and artists. Before long, she became an integral part of the artistic and literary scene in the city and befriended numerous important figures, such as Picasso and Matisse. They would meet there weekly, where they could expound on new theories of art, philosophy, literature, politics, and social issues in the stimulating, productive environment provided by Stein. Without Steins Salon 27, it is quite possible that many of the artists and writers of the day never would have crossed paths, and the individual disciplines would not have become as diverse or fully developed as they eventually did. These interactions also became a major inlluence on Steins own literary style.Stein became enamored with Picassos cubist style, and, as a result, many of his earliest works adorned the walls of her apartment. But they were not simply decorative. Cubism attempts to reduce the subject from its natural form into an abstract, geometrical shape capable of numerous angles of perception. In a similar fashion, Stein attempted to interpret cubism through literature and writing. Like cubist painters, Stein wrote in a style that took into consideration every possible angle of her subject matter. She wanted to give readers the opportunity to view her work on many different levels, not just a single, flat surface. But, unlike the cubists vho relied on formal structure to some degree,Stein took it a step further and placed less emphasis on formal writing structures such as grammar and syntax and focused more on what she called “automatic” language, which was spontaneous and repetitive and relied more on the spoken word.In many ways, Steins writing mirrors the chaotic, detached atmosphere of post-World War I Paris, yet it also marks the moment when literature began to leave the nineteenth century behind in favor of a more modernist style of imagination and innovation. It is also a clear precursor of stream of consciousness, which dominated writing styles during the rest of the twentieth century in America. While Stein was able to capitalize on artistic renditions of life and translate them into literature, other artists benefited from her willingness to reject the accepted traditions and create her own. For instance, Hemingways style in many of his early novels is clearly influenced by Stein.1. The authors description of Gertrude Stein mentions which of the following?2. The author discusses “Salon 27” in the second paragraph in order to( ).3. According to the third paragraph, Stein followed the cubist style because( ).4.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in the third paragraph?5. According to the last paragraph, Steins style is a product of the era because( ).问题1选项A.She was originally from Paris and later moved to the U.S.B.Her writing style was centered on a structured plotline.C.She attempted to focus on the linguistic side of writingD.Her work was quite controversial due to its extreme nature问题2选项A.illustrate its relevance as a place of artistic interaction of the timeB.note it is where the painters Matisse and Picasso first met one anotherC.indicate it was an inadequate place for such great minds to mingleD.show that artists of the day lacked a meeting place at which to gather问题3选项A.it focused on the geometric forms inherent in most subject matterB.it gave her a way to present her reader with various perspectivesC.it was the simplest form with which to interpret and understand her workD.it shunned the secondary parts in favor of the major parts of art问题4选项A.The spontaneity of automatic language, rather than the grammar and syntax stressed formal writing structures, was central to Steins work.B.The structure of Steins work, in terms of its emphasis on formal writing structures and automatic language, followed the structure of the cubists to some degree.C.The repetition of grammar and syntax made Steins writing more unique than that of the cubists, who focused on automatic language in their works.D.The formality of Stein, due in part to its emphasis on grammar and syntax, was much greater than that of the cubist artists.问题5选项A.it translates the sentiment of Europeans during a time of reconstructingB.it is more imaginative and innovative than anything the world had seenC.it continues the former structural traditions present before World War 1D.it rejects the past and is fashioned out of the sentiment of post-war Europe【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。A:她起初来自巴黎,后来搬到了美国,第一段提到“As an expatriate in Paris作为在巴黎的移居国外者”,因此A不正确。B:她的写作风格专注于结构性的情节主线,C:她试图去专注于写作的语言方面。第一段指出: Her literary style and vision was often a radical departure from traditional methods, which relied on a more linear plotline. Instead, Stein focused on language itself by employing methods of repetition and spontaneity in an attempt to mirror human consciousness (她的文学风格和视觉经常偏离依赖更线型情节主线的传统方式,取而代之的是,在试图去反映人的意识的过程中,她通过利用重复和自发性的方式来专注语言本身)。由此可知C项正确,B项不正确。D:她的作品因极端而极具争议性,文章并未提及。因此答案为C。2.作者意图题。第二段指出:They would meet there weekly, where they could expound on new theories of art, philosophy, literature, politics, and social issues in the stimulating, productive environment provided by Stein (他们每周会聚集在那里(即27号沙龙),在这个地方他们能在斯泰因提供的令人兴奋且富有成效的环境下,评论有关艺术、哲学、文学、政治和社会问题的新理论),由此可知A项“解释它作为当时一个艺木互动性地方的重要性”正确。