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2022年考博英语-桂林理工大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 翻译题Directions: For this part, you are to translate a passage from Chinese into English.西安是我国黄河流域古代文明的重要发源地之一,与雅典、罗马、开罗并称为世界四大古都。西安古称长安,距今已有3000多年的历史。自西周时起一直到唐代,先后有12个王朝在这里建都,历经2000余年。汉、唐两代,更是西安的鼎盛时期。汉代的长安城相当于古罗马城的3倍,唐代的长安城则为汉长安城的2.4倍,人口多达百万以上。中华人民共和国成立后,西安一直是西北的政治中心和陕西省省会所在地。【答案】Xian is one of the important cradles of ancient civilization in the Yellow River Valley of China, and is known as the four ancient capitals of the world together with Athens, Rome and Cairo. Xian, known as Changan in ancient times, has a history of more than 3,000 years. From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, 12 dynasties established their capitals here for more than 2,000 years. The Han and Tang dynasties were the heyday of Xian. The City of Changan in the Han Dynasty was three times the size of ancient Rome, and the city of Changan in the Tang Dynasty was 2.4 times that of Han Changan, with a population of more than one million. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, Xian has been the political center of northwest China and the capital of Shanxi Province.2. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into English and put your answers on Answer Sheet.皮影戏(ShadowPlay)是中国民间广为流传的傀儡戏之一,两千年前的西汉时期诞生在中国陕西,清代在河北盛极一时。皮影戏的人物道具用兽皮或纸板剪成,演员在一块隔亮布后操纵道具进行表演。中国的不少地方戏曲剧种都是从皮影戏中派生而来。如今,中国皮影被世界各国的博物馆收藏,还是中国政府与其他国家领导人相互往来时的馈赠佳品。【答案】As one of the earliest opera forms and a sort of widespread puppet play in China, Shadow puppetry was born in Shaanxi, China, during the Western Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago, and flourished in Hebei during the Qing Dynasty. Its characters and props are made of animal skins or paperboards and the story was performed by illuminating these images with the help of lamplight. While performing, the performers manipulate the characters behind the white curtain. Many local operas in China are derived from shadow play. Nowadays, Chinese shadow puppets are collected in museums around the world, and are often presented as gifts by the Chinese government to leaders of other countries when they interact with each other.3. 单选题Less than two months into her breast cancer treatment, Alexandra Jn-Charles was called into a new room at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, where two treating physicians, the chief medical officer and an attorney representing the hospital told her that mistakes had been made.The skin lesions (病变) on her chest, they said, had been caused not by her illness but by the machine that was supposed to cure her. The 32-year-old had received nearly 30 radiotherapy sessions, but at this point it didnt really make sense to count them, because a programming error had caused each installment to deliver at least three times the prescribed amount of radiation.Jn-Charles, who died two and a half years after this meeting in 2005, would eventually come to exemplify theemergence of accidental over-radiation in U.S. hospitals. The worst off have reported skin damage, inexplicable hair loss and ribs (肋骨) buckling beneath their chests debilitating injuries suffered while undergoing screening or treatment for something that would otherwise kill them. A steep price for survival.These tragedies go to the core of an issue as pressing as it is uncomfortable to think about: Have advances in technology, improved treatment methods and more comprehensive screening protocols led to systematic, excessive irradiation of patients?The answer, according to a growing number of health experts, is yes. For example, the CT scan, which has become commonplace in response to rising cancer rates, is itself thought to increase the likelihood that a person develops