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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At first he prospected by selling his small but genuine collection of early US autographs. Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books. To lessen the chance of detection, he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale and circulation.Forgers have a hard time selling their products. A forger cant approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who dont have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their work look real. For example, they buy old books to use the aged paper of the title page, and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.In springs time, right after the Civil War. Britain was still fond of the Southern states, so Spring invented a respectable maiden lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson, the only daughter of General “Stonewall” Jackson. For several years Miss Fannys financial problems forced her to sell a great number of letters and manuscripts belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty, leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries form the originals.1.Why did Spring sell his false autographs in England and Canada?2.After the Civil War there was a great demand in Britain for( ).3.Robert Spring spent 15 years ( ) .4.Who was Miss Fanny Jackson?5.How did Robert Spring start to sell forgeries?6.All of the following are ways a forger uses EXCEPT( ) .7.We can infer that General “Stonewall Jackson” was ( ) .8.We can infer that sharp-eyed experts are those who ( ) .问题1选项A.There was a greater demand there than in American.B.There was less chance of being detected there.C.Britain was Springs birthplace.D.The prices were higher in England and Canada.问题2选项A.southern moneyB.signature of George Washington and Ben FranklinC.southern manuscripts and lettersD.Civil War battle plans问题3选项A.running a bookstore in PhiladelphiaB.corresponding with Miss Fanny JacksonC.as a forgerD.as respectable dealer问题4选项A.The only daughter of General “Stonewall” Jackson.B.A little known girl who sold her fathers paper to Robert Spring.C.Robert Springs daughter.D.An imaginary person created by Spring问题5选项A.He discovered that he had the ability of copying handwriting.B.He was almost dying in poverty.C.The collection of early US autographs was all sold out.D.He was trying to make a living.问题6选项A.Buying old books to use the aged paper of the title pageB.treating paper with chemicalsC.treating ink with chemicalsD.adding new paper into the old books问题7选项A.a real personB.an imaginary personC.an unknown personD.not a general at all问题8选项A.have good eyesight to read booksB.are highly skilled at distinguishing the forgeries and the originalsC.have a keen insight into understanding world affairsD.can see far into the distance【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A第6题:D第7题:A第8题:B【解析】1.根据关键词“ England and Canada”定位到第一段最后一句“To lessen the chance of detection, he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale and circulation.”Spring将赝品送到英国和加拿大售卖是因为被查到的机会更小, 选项B符合原文。2.根据第三段的内容可知, 美国内战之后, 英国人依然对南部各州情有独钟。于是Spring虚构出Jackson将军的独生女, 因贫困卖掉大量属于她著名父亲的信件和手稿。所以选项C符合原文。3.根据关键词“15 years”定位到第一段第一句“Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans.”19世纪的伪造者Robert Spring非常擅长自己的职业, 他靠出售美国名人的假签名谋生15年。所以选项C正确。4.根据第三段的内容以及关键词“invented”可知, Fanny Jackson只是Spring虚构出来的一个人物, 目的是为了售卖他造假的Jackson将军的手稿和信件, 所以选项D正确。5.根据第一段倒数第二句“Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books.”当他发现自己有抄写笔迹的能力, 于是开始模仿乔治华盛顿和本富兰克林的签名, 并把它们写在旧书的扉页上。选项A符合原文。6.根据第二段的最后两句可知“they buy old books to use the aged paper of the title page, and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.”他们买旧书来使用扉页的旧纸, 他们可以用化学物质处理纸张和墨水。只有选项D没有提及。7.根据第三段的内容可知, 虽然Fanny Jackson是Spring虚构的人物, 但“石墙”将军这个人是真实存在的, 因为Spring所造假的手稿和信件是这位将军的, 所以选项A正确。8.根据最后一段最后一句“.leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries form the originals.”留给目光敏锐的专家们一项艰巨的任务:将他(Spring)的赝品与真品分开。选项B符合原文。2. 写作题Different people have different ideas about “future”. Some people understand it as pain and death; some believe it means hope and expectation; still others regard it as somewhere you reach within an hour of sixty minutes. What is your own idea and how would you support it? Write a composition about it of at least 150 words. You can either use the given title “FUTURE”, or make some slight changes as you like.【答案】My Future3. 单选题( ) you are familiar with the authors ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you can.问题1选项A.Now thatB.So thatC.Ever sinceD.As long as【答案】A【解析】now that既然, 由于, 引导原因从句;so that以便, 所以;ever since自从., 引导时间状语从句;as long as只要, 如果, 引导条件状语从句。