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2022-2023年考博英语-中国政法大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题One study has found that job applicants who make more eye contacts are perceived as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible than _.问题1选项A.those who dontB.those who arentC.them who didntD.them who werent【答案】A【解析】考查语法。those指代前面的job applicants,who引导定语从句,因为避免重复,所以后面略宾语,而用do代替前面的make一词,A项符合句意。B项谓语动词使用错误;C项代词使用错误;D项错误。句意:一项调查发现,那些能有更多目光接触的求职者比没有足够目光接触的求职者被视为更加机智,可靠,自信并且附有责任心。故正确答案为A。2. 单选题Probably the hardest part of setting goals is the first step of actually deciding to take action! The first barrier facing most people is the incorrect assumption that goals are only for business people. The reality is everyone sets goals mentally throughout the day. There are always occasions where something has to be done at a particular time or in a particular place. Simple examples could be getting up at a certain time in order to be at work, or to meet with a friend for a leisure activity.The beauty of having goals is the uniqueness of each one to the goal setter. Whether it is personal, financial, business or spiritual, they are all specific to that person and their circumstances.The most important part initially is to write them down. Having goals written down gives you incredible power while helping you to focus on this area.Aim for something that will stretch you while remaining achievable. If you achieve your goal too easily, it is not high enough to make any significant change in your life and needs to be adjusted. On the other hand, if you consistently miss the goals, re-evaluate, and consider setting them a little lower as you will only get discouraged and probably give up. The aim is to keep growing, and moving into a more satisfactory position for your particular circumstance.As you obtain the levels that you have set for yourself, always include a small reward at each point. This might only be a small thing in the early days like a meal out or a weekend vacation.Remember that these changes will not happen overnight and there will be a period of time when nothing seems to be happening. This is why the goals need to be detailed and as specific as possible with a consequence and a benefit.Allow some time on a daily basis to educate yourself on how to make the necessary adjustments in your life. This could include listening to a CD, or reading a book on motivation, etc.A simple method to start with could be one goal in the main areas of life to be achieved in one month, six months, twelve months or five years. Break that down further into a daily, weekly and monthly system. Stay focused and disciplined to achieve all that you desire.41. The simple examples in Paragraph 1 convey the message that _.42. The charm of having goals is that each goal is _.43. A good goal is one that _.44. Goals have to be detailed so that people _.45. For a goal to be achieved, one has to _.问题1选项A.goals are set mostly for important thingsB.most people know when it is time to set goalsC.it is necessary to set goals occasionallyD.people set goals to get things done all the time问题2选项A.importantB.motivatedC.specialD.spiritual问题3选项A.keeps growing all the timeB.is high enough yet attainableC.moves one into a satisfactory positionD.is evaluated from time to time问题4选项A.will eventually reach the levels set for themselvesB.can know their achievements at each stageC.may get small rewards such as a meal outD.can adjust them on various occasions问题5选项A.concentrate on it until is attainedB.adapt oneself to new changesC.divert from routine sometimesD.believe in what he is doing【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】41.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“第一段的简单例子传达了一个什么信息”。