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考研考博-考博英语-广东工业大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题“We plan to put the First World War on stage, said the film producer,”( )we forget the 16 million men from around the world who left for a real war 100 years ago and never came home.问题1选项A.lestB.whenC.whileD.unless【答案】A【解析】考查连词。lest以防;when当时候;while尽管,当时候;unless除非。句意:“我们计划把第一次世界大战搬上舞台,”这位电影制片人说,“以免我们忘记了来自世界各地的1600万人,他们在100年前参加了一场真正的战争,但再也没能回家。”前半句是结果,后半句是目的,只有A项符合逻辑。2. 单选题Wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts told TMZ.com that he will( )emergency surgery to remove a cancerous tumour.问题1选项A.upholdB.undergoC.transferD.trigger【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项uphold表示“支撑,鼓励,赞成”;B选项undergo表示“经历,经受,忍受”;C选项transfer表示“转让,转移”;D选项trigger表示“触发,引起”。由句意可知,这位摔跤手告诉TMZ.com网站说,他将进行紧急手术,切除癌症肿瘤。因此,只有undergo的词义最符合句意,故本题正确答案为B选项。3. 单选题Parents have a legal( )to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.问题1选项A.impulseB.obligationC.influenceD.sympathy【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。impulse冲动;obligation义务,职责;influence影响;sympathy同情,慰问。句意:父母有法律_确保其子女接受符合他们年龄的有效的教育。根据句意可知,父母有确保孩子受教育权的义务。故B项符合题意。4. 单选题Actress Amanda Bynes was convicted of( )driving in April 2012 when she crashed into an L.A. County sheriffs deputys cruiser.问题1选项A.legitimateB.juvenileC.recklessD.redundant【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项legitimate表示“合法的,正当的”;B选项juvenile表示“青少年的,幼稚的”;C选项reckless表示“鲁莽的,不顾后果的”;D选项redundant表示“多余的,过剩的,失业的”。be convicted of表示“被宣判有罪”,由句意可知这位女演员因为非法驾驶而被判有罪,因此只有C选项词义最符合句意。故本题正确答案为C选项。5. 单选题It was during the 1920s that the friendship between the two American writers Hemingway and Fitzgerald reached( )highest point.问题1选项A.theirsB.theirC.hisD.its【答案】D【解析】考查形容词性物主代词。分析句子结构可知,原文句子为强调句。从句主语为the friendship,因此后文空缺处所缺形容词性物主代词应选择its。故本题正确答案为D选项。6. 单选题Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills people each year( )than automobile accidents.问题1选项A.seven more timesB.over seven timesC.seven times moreD.seven times【答案】C【解析】考查倍数的表达。由句意可知,吸烟对个人健康的危害如此之大,每年导致的死亡人数是汽车事故的7倍。而倍数的常用表达形式为:A+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B,由此可知,本题正确答案为C选项。7. 单选题The Department of Transportation and Communications(DOTC. will proceed with the( )of 48 new Light Rail Vehicles(LRV)for the Metro Rail Transit(MRT).问题1选项A.purchaseB.pursuitC.probeD.pledge【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项purchase表示“购买,购置,获得”;B选项pursuit表示“追赶,追求”;C选项probe表示“调查,探针”;D选项pledge表示“抵押,保证,誓言”。分析句意可知,交通运输部会继续购置48辆新的轻轨,因此只有purchase词义最符合句意。故本题正确答案为A选项。8. 单选题All the planets in the solar system except Mercury and Venus have natural satellites,( )objects that revolve around the planets.问题1选项A.whichB.of whichC.which areD.and which【答案】C【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。后面的从句中缺少主谓,故C项符合题意。句意:太阳系中除水星和金星外的所有行星都有天然卫星,它们是那些围绕行星旋转的物体。9. 单选题The president pointed out that a college degree has never been more( ), with the average tuition at a public four-year college increasing more than 250% as the average student loan debt hits $26,000.问题1选项A.imaginativeB.expensiveC.sensitiveD.productive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。imaginative富于想象力的;expensive昂贵的;sensitive敏感的 productive能生产的,多产的。由后半句“四年学费上涨了250%”可知上大学的费用比之前昂贵了,成本增加。故B项正确。句意:总统指出,获得大学学位从来没有像现在这样昂贵,四年制公立大学的平均学费上涨了超过250%,而学生贷款的平均债务达到26000美元。10. 单选题They have launched a campaign to get online ticketing companies to( )added costs to customers when buying tickets.问题1选项A.clarifyB.identifyC.justifyD.magnify【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项clarify表示“澄清,阐明”;B选项identify表示“确定,鉴定,识别”;C选项justify表示“证明合法,替辩护”;D选项magnify表示“方大,赞美,夸大”。由句意可知,购票者可以在网上购票平台确定附加费。因此本题正确答案为B选项。11. 单选题A new military policy in China requires all personnel to meet weight limits and( )promotions( )fitness.问题1选项A.exposes.toB.attaches.toC.links.toD.opposes.to【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。