cancer. The scans deliver several hundred times more radiation than an X-ray even when guidelines and dosages are followed precisely. “What we do as physicians arguably harms people,” James Ehrlich, a clinical associate professor at the University of Colorado and an adviser for Premier Micronutrient Corp., told Newsweek.A jarring example of that came in 2010, when Walt Bogdanich published an extensive review in The New York Times that listed numerous patients whose lives had been destroyed by mistakes in hospital imaging and radiotherapy. Shortly after the article series went to press, the Food and Drug Administration began to ramp up its efforts to limit excessive exposure, eventually launching its Initiative to Reduce Unnecessary Radiation Exposure From Medical Imaging.Along with organizations like the American College of Radiology, the FDA now supports a number of so-called dose registries that allow facilities to compare radiation dose indexes to regional and national values. To date, hundreds of facilities across the U.S. have enrolled.But the FDAs regulatory authority is generally focused on equipment manufacturers, and compliance on the state level is never guaranteed. And even compliant facilities run the risk of over-radiating patients: A 2012 paper by the Institute of Medicine found that medical imaging is one of the leading environmental causes of breast cancer_.1. The skin damage on Jn-Charles chest was caused by_.2. What does the author want to explain by exemplifying Jn-Charles?3. What can be learnt about the CT scan?4. What does the word “ramp up” mean?5. The author thinks FDAs solution to reduce radiation exposure is_.问题1选项A.breast cancerB.advanced technologyC.over-radiationD.treatment methods问题2选项A.There is no need to waste so much money for to treat breast cancer.B.Until now, breast cancer is still an incurable illness around the world.C.There is an increasing number of young people suffering from cancer.D.There are incidents of excessive irradiation of patients in America.问题3选项A.It is a double-edged sword in the term of cancer.B.It has been argued in the medical profession.C.It is much safer to be used to treat breast cancer.D.The radiation dosages can be controlled easily.问题4选项A.Heat up.B.Draw out.C.Intensify.D.Put up.问题5选项A.ineffectiveB.looseC.harmfulD.unnecessary【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第二段第一句话The skin lesions on her chest, they said, had been caused not by her illness but by the machine that was supposed to cure her. The 32-year-old had received nearly 30 radiotherapy session but at this point it didnt really make sense to count them, because a programming error had caused each installment to deliver at least three times the prescribed amount of radiation“他们说:她胸部的皮肤损伤不是因为她的病而是因为应该治好她的机器。这位32岁的患者接受了近30次放疗但在这一点上,没有真正的意义去计算它们,因为一个程序错误导致每个装置提供了至少三倍于规定的辐射量”,第二步,综合理解,由此可知答案选C选项“过度放疗”。A选项“乳腺癌”,见正确选项解析,可知选项错误,属于反向干扰;B选项“先进的科技”,定位到文章第四段第二句话Have advances in technology, improved treatment methods and more comprehensive screening protocols led to systematic, excessive irradiation of patients?“技术的进步、治疗方法的改进和更全面的筛查方案是否导致了对患者的系统性、过度照射?”文章虽然有提到先进技术,但这不是Jn-Charles胸部受伤的原因,这里属于出处错误;D选项“治疗方法”,见正确选项解析,是因为程序错误导致患者接受了三倍的辐射,所以才造成患者出现灼伤,如果按照规定辐射来可能不会出现这种情况,所以不能选D选项,属于曲解文意。2.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第三段第一句话Jn-Charles, who died two and a half years after this meeting in 2005, would eventually come to exemplify the emergence of accidental over-radiation in U.S. hospitals.“在这次会议结束两年半后的2005年,Jn-Charles去世了,他最终成为美国医院意外过度辐射的典型例子”,由此可知答案选D选项“在美国也有病人接受过度照射的案例”。A选项“没有必要浪费这么多钱去治疗乳腺癌”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有,所以不能选;B选项“到目前为止,乳腺癌在世界范围内仍是一种不治之症”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有,所以不能选;C选项“越来越多的年轻人患癌症”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有,所以不能选。