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2022-2023年考博英语-西南科技大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Faced with the( )difficulties, they are determined to carry on their program.问题1选项A.satisfactoryB.attributableC.intangibleD.innocent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项satisfactory“满意的,符合要求的”; B选项attributable “归属的,属性的”;C选项intangible“无形的,触摸不到的,难以理解的”;D选项innocent“无辜的,无罪的”。句意:面对无形的困难,他们下定决心继续他们的项目。由选项意思和句意可知,C选项符合句意。2. 单选题Laboratory tests gave conclusive( )that the meat presents no risk to human health.问题1选项A.possibilityB.newsC.proofD.fact【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项possibility“可能性,可能的事”;B选项news“新闻,信息”;C选项proof“证明,证据”;D选项fact“事实,实际”,句意:实验室测试提供了确凿的证据,证明这种肉类对人体健康没有危险。由选项意思和句意可知,C选项符合句意。3. 写作题Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 250 words based on the topic “Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment”?You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part,provide one or two reasons or your experience (s) to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.【答案】略4. 单选题The ideal companion machine the computer would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intonate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that people obtain from interpersonal friendships. The machine would participate in interesting conversation that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the users life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored. The computers own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user. With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner.1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the ideal companion machine?2. The computer would develop friendships with humans in a (n)( )way.3. Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned when the passage discusses the benefits of artificial relationships?4. Throughout the passage, the author is ( )in his attitude towards the computer.5. Which might be the most appropriate title of the passage?问题1选项A.Active in communicationB.Attractive in personalityC.Enjoyable in performanceD.Unpredictable in behaviour问题2选项A.quickB.unpredictableC.productiveD.inconspicuous问题3选项A.Being able to pick up an interesting conversation.B.Being sensitive to earlier contact.C.Being ready to learn about the persons life.D.Having a pleasant and adaptable personality.问题4选项A.favourableB.criticalC.vagueD.hesitant问题5选项A.Artificial relationshipsB.How to form intimate relationshipsC.The affectionate machineD.Humans and computers【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.事实细节题。题干:以下那个选项不是理想陪伴机器的特征?根据关键词“ideal companion machine”,可以定位到文章第一段,由第一段第三句话Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable(它随意的谈话风格会让互动变得舒适),可知A选项“积极地沟通”,符合题意;由第一段最后一句话it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.(它有时会主动开展或改变话题,并有自己的个性。),可知B选项“个性有吸引力”,符合题意;由第一段第二句话Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and easygoing.(机器会尽可能地模仿那些使与他人互动变得愉快的品质,迷人而又随和。),可知C选项“表现上使人愉悦”,符合题意。由第一段第三句话the machine would remain slightly unpredictable(机器行为可以预知),要注意限定词slightly“微小地”的使用。所以D选项“行为不可预知”,表述错误。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。2.事实细节题。题干:机器会以_的方式发展和人类的友情。由题干定位到文章第二段第三句话The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation.(整个过程将以一种微妙的方式完成,以避免给人留下过分熟悉的印象而产生愤怒。),可知友谊建立的过程是一个细微的、难以察觉的过程,所以D选项“难以察觉的,不引人注意的”,符合题意。A选项“迅速的”,B选项“不可预测的”,C选项“富有成效的”,均不符合题意。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。3.事实细节题。题干:当文章讨论人工关系的好处时,下面哪个方面没有提到?由题干定位到文章最后一段,由最后一段第二句话The machine would participate in interesting conversation that could continue from previous discussions.(机器会参与到一段有趣的对话中,接上之前的讨论),可知A选项“能接起一段有趣的对话”,是人工关系的好处之一;由最后一段倒数第二句话The computers own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user.(计算机本身个性活泼,令人印象深刻,它将根据用户的个性给予回应。),可知D选项“个性开朗、适应能力强”,符合题意;由最后一段第三句话It would have a familiarity with the users life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored.(就像早期接触显示的那样,它对用户的生活有一种熟悉感,它也善解人意,幽默风趣。),可知C选项“学习人类的日常生活”,表述正确,而B选项“对之前的接触敏感”,表达的意思不符合,属于对这句话的断章取义,所以B选项不正确。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。4.观点态度题。题干:在全文中,作者对计算机的态度是_。从文章最后一句With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner.