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考研考博-考博英语-中国政法大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Do you frequent the local store or buy from the mail-order house?问题1选项A.phone atB.park atC.charge atD.shop at【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。Frequent作动词表示“常去”;A项phone at没有这个搭配,phone作动词表示“打电话”,B项park at“在停车”,C项charge at“冲击,猛攻”,D项shop at“在购物”。句意:你经常去实体店买东西还是网上购物呢?因此D项正确。2. 单选题Its hard to memorize through brute force the groceries we need to buy.问题1选项A.rudeB.skillfulC.emphasizedD.abnormal【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。brute在句中是“蛮力,强力”,A选项rude“粗鲁的”;B选项skillful“有技巧的”;C选项emphasized“强调的”;D选项abnormal“反常的”。句意:通过蛮力很难记住我们需要买的杂货。根据句意A项正确。3. 单选题In the autumn, the northern mountains are ablaze with shades of red, yellow, and orange.问题1选项A.decoratedB.abloomC.radiantD.beautiful【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。ablaze表示“闪耀的,发光的”;A项decorated“装饰的,修饰的”,B项abloom“开花的”,C项radiant“发光的,辐射的”,D项beautiful“美丽的,出色的”。句意:在秋天,北方的山上闪耀着深浅不同的红色、黄色和橙色。因此C项正确。4. 单选题The remaining three quarters of the population will incur medical bills that are less than what they pay for health insurance.问题1选项A.receiveB.sufferC.keepD.make【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。incur在句中是“承受”,A选项receive“接受”;B选项suffer“遭受”;C选项keep“保持”;D选项make“制造,制作”。句意:剩下四分之三的人将遭受医疗费用比他们所交的医疗保险还要低的境遇。因此B选项正确。5. 翻译题我一直以为大学校长是高瞻远瞩、指导学术与教育大方向的决策人,而不是管馒头稀饭的保姆。这一类型的教育者的用心,毋庸置疑,当然是善意的。问题是,我们论“事”的时候,用心如何根本不重要,重要的是实际后果,而教育的后果何其严重!在这种过度呵护的幼稚教育下成长的大学生,遇事时,除了“眼泪汪汪”之外又能做些什么呢?【答案】参考译文:I have always considered university presidents to be far-sighted decisionmakers who conduct academic research and guide main directions of education rather than babysitters who are in charge of students daily life. Of course, there is no doubt that such educators have very good intentions. The problem is, when we make judgments on something, what matter are not intentions but the actual consequences. And how serious the consequences of education are! What can you expect the university students who are brought up in an educational system which treat them like babies to do except for seeing them to shed tears in face of an actual hardship problem?6. 单选题Sometimes, while living in a foreign country, one craves a special dish from home.问题1选项A.desiresB.eatsC.preparesD.orders【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。crave表示“渴望,恳求”;A项desire“想要,渴望”,B项eat“吃”,C项prepare“准备”,D项order“命令,下单”。句意:生活在异国他乡时,有时会想吃家乡的特色菜。因此A项正确。7. 单选题Once a political system has been corrupted, right from the very top leaders to the lowest ranks of the government, the problem is very complicated.问题1选项A.spoiledB.disintegratedC.rottenD.boiled【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。corrupted表示“腐败的”。A项spoiled“溺爱的,破坏的”,B项disintegrated“分裂的,崩溃的”,C项rotten“腐烂的,堕落的”,D项boiled“煮沸的”;句意:一旦一个政治体系腐败,从最高领导人到最低级别的政府,问题就变得非常复杂。根据句意该题选C。8. 单选题_ fashioned from a wick floating in a bowl of oil functioned according to the principle of capillary action.问题1选项A.All lamps earlyB.Lamps all earlyC.All early lampsD.Early all lamps【答案】C【解析】考查名词前的形容词顺序问题。很多个形容词修饰名词,其先后顺序为数量、大小、新旧、颜色、产地、材料、名词性形容词;指示性形容词all, many, some及any均应放在一般修饰性形容词前面;句意:所有早期的灯都是由一根浮在油碗里的灯芯制成的,灯芯的作用原理是毛细管作用。因此只有C项语序正确。9. 单选题The ambassador was given the book as a token of the governments regard for him.问题1选项A.an estimationB.a mementoC.a shareD.a preview【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。token表示“象征,代表”;A项estimation“尊重,估计”,B项memento“纪念品”,C项share“份额,股份”,D项preview“预览”。句意:大使被授予此书,表示政府对他的关心。因此B项正确。10. 单选题The wallflower _ because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support.