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考研考博-考博英语-桂林理工大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Across the board, American colleges and universities are not doing a very good job of preparing their students for the workplace or their post-graduation lives. This was made clear by the work of two sociologists, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa. In 2011, they released a landmark study titled “Academically Adrift,” which documented the lack of intellectual growth experienced by many people enrolled in college. In particular, Arum and Roksa found, college students were not developing the critical thinking, analytic reasoning and other higher-level skills that are necessary to thrive in todays knowledge-based economy and to lead our nation in a time of complex challenges and dynamic change.Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards. Although going to college is supposed to be a full-time job, students spent, on average, only 12 to 14 hours a week studying and many were skating through their semesters without doing a significant amount of reading and writing. Students who take more challenging classes and spend more time studying do learn more. But the priorities of many undergraduates are with extracurricular activities, playing sports, and partying and socializing.Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students. In Paying for the Party, Hamilton describes what she calls the “party pathway,” which eases many students through college, helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors. By sanctioning this watered-down version of college, universities are “catering to the social and educational needs of wealthy students at the expense of others” who wont enjoy the financial backing or social connections of richer students once they graduate.These students need to build skills and knowledge during college if they are to use their degrees as a stepping-stone to middle-class mobility. But more privileged students must not waste this opportunity either. As recent graduates can testify, the job market isnt kind to candidates who cant demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard. Nor is the global economy forgiving of an American workforce with increasingly weak literacy, math and science abilities. College graduates will still far better than those with only a high school education, of course. But a university degree unaccompanied by a gain in knowledge or skills is an empty achievement indeed. For students who have been coasting through college, and for American universities that have been demanding less work, offering more attractions and charging higher tuition, the party may soon be over.11. What is Arum and Roksas finding about higher education in America?12. What is responsible for the students lack of higher-level skills?13. What does Laura Hamilton say about college administrations?14. What can be learned about the socially and financially privileged students?15. What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?问题1选项A.It aims at stimulating the intellectual curiosity of college students.B.It fails to prepare students to face the challenges of modern times.C.It has experienced dramatic changes in recent years.D.It has tried hard to satisfy students various needs.问题2选项A.The diluted college curriculum.B.The boring classroom activities.C.The absence of rigorous discipline.D.The outdated educational approach.问题3选项A.They fail to give adequate help to the needy students.B.They tend to offer too many less challenging courses.C.They seem to be out of touch with society.D.They prioritize non-academic activities.问题4选项A.They tend to have a sense of superiority over their peers.B.They can afford to choose easier majors in order to enjoy themselves.C.They spend a lot of time building strong connections with businesses.D.They can climb the social ladder even without a degree.