(有了这些功能,这台机器可能真的会成为一个非常有吸引力的社交伙伴。),可以看出作者对计算机的态度是赞许的,文章中也多次使用了褒义形容词:ideal, friendly, enjoyable, benefits, good-humored等等,所以本题应该选择A选项“赞许的”;B选项“批评的”,C选项“模糊的”,D选项“犹豫的”,都不是作者对计算机的态度。综上所述,本题的正确答案是A选项。5.主旨大意题。题干:哪一个可能是这篇文章最合适的标题?文章第一段表明电脑是理想的陪伴机器,与它交流会感到幽默轻松,它还能有自己的观点和建议。第二段文中提到了电脑会以一种不令人察觉的方式使人类接受这段友情。第三段提到电脑的人类的关系有各种各样的好处。综合整篇文章,可见电脑和人之间的友情,所以C选项“深情的机器”,比较贴合题意;B选项“如何形成亲密的关系”,整篇文章都在描述机器人和人类的关系,而B选项内容文章中没有涉及,所以排除。A选项“人工关系”和D选项“人类和电脑”,涉及的面广泛,文章没有全面说明。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项。5. 单选题Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,( )of course, made the others jealous.问题1选项A.whoB.whichC.whatD.that【答案】B【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构:从句与主句之间有逗号隔开,独立存在,去掉了也不会影响整个句子的意思,所以这里用的是非限定定语从句。句意:海伦对她最小的孩子比别的孩子好,当然这使得其他孩子很嫉妒。此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代海伦对她最小的孩子比别的孩子好这个事情,所以本题的正确选项是B选项。6. 单选题Over the past several decades, the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries. These include UFOs as well as sightings and encounters with “nonhuman creatures” such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Only recently has Latin America begun to receive some attention as well. Although the mysteries of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries, now the public is also becoming aware of unusual, paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru.The Nazca “lines” of Peru were discovered in the 1930s. These fines are deeply carved into a flat, stony plain, and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds, a monkey, and a lizard. Seen at ground level, the designs are a jumbled senseless mess. The images are so large that they can only be viewed at a height of 1,000 feet-meaning from an aircraft. Yet there were no aircraft in 300 B.C., when it is judged the designs were made. Nor were there then, or are there now, any nearby mountain ranges from which to view them. So how and why did the native people of Nazca create these marvelous designs? One answer appeared in 1969, when the German researcher and writer Erich von Daniken proposed that the lines were drawn by extraterrestrials as runways for their aircraft. The scientific community did not take long to scoff at and abandon von Danikens theory. Over the years several other theories have been put forth, but none has been accepted by the scientific community.Today there is a new and heightened interest in the Nazca lines. It is a direct result of the creation of the Internet. Currently there are over 60 sites dedicated to this mystery from Latin Americas past, and even respected scientists have joined the discussion through e-mail and chat rooms.Will the Internet help explain these unsolved mysteries? Perhaps it is a step in the right direction.1. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?2. According to the passage, the Nazca lines were found( ).3. We can infer from the passage that the higher the lines are seen, the( )images they present.3. There has been increasing interest in the Nazca lines mainly because of( ).5. The author is( )about the role of the Internet in solving mysteries.问题1选项A.Latin America has long received attention for unusual phenomenaB.Public attention is now directed towards countries like PeruC.Public interest usually focuses on North America and EuropeD.Some ancient civilizations have unsolved mysteries问题2选项A.in mountainsB.in stonesC.on animalsD.on a plain问题3选项A.smallerB.largerC.clearerD.brighter问题4选项A.the participation of scientistsB.the emergence of the InternetC.the birth of new theoriesD.the interest in the Internet问题5选项A.cautiousB.pessimisticC.uncertainD.optimistic【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。题干:以下哪个选项的陈述不正确?文章第一段第三句指出Only recently has Latin America begun to receive some attention as well.(直到最近,拉丁美洲也开始受到一些关注。),可知A选项“拉丁美洲长期以来一直因异常现象而受到关注”,与原文意思矛盾,表述不正确,答案选A;根据第一段最后一句话Although the mysteries of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries, now the public is also becoming aware of unusual, paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru.(尽管阿兹特克文明、玛雅文明和印加文明的奥秘已经为人所知好几个世纪了,但现在公众也开始意识到在秘鲁等国家出现了不寻常的超自然现象。),可知B选项“公众的注意力现在转向了像秘鲁这样的国家”和D选项“一些古代文明有未解之谜”,均符合文意;根据第一段第一句话Over the past several decades, the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries.(在过去的几十年里,美国、加拿大和欧洲因异常现象和未解之谜而受到了大量媒体甚至研究的关注。),可知C选项“公众的兴趣通常集中在北美和欧洲”正确。综上所述,本题的正确答案是A选项。