第一段第三句提到The reality is everyone sets goals mentally throughout the day. There are always occasions where something has to be done at a particular time or in a particular place.(事实上,每个人每天都在心里设定目标。总有一些场合需要在特定的时间或地点做一些事情),由此可知,第一段讲述简单的例子是为了向读者传达人们设定目标来完成事情,故D项“人们总是设定目标来完成事情”符合题意。A项“设定目标主要是为了重要的事情”,文中只提到了某些事情,并没有强调重要的事情,这是偷换概念;B项“大多数人都知道什么时候该设定目标”,第一段第二句提到The first barrier facing most people is the incorrect assumption that goals are only for business people.(大多数人面临的第一个障碍是错误的假设,认为目标只适用于商务人士),由此可知,大多数人不知道目标适用于每一个人,因此该项错误;C项“偶尔设定目标是必要的”没有提到。故该题选D正确。42.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干的意思是“拥有目标的魅力在于每个目标都是”。文章第二段提到The beauty of having goals is the uniqueness of each one to the goal setter.(设定目标的美妙之处在于每个目标对设定者来说都是独一无二的),由uniqueness可知,设立目标的奇妙之处在于它的独特性,独一无二的同义词是special,故C项“特别的”符合题意。A项“重要的”和B项“有动机的”文中都没有提到;D项“精神的,高尚的”是指目标的类型,故该题选C正确。43.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推断题。题干的意思是“好的目标是”。第四段第一句话提到Aim for something that will stretch you while remaining achievable.(把目标定在那些既能拓展你的能力又能保持可实现的事情上),由此可知一个好的目标是超出自身的水平但是仍然可以实现, 故B项“足够高但是可以达到”更符合题意;A项“一直保持发展”和C项“使一个人达到一个满意的位置”,在第四段最后一句提到The aim is to keep growing, and moving into a more satisfactory position for your particular circumstance(我们的目标是不断发展,并针对您的特殊情况找到一个更令人满意的职位)这是设定目标的内容/目的,因此这两项不符合题意;D项“不时的评估”,根据句子On the other hand, if you consistently miss the goals, re-evaluate, and consider setting them a little lower as you will only get discouraged and probably give up.(另一方面,如果你总是错过目标,重新评估,考虑把目标定得低一点,那么你只会感到沮丧,很可能会放弃),由此可知不时评估目标不是真正的好目标;故该题选B正确。44.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“目标必须详细以便于人们”。根据文章的倒数第三段Remember that these changes will not happen overnight and there will be a period of time when nothing seems to be happening. This is why the goals need to be detailed and as specific as possible with a consequence and a benefit.(记住,这些变化不会在一夜之间发生,会有一段时间似乎什么都没有发生。这就是为什么目标要尽可能的详细和具体,并且要考虑到结果和好处。)可知,因为目标不会一下子实现,甚至可能一段时间都会感觉什么都没发生,所以目标要尽可能地详细以便于人们能够知道他们到达哪一步,因此B项“可以知道他们在每个阶段的成就”符合题意;A项“最终会达到为自己设定的水平”没有提到;C项“可能会得到一些小奖励,比如出去吃饭”,文章第五段提到As you obtain the levels that you have set for yourself, always include a small reward at each point.(当你获得自己设定的关卡时,在每一个点上都包含一个小奖励),由此可知小奖励是达到设定的目标后所获得的,而不是目标要详细的原因;D项“可以在不同场合调整”,根据倒数第二段Allow some time on a daily basis to educate yourself on how to make the necessary adjustments in your life.(每天给自己一些时间来学习如何在你的生活中做出必要的调整)可知,是在生活中做出调整,而不是任何场合。故该题选B正确。45.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。题干的意思是“为了实现一个目标,你必须”。文章最后一句提到Stay focused and disciplined to achieve all that you desire(保持专注和自律,去实现你想要的一切),由此可知,为了实现目标必须要保持自律和专注,故A项“对目标专注直到达到它”符合题意;B项“使自己适应新的变化”,C项“有时偏离常规”和D项“相信正在干的事情”没有提到;因此该题选A正确。3. 单选题A fake can be defined as an artwork intended to deceive. The motives of its creator are decisive, and the merit of the object itself is a separate issue. The question mark in the title of Mark Joness Fake? The Art of Deception reveals the studys broader concerns. Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original? And the text begins by nothing a variety of possibilities somewhere between the two extremes. These include works by an artists followers in the style of the master, deliberate archaism, copying for pedagogical purposes, and the production of commercial facsimiles.The greater part of Fake? is devoted to a chronological survey suggesting that faking feeds on the many different motives people have for collecting art, and that, on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes. In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek. In medieval Europe, because art was celebrated more for its devotional uses than for its provenance or the ingenuity of its creators, the faking of art was virtually nonexistent. The modern age of faking