问题5选项A.American higher education has lost its global competitiveness.B.People should not expect too much from American higher education.C.The current situation in American higher education may not last long.D.It will take a long time to change the current trend in higher education.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】11.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到文章第一段倒数一二句In 2011 they released a landmark study titled“Academically Adrift,” which documented the lack of intellectual growth experienced by many people enrolled in college. In particular, Arum and Roksa found, college students were not developing the critical thinking, analytic reasoning and other higher-level skills that are necessary to thrive in todays knowledge-based economy and to lead our nation in a time of complex challenges and dynamic change.“2011年,他们发布了一项具有里程碑意义的研究,题为学术上的漂泊,记录了许多上大学的人缺乏智力增长的经历。特别是,阿鲁姆和洛克萨发现,大学生没有培养出批判性思维、分析推理和其他更高层次的技能,而这些技能是在当今以知识为基础的经济中茁壮成长、在一个充满复杂挑战和动态变化的时代领导我们国家所必需的”,由此可知答案选B选项“它没能让学生做好面对现代挑战的准备”。A选项“它旨在激发大学生的求知欲”,见正确选项解析,这里属于反向干扰;C选项“近年来,它经历了巨大的变化”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“学校努力满足学生的各种需求”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。12.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到文章第二段第一句话Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards“阿鲁姆和洛克萨将学生学习不足归咎于大学课程的淡化和本科学业标准的降低”,由此可知答案选A选项“掺水的大学课程”。B选项“枯燥的课堂活动”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“缺乏严格的纪律”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“过时的教育方法”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。13.事实细节题,第一步,精准定位,定位到第三段第一句话Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students“劳拉汉密尔顿是一项关于支付大学学费的家长的研究的作者,她将在即将出版的一本书中指出,大学管理部门过于关注学生的社交和体育活动”,由此可知答案选D“他们优先考虑非学术活动”。A选项“他们没有给贫困学生足够的帮助”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;B选项“他们往往提供太多缺乏挑战性的课程”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“他们似乎与社会脱节了”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。14.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第三段最后一句话By sanctioning this watered-down version of college, universities are “catering to the social and educational needs of wealthy students at the expense of others”who wont enjoy the financial backing or social connections of richer students once they graduate“通过批准这种弱化版的大学,大学是在“以牺牲其他人的利益来满足富裕学生的社会和教育需求”,而这些人一旦毕业,就无法享受富裕学生的经济支持或社会关系”,从这里可知答案选B选项“为了享受生活,他们可以选择更容易的专业”。A选项“他们往往比同龄人有一种优越感”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“他们花大量时间与企业建立牢固的联系”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“即使没有学位,他们也能爬上社会的阶梯”,定位到第三段第五句College graduates will still far better than those with only a high school education, of course“当然,大学毕业生仍然比那些只有高中学历的人要好得多”,从这里可知D选项错误。15.推理判断题。第一步,寻找句内线索,定位到最后一段最后一句话For students who have been coasting through college, and for American universities that have been demanding less work, offering more attractions and charging higher tuition, the party may soon be over“对于那些在大学里过得很轻松的学生,以及对工作要求更少、提供更多吸引力、收取更高学费的美国大学来说,这场派对可能很快就要结束了”,从文章的关键词may soon be over可以看出,作者认为美国大学这种状态很快会消失,由此可以推断C选项“美国高等教育的现状可能不会持续太久”正确。A选项“美国高等教育已经失去了其全球竞争力”,文章虽然在批判美国现在的教育制度但是没有提到美国的高等教育失去竞争力了,这里属于无中生有;B选项“人们不应该对美国的高等教育期望过高”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“要改变目前高等教育的趋势需要很长时间”,见正确选项解析,这里属于反向干扰。2. 单选题If Hillary Clinton made her widely anticipated bid for the presidency, would her age become a legitimate issue?Skeptics have already taken to the Internet to raise their concerns. If Clinton won election in 2016, at age 69, she would be just months younger than our oldest president. Ronald Reagan, when he was elected in 1980. Only one other candidate in 225 years (William Henry Harrison) moved into the White House past age 65, and his health proved so fragile that he contracted pneumonia (肺炎)on inauguration day in 1841 and died a month later. In fact, about half of the 43 men who have held the nations top office withered and died well before even reaching Hillarys 2016 Election Day age.The last half-century of presidential history