2.事实细节题。题干:根据文章可知,纳斯卡线条在_被发现。由题干关键词“Nazca lines”定位至第二段第二句话These fines are deeply carved into a flat, stony plain, and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds, a monkey, and a lizard.(这些细雕被深深地雕刻成一个平坦的石质平原,并形成了大约300幅复杂的动物图片,如鸟、猴子和蜥蜴。),可知D选项“在平原”,正确。A选项“在山区”,B选项“石头上”和C选项“在动物身上”,均不是正确答案。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。3.事实细节题。题干:我们可以根据文章推断,在越高的地方看这些线条,图像展现得就会越_。由题干可以定位到文章第二段第三,四句话Seen at ground level, the designs are a jumbled senseless mess. The images are so large that they can only be viewed at a height of 1,000 feet-meaning from an aircraft.(从地面上看,这些设计是乱七八糟,毫无意义的东西。这些图像是如此之大,以至于只能在1000英尺的高度也就是说从飞机上看。),也就是说,从越高的地方看这些线条,图案也就越清晰。所以本题C选项“越清晰”,符合题意。A选项“越渺小”,B选项“越庞大”,和D选项“越明亮”,均不符合题意。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项。4.事实细节题。题干:人们对纳斯卡线条越来越感兴趣主要是因为_。由题干可以定位到文章第三段前两句Today there is a new and heightened interest in the Nazca lines. It is a direct result of the creation of the Internet.(今天,人们对纳斯卡线条有了新的更大的兴趣。它是互联网诞生的直接结果。),可知B选项“互联网的出现”,符合题意;而第三段最后一句话and even respected scientists have joined the discussion through e-mail and chat rooms.(甚至受人尊敬的科学家也通过电子邮件和聊天室加入了讨论),是对互联网对其贡献的具体说明,不是直接原因,故A选项“科学家的参与”,不正确;C选项“新理论的诞生”和D选项“互联网的兴趣”与题干无关,故排除。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。5.观点态度题。题干:关于互联网在解决神秘事件中的作用,作者是_。全文末句表达了作者的态度Perhaps it is a step in the fight direction.(也许这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。)这里a step in the right direction是对这种解开不解之谜的方式的肯定,但加上perhaps之后可以感受到作者这种谨慎的态度,故A选项“谨慎的”,符合题意。B选项“悲观的”,C选项“不确定的”和D选项“乐观的”,均不是作者的态度。综上所述,本题的正确答案是A选项。7. 写作题Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 250 words based on the topic “Education Makes A Better Future”.You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons or your experience(s) to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.【答案】略8. 单选题The job of a student accommodation officer( )a great many visits to landladies.问题1选项A.concernsB.offersC.asksD.involves【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。A选项concern“关系到,涉及”,搭配是sth. concern sb.表示“某事关系到某人”;B选项offer“提供,给予”;C选项ask“询问,邀请”;D选项involve“包含,涉及”。句意:学生宿舍管理人员的工作包括经常拜访女房东。由选项意思和句意可知,D选项符合句意。9. 单选题As soon as he opened the door, a( )of cold air swept through the house.问题1选项A.flowB.movementC.rushD.blast【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项flow“滔滔不绝,连贯”,a flow of“源源不断的”,例句:Deliver your words like a flow of water. Speak to the point, be clear and maintain continuity.(你的话语要像流水一样顺畅,语言要中肯、简洁,并保持连贯性。);B选项movement“运动,活动”;C选项rush“冲进,匆促”,a rush of“一阵”,例句:A rush of pure affection swept over him.(一股强烈的真爱掠过了他的心田。);D选项blast“冲击波,一阵”,a blast of“一阵风”,例句:A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.(我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。)。句意:他一打开门,一股冷空气就吹进了屋子。此处体现突然涌入的寒气,故D选项符合句意。10. 单选题Aleko denied( )Marys little lamb.问题1选项A.to stealB.to have stolenC.having to stealD.stealing【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。deny“否认,否定”,固定搭配:deny doing sth.“否认做某事,否认做过某事,拒绝做某事”。句意:阿莱科否认偷了玛丽的小羊,因此D选项正确。11. 单选题Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. The “money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a similar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a diversified economy to their final users at the retail level. If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers, he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handling bulk quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of specialized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial servicescommercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses, lending agencies, and even governmentsto do their job. It has little if any contact with the individuals or firms who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.The elemental functions of a money market must be performed in any kind of modern economy, even one that is largely planned or socialist, but the arrangements in socialist countries do not ordinarily take the form of a market. Money markets exist in countries that use market processes rather than planned allocations to distribute most of their primary resources among alternative uses. The general distinguishing feature of a money market is that it relies upon open competition among those who are bulk suppliers of funds at any