问题1选项A.so called isB.so is calledC.is so calledD.called is so【答案】C【解析】考查句子结构。根据句子可知这是一个主系表结构,句子中缺少系动词和表语。因此A项和B项错误;so called表示“所谓的”,排除D项。句意:墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。因此C项正确。11. 单选题You _ all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant.问题1选项A.didnt need to carryB.neednt have carriedC.neednt carryD.didnt need carry【答案】B【解析】考查情态动词。后面的句子用了if虚拟语气,由此可知前面句子是事实,那么前面的句子意思应该是“你本不需要亲自拿包裹”,表示本不必做但事实上已经做了,neednt have done(本不必做)正符合句意。句意:你本不必亲自拿这些包裹的。如果你叫售货员,商店就会替你邮寄他们的。故正确答案为B。12. 翻译题为了保证刑法的正确实施,惩罚犯罪,保护人民,保障国家安全和社会公共安全,维护社会主义社会秩序,根据宪法,制定中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法。本法的任务是:保证准确、及时地查明犯罪事实,正确运用法律,惩罚犯罪分子,保证无罪的人不受刑事追究,教育公民自觉遵守法律,积极同犯罪分子做斗争,以维护社会主义法制,保护公民的人身权利、财产权利和其他权利,保证社会主义事业的顺利进行。【答案】参考译文:The Criminal Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China is enacted in accordance with the Constitution and for the purpose of ensuring correct enforcement of the Criminal Law, punishing crimes, protecting the people, safeguarding State and public security and maintaining socialist public order. The aim of this Law is: to ensure accurate and timely ascertainment of facts about crimes, correct application of law, punishment of criminals and protection of the innocent against being investigated for criminal responsibility; to enhance the citizens awareness of the need to abide by law and to fight vigorously against criminal acts in order to safeguard the socialist legal system; to protect the citizens personal rights, their property rights, democratic rights and other rights; and to guarantee smooth progress of the cause of socialist development.13. 单选题A fake can be defined as an artwork intended to deceive. The motives of its creator are decisive, and the merit of the object itself is a separate issue. The question mark in the title of Mark Joness Fake? The Art of Deception reveals the studys broader concerns. Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original? And the text begins by nothing a variety of possibilities somewhere between the two extremes. These include works by an artists followers in the style of the master, deliberate archaism, copying for pedagogical purposes, and the production of commercial facsimiles.The greater part of Fake? is devoted to a chronological survey suggesting that faking feeds on the many different motives people have for collecting art, and that, on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes. In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek. In medieval Europe, because art was celebrated more for its devotional uses than for its provenance or the ingenuity of its creators, the faking of art was virtually nonexistent. The modern age of faking began in the Italian Renaissance, with two linked developments: a passionate identification with the world of antiquity and a growing sense of individual artistic identity. A patron of the young Michelangelo prevailed upon the artist to make his Sculpture Sleeping Cupid look as though it had been buried in the earth so that “it will be taken for antique, and you will sell it much better.” Within a few years, however, beginning with his first masterpiece, the Bacchus, Michelangelo had shown his contemporaries that great art can assimilate and transcend what came before, resulting in a wholly original work. Soon his genius made him the object of imitators.Fake? Also reminds us that in certain cultures authenticity is a foreign concept. This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function. As an illustration, the study compares two versions