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班干部竞选稿BanGanBu campaign contributionsToday, pleasure, and so much to contribute to the class, students BanGanBu campaign. I think I will use of energy, head to do my work, to exert BanGanBu helps students and the strengths of the joint efforts of progress. Class-collective xI learned from the BanGanBu year now, but I didnt have a clean, the official state officials, GuanQiang GuanQi; The person is less than the private, the type of is aggressive.I think I should a doer, no need to modify the beautiful words. I live, work exercise makes me. Dell Carnegie said, dont be afraid to sell yourself if you think you have talent, you should think he has any settle for this or that position.I believe that, with my new good officer, as I read the courage and abilities, and I share the profound friendship, the campaign speech brings to me is the next inaugural address. I will at any time, and in any case, the first is to students think, the students. I never believe in without transgression is power creed, on the contrary, I think a reactive BanGanBu is. Because I usually get along well with everybody, good interpersonal relationship, in which reduces the working resistance. I will flower with my classmates together, we launch of youth. When the contradiction between teachers and students, I must tell right from wrong, dare to stick to principles. Especially when the teacher are correct, and I will dare to actively seek for students of the legitimate rights and interests if the students I distrust, can put forward trust, to impeach me. You, I wouldnt like impeachment impeachment bill that trouble, I would not go on death.Since it is the flowers, I will open, Since it is the tree, and I will grow beams, Since it is the stone, I will go to spread out of the road, That is, I shall BanGanBu become a good navigator.The light from the object of shooting from the bright pearl friction, tears of shells, and a class of excellent BanGanBu from the leadership and the joint effort.Im confident in my classmates, I can be competent this work, and because of this, when I drive to the podium, I feel confident.You took out of the hand of votes will hesitate? Thank you for the trustOr, students:Hello! Thanks for giving me the students to show their chance! BanGanBu of fair, just and open competition is a work, I firmly support, active participation. Exercise myself with the aim of serving for everybody, I stand here, hope to get your support. , My name is XX, X, today I competitive position of youth. Reasons are three: first, I think that to improve their comprehensive quality and comprehensive development. I think the new work environment and the new challenge, the more attractive to learn new knowledge, new horizons, mining new potential. Challenge and opportunity, pressure and power, the new jobs, aims to exercise their comprehensive quality, improve themselves in the future, and better serve the people. Second, I think I have to bear the position of the political education and personal quality. First of all, I have strong respect-work spirit, responsible and diligent. Secondly, I thought, interest, strong ability to accept new thing, display subjective initiative, have a challenge of faith. Enterprising spirit, this will help develop new situation. Third, I do believe in life, safe, two heads are better than one work hard to solve the problems encountered in, for others, believe in the power of the team, but dont blindly monopoly. , Third, I think I have to bear the position of knowledge and ability. First, I think I have good understanding of judgment. Several times on the speech has taught me to talk with people, some of the speech language art. Enhance their language skills. Thirdly, I believe that the honesty, decent, good care of philosophy, emotional, and contact with united, has good coordination ability. To win their support. Above all, I think as secretary has the condition, such as JingZhi success, I will be to quickly find their own position in schools and superior core, under the leadership of the actual insisted, exploiting and innovating with the work, careful, do comprehensive, guarantee work. If I be in this position, I will continue the diligent study, work hard. Finally, I just want to say a word, that is: give me another chance, I will get you a satisfactory. Thank you! !Please you fair will vote for the most suitable person, although Im hoping that I was lucky! Thank you!翻译:班干部竞选稿 今天,很荣幸走上讲台,和那么多乐意为班级作贡献的同学一道,竞选班干部职务。我想,我将用旺盛的精力、清醒的头脑来做好班干部工作,来发挥我的长处帮助同学和x班集体共同努力进步 我从小学到现在班干部一年没拉下,但我一身干净,没有“官相官态”,“官腔官气”;少的是畏首畏尾的私虑,多的是敢做敢为的闯劲。 我想我该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。工作锻炼了我,生活造就了我。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格提任这个或那个职务”。 我相信,凭着我新锐不俗的“官念”,凭着我的勇气和才干,凭着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何情况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。” 我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。因为本人平时与大家相处融洽,人际关系较好,这样在客观上就减少了工作的阻力。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,指点江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当师生之间发生矛盾时,我一定明辨是非,敢于坚持原则。特别是当教师的说法或做法不尽正确时,我将敢于积极为同学们谋求正当的权益如果同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹劾。你们放心,弹劾我不会像弹劾克林顿那样麻烦,我更不会死赖不走。 既然是花,我就要开放;既然是树,我就要长成栋梁;既然是石头,我就要去铺出大路;既然是班干部,我就要成为一名出色的领航员! 流星的光辉来自天体的摩擦,珍珠的璀璨来自贝壳的眼泪,而一个班级的优秀来自班干部的领导和全体同学的共同努力。 我自信在同学们的帮助下,我能胜任这项工作,正由于这种内驱力,当我走向这个讲台的时候,我感到信心百倍。 你们拿着选票的手还会犹豫吗?谢谢大家的信任 或 各位领导、同学: 大家好! 首先感谢同学们给予我这次展示自己的机会!班干部实行公平、公正、公开的竞争上岗,我一是坚决拥护、二是积极参与。本着锻炼自己,为大家服务的宗旨我站在了这里,希望能得到大家的支持。; 我叫XX,现年X岁, 今天,我竞争的职位是团委书记。理由有三点:第一点,我认为这有利于提高自己的综合素质,全面发展自己。我觉得越是新的工作新的环境越富有吸引力和挑战性,越是能够学到新知识,开拓新视野,挖掘新潜力。挑战与机遇同在,压力与动力并存,这次竞争新的岗位,目的在于锻炼自己,提高自身综合素质,从而在今后更好的为人民服务。 第二点,我认为自己具备担当该职务所必须的政治素养和个人品质。 首先,我有较强的敬业精神,工作认真负责,勤勤恳恳。其二,我兴趣广泛,思想活跃,接受新事物能力较强,工作中注意发挥主观能动性,具备一种勇于接受挑战的信念。锐意进取精神的十足,这将有利于开拓工作新局面。 第三,我办事稳妥,处世严谨,信奉“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”工作中遇到难以解决的问题,懂得及时征求他人意见,相信集体的力量,而不会盲目的独断专行。; 第三点,我认为自己具备担当该职所必须的知识和能力。 首先,我认为自己具有较好的的理解判断能力。几次上台演说的机会,使我懂得了一些与人交谈、演讲演说的语言艺术。不断增强了自己的语言表达能力。 其三,我信奉诚实、正派的做人宗旨,善于将心比心,善于联络感情,能够与人团结共处,具有良好的组织协调能力。赢得他们的拥护。 综上所述,我自认为已具备了担任团委书记的条件,如有幸竞职成功,我将迅速找准自己的位置,在学校和上级团委的领导下,坚持结合实际,不断开拓创新,与时俱进,把工作做细致,做全面,保证工作落到实处。如果我应选上这个职位,我将会一如既往的勤奋学习、努力工作。最后我只想说一句话,那就是:给我一次机会,我将还您一个满意! 谢谢大家! 请你们公正地将票投给最适合的人选,尽管我也很希望那个幸运儿是我!谢谢了!


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