began in the Italian Renaissance, with two linked developments: a passionate identification with the world of antiquity and a growing sense of individual artistic identity. A patron of the young Michelangelo prevailed upon the artist to make his Sculpture Sleeping Cupid look as though it had been buried in the earth so that “it will be taken for antique, and you will sell it much better.” Within a few years, however, beginning with his first masterpiece, the Bacchus, Michelangelo had shown his contemporaries that great art can assimilate and transcend what came before, resulting in a wholly original work. Soon his genius made him the object of imitators.Fake? Also reminds us that in certain cultures authenticity is a foreign concept. This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function. As an illustration, the study compares two versions of a chi wara mask made by the Bambara people of Mali. One has pegs allowing it to be attached to a cap for its intended ceremonial purpose. The second, otherwise identical, lacks the pegs and is a replica made for sale. African carving is notoriously difficult to date, but even if the ritual mask is recent, made perhaps to replace a damaged predecessor, and the replica much older, only the ritual mask should be seen as authentic, for it is tied to the forms original function. That, at least, is the consensus of the so-called experts. One wonders whether the Bambaran artists would agree.56. The passage can best be described as doing which one of the following?57. Which one of the following best expresses the authors main point?58. The author provides at least one example of each of the following EXCEPT _.59. The author implies which one of the following about the artistic merits of fakes?60. By the standard described in the last paragraph of the passage, which one of the following would be considered authentic?问题1选项A.Reconciling varied points of view.B.Chronicling the evolution of a phenomenon.C.Exploring a complex question.D.Advocating a new approach.问题2选项A.Whether a work of art is fake or not is less important than whether it has artistic merit.B.It is possible to show that a work of art is fake, but the authenticity of a work not be proved conclusively.C.A variety of circumstances make it difficult to determine whether a work of art can appropriately be called a fake.D.The faking of art has occurred throughout history and in virtually every culture.问题3选项A.categories of art that are neither wholly fake nor wholly originalB.contemporary artists whose works have inspired fakesC.qualities that art collectors have prized in their acquisitionsD.cultures in which the faking of art flourished问题4选项A.A fake may or may not have artistic merit in its own right, regardless of the circumstances of its production.B.Whether a fake has artistic merit depends on whether its creator is accomplished as an artist.C.The artistic merit of fake depends on the merit of the original work that inspired the fake.D.A fake can be said to have artistic merit only if the attempted deception is successful.问题5选项A.An ancient Roman copy of an ancient Greek sculpture.B.A modern reconstruction of a medieval altar piece designed to serve its traditional role in a service of worship.C.A print of a painting signed by the artist who painted the original.D.A painting begun by Renaissance master and finished by his assistants after his death.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】56.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“这篇文章可以最好的描述为在做下列哪一种事情?”。通读全文可知,都在从各个角度讲述赝品其实是另外一件艺术品这样一个复杂的问题,作者认为虽然创造者的动机是欺骗性的,但是这件艺术品本身的特质是另外一回事;而且在文中作者举了相关的例子加以说明,例如第二段第二句In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek.(在罗马帝国时期,人们对收藏早期希腊艺术品有着广泛的兴趣,因此也热衷于伪造艺术品。