A选项exposes.to表示“暴露给”,B选项attaches.to表示“依附于,隶属于”,C选项links.to表示“把和联系到一起”,D选项opposes.to表示“反对”。由原文句意可知,中国军队一项新政策要求所有人员要满足体重限制,说明这项政策非常关注军队人员健康,由此可见会把晋升和健康联系在一起。因此,本题正确答案为C选项。12. 单选题The disparity between educational objectives that stress independence and individuality and those that emphasize obedience to rules and cooperation with others reflects a( )that arises from the values on which these objectives are based.问题1选项A.predictabilityB.redundancyC.conflictD.wisdom【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。predictability 可预测性;redundancy 冗余,裁员;conflict冲突;wisdom智慧。强调独立性和个性的教育目标与强调服从规则并与他人合作的教育目标,这两者的不一致说明存在分歧,冲突。故C项正确。句意:强调独立和个性的教育目标与强调服从规则和与他人合作的教育目标之间的差异反映了这些目标所基于的价值观之间的冲突。13. 单选题An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this(1)-indeed, contradiction-which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the(2)to put computers in the classroom.An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a/an(3)education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is(4)required by law. It is not simply to(5)everyones job prospects that all children are legally(6)to attend school into their teens. Rather, we have a certain(7)of the- American citizen, a character who is(8)if he cannot competently assess(9)his livelihood and happiness are affected by things(10)of himself.But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for all children to attend school until a certain(11), it was widely accepted that some were just not equipped(12)nature to pursue this kind of education. With optimism characteristic of all industrialized countries, we came to accept that everyone is(13)to be educated. Computer-education advocates(14)this optimistic notion for a pessimism that(15)their otherwise cheery outlook.(16)on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computer-education advocates often(17)the job prospects of graduates over their educational(18).There are some good arguments for a technical education given the right kind of student. Many European schools(19)the concept of professional training early on in order to make sure children are(20)equipped for the professions they want to join.问题1选项A.distinctionB.topicC.separationD.education问题2选项A.campaignB.practiceC.actionD.goal问题3选项A.informalB.basicC.technicalD.expensive问题4选项A.differentlyB.universallyC.converselyD.regularly问题5选项A.formB.consistC.ariseD.raise问题6选项A.orderedB.inquiredC.requiredD.acquired问题7选项A.conceptionB.informationC.themeD.imagination问题8选项A.completeB.accomplishedC.incompleteD.improper问题9选项A.whyB.whatC.whereD.how问题10选项A.insideB.outsideC.besideD.aside问题11选项A.yearB.ageC.dayD.extent问题12选项A.inB.atC.byD.with问题13选项A.fitB.responsibleC.suitableD.able问题14选项A.considerB.forgetC.forsakeD.foretell问题15选项A.believesB.becomesC.bearsD.betrays问题16选项A.EncounteringB.BankingC.DevisingD.Seeking问题17选项A.emphasizeB.encourageC.engageD.enlarge问题18选项A.academyB.positionC.degreeD.achievement问题19选项A.interactB.introduceC.announceD.invent问题20选项A.traditionallyB.drasticallyC.properlyD.hardly【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:B第11题:B第12题:C第13题:A第14题:C第15题:D第16题:B第17题:A第18题:D第19题:B第20题:C【解析】1.考查名词辨析。distinction区别,差别;topic主题;separation分离;education教育。上文提到了两种将计算机引入课堂的不同观点,所以这两种观点有区别,故A项正确。2.考查名词辨析。campaign活动,运动;practice实践,练习,惯例;action行动;goal目标。将计算机引入到课堂是一种活动,故A项正确。句意:很少有作家在这个主题上探讨过这种区别实际上是矛盾它触及诸如将电脑引入课堂运动有什么问题这样的核心问题。3.考查形容词辨析。informal非正式的;basic基础的;technical技术上的;expensive昂贵的;此空是对旨在帮助学生找到一份工作的教育的概括,由下文该教育与法律所要求的教育不一样,也可知这种教育是强调技术上的,让学生获得一份技术,以便能找到工作。故C项正确。4.考查副词辨析。由该空后面的required by law可知教育应该是被法律普遍要求的。故B项正确。5.考查动词辨析。form形成;consist组成;arise出现,产生;raise提高,筹集。由下文“所有孩子被法律要求上学到十几岁”可知这种小孩接受教育可以提升每个人的工作前景。故D项正确。6.考查动词辨析。由“legally法律上”可知接受教育是被法律强制要求的。故C项正确。7.考查名词辨析。conception概念,设想;information信息;theme主题imagination想象力。由下文的同位语“a character who is”可知,同位语部分是对美国民众的解释,定定义,故此句表达的意思为“实际上,我们对美国公民有一种特定的概念。”故A项正确。8.考查形容词辨析。complete完整的;accomplished完成的,熟练的;incomplete不完整的;improper不合适的。