served to shield the American people from such brutal truths about presidential mortality. The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, a defining events for Clinton and her fellow Baby Boomers, marked the last time a chief executive died in office. But before that bloody day in Dallas, during a sad span of 122 years, sitting presidents perished with revolting regularity.Harrison died four weeks into his term in 1841, and Zachary Taylor succumbed to mysterious digestive ailments nine years later. Assassins killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James Garfield in 1881 and William McKinley in 1901. Circulatory problems claimed Warren Harding in 1923, and a cerebral hemorrhage (脑出血) dispatched Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. All these disasters struck presidents younger than Hillary would be on her first day in office. But a balanced response to concerns over Clintons age reveals recent, relevant changes in presidential life spans that should reassure the former first lady and her supporters.No president since Lyndon Johnson has died before age 81,and four of the six longest-lived presidents (Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter) have held the office since 1974. This reflects the increase in life expectancy for all of us. In 1963, life expectancy stood at 69 years, but now we can anticipate survival to 79 a gift of 10 extra years.Another factor working in Hillarys favor: Women live longer than men by five years (sorry, Bill). This means that a typical woman born in 1947 (as was Hillary) can expect to live an average of 20 more years after today enough to cover not only the two terms as president that her fans desire, but an additional ten years as U.N. secretary-general, chief justice of the Supreme Court or president of Yale.None of this means that a person of Clintons age wont face significant health risks under the unimaginable pressures of presidential service. Like any other candidate, she must release records detailing every aspect of her personal medical history. When her husband, Bill, first ran for president at age 46, he could get away with providing only selective access to his medical records. Hillary, at age 69, should set a different standard.6. In American history, were elected as presidents after 65_.7. What can we learn about Hillary Clinton?8. All of the following are favorable factors for Hillary Clinton, expect_9. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?10. Whats the passage mainly about?问题1选项A.Hillary Clinton and Bill ClintonB.William Henry Harrison and Ronald ReaganC.John F. Kennedy and James GarfieldD.Warren Harding and Lyndon Johnson问题2选项A.Hillary Clinton is just months younger than Ronald Reagan.B.As a baby boomer, Hillary Clinton was born in 1947.C.Hillary Clinton was scared by the assassination of John F. Kennedy.D.Hillary Clinton first ran for president when she was 46 years old.问题3选项A.The fact that John F. Kennedy was the last president died in office.B.The extended life expectancy for people nowadays.C.The fact that women generally live a longer life than men.D.William Henry Harrisons death during his time in office.问题4选项A.Hillary Clinton will suffer from significant health problem under the tremendous stress.B.If Hillary Clinton wants to win other candidates, she must hide her personal medical history.C.No presidential candidate in American history had escaped from providing detailed medical records.D.Hillary Clintons husband, Bill, may had run for president more than once.问题5选项A.Comment on whether Hillary Clinton is too old for 2016s presidential election,B.The presidents who died from the severe pressures of presidential service.C.A new regulation on legal age of the presidential election in America.D.An introduction of American presidents who had done something great in their term.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】6.