毫无疑问,现在作为“罗马复制品”展出的许多雕塑最初被冒充为希腊雕塑)提到,罗马的艺术品很多是希腊当时的仿造品,但是现在仍然被视为珍宝。通过分析,C项“探索一个复杂的问题”符合题意。A项“调和不同的观点”,文中没有提到不同的观点;B项“记录某一现象的演变”,文中也没有记录赝品现象的演变;D项“提倡新方法”不符合文章大意。因此该题选C。57.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“下列哪个选项最好地表达了作者的主要观点?”。根据文章的第一段Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original?And the text begins by nothing a variety of possibilities somewhere between the two extremes. These include works by an artists followers in the style of the master, deliberate archaism, copying for pedagogical purposes, and the production of commercial facsimiles.(事实上,它可能同样被命名为“原创?”;而且这篇文章一开始就没有任何可能性介于这两个极端之间;其中包括大师风格的追随者的作品、有意的古语、为教学目的的复制以及商业复制品的生产)可知,一件艺术品在各种情况下都没有可能性确定是赝品,所以C项“在各种各样的情况下,很难确定一件艺术品是否可以被恰当地称为赝品”符合题意。A项“一件艺术品是否赝品并不重要,重要的是它是否有艺术价值”,根据最后一段第二句This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此)可知,一件艺术品的重要之处还在于它的功能,A项片面,所以不选;B项“有可能证明一件艺术品是赝品,但无法最终证明一件艺术品的真伪”,文中提到没有任何可能证明一件艺术品是赝品,B项错误;D项“艺术造假在历史上和几乎每一种文化中都屡见不鲜”,选项本身没有错误,但是这不是文章主要的内容,文章主要是讨论赝品和艺术品的之间的区别和关系。因此该题选C。58.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“除了哪一项之外,作者至少为下列每一项提供了一个例子?”。A项“既非完全赝品也非完全原创的艺术类别”,根据文章第一段The question mark in the title of Mark Joness Fake?The Act of Deception reveals the studys broader concerns. Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original?(马克琼斯的赝品:欺骗的艺术一书,标题中的问号揭示了该研究更广泛的担忧。事实上,它可能同样被命名为“原创?”)可知,A项有所提及;B项“当代艺术家的作品激发了赝品的创作灵感”,文中没有相关提及的例子;根据第二段第一句faking feeds on the many different motives people have for collecting art, and that, on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes.(造假会助长人们收藏艺术品的多种不同动机,而且,总体而言,艺术收藏繁荣的时候,造假也就繁荣起来)可知,C项“这些品质是艺术收藏家在他们的藏品中所珍视的”和D项“伪造艺术盛行的文化”都有提及,只有B选项没有提到。因此该题选B。59.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“作者暗示了下列哪一项是关于赝品的艺术价值?”。根据第二段第一句on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes(总体而言,艺术收藏繁荣的时候,造假也就繁荣起来)可知,赝品有没有艺术价值,取决于艺术收藏是否盛行,所以A项“一件赝品本身可能有也可能没有艺术价值,与它的生产环境无关”符合题意。B项“一个赝品是否有艺术价值,取决于它的创作者是否作为一个艺术家完成”,根据第二段In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek.(在罗马帝国时期,人们对收藏早期希腊艺术品有着广泛的兴趣,因此也热衷于伪造艺术品;毫无疑问,现在作为“罗马复制品”展出的许多雕塑最初被冒充为希腊雕塑)可知,一个赝品是否有价值和它的创作者是不是艺术家无关,B项错误;C项“赝品的艺术价值取决于激发赝品灵感的原作的价值”,最后一段第二句提到This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此),由此可知赝品的艺术价值也可以取决于它的功能;D项“一件赝品只有在欺骗成功的情况下才可以说是有艺术价值的”,内容与文章不符。因此该题选A。60.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“根据文章最后一段所描述的标准,下列哪项会被认为是可信的?”。文章中最后一段第二句指出This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此),由此可知只有当收藏家是基于它的功能而把它视为艺术的时候,它才是真的;所以B项“现代重建的中世纪祭坛作品,为在礼拜仪式中发挥其传统作用而设计的”符合题意。A项“古希腊雕塑的古罗马复制品”不是最后一段的内容;C项“由原画作者签名的一幅画的复制品”和D项“一幅由文艺复兴时期的大师开始,在他死后由他的助手完成的画”在文中没有相关的出处。因此该题选B。4. 单选题The homeless make up a growing percentage of Americas population. 21 homelessness has reached such proportions that local governments cant possibly 22 . To help homeless people 23 independence, the federal government must support job training programs, 24 the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing. 25 everyone agrees on the number of Americans who are homeless, estimates 26 anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. 27 the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is _28_. One of the federal governments studies 29 that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.Finding ways to 30 this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. 31 when homeless individuals manage to find a 32 that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day 33 the street. Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant, number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, 34 not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday 35 skills needed to turn their lives 36_. Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are_37_ programs that address the many needs of the homeless. 