句意:既然你熟悉作者的观点, 试着尽快读完所有的章节。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight( ).问题1选项A.could not have been solvedB.could be solvedC.cannot be solvedD.could not have solved【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气, 从句为过去完成时, 主句应用现在完成时, 首先排除选项B和C。problem和solve之间是被动关系, 所以选项A正确。5. 翻译题1.But another new study provides the first solid evidence of a direct link between certain kinds of prolonged exercise and subtle heart damage. For the study, Canadian and Spanish scientists prodded young, healthy male rats to run at an intense pace, day after day, for three months, which is the equivalent of about 10 years in human terms. At the end of the training period, heart scans showed that most of the rodents had developed diffuse scarring and some structural changes, similar to the changes seen in the human endurance athletes. A control group of unexercised rats had developed no such remodeling of their hearts. Interestingly, when the animals stopped running, their hearts returned to normal within eight weeks. Most of the fibrosis and other apparent damage disappeared.2.You may feel the desire to skip sketching and jump straight to the computer or work out your solutions as digital sketches. There is nothing wrong with that, especially for your own experimental work. There is no quicker method for exploring multiple visual solutions than sketching though. Try to weigh the advantages of sketching in regards to the project at hand.Hand-drawn sketching plays an important role in the digital arts. The larger a project is, and the more concepts a client will need to see, the more sketching will prove its worth in your design process. Consider using rough sketches for composition or layout options in your next project. Or push yourself to do another handful of thumbnail sketches before firing up Photoshop.3.Home is the first and most important school of character. It is there that every human being receives his best moral training, or his worst: for it is there that he imbibes those principles of conduct which endure through manhood, and cease only with life. From that source, be it pure or impure, issue the principles and maxims that govern society. Law itself is but the reflex of home. The tiniest bits of opinion sown in the minds of children in private life afterwards issue forth to the world, and become its public opinion: for nations are gathered out of nurseries, and they who hold the leading-strings of children may even exercise a greater power than those who wield the reins of government.Choose ONLY ONE text from the following passages and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided. If more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】1.但另一项最新研究首次有力地证明了,某些长时间的运动和轻微的心脏损伤之间存在直接联系。在这项研究中,加拿大和西班牙的科学家们刺激年轻健康的雄性实验鼠快速地奔跑,日复一日,一共持续了三个月,这相当于人类大约10年的时间。在奔跑实验完成后,心脏扫描显示这些老鼠中,大部分的心脏都发生弥漫性疤痕, 有些还发生结构性变化,这和发生在耐力运动员身上的变化相似。而对照组中没有训练的老鼠,它们的心脏却没有发生这些变化。有趣的是,一旦这些老鼠停止奔跑,它们的心脏在八周内就会恢复正常。大部分的心脏纤维化和其他明显的受损状况都会消失。2.也许你想跳过在纸上画草图,直接用电脑做设计方案,或者把你的解决方案作成数字草图。这并没有什么不妥,由个人工作而定。但对于策划多种视觉解决方案来说,没有一种方法比画草图更快。可以试着根据手头上的项目来衡量草图的优势。手绘草图在数字艺术当中扮演了重要角色。项目越大,客户需要看到的概念越多,草图越能在设计过程中体现出它的价值。不妨考虑在下一个项目中使用粗略草图来构图或者布局备选方案。或者在使用图片编辑之前迫使自己画另一组小型草图。3.家是品格形成的第一个,也是最重要的学堂。正是在那里,每个人接受最好的,亦或最糟糕的道德教育:正是在那里,人们汲取的那些行为准则,生则始,死方终。家,正是从这个源头,无论其纯洁与否,产生了支配社会的条框和准绳。而法律只不过是家庭的反映。家庭生活播撒在孩子心灵上的点滴细微的想法,日后将传向社会,变成公众意见。由于国家只是家庭的集合体,牵系孩子的家庭可能要比管控社会的政府更具影响力。6. 单选题Why would any woman in her right mind choose to walk on the balls of her feet with her heels propped up by spikes? The historical answer is that high heels reflect aristocratic tastesspecifically, the tastes of the seventeenth-century French court, which first popularized them in Europe. Not only did heels keep the wearers feet relatively mud free, they also created a physical elevation to match the social elevation of the stylish, exaggerated the strutting gait of the noble classes, and they suggested, by their very precariousness, that their owners could afford not to worry about falling on their faces. Indeed, as Bernard Rudofsky points out, seventeenth-century wearers of high heels, men and women, frequently had to be transported in sedan chairs because they could not manage cobblestones on foot. Some “heels” in that era were actually full-soled platforms, and to walk on these things at all, one needed the constant elbow support of two servants.The helplessness associated with the raised-heel style encouraged the notion that heeled persons were above having to care for themselves. In view of this, it is not surprising that even today it is women, almost exclusively, who