of a chi wara mask made by the Bambara people of Mali. One has pegs allowing it to be attached to a cap for its intended ceremonial purpose. The second, otherwise identical, lacks the pegs and is a replica made for sale. African carving is notoriously difficult to date, but even if the ritual mask is recent, made perhaps to replace a damaged predecessor, and the replica much older, only the ritual mask should be seen as authentic, for it is tied to the forms original function. That, at least, is the consensus of the so-called experts. One wonders whether the Bambaran artists would agree.56. The passage can best be described as doing which one of the following?57. Which one of the following best expresses the authors main point?58. The author provides at least one example of each of the following EXCEPT _.59. The author implies which one of the following about the artistic merits of fakes?60. By the standard described in the last paragraph of the passage, which one of the following would be considered authentic?问题1选项A.Reconciling varied points of view.B.Chronicling the evolution of a phenomenon.C.Exploring a complex question.D.Advocating a new approach.问题2选项A.Whether a work of art is fake or not is less important than whether it has artistic merit.B.It is possible to show that a work of art is fake, but the authenticity of a work not be proved conclusively.C.A variety of circumstances make it difficult to determine whether a work of art can appropriately be called a fake.D.The faking of art has occurred throughout history and in virtually every culture.问题3选项A.categories of art that are neither wholly fake nor wholly originalB.contemporary artists whose works have inspired fakesC.qualities that art collectors have prized in their acquisitionsD.cultures in which the faking of art flourished问题4选项A.A fake may or may not have artistic merit in its own right, regardless of the circumstances of its production.B.Whether a fake has artistic merit depends on whether its creator is accomplished as an artist.C.The artistic merit of fake depends on the merit of the original work that inspired the fake.D.A fake can be said to have artistic merit only if the attempted deception is successful.问题5选项A.An ancient Roman copy of an ancient Greek sculpture.B.A modern reconstruction of a medieval altar piece designed to serve its traditional role in a service of worship.C.A print of a painting signed by the artist who painted the original.D.A painting begun by Renaissance master and finished by his assistants after his death.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】56.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“这篇文章可以最好的描述为在做下列哪一种事情?”。通读全文可知,都在从各个角度讲述赝品其实是另外一件艺术品这样一个复杂的问题,作者认为虽然创造者的动机是欺骗性的,但是这件艺术品本身的特质是另外一回事;而且在文中作者举了相关的例子加以说明,例如第二段第二句In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek.(在罗马帝国时期,人们对收藏早期希腊艺术品有着广泛的兴趣,因此也热衷于伪造艺术品。毫无疑问,现在作为“罗马复制品”展出的许多雕塑最初被冒充为希腊雕塑)提到,罗马的艺术品很多是希腊当时的仿造品,但是现在仍然被视为珍宝。通过分析,C项“探索一个复杂的问题”符合题意。A项“调和不同的观点”,文中没有提到不同的观点;B项“记录某一现象的演变”,文中也没有记录赝品现象的演变;D项“提倡新方法”不符合文章大意。因此该题选C。57.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“下列哪个选项最好地表达了作者的主要观点?”。根据文章的第一段Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original?And the text begins by nothing a variety of possibilities somewhere between the two extremes. These include works by an artists followers in the style of the master, deliberate archaism, copying for pedagogical purposes, and the production of commercial facsimiles.(事实上,它可能同样被命名为“原创?”;而且这篇文章一开始就没有任何可能性介于这两个极端之间;其中包括大师风格的追随者的作品、有意的古语、为教学目的的复制以及商业复制品的生产)可知,一件艺术品在各种情况下都没有可能性确定是赝品,所以C项“在各种各样的情况下,很难确定一件艺术品是否可以被恰当地称为赝品”符合题意。