38 Edward Zlotkowski, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, 39 it, “There has to be 40 of programs. Whats needed is a package deal.”问题1选项A.IndeedB.LikewiseC.ThereforeD.Furthermore问题2选项A.standB.copeC.approveD.retain问题3选项A.inB.forC.withD.toward问题4选项A.raiseB.addC.takeD.keep问题5选项A.GenerallyB.AlmostC.HardlyD.Not问题6选项A.coverB.changeC.rangeD.differ问题7选项A.Now thatB.AlthoughC.ProvidedD.Except that问题8选项A.inflatingB.expandingC.increasingD.extending问题9选项A.predictsB.displaysC.provesD.discovers问题10选项A.assistB.trackC.sustainD.dismiss问题11选项A.HenceB.ButC.EvenD.Only问题12选项A.lodgingB.shelterC.dwellingD.house问题13选项A.searchingB.strollingC.crowdingD.wandering问题14选项A.whenB.onceC.whileD.whereas问题15选项A.lifeB.existenceC.survivalD.maintenance问题16选项A.aroundB.overC.onD.up问题17选项A.complexB.comprehensiveC.complementaryD.compensating问题18选项A.SoB.SinceC.AsD.Thus问题19选项A.putsB.interpretsC.assumesD.makes问题20选项A.supervisionB.manipulationC.regulationD.coordination【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D第6题:C第7题:B第8题:C第9题:A第10题:A第11题:C第12题:B第13题:D第14题:C第15题:C第16题:A第17题:B第18题:C第19题:A第20题:D【解析】21.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查语义衔接。A项indeed“确实”,表示强调;B项likewise“与相似”;C项therefore“因此”,强调结果;D项furthermore“进一步说”,表示递进。根据句子The homeless make up a growing percentage of Americas population, homelessness has reached such proportions that.(无家可归的人在美国人口中占越来越大的比例。无家可归者所占的比例已经达到如此比例以至于)可知,前一句make up a growing percentage与后一句reached such proportion that确定后者是对前者的例证强调。因此,正确答案为A。22.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查语义衔接。A项stand“忍受”,作为及物动词在句子中要直接连接宾语;B项cope“处理”,作为不及物动词,可以在句子中表达完整的含义;C项approve“批准,赞成”;D项retain“保持”。由句子homelessness has reached such proportions that local government cant possibly(无家可归者所占的比例已经达到如此比例以至于政府都无法的地步)可知,C项和D项与句意不符合。A项后面需要接宾语,句子后面没有宾语;因此正确答案为B。23.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项in“在里”;B项for“对”;C项with“和”;D项toward“朝着”。根据句子To help homeless people independence(为了帮助无家可归的人变得独立起来)可知,此处应该填入介词toward,其他几项都不符合句意;因此正确答案为D。24.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项raise“上升,加薪”;B项add“添加”;C项take“拿走”;D项keep“保持”。根据句子the federal government must support job training programs, the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.(联邦政府必须支持职业培训项目、最低工资标准、资助更多的低成本住房)可知,此处应该填入表示上调工资的动词,只有A选项符合;因此正确答案为A。25.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查逻辑衔接。A项generally“通常地”;B项almost“几乎”;C项hardly“几乎不”;D项not“不”,表示否定。根据句子everyone agrees on the number of Americans who are homeless(并不是每个人对难民的数量都有一致的看法)可知,此处应该填入表示否定的词语,只有D选项符合;因此正确答案为D。26.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查固定搭配。A项cover“包括”;B项change“改变”;C项range“(在内)变动”;D项differ“使相异”。根据句子estimatesanywhere from 600,000 to 3 million(估计在60万到300万之间)可知,range fromto固定搭配,表示“在一定幅度或范围内变动,从到变动”,只有C选项符合;differ只有differ from表示“不同于”,没有differ from to的用法;因此正确答案为C。27.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查逻辑衔接。A项now that“既然,由于”;B项although“尽管”表让步;C项provided“假如,倘若”;D项except that“只可惜,除了之外”。根据句子the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter(这个数字可能会有所不同,但分析师们在另一件事上达成了一致)可知,该句话在语义上存在转折关系,可推断该句话为让步状语从句;故使用although, B项符合题意。因此正确答案为B。28.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项inflating“膨胀的,充气的”;B项expanding“扩大的,扩展的”;C项increasing“日益增长的”;D项extending“延伸”。根据句子that the number of the homeless is(无家可归者的数量是)可知,这句话是表示数量是增长的,指数量增加时,动词一般使用increase,故C项符合题意。因此正确答案为C。29.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项predict“预测”;B项display“展示”;C项prove“证明”;D项discover“发现”。根据句子One of the federal governments studiesthat the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.(联邦政府的一项研究到这十年结束时,无家可归的人数将接近1900万),由by the end of this decade可知,此处应该是“预见”,因此正确答案为A。30.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查语义衔接。A项


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