推理判断题,定位到第二段第二三四句话If Clinton won election in 2016, at age 69, she would be just months younger than our oldest president. Ronald Reagan, when he was elected in 1980. Only one other candidate in 225 years (William Henry Harrison) moved into the White House past age 65,“如果希拉里以69岁的高龄赢得2016年大选,她就只比我们最年长的总统小几个月。罗纳德里根,他在1980年当选总统。225年来,只有一位候选人(威廉亨利哈里森)在65岁之后搬进了白宫”,从这里可知只有两位总统就职美国总统时超过65岁Ronald Reagan和William Henry Harrison,所以答案选B选项“威廉亨利哈里森和罗纳德里根”;A选项“希拉里克林顿和比尔克林顿”,因为希拉里在作者写文章的时候还没当总统,作者只是作假设,所以A不选,这里属于反向干扰;C选项“约翰肯尼迪和詹姆斯加菲尔德”,文章没有提及这两个人什么时候当的总统,所以不选,这里属于无中生有;D选项“沃伦哈丁和林登约翰逊”文章没有提及这两个人什么时候当的总统,所以不选,这里属于无中生有。7.推理判断题,定位到第三段倒数第二句话The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, a defining events for Clinton and her fellow Baby Boomers, marked the last time a chief executive died in office,“1963年约翰f肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)遇刺,是克林顿和她的“婴儿潮一代”(Baby Boomers)同胞们的标志性事件,也是最后一位在任的首席执行官去世”,从这里可知希拉里确实是婴儿潮时期出生的,而且根据她2016年69岁来算她是1947年出生的也可以印证,所以答案选B选项“作为婴儿潮一代,希拉里出生于1947年。”,A选项“希拉里克林顿只比罗纳德里根小几个月”,定位到第二段第二三句话If Clinton won election in 2016, at age 69, she would be just months younger than our oldest president. Ronald Reagan, when he was elected in 1980“如果希拉里以69岁的高龄赢得2016年大选,她就只比我们最年长的总统小几个月。罗纳德里根,他在1980年当选总统”从这里可知不是希拉里比里根小几个月而是如果希拉里上台执政的年龄只会比年纪最大的执政总统里根上台时小几个月,所以不选,这里属于曲意理解;C选项“希拉里克林顿对约翰f肯尼迪遇刺感到害怕”,文章没有提到希拉里被克林顿刺杀时被吓到,属于无中生有;D选项“希拉里克林顿第一次竞选总统是在她46岁的时候”,定位到第七段倒数第二句话When her husband, Bill, first ran for president at age 46, he could get away with providing only selective access to his medical records.“当她的丈夫比尔(Bill)在46岁时首次竞选总统时,他可以不受限制地提供自己的医疗记录”,从这里可知,是她的丈夫在47岁的时候第一次竞选总统而不是希拉里自己,D选项属于张冠李戴。8.事实细节题,定位到第二段第四句话Only one other candidate in 225 years (William Henry Harrison) moved into the White House past age 65, and his health proved so fragile that he contracted pneumonia on inauguration day in 1841 and died a month later.“225年以来,只有一位65岁以上的候选人(威廉亨利哈里森)入主白宫。事实证明,他的健康状况非常脆弱,在1841年的总统就职日染上肺炎,一个月后就去世了。”这里只是描述了一个事实没有说这是否对希拉里的选票有什么影响,这里属于出处错误,所以答案选D选项“威廉亨利哈里森在任期间去世”;A选项“约翰f肯尼迪是最后一位在任期内去世的总统”,定位到第四段倒数第一二句话All these disasters struck presidents younger than Hillary would be on her first day in office. But a balanced response to concerns over Clintons age reveals recent, relevant changes in presidential life spans that should reassure the former first lady and her supporters.“所有这些灾难都发生在比希拉里上任第一天还年轻的总统身上。不过,针对对克林顿年龄的担忧,人们做出了平衡的回应,反映出总统任期最近发生的相关变化,应该会让这位前第一夫人和她的支持者感到放心。”,从这里可以看出克林顿总统之前很多任总统都死在自己的任期之内而且比希拉里还年轻,但是克林顿总统之后没有总统死于自己的任期了,很多人对于总统的年龄问题就不那么担心了,这就导致希拉里不需要担心选民会在乎自己的年龄,这对于希拉里来说是个优势,所以A选项正确;B选项“现在人们的预期寿命延长了”,定位到第五段最后一句和第六段第一句In 1963, life expectancy stood at 69 years, but now we can anticipate survival to 79a gift of 10 extra years. Another factor working in Hillarys favor: Women live longer than men by five years“1963年,人们的平均寿命是69岁,但现在我们可以预期活到79岁多活了10年。另一个对希拉里有利的因素是:女性比男性寿命长5年”这两句是连在一起的,第六段第一句说希拉里的另一个优势是女性比男性活的久,那么前面一段最后一句说的是希拉里的第一个优势人均寿命变长了,所以B选项正确;C选项“女性通常比男性寿命长”,见B选项解析,这里正确。9.推理判断题。定位到文章最后一段倒数第一二句话When her husband, Bill, first ran for president at age 46, he could get away with providing only selective access to his medical records. Hillary, at age 69, should set a different standard.“当她的丈夫比尔(Bill)在46岁时首次竞选总统时,他可以不受限制地提供自己的医疗记录。69岁的希拉里应该树立一个不同的标准。”从这里的关键词first ran for“首次竞选”可知,后面还会有克林顿还会有第二次竞选,所以答案选D“希拉里克林顿的丈夫比尔克林顿可能不止一次竞选总统”;A选项“希拉里克林顿将在巨大的压力下遭受严重的健康问题”,定位到最后一段第一句话None of this means that a person of Clintons age wont face significant health risks under the unimaginable pressures of presidential service.“这并不意味着像克林顿这样年龄的人在难以想象的总统工作压力下不会面临重大的健康风险”,从这里作者是表明在承受巨大压力之后希拉里并不能保证自己一直会保持健康,但是也没有说希拉里一定会生病,所以A选项不选,这里属于曲意理解;B选项“如果希拉里克林顿想赢得其他候选人,她必须隐藏自己的个人病史”,定位到最后一段最后一句Hillary, at age 69, should set a different standard.“69岁的希拉里应该树立一个不同的标准”,从这里可知文章只是说希拉里以如此高龄去当总统应该设立一套不同的标准,并没有说她要隐藏自己的健康史才能当选总统,这里属于无中生有;C选项“在美国历史上没有一个总统候选人逃避提供详细的医疗记录”,定位到最后一段第二句话Like any other candidate, she must release records detailing every aspect of her personal medical history.“和其他候选人一样,她必须公布详细记录她个人病史的各个方面的记录”,从这里可知每个总统候选人都得提交健康证明,但是没有说是否有人成功逃避上交健康证明,这里属于无中生有,所以不选。10.主旨大意题。