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2022-2023年考博英语-黑龙江大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Taking photographs is strictly( )here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings.问题1选项A.forbiddenB.rejectedC.excludeD.denied【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。forbidden“严禁的”;rejected“拒绝的”;exclude“排除”;denied“否定”。由后半句内容“拍照会损害珍贵的洞穴壁画”可推知“拍照是被严格禁止的”符合题意。故A项最符合题意。句意:这里严禁拍照,因为这可能会损坏珍贵的洞穴壁画。2. 单选题If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem. Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labor is simply another factor of production to be hired-rented at the lowest possible cost-much as one buys raw materials or equipment.The lack of importance attached to human-resource management can be seen in the corporate hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is central-usually the second most important executive, after the CEO, in the firms hierarchy.While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firms. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is as lower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half cant effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that to with these processes will disappear.1.Which of the following applies to the management of human resources in American companies?2.What is the position of the head of human-resource management in an American firm?3.The money most American firms put in training mainly goes to( ).4. According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firms competitive advantage is( ).5.What is the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.B.They see the gaining of skills as their employees own business.C.They attach more importance to workers than to equipment.D.They only hire skilled workers because of keen competition.问题2选项A.He is one of the most important executives in the firm.B.His post is likely to disappear when new technologies are introduced.C.He is directly under the chief financial executive.D.He has no say in making important decisions in the firm.问题3选项A.workers who can operate new equipmentB.technological and managerial staffC.workers who lack basic background skillsD.top executives问题4选项A.the introduction of new technologiesB.the improvement of workers basic skillsC.the rational composition of professional and managerial employeesD.the attachment of importance to the bottom half of the employees问题5选项A.American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human-resource management.B.Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.C.The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firms hierarchy.D.The human-resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。由第一段“Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility.在美国,人力资源管理传统上并不被视为企业竞争生存的核心。技能的获得被认为是个人的责任。”可知B项“技能的获得是自己的事情”正确。2.推理判断题。由第二段“The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 人力资源管理主管的职位通常是一个专门的工作,位于公司等级制度的边缘。人力资源高管在重大战略决策上从不被征求意见,也没有机会晋升为首席执行官(CEO)。”可知人力资源主管在做决策时没有发言权。故D项正确。3.细节事实题。由第三段“The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. 他们投资的钱也更集中在专业和管理人员身上。”可知B项正确。4.推理判断题。由第一段“If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem. 如果可持续的竞争优势依赖于劳动力的技能,美国公司就有问题了。”以及第四段“As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. 因此,当新的突破性技术出现时,问题就出现了。”可知保持公司竞争优势的决定性因素是员工的技能。故B项正确。5.主旨大意题。全文第一句指出如果可持续的竞争优势依赖于劳动力的技能,美国公司就有问题了。接着说明美国公司的人力资源管理没有得到足够重视,不注重员工技能的培训,并提出对应的影响,即导致美国公司可持续的竞争优势受损。故D项正确。3. 不定项选择题President Arling has put his long-awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress. It provides a coordinated program of investment credits, research grants, educational reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive. This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years. The most liberal wing of the Presidents party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs. The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the Presidents program.They want tax cuts and a more open market. They say if Federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending. Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem before us. It is not simply a matter of markets or financing. The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy. If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively. If it cannot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long.Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still further behind its foreign competitors. So the crux is the technology and that is where the Presidents program focused. The danger is not that a plan will not be passed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact. If we fail to restructure our economy now, we may not get a second chance.1. The focus of the Presidents program is on_.2. What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic-party?3. What is the editors attitude?4. The danger to the plan lies in_.5. The passage is_.