wear heels. High heels are the cobblers contribution to what I have called the pedestal ploy. They link physical incapacity with the notion of woman as a “higher being”一too high to get along on her own.Women have taken to high heels, of course, because they feel, correctly, that they increase their attractiveness to men. Part of that increased attractiveness has to do with male fantasies of female fragility. As fashion iconoclast Elizabeth Hawes puts it, “The idea is that he, in his heavy shoes, should feel stronger and more capable than she on her fragile stilts. Never mind the realities.” Another part of it may be biological. In his discussion of rump display among mammals, Dale Guthrie notes that the “lines of the buttocks, thigh, calf and ankle have a native sexual stimulation, but this can be increased with high-heeled shoes; the curves are exaggerated when the heel is lifted.” Heels also exaggerate the lateral motion of buttocks. The ultimate function of high heels, therefore, may be to fuel the male belief that women are both impotent and seductive.1.The passage is mainly about ( ) .2.From historical point of view, high heels ( ) .3.Women on high heels suggest that ( ) .4.The most important reason for womens preference to high heels is that ( ) .5.The mens attitudes towards womens wearing high heels are that ( ) .问题1选项A.high heelsB.functions of high heelsC.history of high heelsD.women on high heels问题2选项A.were the exclusive passion of womenB.were worn by both men and womenC.symbolized the tastes of aristocracyD.were the characteristics of noble classes问题3选项A.they are always helpless as high heelsB.they are dependable as well as fragileC.they always have some superiorityD.high heels are still fashionable问题4选项A.biological weak-points can be reducedB.attractiveness to men is increasedC.social elevation can be shownD.aristocratic tastes are reflected问题5选项A.they are considered weaker than menB.they are regarded as biologically incapableC.they are just in biological need.D.they are thought to be charming and feeble【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.结合全文内容可知, 本文主要是讲高跟鞋的作用, 选项B正确。2.根据第一段的第二句“The historical answer is that high heels reflect aristocratic tastesspecifically, the tastes of the seventeenth-century French court,.”从历史的角度来看, 高跟鞋反映了贵族的品味尤其是17世纪法国宫廷的品味。选项C符合原文。3.根据第二段的第一句“The helplessness associated with the raised-heel style encouraged the notion that heeled persons were above having to care for themselves.”与高跟鞋风格相关的无助感, 助长了一种观念, 即穿高跟鞋的人不必为自己操心。也就是说, 高跟鞋对于女性来说既是可靠的, 但也很脆弱, 所以选项B正确。4.根据第三段的第一句“Women have taken to high heels, of course, because they feel, correctly, that they increase their attractiveness to men.”当然, 确切的说, 女性选择高跟鞋是因为她们觉得高跟鞋增加了她们对男性的吸引力。选项B符合原文。5.根据最后一段最后一句“The ultimate function of high heels, therefore, may be to fuel the male belief that women are both impotent and seductive.”因此, 高跟鞋的终极功能可能是让男性更加相信女性既脆弱又有魅力。选项D符合原文。7. 单选题Every American high-school student may or may not hope, to go to college, but if he does, depending on how much he wants to, he probably can. At any rate, six out of ten high-school graduates go to college, not all of them go immediately lack of money, the Armed Forces, an attractive job, illness, anyone of a hundred reasons, common and uncommon may hold some out for a year, or two, or five, but they too will go eventually. Some of them will go to for-year colleges, some to junior colleges, some to technical institutes. And the number will climb. In ten years seven out of ten high-school graduates will go, and in twenty years four out of five.The fact that so many high-school graduates now continue their education suggests that there is a high value on college in American life. And this is so. A young man or a young woman of college age is more or less expected to be going to college simply because that is the best thing to be doing at that age. The expectation is not abstract devotion to education but ordinary common sense based on the values of college. The fact is that the differences, in terms of lifetime experiences, between the average student who goes to college and the average student who does not, are so favorable to the college-going student that any student who can reach college owes it to himself to do so.The word “reach” is important. College is a separate experience. It is optional in the sense that no student is required to go to college as he is required by lawin most statesto go to high school. But it is not optional for a student who would like to enter a profession, or who would like to get into the management structure of business or finance, or who would like to enter government service. Such a student has no choice but to go to college.1.Which of the following is the least possible reason that may hold a high-school graduate out for a number of years before he goes to college?2.What percentage of todays American high-school graduates will eventually go to college?3.The main reason for most high-school graduates to go to college is that ( ).4.It is implied but not directly mentioned that ( ) .5.The word “them” in line 3 of paragraph 1 refers to ( ) .6.In twenty years time, how many high school-graduates will go to college?7.The word “this” in line 2 of paragraph 2 refers to( ) .8.Going to high school is ( ) .