分析文章行文结构,文章行文是总分总的结构,一二段引出主语,先提出年龄是否会成为希拉里竞选的一个障碍,接下来三段提出因为肯尼迪之后刺杀活动销声匿迹,总统的寿命变长,所以选民不再纠结希拉里的年龄问题,年龄也不再成为希拉里竞选的阻碍,最后提出新问题,即年龄虽然不会成为障碍但是民众还是要考虑希拉里的健康问题并给出了自己的建议,由此答案选A“评论希拉里克林顿在2016年竞选总统是否太老了”;B选项“死于工作压力的总统”,文章最后一段只是提及并没有具体展开讲,属于以偏概全,所以不选;C选项“美国总统选举年龄的新规定”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“介绍在任期内做过大事的美国总统”,文章完全没有提及总统在任期内做过的事,属于无中生有,所以不选。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into English and put your answers on Answer Sheet.皮影戏(ShadowPlay)是中国民间广为流传的傀儡戏之一,两千年前的西汉时期诞生在中国陕西,清代在河北盛极一时。皮影戏的人物道具用兽皮或纸板剪成,演员在一块隔亮布后操纵道具进行表演。中国的不少地方戏曲剧种都是从皮影戏中派生而来。如今,中国皮影被世界各国的博物馆收藏,还是中国政府与其他国家领导人相互往来时的馈赠佳品。【答案】As one of the earliest opera forms and a sort of widespread puppet play in China, Shadow puppetry was born in Shaanxi, China, during the Western Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago, and flourished in Hebei during the Qing Dynasty. Its characters and props are made of animal skins or paperboards and the story was performed by illuminating these images with the help of lamplight. While performing, the performers manipulate the characters behind the white curtain. Many local operas in China are derived from shadow play. Nowadays, Chinese shadow puppets are collected in museums around the world, and are often presented as gifts by the Chinese government to leaders of other countries when they interact with each other.4. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your answers on Answer Sheet.The Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the traditional Chinese holidays. It typically falls on April 4, 5, or 6 of the solar calendar. This festival was originally celebrated for the revival of nature. It marked the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities. At that time, people celebrated it with dancing, singing, picnics, and spring outing. Later it graduated into a day to honor past ancestors. Today, all the Chinese sweep their late ancestors tombs when the festival comes. Tomb sweeping activities usually include weeding and earthing up the tombs, offering sacrifices, burning spirit money, shooting off firecrackers and so on.【答案】清明节是中国的传统节日之一。它通常是在阳历的4月4日、5日或6日。这个节日最初是为了庆祝大自然的复兴并且标志着种植季节和其他户外活动的开始。在这个节日里,人们以跳舞、唱歌、野餐和春游来庆祝它。后来它逐渐演变成纪念祖先的日子。如今,每逢清明节来临,所有的中国人都会为先人扫墓。扫墓活动通常包括除草、掘土、祭祀、烧纸钱、放鞭炮等。5. 单选题One of industrial agricultures biggest GMO crops may have just backfired (产生事与愿违的后果). Scientists have confirmed that corn-destroying rootworms have evolved to be resistant to the Bt corn engineered to kill them.Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis (苏云金芽孢杆菌), the name of the genetically modified corns “donor” organism. Bacillus thuringiensis is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that produces protein crystals that bind to certain receptors in the rootworms intestine (肠), killing it. For years, farmers have planted Bt corn as an alternative to spraying insecticides. Bt corn accounted for three-quarters of all corn planting in 2013. That may have to change.After finding a cornfield in Iowa in 2011 that was decimated (大幅度下降)by rootworm despite being planted with the Bt corn, Iowa State University entomologist Aaron Gassmann and his team began to study the pests interactions with the genetically modified organism (or GMO) corn in a lab. Their study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, describes the western corn rootworms rapid evolution after feeding on the engineered crop.But Bt corn is still capable of warding off other pests, so farmers will likely keep planting it. Except now theyll need to use pesticides to protect their crop from rootworms. As entomologists warned the Environmental Protection Agency in 2012, rootworm resistance means that the environmental advantage of Bt corn that it could be raised pesticide-free may disappear.“Unless management practices change, its only going to get worse,” Gassmann told Wired. “There needs to be a fundam


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