3.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第五段第二句For example, the CT scan, which has become commonplace in response to rising cancer rates, is itself thought to increase the likelihood that a person develops cancer.“例如,CT扫描在应对不断上升的癌症发病率时已变得司空见惯,但它本身被认为会增加一个人患癌症的可能性”,第二步综合理解,从这里可知,在检测是否患癌症时,医生一般会用CT,但是CT会让使用者更容易得癌,所以说CT是把有利有弊的双刃剑,正确答案选A选项“对于癌症来说,这是一把双刃剑”。B选项“医学界对此一直争论不休”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有,不选;C选项“用于治疗乳腺癌要安全得多”,定位到第五段倒数第二句话The scans deliver several hundred times more radiation than an X-ray even when guidelines and dosages are followed precisely.“这种扫描产生的辐射量是X射线的数百倍即使严格遵循指导方针和剂量”由此可知C选项错误这里属于反向干扰;D选项“辐射剂量很容易控制”,虽然这里有提到剂量,但是没有提到剂量是否容易控制,而且文章病例是因为过度辐射而造成的,所以文章暗含着其实剂量不容易控制,这里属于无中生有。4.词汇推断题。第一步,句中前后信息连接,ramp up前面接的是一个机构后面接的是努力,第二步,上下文语义推测,整段的大意是一个令人吃惊的案例发表之后获得很大的关注,然后某机构出来推动限制使用辐射,避免患者过多暴露在辐射中,由上下文意可知,该机构在收到反馈之后是加大自己的努力,从这里可知答案选C选项“增强,强化”。A选项“加热,升温”,不符合文章意思,属于无中生有;B选项“拟定,导致”;D选项“提供;建造”。5.事实细节题,第一步,精准定位,定位到文章最后一段一二句But the FDAs regulatory authority is generally focused on equipment manufacturers, and compliance on the state level is never guaranteed. And even compliant facilities run the risk of over-radiating patients“但FDA的监管机构一般只关注设备制造商,无法保证州一级的合规。即使是符合规定的医疗机构也有对病人进行过度辐射的风险”,由此可见作者对FDA所采取的措施有效与否是持否定态度的,所以答案选A选项“无效的”。B选项“松散的”,文章并没有提及FDA在实施这些措施的时候是否严格,所以B选项不能选,属于无中生有;C选项“有害的”,文章没有提到有害之处,属于无中生有;D选项“没必要的”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。4. 单选题Cancer is feared by everyone. And this fear is reaching epidemic level. Not the disease itself there is no such thing as a cancer epidemic. Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking, the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety. The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen (致癌物). The ordinary, more or less scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are due to things in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is “cleaned up.” This is not at all the meaning. The 80-percent calculation is based on the unthinkable differences in the incidence of cancer in various societies around the worldfor example, the high proportion of liver cancer in Africa and the Far East, stomach cancer in Japan, breast cancer in Western Europe and North America, and the relatively low figures for breast cancer in Japan and parts of Africa and for liver cancer in America. These data indicate there may be special and specific environmental influences, largely based on personal life-style, that determine the incidence of various forms of cancer in different communitiesbut that is all the data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same everywhere.1. Which of the following is closest to meaning to the phrase “leveling off?2. According to the passage, the incidence of cancer is generally believe_.3. It can be inferred from the passage that the writers opinion about the relationship between cancer and environment is_.4. According to the passage, the writer seems to feel that_.5. Which of the following would be the best TITLE for the passage?问题1选项A.Became very popularB.Reached its lowest level in popularityC.Stopped being popularD.Stopped increasing its popularity问题2选项A.to be based on inactive life styleB.to be due to anxietyC.to result from environmental influencesD.to be caused by heavy smoking问题3选项A.positiveB.negativeC.neutralD.approving问题4选项A.cancer risk is on the riseB.the whole earth resembles a huge carcinogenC.the risk of catching cancer is not so great as most people conceiveD.cancer can be cured sooner or later问题5选项A.Cancer and EnvironmentB.The Fear Caused by CancersC.Data on Cancer IncidenceD.Cancer and its Investigation【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.词汇推断题。