问题1选项A.His service in the army.B.The problem of age.C.The problem of money.D.His poor health.问题2选项A.About 60%B.About 70%C.About 80%D.About 90%问题3选项A.they want to devote themselves to higher education of AmericaB.higher education, in a sense, means better job opportunitiesC.college education is their only possible choiceD.they think college is a separate, joyful experience they must learn问题4选项A.in most states a student is required by law to go to high school.B.in some states there is law that requires every high-school graduate to go to collegeC.to go to college is the best thing for a young man of college ago to do.D.a high-school education is not enough for those who want to be, for example, doctors, lawyers, managers, or scientists.问题5选项A.high-school graduatesB.four-year collegesC.technical institutesD.junior colleges问题6选项A.Seven out of ten.B.Five out of tenC.Four out of five.D.Six out of ten问题7选项A.high value on college education in American lifeB.the fact that so many high-school graduates go to collegeC.demand of going to college by high-school graduatesD.low value on college education in American life问题8选项A.optionalB.requiredC.a separate experienceD.profession-based education【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A第6题:C第7题:A第8题:B【解析】1.根据第一段第二句可知, 部分高中生毕业后没能立马进入大学而继续留校是因为缺钱, 参军, 吸引人的工作, 疾病等各种各样的原因, 只有选项B年龄没有涉及, 所以本题选B。2.根据第一段第二句 “At any rate, six out of ten high-school graduates go to college, not all of them go immediately lack of money” 可知,现在有60%的高中毕业生将会去上大学。选项A符合原文。3.根据第二段的第一句“The fact that so many high-school graduates now continue their education suggests that there is a high value on college in American life.”如此多高中毕业生现在继续接受教育的事实表明, 大学在美国生活中有很高的价值。选项D符合原文。4.根据最后一段最后两句可知, 对于想要进入职业领域、想要进入商业或金融管理结构、想要进入政府部门的学生来说, 这是不可选的。这样的学生除了上大学别无选择。选项D符合原文。5.根据原文结合句意可知, “them”指代的是前面所提到的未能立即上大学的高中毕业生。选项A正确。6.根据第一段最后一句“In ten years seven out of ten high-school graduates will go, and in twenty years four out of five.”可知选项C正确。7.根据原文句意可知, 这里的“this”指代的是上一句提到的“there is a high value on college in American life.”选项A符合原文。8.根据最后一段第二句“It is optional in the sense that no student is required to go to college as he is required by lawin most statesto go to high school.”在大多数州, 法律要求学生上高中, 而不是要求学生上大学。由此可知, 上高中是必须的, 选项B正确。8. 单选题The various countries are striving to defend their( ) economies against imperialist trade attacks.问题1选项A.respectedB.respectfulC.respectableD.respective【答案】D【解析】respected受尊敬的;respectful恭敬的, 有礼貌的;respectable值得尊敬的;respective分别的, 各自的。句意:各国都在努力保卫各自的经济不受帝国主义贸易攻击。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题Leave a piece of fresh fish lying around for a few days in the warmth of summer and try to forget about it. You cant! Within a day or so it starts to decay and gives off the indescribable smell only rotten fish can give off. Pick pears from a tree and forget to eat them and soon your pears will be sleepy, or over-ripe and mushy, and useless for any purpose. These are just two common examples of food spoilage that may occur.Fortunately today there are a great many ways of preserving foods that enable us to enjoy all kinds of meats, fruits, and vegetables out of season and from other countries.Just how and why do foods spoil? Why does fish go rotten, butler turn rancid, milk sour, and pears sleepy? Basically there are two means by which food spoilage occurs. One is by the growth of micro-organisms on the outside, and the other is by chemical changes on the inside. Micro-organisms such as yeasts, molds, and bacteria are always present in the air around us. They settle on food and, if the conditions are right, begin to break it down. Some yeasts tend to make food ferment. They change sugar into alcohol, which then turns into acid making the food taste sour. Molds tend to grow on moist foods. You have probably seen the greenish-colored mold on bread and on cheese. It starts as tiny white spores and grows into a gre


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