3.细节事实题。第三段指出: Like cubist painters, Stein wrote in a style that took into consideration every possible angle of her subject matter. She wanted to give readers the opportunity to view her work on many different levels, not just a single,flat surface (如立体派画家一样,斯泰因的写作方式尽可能考虑到写作主题的各方面。她想让读者有机会从很多不同角度而非只是在单一的平面上去欣赏自己的作品)。由此可知B项“立体派风格给了她一种方式去为她的读者呈现不同的角度”正确。4.语义题。第三段划线句为: But, unlike the cubists vho relied on formal structure to some degree,Stein took it a step further and placed less emphasis on formal writing structures such as grammar and syntax and focused more on what she called “automatic” language, which was spontaneous and repetitive and relied more on the spoken word.(但是,不像在一定程度上依赖于形式结构的立体派艺术家,斯泰因更进了一步,较少强调如语法和句法的写作结构,更专注她称之为的无意识的 语言,该语言是自然的、重复的且更依赖口头语言的),由此可知A项 “对斯泰因的作 品极为重要的是无意识语言的自发性,而不是强调语法和句法的写作方式”比较符合此句意思。5.细节事实题。最后一段指出: In many ways, Steins writing mirrors the chaotic, detached atmosphere of post-World War I Paris, yet it also marks the moment when literature began to leave the nineteenth century behind in favor of a more modernist style of imagination and innovation (在很多方面,斯泰因的作品反映了一战后巴黎混乱且分离的气氛,然而,它也标志了一个重要吋刻,即文学开始丢下19世纪的风格而去支持一个富有想象力和创新的更现代的风格)。因此D项“它抛弃了过去形成于战后的欧洲情绪”正确。12. 单选题( )the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax.问题1选项A.WhileB.Even thoughC.Now thatD.For【答案】C【解析】句意:既然考试的压力结朿了,因此我们都能放松下了。考查短语辨析。while 虽然,然而,当的时候;even though 虽然,即使;now that 既然,由于;for 为了,对于,适合于;因为(这个词在表示原因时一般不放在句首)。分析句意可知前后句子为因果关系。故C符合句意。13. 单选题The economic recession has meant that job( )is a rare thing.问题1选项A.securityB.safetyC.protection forD.secureness【答案】A【解析】句意:这场经济衰退己经意味着工作保障是罕见的事情。考查名词辨析。security 安全,保障;safety 安全,保险;protection 保护,防卫;secureness安全,(船)停泊,固定。因此A符合句意。14. 单选题The reason that the city attracts lots of inhabitants lies in that its a city of( ).问题1选项A.intensityB.diversityC.adversityD.necessity【答案】B【解析】句意:这个城市吸引很多居民的原因在于它是一个多元化的城市。考查名词辨析。Intensity 强度,强烈;diversity 不同(点),多样性,多样化; adversity困境,逆境; necessity 必然,必要,需要。因此B符合句意。15. 单选题Language, culture, and personality may be considered( )of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.问题1选项A.indistinctlyB.separatelyC.irrelevantlyD.independently【答案】D【解析】句意:语言,文化和个性也许会被认为在思想上是相互独立的,但事实上他们是密不可分的。考查副词辨析。indistinctly 不清楚地,模糊地; separately 分别地,个别地; irrelevantly 不相干地,不合适地; independently 独立地,其形容词形式independent搭配of,表示独立于的。根据后文的but以及they are inseparable (他们是密不可分的)可知空格处应该填入与之相对比的词,即可知D项正确。16. 单选题A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United State as settlement spread ever farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, affective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines.The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at aplace called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another, it helped unify the United States.1. The major problems with Americas railroad system in the middle I9lh century lay in( ).2. The building of the first transcontinental system( ).3. The best title for this passage would be( ).4. The construction of the transcontinental railroad took( ).5. What most likely made people think about a transcontinental railroad?问题1选项A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systemsB.lack of financial support for developmentC.limited railroad linesD.lack of a transcontinental railroad问题2选项A.brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the westB.attracted many visitors to the construction sitesC.attracted laborers from EuropeD.encouraged people to travel all over the country问题3选项A.Settlements Spread WestwardB.The Coast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital LinkC.American Railroad HistoryD.The Importance of Trains in the American Economy问题4选项A.9 yearsB.7 yearsC.4 yearsD.3 years问题5选项A.The possibility of government support for such a task.B.The need to explore Utah.C.The need to connect the east coast with the west.D.The need to develop the railroad industry in the west.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。第一段指出: The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, affective stopping system (最严重的问题是建设能承重的铁轨和开发安全、有效的(火车)制动系统),由此可知A项“质量差的铁轨和不可靠的制动系统”正确。2.细节事实题。最后一段指出: The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets (在鼓励西进运动方 面,铁路(即美国的第一个横贯大陆的铁路)非常重要。它通过运输原材料和快 速地把产品分配到更远的市场也帮助加强了工业和农业(的发展)),由此可知A项 “带来了西部工业和农业的快速发展”正确。3.主旨大意题。第一段提出:火车成为了美国陆地交通的最好方式,第二段讲述美国第一条横贯大陆铁路系统的修建。因此B项 “横贯大陆的铁路:重要的连接”适合作文章标题。4.判断推理题。第二段指出: In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific (1862年,国会授权两家西部铁路公司建设从内布拉斯加州往西和从加利福尼亚州往东到一个汇聚点的铁路线,以便完成一条连接大西洋 沿岸和太平洋地区的横贯大陆的铁路线),以及: Actual work on this project began four years later (这个工程的实际工作在4年后开始),以及: In 1869 they met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah, many visitors came there for the great occasion (1869年,他们在如今犹他州一个名为普罗蒙特里的地方相遇,很多游客为了这伟大的吋刻而去那里),由此可知横贯大陆的铁路线建设时间为18661869年,供3年,故选D。5.判断推理题。第二段指出: so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific (以便完成一条连接大西洋沿岸(即文中指代的美国东海岸)和太平洋地区(即文中指代的美国西部)的横贯大陆的铁路线),故选C“需要连接东海岸和西部”。17. 单选题I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre blit unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, “You mean fortunately.” He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.My attitude t


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