particular time and among those seeking bulk funds, to work out the best practicable distribution of the existing total volume of such funds.In their market transactions, those with bulk supplies of funds or demands for them, rely on groups of intermediaries who act as brokers or dealers. The characteristics of these middlemen, the services they perform, and their relationship to other parts of the financial system vary widely from country to country. In many countries there is no single meeting place where the middlemen get together, yet in most countries the contacts among all participants are sufficiently open and free to assure each supplier or user of funds that he will get or pay a price that fairly reflects all of the influences (including his own) that are currently affecting the whole supply and the whole demand. In nearly all cases, moreover, the unifying force of competition is reflected at any given moment in a common price (that is, rate of interest) for similar transactions. Continuous fluctuations in the money market rates of interest result from changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon the market and in the pull of current demands upon the market.1. The first paragraph is mainly about( ).2. According to this passage, the money market( ).3. Which of the following statements concerning money market is NOT TRUE according to this passage?4. The author uses the example of middlemen to show( ).5. According to this passage,( ).问题1选项A.the definition of money marketB.the constitution of a money marketC.the basic functions of a money marketD.the general feature of a money market问题2选项A.provides convenient services to its customersB.has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking fundsC.maintains accounts with various retailers of financial servicesD.is made up of institutions which specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions问题3选项A.Money market does not exist in planned economies.B.Money market has been established in some socialist countries.C.Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.D.Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.问题4选项A.market transactions are important in different countriesB.dealers are needed in doing businessC.middlemen can play great role in different transactions and different countries.D.middlemen in different countries have different actions in business.问题5选项A.brokers usually perform the same kinds of services to their customersB.brokers have little contact with each otherC.open competition tends to result in a common price for similar transactions at any given momentD.changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon the market tends to maintain a money market【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题干:第一段主要是关于_。可以定位到第一段,不难发现,第一段的主要是在描述金融市场的定义The “money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit.(金融市场就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的公共机构或组织。)以及金融市场的目的和作用It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial services(其设立的目的是为了帮助金融机构),所以C选项“金融市场的基本功能”正确。A选项“金融市场的定义”不够全面,B选项“金融市场的章程”和D选项“金融市场的一般特征”在第一段中均未提及,排除,所以本题的正确答案是C选项。2.推理判断题。题干:根据文章,金融市场_。通过第一段第二行的后半句话可知The “money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit.(金融市场就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的公共机构或组织。),该句的意思与D项“是由专门处理批发货币交易的机构组成的”符合,故D选项正确。A选项“为客户提供方便的服务”通过第一段第四句If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers(如果零售商要为他的客户提供充足的服务。),可知,为客户提供服务的应该是零售商,所以A选项不正确,B选项“与寻求资金的个人或公司有密切联系”,通过最后一段第一句话In their market transactions, those with bulk supplies of funds or demands for them, rely on groups of intermediaries who act as brokers or dealers.(在市场交易中,提供资金和寻求资金者之间依靠经纪人或经销商这些中间人来进行交易。),所以B选项不正确,C选项“在不同的金融服务零售商保持账户”,由第一段倒数第二句话可知,金融市场是为了帮助金融机构的零售商们做好他们的工作,和C选项表达意思不符合,所以C选项不正确。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。3.推理判断题。题干:根据文章可知,以下那个关于金融市场的描述不正确?根据第二段第三行Money markets exist in countries that use market processes rather than planned allocations to distribute most of their primary resources among alternative uses.(金融市场存在于那些利用市场而不是计划来分配资源的国家里。),我们可以知道,货币市场不仅仅存在于社会主义国家,所以B选项“金融市场在一些社会主义国家已经建立了”是错误的。A选项“计划经济中不存在金融市场”,与第二段的第一句话“金融市场最基本的功能必须以现代经济形式来体现,甚至是高度计划或社会主义,但社会主义国家不一定都要采取市场形式。”对


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