由空格后的“if he cannot competently access”可推知该空要填贬义词,不能说这个人是不合适的,只能说这个人是不完整的,故C项正确。9.考查引导词。句意:如果他不能准确地评估自己的生活和幸福是_受到_事物的影响的。只有D项符合题意。10.考查形容词辨析。人的生活和幸福应该是受外部事物的影响更大些,故B项正确。11.考查名词辨析。根据句意可推知法律要求小孩到了一定的年龄要去上学。故B项正确。12.考查固定搭配。by nature天生地,天性。句意:人们普遍认为,有些人天生就不适合接受这种教育。13.考查形容词辨析。be fit to 适合;be responsible for 对负责;be suitable to与相称;be able to 能够做。由上文可知,之前人们认为有些人天生就不适合接受教育,随着工业社会的人们变得乐观,可以推知他们改变了之前的想法了,他们认为每个人都适合接受教育。14.考查动词辨析。consider考虑;forget忘记;forsake放弃,断念;foretell预言,预示。由后文的this optimistic notion for a pessimism可知计算机倡导者转向了消极的一面,故可推测放弃了乐观的想法。故C项正确。15.考查动词辨析。betray背叛;believe相信;become成为;bear承受。that引导定语从句,修饰pessimism悲观情绪,既然是悲观情绪,那么它背叛了本该看似乐观的前景。故D项正确。16.考查固定搭配。bank on依赖。句意:依靠教育理由和职业理由的困惑将计算机引入学校。17.考查动词辨析。由the job prospects of graduates over their educational可知该句将工作前景和教育前景作对比,计算机倡导者更强调毕业生的工作前景。18.考查名词辨析。academy学院,学会;position位置,方位;degree程度,等级;achievement成就。与教育成就相比,计算机倡导者更注重学生的工作前景。故D项符合句意。19.考查动词辨析。句意:一些欧洲学校_一些早期职业训练。interact互相影响,互相起作用;introduce引进;announce宣布;invent发明,创造。只有B项符合句意。20.考查副词辨析。traditionally 传统地;drastically彻底地,激烈地;properly合适地;hardly几乎不,简直。早期引入职业训练的目的是确保孩子们为他们想要从事的职业做好了适当的准备。故C项正确。14. 单选题Although he had been given several traffic tickets, the driver( )that he had not been responsible for a single accident.问题1选项A.defendedB.acknowledgedC.inferredD.contended【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。defend辩护;acknowledged承认,确认;inferred 推测;contended 主张,为竞争。句意:尽管他收到了几张交通罚单,但司机辩护称他对这几起交通事故都没有责任。由Although可知前后两句是让步关系。虽然该司机收到几张罚单,但他辩护.故A项符合句意。15. 单选题Brussels warned that action is needed to avoid the risks of( )effects on the French economy, in view of the countrys current economic difficulties and its excessive deficit.问题1选项A.vulgarB.spiralC.divineD.adverse【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项vulgar表示“粗俗的,通俗的”;B选项spiral表示“盘旋的,螺旋的”;C选项divine表示“神圣的,非凡的”;D选项adverse表示“不利的,相反的,敌对的”。由后文中的“the countrys current economic difficulties and its excessive deficit”可知,目前法国的经济状况已经不佳,所以法案的提出需要避免对法国经济产生不利影响。因此,本题正确答案为D选项。16. 单选题While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. “Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,” according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New Yorks Veterans Administration Hospital.Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries(the female reproductive organs)removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.Adding to a womans increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress. “Its not necessarily that women dont cope as well. Its just that they have so much more to cope with,” says Dr. Yehuda. “Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than mens,” she observes, “its just that theyre dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.”Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. “I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating.”Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. “I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead and do better.” Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. “Its the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarezs experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.1. Paragraph 2 states that( ).2. Dr. Yehudas study found that women( ).3. One difference between the sexes is that the stress women confront tends to be( ).4. What is the meaning of “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”(Line 6, Para. 5)?5. The best title for this text would be( ).问题1选项A.women are biologically more vulnerable to stressB.women are still suffering much stress caused by menC.women are more experienced than men in coping with stressD.men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress问题2选项A.need extra doses of chemicals to handle stressB.have limited capacity for tolerating stressC.are more capable of avoiding stressD.are exposed to more stress问题3选项A.domestic and temporaryB.irregular and violentC.durable and frequentD.trivial and random问题4选项A.Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.B.Alvarezs salary barely covered her household expenses.C.Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.D.Alvarez paid practically everything by check.问题5选项A.Strain of Stress: No Way Out?B.Responses to Stress: Gender DifferenceC.Stress Analysis: What Chemicals SayD.Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。由原文第二段第一句“Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions.”可知,对动物和人类的研究表明,性激素会以某种方式影响应激反应,使处于压力下的女性比处于相同条件下的男性产生更多的触发化学物质。由此可知,A选项“从生理上来看,女性更容易受到压力的影响”表述正确。B选项表示“女性仍然承受着很多由男性引起的压力”,在原文内容中并未提及,故错误;C选项表示“在应对压力方面,女性比男性更有经验”,属于断章取义,并不能根据第二段得出相关信息;D选项表示“男人和女人在面对压力时表现出不同的倾向”,与原文段落中心思想偏离,故D项也错误。因此,本题正确答案为A选项。2.推理判断题。题干询问:Dr. Yehuda研究发现女性。由原文第三段第一句“Adding to a womans increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased opportunities for stress.”可知,女性压力大的原因除了是因为激素增加导致压力大外,还因为增加了造成压力的“机会”。因此,D选项正确,A选项错误,并不是需要额外剂量的化学药品来应对压力。根据原文第三段第三句“Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than mens”可知,女性的抗压能力要比男性强,故B选项表述正确。C选项在原文中并未提及,因此本题正确答案为D选项。3.细节事实题。由原文第四段“women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence.”可知,女性面临的压力多来自家庭内部,更为琐碎重复;男性的压力多是战争或者具有偶然性的动态情况。因此C选项的内容更符合原文表述。故本题正确答案为C选项。A选项表示“家庭内部的”和“暂时性的”,B选项表示“不规律的”和“暴力的”,D选项表示“琐碎的和偶然的”。4.细节事实题。题干询问:“我生活在不停的支票支付中”是什么意思?根据原文第五段“Its the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt.”可知,Alvarez作为单身母亲,有很大的生活压力,她要照顾十几岁的孩子,还要工作,付房租,付汽车费用,还要还债务。由此可见,她的工资早已捉襟见肘,难以覆盖家庭开支。因此本题正确答案为B选项。A选项表示“Alvarez只关心赚钱”,C选项表示“Alvarez做多份工作获得薪水”,D选项表示“Alvarez几乎用支票支付所有的东西”。5.主旨大意题。题干询问:“这篇文章最适合的题目是”。本文通过讲述两性在生理以及实际生活中的差异,描述了女性在压力面前的表现,侧重分析了女性压力大的主要原因。A选项没有集中于体现男女之前的差异,因此A选项错误;B选项只是表明男女之间在压力方面存在差异,并未侧重表现女性要面对更多压力;C选项表示只是属于造成压力的其中一个因素,不能概括文章全部内容。因此本题正确答案为D选项。17. 单选题The Apple Project, code-named “Titan”, employed several hundred people working a few miles from Apples headquarters in Cupertino, and( )auto industry experts.问题1选项A.allowedB.sponsoredC.gatheredD.recruited【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项allowed表示“允许,承认,接受”,B选项sponsored表示“赞助,发起,筹款”,C选项gathered表示“聚集,集中”,D选项recruited表示“招聘,雇佣,招募”。分析句子结构可知,空缺处缺少部分为句子谓语动词。由前文关键信息“employed several hundred people”可知,后文也应表示“招聘了一些自动化专家”,因此本题正确答案为D选项。18. 单选题There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own concept of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success, Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success. Because not all ventures can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set ones goals at too low a level of achievement.A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success: “You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the subway downtown,” The counselor added, “You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your best effort.1. In the first paragraph, the author implies that( )are essential in achieving success.2. The word “frugal(Line 2, Para. 2)means( ).3. Some rich people consider themselves unsuccessful because( ).4. The last paragraph implies that( ).5. This passage mainly talks about( ).问题1选项A.ability and goalsB.goals and determinationC.ability and environmentD.goals and environment问题2选项A.wealthyB.wastefulC.thriftyD.miserable问题3选项A.their life is miserableB.they do not live in peaceC.their goals are too lowD.they are not rich enough by their own standards问题4选项A.we should have high goalsB.success means achieving great goalsC.success means taking a walk in the parkD.success means trying ones best at what one really likes问题5选项A.the definition of successB.how to achieve successC.how to set goalsD.the importance of goals【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干定位到第一段最后一句“Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly. 因为我们每个人在遗传能力和表达这些能力的有利环境方面都有独特的差异,所以我们必须广义地定义成功。”由此可知环境和能力是成功的必要因素。C项正确。2.词义题。由第二段第二句For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success, Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature由


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