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考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Rental housing,which is an important component of price indices,looks likely to moderate in the next year,in part because of an_of new homes.问题1选项A.overrideB.oversupplyC.oversightD.overture【答案】B【解析】override推翻, 践踏; oversupply过度供给; oversight监管, 疏忽; overture建议。句意:作为价格指数的一个重要组成部分, 租赁住房的价格明年可能会回落, 部分原因是新房供应过剩。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题The_action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.问题1选项A.supremeB.significantC.promptD.vital【答案】C【解析】supreme最高的, 至高的; significant重大的, 有意义的; prompt及时的, 迅速的; vital至关重要的。句意:警察迅速采取措施, 使得房子里的人免于烧伤。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题It is sometimes claimed that America is a_pot of different races.问题1选项A.burningB.burntC.meltingD.melted【答案】C【解析】句意:有人说美国是不同种族的大熔炉。melting pot为常用搭配, 所以选项C正确。4. 单选题She refused to disclose what had been told her, on the_that it would be a breach of faith.问题1选项A.reasonB.accountsC.termsD.grounds【答案】C【解析】on the terms that为固定搭配, 是关于, 因为的意思。句意:她拒绝透露别人告诉她的情况, 因为这将违背誓言。所以本题选C。5. 单选题But cellphones had been around for 15 years before they caught on with_America. By that yardstick, broadbandwidely available for only the past couple of yearshas many more miles to go.问题1选项A.main-topmastB.mainstayC.main arteryD.mainstream【答案】D【解析】main-topmast航海主桅中桅;mainstay中流砥柱;main artery主要干线; mainstream 主流。句意:在手机成为美国主流之前,它已经存在了15年。按照这个标准,宽带还有很长的路要走宽带仅在过去几年才普及。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题Shaken by two decades of virtual anarchy, the majority of people were ready to buy_at any price.问题1选项A.orderB.emancipationC.hopeD.liberty【答案】A【解析】order命令, 秩序; emancipation解放, 释放; hope希望, 信心; liberty自由, 许可。句意:二十年的无政府状态动摇了大多数人, 他们准备好不惜任何代价来换取秩序。选项A符合句意。7. 单选题The loudest outcry(呐喊)about poverty seemed to come in the wealthiest country - by far - in the world. According to most calculations, through most of the 1945-1970 period the United States had a standard of living well above Europes and many times above the world average. Yet protests about grinding poverty, hunger, and dreadful need proceed more from the United States than from countries with one-fortieth of their living standard.(An annual per capita income of eight dollars is typical of much of Africa and Asia and not a little of South America.)It would seem strange to these people(were they only aware of the fact)that American radicals demand a retreat from an American commitment to the far comers of the globe so that the money thus saved can be spent raising the standard of living of underprivileged Americans.What this last point suggests is not so much that human wants are never to be satisfied though this is doubtless true, and the American living in suburb deprived of his second car and his color TV suffers just as acutely as an African farmer in need of a second cow and a screen door. Rather, it suggests the extent of contemporary breach(违反)of social norms(标准)一 the emancipation(解放)of the individual self. People have learned that their wants are sacred and rights ought to be satisfied. They have learned to consider any obstacle to personal fulfillment and intolerable insult. They have greatly expanded the circle of self awareness. They no longer accept sharp limitations on individual desires in the name of the group. The amount of potential human discontent has always been infinitemisery, failure, misfitting, bitterness, hatred, envy beyond telling. It has usually failed of utterance, and in the past it was accepted passively as being beyond help. 1.According to the passage, most complaints over a poor living standard were made by those who came from()2.The average income for each American a year during the 1960s was most likely in the neighborhood of() .3.In order to improve the standard of living of poor Americans, the extremists in the States demand( ).4.The real cause for the most fortunate people to protest about poverty lies in( ).5.From the last sentence, it can be safely inferred that outcry about poverty in effect involves peoples ( ) .