A项“一件艺术品是否赝品并不重要,重要的是它是否有艺术价值”,根据最后一段第二句This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此)可知,一件艺术品的重要之处还在于它的功能,A项片面,所以不选;B项“有可能证明一件艺术品是赝品,但无法最终证明一件艺术品的真伪”,文中提到没有任何可能证明一件艺术品是赝品,B项错误;D项“艺术造假在历史上和几乎每一种文化中都屡见不鲜”,选项本身没有错误,但是这不是文章主要的内容,文章主要是讨论赝品和艺术品的之间的区别和关系。因此该题选C。58.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“除了哪一项之外,作者至少为下列每一项提供了一个例子?”。A项“既非完全赝品也非完全原创的艺术类别”,根据文章第一段The question mark in the title of Mark Joness Fake?The Act of Deception reveals the studys broader concerns. Indeed, it might equally be entitled Original?(马克琼斯的赝品:欺骗的艺术一书,标题中的问号揭示了该研究更广泛的担忧。事实上,它可能同样被命名为“原创?”)可知,A项有所提及;B项“当代艺术家的作品激发了赝品的创作灵感”,文中没有相关提及的例子;根据第二段第一句faking feeds on the many different motives people have for collecting art, and that, on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes.(造假会助长人们收藏艺术品的多种不同动机,而且,总体而言,艺术收藏繁荣的时候,造假也就繁荣起来)可知,C项“这些品质是艺术收藏家在他们的藏品中所珍视的”和D项“伪造艺术盛行的文化”都有提及,只有B选项没有提到。因此该题选B。59.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“作者暗示了下列哪一项是关于赝品的艺术价值?”。根据第二段第一句on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art collecting flourishes(总体而言,艺术收藏繁荣的时候,造假也就繁荣起来)可知,赝品有没有艺术价值,取决于艺术收藏是否盛行,所以A项“一件赝品本身可能有也可能没有艺术价值,与它的生产环境无关”符合题意。B项“一个赝品是否有艺术价值,取决于它的创作者是否作为一个艺术家完成”,根据第二段In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the sculptures now exhibited as “Roman copies” were originally passed off as Greek.(在罗马帝国时期,人们对收藏早期希腊艺术品有着广泛的兴趣,因此也热衷于伪造艺术品;毫无疑问,现在作为“罗马复制品”展出的许多雕塑最初被冒充为希腊雕塑)可知,一个赝品是否有价值和它的创作者是不是艺术家无关,B项错误;C项“赝品的艺术价值取决于激发赝品灵感的原作的价值”,最后一段第二句提到This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此),由此可知赝品的艺术价值也可以取决于它的功能;D项“一件赝品只有在欺骗成功的情况下才可以说是有艺术价值的”,内容与文章不符。因此该题选A。60.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“根据文章最后一段所描述的标准,下列哪项会被认为是可信的?”。文章中最后一段第二句指出This is true of much African art, when the authenticity of an object is considered by collectors to depend on its function.(当收藏家认为一件物品的真伪取决于它的功能时,很多非洲艺术品都是如此),由此可知只有当收藏家是基于它的功能而把它视为艺术的时候,它才是真的;所以B项“现代重建的中世纪祭坛作品,为在礼拜仪式中发挥其传统作用而设计的”符合题意。A项“古希腊雕塑的古罗马复制品”不是最后一段的内容;C项“由原画作者签名的一幅画的复制品”和D项“一幅由文艺复兴时期的大师开始,在他死后由他的助手完成的画”在文中没有相关的出处。因此该题选B。14. 填空题Directions: Below is a passage about climate change. Read the passage then fill in each gap with ONE word from the box below the passage. Write your answers in the spaces on the ANSWER SHEET. The first one has been done as an example.Volcanoes May Be Slowing Down Climate ChangeThe planet hasnt been warming as much as climate models predicted and it could be that sulfur emissions from volcanoes are blocking sunlight, cooling the Earth. Small volcanic eruptions might be part of the reason why the pace of global warming hasnt kept up with previous 66 a new study published in Nature. Eruptions of at least 17 volcanoes since 2000, including Kasatochi in Alaska and Merapi in Indonesia, seem to have had a cooling influence on the temperature of the Earths surface and _ 67 atmosphere. In the past, researchers observed increases in levels of greenhouse gases and in global warning, but for the past 15 years the Earths surface temperatures have shown 68 little warming. This so-called hiatus puzzled researchers around the globe have been working to understand this phenomenon. “The hiatus is a fascinating detective story, says the lead author of the study. “What we show is that even without any computer model calculations there is a clear 69 of these early volcanic activity having effects on temperatures and on the reflected sunlight of the atmosphere,” says the lead of the study. Research shows that large volcanic eruptions inject sulfur dioxide gas into the stratosphere. The gas forms tiny droplets of sulfuric acid, also known as “volcanic aerosols,” that can block sunlight. That cooling effect has been largely 70 by climate scientists until now, but it seems to partly offset the warning from human-caused changes in greenhouse gases.