问题1选项A.investmentB.economyC.technologyD.tax问题2选项A.They want a more direct action.B.They want an incomes policy to check inflation.C.They want to rebuild industry.D.They want a wall of protective tariffs.问题3选项A.Support.B.Distaste.C.Disapproval.D.Compromise.问题4选项A.the two parties objectionB.different idea of the two parties about the planC.its passageD.distortion问题5选项A.a reviewB.a prefaceC.an advertisementD.an editorial【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】The focus of the Presidents program is on _. 总统项目的重点是 _。A. investment A. 投资B. economy B. 经济C. technology C. 技术D. tax D. 税收【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息focus of the Presidents program可定位到倒数第二段第一句,该处讲到“所以关键是技术,这也是总统项目的重点所在(the crux is the technology)”因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“投资”,是总统计划中涉及到的部分但并不是关键,属于本末倒置;B选项“经济”,范围太广,太笼统;D选项“税收”,是总统计划中的一部分但也不是关键,属于本末倒置。2.【选项释义】What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic-party? 民主党中最自由派的要求是什么?A. They want a more direct action. A. 他们想要一个更直接的行动。B. They want an incomes policy to check inflation. B. 他们想要一个收入政策来遏制通货膨胀。C. They want to rebuild industry. C. 他们想重建工业。D. They want a wall of protective tariffs. D. 他们想要保护性关税壁垒。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到Para.1第四句,该处讲到“总统政党中最自由的一派呼吁采取更有力、更直接的行动(stronger and more direct action)”。因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“他们想要一个收入政策来遏制通货膨胀”,属于行动中的一部分,该选项以偏概全;C选项“他们想重建工业”,属于行动中的一部分,该选项以偏概全;D选项“他们想要保护性关税壁垒”也是该行动中的一部分,以偏概全。3.【选项释义】What is the editors attitude? 编者的态度是什么?A. Support. A. 支持。B. Distaste. B. 厌恶。C. Disapproval. C. 反对。D. Compromise. D. 妥协。【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】文中作者说到“如果一个行业不能把自己提升到技术进步的领先阶段,那么它就不能有效地竞争”。也就是说作者赞同新计划,发展新技术。同时他还强调了新技术在未来发展的作用。作者又提到“如果我们现在不能重组我们的经济,我们可能不会有第二次机会。”因此作者的态度应该是支持的。因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B“厌恶”、C“反对”、D“妥协”选项错误。4.【选项释义】The danger to the plan lies in _. 这个计划的危险在于_。A. the two parties objection A. 双方的反对意见B. different idea of the two parties about the plan B. 双方对这个计划有不同的看法C. its passage C. 它的通过D. distortion D. 扭曲;曲解【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息danger to the plan可定位到倒数第二段第二句,该处讲到“在于左右两派的理论家会通过修正来扭曲法案(distort the bill with amendments)”。比对选项,D选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“双方的反对意见”,属于无中生有;B选项“双方对这个计划有不同的看法”,属于无中生有;C选项“它的通过”,文中明确提到“危险不在于一项计划不会被通过”,因此C选项为反向干扰。5.【选项释义】The passage is _. 这篇文章是 _。A. a reviewA. 一个回顾B. a preface B. 一个前言C. an advertisement C. 一则广告D. an editorial D. 一篇社论【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据文章内容可知,该文章是作者对美国经济计划的客观描述。这是对大事件的报道。因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“一个回顾”,指回想过去发生的事情。而该文章描述的是一个经济计划,因此属于无中生有;B选项“一个前言”,指写在书或者文章前的序言或导言,该篇文章是一个陈述并非引导,属于无中生有;C选项“一则广告”,广告应该要宣传什么,不符合文章内容,属于无中生有。4. 单选题( )on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite.问题1选项A.If walkingB.WalkingC.While walkingD.When one is walking【答案】D【解析】考查语法。此句中的主句的主语为mountains,所以逻辑主语和主句主语应不同。故排除A、B、C三项。D项正确。句意:当一个人在晴朗的天气散步时,远离城市喧嚣,山脉会给他一种无限感。5. 单选题Archaeologists have discovered the( )of a marble column of the ancient temple.问题1选项A.remnantB.fragmentsC.scrapD.shred【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。remnant“剩余,残余,遗迹”;fragment“碎片,片段或不完整的部分”;scrap“碎片,残余物,残羹剩饭,废金属,”;shred“碎片,细条”。句意:考古学家已经发现这座古庙大理石柱的残迹。故A项符合题意。6. 单选题Why do we still sunbathe when we know the dangers of _ our skin to the sun?问题1选项A.removingB.exposingC.revealingD.rescuing【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. removing 去除;移动 B. exposing 暴露C. revealing 揭示 D. rescuing拯救【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】由空格后内容our skin to the sun,结合逻辑关系,皮肤应该是被暴露在阳光下。B符合逻辑。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】既然我们知道把皮肤暴露在阳光下是危险的,为什么还要日光浴呢?7. 单选题Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really _ of the reality that they represent.问题1选项A.reflectionsB.demonstrationsC.illuminationsD.reproductions【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. reflections 反射 B. demonstrations 示范;展示C. illuminations 启发;阐释 D. reproductions 复制品【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】空格前that引导一个定语从句,先行词是novel,这里mirror做动词表反映,意思为反映世界的小说;空格后of短语做后置定语,表示所代表事实的;根据句意,应该是反映世界的小说是所代表事实的反映。这两处应该相对应。综上所述,A选项reflections“反射”可引申为此句所需的逻辑“反映”以满足上述条件。【干扰项排除】B选项demonstration表示清楚细致地展示;C选项illumination指某物能够被理解;D选项reproduction表示复制出与原物相似的物品。【句意】许多试图反映世界的小说的确反映了它们所代表的现实。8. 单选题The microscope can( )the object 100 times in diameter.问题1选项A.magnifyB.increaseC.developD.multiply【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。magnify“放大,扩大”;increase“增加”;develop“发展,开发”;multiply“增加,繁殖”。句意:显微镜可以把一个物体的直径放大一百倍。A项符合题意。9. 单选题According to recent U.S. Statistics Yearbook, Americans spends 16 billion a year on credit cards and there are already 590 million in( ).问题1选项A.preparationB.communicationC.administrationD.circulation【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。