问题1选项A.the United StatesB.Asian countriesC.the European CommunityD.Commonwealth of Nations问题2选项A.1,120 dollarsB.40 dollarsC.320 dollarsD.80 dollars问题3选项A.a full tax relief on citizens living overseasB.a stop to arms race against nations far awayC.a cut in financial assistance to poor countriesD.a favorable balance of trade with foreign countries问题4选项A.added consciousness of selfB.their economic statusC.limitations of human natureD.conflict in class interests问题5选项A.ability to suffer a hard lifeB.understanding of their rightsC.political attitude toward the governmentD.whole outlook on different life styles【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.根据第一段的第三句.grinding poverty, hunger, and dreadful need proceed more from the United States.对极度贫困、饥饿和可怕需求的抗议更多地来自美国。选项A正确。2.根据第一段第三句, 对极度贫困、饥饿和可怕需求的抗议更多地来自美国, 而不是那些生活水平只有美国四十分之一的国家。(非洲和亚洲大部分地区的年人均收入通常为8美元, 南美也不例外。)所以美国年人均收入为320美元。3.根据第一段最后一句.American radicals demand a retreat from an American commitment to the far comers of the globe.美国激进分子要求美国放弃对世界上那些遥远国家的承诺, 这样节省下来的钱就可以用来提高美国贫困人口的生活水平。也就是说减少对贫穷国家的财政援助。选项C符合原文。4.根据第二段的三四五句People have learned that .self awareness.人们已经认识到他们的需要是神圣的, 权利应该得到满足。他们学会了考虑个人成就和无法忍受的侮辱带来的任何障碍。他们极大地扩展了自我意识的圈子。选项A符合原文。5.根据句意:它通常无法表达, 在过去, 人们被动地接受它, 认为它毫无用处。由此可推断, 它指的是人们吃苦耐劳的能力, 所以选项A正确。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:8. 单选题As marketers increase their communication through both print and electronic channels,the opportunity for _is growing rapidly.问题1选项A.fraudB.jargonC.pledgeD.motivation【答案】A【解析】fraud欺诈, 骗子; jargon行话; pledge保证, 许诺, 抵押; motivation 动机。句意:当营销人员通过印刷和电子渠道加强沟通的时候,也为欺诈行为提供了快速增长的机会。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题The most frustrating periods of any diet are the inevitable_, when weight loss_if not stops.问题1选项A.moods.acceleratesB.feastshaltsC.holidays.contractsD.plateaus.slows【答案】D【解析】moods.accelerates情绪 加速; feasts.halts宴会 停止; holidays.contracts假日 收缩; plateaus.slows停滞时期 减慢。句意:任何节食计划中最令人沮丧的阶段都是不可避免的停滞期, 减肥的速度即使没有停止也会减慢。选项D符合句意。10. 单选题Many of the conditions that_population pressuresovercrowding, unemployment, poverty, hunger and illnesslead to dissatisfaction.问题1选项A.bring forwardB.give rise toC.feed up withD.result from【答案】D【解析】bring forward提出, 提供; give rise to引起, 导致, 使发生; feed up with使对厌烦; result from起因于, 由造成。句意:过度拥挤、失业、贫穷、饥饿和疾病等诸多情况都是由人口压力造成的, 从而导致了不满。选项D符合句意。11. 单选题Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th_the birth of Jesus Christ.问题1选项A.in accordance withB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.in honor of【答案】D【解析】in accordance with根据; in terms of就.而言, 关于; in favor of支持, 赞同; in honor of为庆祝, 向.致敬。句意:圣诞节是基督教的一个神圣的日子, 通常在12月25日庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题Perhaps most important,the report could_more light, though it does give some,on how child welfare is changing over time.问题1选项A.glanceB.reckonC.castD.resort【答案】C【解析】glance扫视,匆匆一看; reckon估计,猜想; cast投, 拋,计算; resort求助。cast light on使明白,使真相大白。句意:也许最重要的是, 虽然报告中涉及了一些, 但报告应该让我们明白, 随着时间的推移儿童福利正在发生怎样的变化。选项C符合句意。13. 单选题Preliminary figures show Bibb Countys tax digest is slightly_with state guidelines,which could result in a fine of up to $100,000.问题1选项A.out for the countB.out and outC.out of blastD.out of whack【答案】D【解析】out for the count死的, 毁了的; out and out彻底地; out of blast停工, 停产; out of whack不一致; 不正常。句意:初步数据显示,比伯县的税务摘要与该州的指导方针略有出入,可能会被处以最高10万美元的罚款。选项D符合句意。14. 单选题It is ironic that the_insights of the great thinkers are voiced so often that they have become mere_.问题1选项A.original.clichesB.banal.beliefsC.dubious.habitsD.philosophical.questions【答案】A【解析】original.cliches原始的, 独创的 陈词滥调; banal.beliefs陈腐的 信仰; dubioushabits可疑的 习惯; philosophical.questions哲学的 问题。句意:具有讽刺意味的是, 伟大思想家的独到见解经常被人提出, 以至于成为陈词滥调。选项A符合句意。15. 单选题Koizumis annual visits to the notorious shrine have sparked a_of condemnation and protests from China and the ROK because the shrine honours 14 Class-A war criminals.问题1选项A.splashB.flurryC.particleD.stain【答案】B【解析】splash污点; flurry骚动, 慌张, a flurry of阵;particle颗粒; stain污点, 瑕疵。句意:小泉每年都要参拜臭名昭著的神社,引发了中韩人民的谴责和抗议,因为神社供奉着14名甲级战犯。选项B符合句意。16. 单选题The captain performs his duties with great_and all the crew believed that they can get over the storm.问题1选项A.affectionB.suspicionC.assuranceD.definition【答案】C【解析】affection喜爱, 影响; suspicion怀疑; assurance确信, 断言, with assurance指有把握地, 自信地; definition定义。句意:船长信心十足地履行着他的职责,所有的船员都相信他们能够战胜暴风雨。选项C符合句意。17. 单选题Vaccines are normally conceived to fight infectious disease,but a new_will bring cheer to those who have resolved to kick certain habits in the new year.问题1选项A.shotB.boundC.finitudeD.gunnery【答案】B【解析】shot射击; bound界限, 范围; finitude界限, 限制; gunnery射击, 重炮。