第一步,句中前后信息衔接,定位到文章第三四句话Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking, the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety.“除主要由吸烟引起的肺癌外,其他癌症的发病率(),某些癌症的发病率正在下降。但是对癌症的恐惧正在蔓延,这个国家面临着焦虑的风险”,第二步,上下文语义衔接except for这里是一个状语,and连接两个句子,这两个句子之间存在并列或者递进关系,后面的句子是一些癌症正在减少,所以leveling off应该是减少或者持平、平稳的意思,从后面那句的连词but也可知,前面的句意也是but后面的意思相反,也就是癌症虽然发病率减少但是对癌症的恐惧却正在增加,由此可知答案选D选项“不再增长”;A选项“变得受欢迎”不符题意,属于无中生有;B选项“达到最低水平”,不符题意,属于无中生有;C选项“不再受欢迎”,不符题意,属于无中生有。2.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第六句The ordinary, more or less scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are due to things in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is “cleaned up”.“一般来说,80%到90%的癌症都是由环境因素造成的,这种说法多少有些科学依据,但它意味着,在整个环境得到清理之前,我们谁也不会安全”。第二步,综合理解,从这里可知答案选C选项“受环境的影响”;A选项“以消极的生活方式为基础”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;B选项“由于焦虑”定位到第四句,But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety“但是对癌症的恐惧正在蔓延,这个国家面临着焦虑的风险”,这里讲的是国家处于焦虑的风险,而不是人因为焦虑增加患癌的风险,这里属于出处错误;D选项“因为酗烟”定位到第三句Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking,“除了肺癌,肺癌主要是由吸烟引起的”,这里单指吸烟增加患肺癌的风险但是题干是指的是患癌症,肺癌只是癌症的一种,这里属于以偏概全。3.观点态度题。第一步,精准定位,定位到文章倒数一二句these data indicate there may be special and specific environmental influences, largely based on personal life-style, that determine the incidence of various forms of cancer in different communitiesbut that is all the data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same everywhere.“这些数据表明,可能有一些特殊的、具体的环境影响,很大程度上取决于个人的生活方式,决定了不同社区中各种癌症的发病率但这只是所有数据所表明的。如果把所有病例都计算在内,癌症的总体发病率可能在世界各地都大致相同”。第二步,综合理解,从这里可知作者认为环境对健康的其实是没有影响的,有影响的是人们的生活方式,由此作者的态度是比较客观的,答案选C“中立的”;A选项“积极的”,见正确选项,不符合题意,属于偷换概念;B选项“消极的”见正确选项,不符合题意,属于偷换概念;D选项“赞成的”,见正确选项,不符合题意,属于偷换概念。4.推理判断题,第一步,寻找句内线索,定位到第三四句话,Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking, the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety“除主要由吸烟引起的肺癌外,其他癌症的发病率趋于平稳,某些癌症的发病率正在下降。但是对癌症的恐惧正在蔓延,这个国家面临着焦虑的风险”。第二步,寻找上下文线索,从这里可以知道其实癌症已经没有那么可怕了但是人们对患癌症的恐惧却越来越强烈,由此推断C选项“患癌症的风险没有大多数人想象的那么大”正确;A选项“癌症风险正在上升”,见正确选项解析,这里属于反向干扰;B选项“整个地球就像一个巨大的致癌物质”定位到第五句话The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen“地球本身看起来就像一种巨大的致癌物”,这里从句意上看B选项是这句话的同义替代,但是resemble一般指外表、形状上的相似,seem like指的是内在的相似之处,所以B选项不选,这里属于曲意理解;D选项“癌症迟早会被治愈的”文章没有提及,属于无中生有。5.主旨大意题,分析文章行文结构,文章从人们对癌症的恐惧谈起,说到人们对癌症越来越恐惧,但作者觉得这是没有必要的,因为癌症的发病率趋于平缓。然后人们觉得地球本身就是致癌物,不同地区的人患不同癌症的风险也是不一样的,但是作者觉得支持这个论点的数据本身就存在着争论,然后作者指出其实不是地球环境而是人们生活方式本身存在问题,而且它只计算了某个特殊的癌症,如果把所有癌症计算在内其实全球地区的患癌率是差不多的,所以文章的具体内容是讲清楚癌症和环境这件的关系,答案选A选项“癌症和环境”;B选项“癌症造成的恐慌”,这只是文章的引入点,引入人们对癌症的恐惧之后文章并没有继续探讨恐惧带来了什么作用或者恐惧的原因,这里属于以偏概全;C选项“癌症的数据”,文章指出的数据是不同地区癌症的发病率,这些数据提出来只是为了佐证文中人们的观点,不是文章的主要想表达的意思,这里属于推理过度所以不选;D选项“癌症和其调查”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有,所以不选。5. 填空题Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passageA coeducational(男女合校的)school offers children nothing less than a tree version of society in miniature(缩影). Boys and girls are given the 1 to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a position where they can compare themselves with each other in terms of 2 ability, athletic achievement and many of the extracurricular activities which are part of school life. What a practical 3 it is(to give just a small example)to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! What nonsense coeducation makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice versa. When 4, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. In a coeducational school, everything falls into its 5 place.The greatest contribution of coeducation is 6 the healthy attitude to life it encourages. Boys dont grow up believing that women are 7 creatures. Girls dont grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes. Years of living together at school remove illusions of this kind. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and 8 problems involved in growing up. These can better be 9 in a coeducational environment. When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to 10 society as well-adjusted adults. They have already had years of experience in coping with many of the problems that face men and womenA. advantage B. proper C. rewarded D. emotionalE. opportunity F. activity G. overcome H. academicI. enter J. mysterious K. eventually L. segregatedM. undoubtedly N. principle O. advocate【答案】1.E2.H3.A4.L5.B6.O7.J8.D9.G10.I【解析】名词:A选项advantage“优势”;E选项opportunity“机会”;F选项activity“活动”;H选项academic学者;N选项principle“原则”动词:C选项rewarded“奖励,奖赏”;G选项overcome“克服”;I选项enter“进入”;L选项segregated“隔离”;O选项advocate“倡导”形容词:B选项proper“合适的”;D选项emotional“感情的,情绪的”;H选项academic“学术的,理论的”;J选项mysterious“神秘的,难解的”;L选项segregated“分割的”;副词:K选项eventually“最终地”;M选项undoubtedly“确实地,毋庸置疑地”1.句意:男孩子和女孩子能够有( )来了解对方。这里空格在冠词后,且后面没有名词,所以可知空格处应该填名词,这里从名词词义代入,E选项最符合题意。2. 句意:他们处于一个地方,一个他们可以在( )能力、运动成就和许多课外活动(这是学校生活的一部分)方面互相比较的地方。空格后面的单词是名词所以前面填的实词是形容词,联系下文的athletic achievement(体育成就)和extracurricular activities(课外活动),这里指的应该是学业活动,所以答案选H选项。3. 句意:这是多么实际的( )(举一个小例子),能够上演一个学校戏剧,其中的男性角色将由男孩扮演,而女性角色将由女孩扮演。感叹句的用法是what a + N + 句子其他部分 或者 How + adj + N + 句子其他部分。这里是what 引导的感叹句,所以空格处填名词,演戏剧的时候男性扮演男性角色女性扮演女性角色,相比于男子学院或者女子学院来说是一种优势,所以答案选A。4. 句意:当( ),男孩和女孩感到他们是一个种族的差异。在状语从句中如果主语与主句的主语一致,同时从句中又含有系动词be,则通常可省去从句的主语和系动词be,留下其余部分,所以句子里的时间状语从句省略了boys and girls are,所以空格处填的词是形容词、动名词、名词。根据主句关键词apart,这里的词选择L。5.句意:在男女同校的学校里,所有东西都落在它( )的位置。这里的空格放在代词后面名词前面所以空格处填的是形容词。根据上文中,排练戏剧时,男性扮演男性角色、女性扮演女性角色可知答案选B,所有事情都放在自己合适的位置。6. 句意:男女同校最大的贡献是它( )健康的生活态度。空格前面的词语时be动词把空格处去掉也不影响句意,所以空格处是个修饰性词语也就是动词或者副词,空格后面的词语是形容词所以空格处一定要选副词。根据句意M选项符合逻辑。be动词后面不能接动词原型,所以答案不能选O。7. 句意:男孩在成长过程中不会相信女人是( )生物。空格后面是名词,所以答案选形容词选项,从后面那句女孩也不再认为男生是浪漫的英雄可知,男女同校的好处是破除两性之间的刻板印象,结合选项,这里选择J选项,男孩子不会认为女生是神秘的生物。8. 句意:棘手的青春期把成长过程中涉及到的一些身体问题和( )问题清晰地呈现出来。空格后的词语是名词,所以空格处应该填形容词,空格前的连词and连接生理的,所以这里填的就是心理的,答案选D。9. 句意:这些可以在男女同校的环境中被( )。这里be动词与过去分词组成被动语态,所以有C、G选项可选,these指的是前面句子中男孩和女孩在青春期遇到的问题,所以能够和问题搭配的词语是G选项。10. 句意:当学生们离开学校的时候,他们已经完全准备好以适应社会的成年人的身份()社会。根据固定搭配prepare to do sth. 由此可知空格处填的词是动词原形,空格处接的词是society根据句意,这里选I选项最为合适。6. 单选题Like a tired marriage, the relationship between libraries and publishers has long been reassuringly dull. E-books, however, are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares if they are to remain relevant, but many publishers are too wary of piracy and lost sales to co-operate. Among the big six, only Random House and HarperCollins license e-books with most libraries. The others have either denied requests or are reluctantly experimenting. In August, for example, Penguin will start a pilot with public libraries in New York.Publishers are wise to be nervous. Owners of e-readers are exactly the customers they need: book-lovers with money (neither the devices nor broadband connections come cheap). If these wonderful people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them, what then?Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient. Unlike printed books, which must be checked out and returned to a physical library miles from where you live, book files can be downloaded at home. Digital library catalogues are often browsed at night, from a comfy sofa. The files disappear from the device when they are due (which means no late fees, nor worry about lost or damaged books).Awkwardly for publishers, buying an e-book costs more than renting one but offers little extra value. You cannot resell it, lend it to a friend or burn it to stay warm. Owning a book is useful if you want to savor (品尝)it repeatedly, but who reads “Fifty Shades of Grey” twice?E-lending is not simple, however. There are lots of different and often incompatible e-book formats, devices and licenses. Most libraries use a company called OverDrive, a global distributor that secure


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