preparation“预备,准备”;communication“交流,沟通”;administration“管理”;circulation“流通,传播,发行量”。句意:根据最近的美国统计年鉴,美国人每年花在信用卡上的钱达到160亿美元,目前已有5.9亿张信用卡在流通中。in circulation “在流通中”为固定搭配。故D项符合题意。10. 写作题Directions: Write an essay of 180 to 200 words on the topic: “Private Cars Should Not Be Encouraged in China?” Your essay should include a beginning, a body and a conclusion. Please pay special attention to its structure, content and language. Write the essay on the answer sheet.【答案】略11. 单选题It is considered not( )to litter in public places.问题1选项A.respectfulB.respectedC.respectableD.respective【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。respectful“对恭敬的,尊敬的”;respected“受尊敬的,德高望重的”;respectable“可敬的,值得尊敬的,体面的”;respective“各自的,分别的”。句意:在公共场所乱丢东西被认为是不被人尊敬的。C项符合题意。12. 单选题Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional transportation, and public utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the“system” of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define“price”, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product of service or, in other words, that price is the money value of a product of service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that supply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.1.What is the best title for the passage?2.According to the passage, the price system is related primarily to( ).3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a factor in the complete understanding of price?4.In the last sentence of the passage, “they” refers to( ).5.The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses( ).问题1选项A.The Inherent Weaknesses of the Price SystemB.The Complexities of the Price SystemC.Credit Terms in TransactionsD.Resource Allocation and the Public Sector问题2选项A.labor and educationB.transportation and insuranceC.utilities and repairsD.products and services问题3选项A.Instructions that come with a productB.The quantity of a productC.The quality of a productD.Warranties that cover a product问题4选项A.return privilegesB.all the factorsC.buyer and sellerD.money问题5选项A.unusual ways to advertise productsB.types of payment plans for serviceC.theories about how products affect different levels of societyD.how certain elements of a price package” influence its market value【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。由第一段“The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional transportation, and public utility services. 美国的价格系统是非常复杂的网状系统,包括经济生活中一切产品买卖的价格,也包括名目繁多的各种服务,如劳动力、专职交通、公共事业等服务的价格。”可知本文主要内容为美国的复杂价格体系。故B项正确。2.细节事实题。由第一段“The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. 任何一种特定产品或服务的价格都与这个广泛而复杂的价格系统联系在一起,而且或多或少地受到系统中其他成分的制约。”可知价格与产品和服务有关。故D项正确。3.细节事实题。由第二段“Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that supply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. 买方和卖方都应该熟悉不仅金额,而且产品的数量和质量或服务的交换,进行交换和付款的时间和地点,资金使用的形式,提供给交易的本信用证条款和折扣,产品或服务的保证,交货条件,返回特权,和其他因素都要了解。”可知买卖双方要了解的不仅仅是钱的数量,而且还有产品的质量、时间和地点等。故A项“产品说明书”没有提及。4.推理判断题。由本文最后一句“In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. 换句话说,买方和卖方都应该充分了解构成交换的所有因素,以便他们可以评估一个给定的价格。”可知they指代买方和卖方。故C项正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一句“In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total package being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. 换句话说,买方和卖方都应该充分了解构成交换的所有因素,以便他们可以评估一个给定的价格。”可知下文可能讨论有关构成买卖的各种因素。故D项正确。13. 翻译题Traditionally, the woman has held a low position in a marriage partnership. While her husband went his way she had to wash, stitch and sew. Today the move is to liberate the woman, which may in the end strengthen the marriage union. Perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other. Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily, yearlong cohabitation. Couples need to take up separate interests(and friendship) as well as mutually shared ones, if they are not to get used to the more attractive elements of each others personalities. Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests-being amusing, discussing with passion and point-and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone. Once a man confessed, “The great question I have not been able to answer is: What does a woman want?” Many husbands wonder the same thing today.【答案】从传统上讲,女性在婚姻关系中处于较低的地位。丈夫出门时,她就得洗洗涮涮,缝缝补补。今天的趋势是解放妇女,这最终可能会巩固婚姻。也许婚姻中友谊的最大障碍是夫妻经常见面。通常意义上的友谊不会受到每天、常年的同居生活的压力的考验。如果夫妇们不想要各自性格中更有吸引力的那些部分失去新鲜感,那么除了共同的兴趣外,他们还需要有各自的兴趣(和友谊)。已婚夫妇在来客人时很可能会竭尽全力地接待客人幽默风趣,谈话时充满激情,但是在客人走后陷入沉闷、疲惫的沉默。有一次一个男人坦白说:“我一直不能回答的一个大问题是:女人想要什么?”如今,许多丈夫都对同样的事情感到疑惑。14. 单选题My pain( )apparent the minute I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”问题1选项A.must beB.had beenC.must have beenD.had to be【答案】C【解析】考查语法。must have done表示对过去肯定的假设。句意:我的疼痛一定很明显,因为当我走进房间时,我见到的第一个人问道“你还好吧?”。由for可推断我的疼痛比较明显。故C项正确。15. 单选题By 1914, ten of the Western states had granted women the right to vote, but( ).问题1选项


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