句意:疫苗通常被认为是用来对抗传染病的, 但是一项新的进展将给那些决心在新的一年改掉某些习惯的人带来希望。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题The Committee has approved your qualifications and you will be_to the retiring Head Clerks post.问题1选项A.employedB.appointedC.admittedD.accepted【答案】B【解析】employed雇用; appointed任命为; admitted接纳; accepted接受。句意:委员会已批准你的资格, 你将被任命为退休的文书主任。选项B符合句意。19. 单选题Before starting my own business, I had to_my bosss peculiar working plan.问题1选项A.play the devil withB.play along withC.play checkmate withD.play the bear with【答案】B【解析】play the devil with搞糟, 使失败; play along with参与; play checkmate with把 将死; 使一败涂地; play the bear with破坏。句意:在开始自己的事业之前, 我必须参与老板独特的工作计划。选项B符合句意。20. 翻译题Many advocates of a universal healthcare system in the United States look to Canada for their model. While the Canadian healthcare system has much to recommend it, theres another model that has been too long neglected. That is the healthcare system in France.(1) Although the French system faces many challenges,the World Health Organization rated it the best in the world in 2001 because of its universal coverage, responsive healthcare providers, patient and provider freedoms,and the health and longevity of the countrys population. The United States ranked 37.The French system is also not inexpensive. At $3,500 per capita it is one of the most costly in Europe, yet that is still far less than the $6,100 per person in the United States.(2) The French share Americans distaste for restrictions on patient choice and they insist on autonomous private practitioners rather than a British-style national health service, which the French dismiss as socialized medicine. Virtually all physicians in France participate in the nations public health insurance, Securite Sociale.Their freedoms of diagnosis and therapy are protected in ways that would make their managed-care- controlled US counterparts envious. However,the average American physician earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots. (3) But the lower income of French physicians is allayed by two factors,Practice liability is greatly diminished by a tort-averse legal system, and medical schools, although extremely competitive to enter, are tuition-free. Thus, French physicians enter their careers, with any debt and pay much lower malpractice insurance premiums.Nor do Frances doctors face the high nonmedical personnel payroll expenses that burden American physicians. Securite Sociale has created a standardized and speedy system for physician billing and patient reimbursement using electronic funds.(4) Its not uncommon to visit a French medical office and see no nonmedical personnel. What a concept. No back office army of billing specialists who do daily battle with insurers arcane and constantly changing rules of payment.National health insurance in France stands upon two grand historical bargainsthe first with doctors and a second with insurers.Doctors only agreed to participate in compulsory health insurance if the Jaw protected a patients choice of practitioner and guaranteed physicians resistance by permitting the nations already existing insurers to administer its new healthcare funds. Private health insurers are also central to the system as supplemental insurers who cover patient expenses that are not paid for by Securite Sociale.In fact, in France, the sicker you are,the more coverage, care, and treatment you get. Like all healthcare systems, the French confront ongoing problems. (5) Today French reformers number one priority is to move health insurance financing away from payroll and wage levies because they hamper employers willingness to hire. Instead, France is turning toward broad taxes on earned and unearned income alike to pay for healthcare. Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.【答案】(1)尽管法国的医疗保健制度面临着很多的挑战, 但2001年世界卫生组织仍将它排在第一位,原因是法国的医疗保健制度的覆盖面最广,拥有积极响应的医疗保健提供者, 医患的自由性和国民健康、长寿。(2)法国人和美国人一样也不愿意在患者选择上设限, 并且他们坚决主张自主的私营执业者,而不是一种英 国式的国民保健制度。法国人将这种国民保健制度视为“公费医疗制度”,不予采纳。(3)但是两方面的因素弥补了法国医生的收入低的情形。反侵权法律制度大大减小了实践责任。另外, 尽管进入医学院的竞争极其激烈, 但其学费是免费的。因此,法国医生就业时很少欠债, 所付的医疗事故保险费非常少。(4)参观法国医用办公室看不到非医学的职员是很平常的事情。也就是说在后端办公的人员中,没有大批的医疗账单专家每天与保险公司不断改变的付款规则作战。(5))如今法国改革者优先考虑的事是不再从工资和工资税上为健康保险筹措资金, 因为他们制约了雇用者雇用员工的意愿。相反,法国的税收主要是来自工薪收入和非工薪收入, 并用这些税收来支付健康保险。


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