【答案】66.predictions67.lower68.relatively69.signal70.ignored【解析】66.考查上下文语境。根据The planet hasnt been warming as much as climate models predicted(地球并没有像气候模型预测的那样变暖)中的predicted可知此处应该是predictions. 句意:自然杂志上发表的一项新研究表明,小型火山爆发可能是全球变暖速度没有跟上之前预测的一致的部分原因。67.考查句子结构和语法。空格处应该填入一个形容词。选项中能与atmosphere搭配的形容词是lower,influence on the temperature of the Earths surface and lower atmosphere(对地球表面和低层大气的温度的影响)符合句意。68.考查句子结构和语法。空格处应该填入一个程度副词修饰little表示“相当小”。根据句子In the past, researchers observed increases in levels of greenhouse gases and in global warning, but for the past 15 years the Earths surface temperatures have shownlittle warming.(在过去,研究人员观察到温室气体水平的增加和全球变暖,但在过去的15年里,地球表面的温度几乎没有显示出相当小的变暖迹象),可知应该填入relatively程度副词。69.考查句子结构和语法。前面有不定冠词a和形容词clear, 此处应该填入一个单数名词,选项里面只有signal符合。句意:我们所展示的是,即使没有任何计算机模型计算,也有明确的信号表明,这些早期的火山活动对温度和大气反射的阳光产生了影响。70.考查句子结构和语态。根据has been largely by判断,这里是一个被动语态,需要填动词的过去分词,选项里面只有ignored是过去分词。句意:到目前为止,这种降温效应在很大程度上一直被气候科学家所忽视。15. 填空题Directions: Blow is passage from a guide giving advice to foreign nationals living in Britain. Read the passage then fill in each gap with ONE word from the box below the passage. Write your answers in the spaces on ANSWEER SHEET. The first one has been done as an example.Losing your passportIf something has happened to your passport, inform your embassy at once and ask them to tell you all the documents that you will need to produce to be (Example) with a new one. This is most important because some embassies require extensive documentary proof of nationality, as well as proof of identity, such as driving license, or credit cards. So take care that you are not wasting time and money when you can least 66 either. If your passport has been lost or stolen, your embassy will want you to report the incident to the police as soon as possible. When you do so, ask for the police reference number of your case as many of the embassies find this useful in following up your 67_.Similarly, take your passport number with you to the embassy, as this will accelerate your case. The size and number of the photographs that you will need will 68 on your embassy, and some may even recommend a photographer, You should also confirm with embassy officials how much you will have to pay and also in what 69 it is to be paid.Some of the embassies are prepared to issue on-the-spot emergency passports, requiring no more than your oath to claim your 70_, but as a precaution you should investigate the requirements before you are actually forced to make an emergency request.【答案】66.afford67.claim68.depend69.currency70.identity【解析】66.从前面的情态动词can可知,此处应该填入一个动词;根据take care that you are not wasting time and money(注意不要浪费时间和金钱)得出,这里应该填入一个可以和time和money搭配的动词,因此afford最合适,表示“给予,提供,买得起”。67.此处应该填入一个名词;根据ask for the police reference number of your case as many of the embassies find this useful in following up your(向警方询问你的案件编号,因为许多大使馆发现这对跟进你的很有帮助)得出,这里应该填入表示“需求”的单词,因此claim最合适,表示“要求”。68.此处应该填入一个动词;根据The size and number of the photographs that you will need will on your embassy, and some may even recommend a photographer(你需要的照片的大小和数量将你的大使馆,有些大使馆甚至会推荐一个摄影师)得出,这里应该填入表示“取决于”的动词,因此depend最合适,构成短语depend on(取决于)。69.此处应该填入一个名词;根据You should also confirm with embassy officials how much you will have to pay and also in whatit is to be paid(你还应该向大使馆官员确认你需要支付多少钱,以及以支付)得出,这里应该是表示货币形式,因此currency正确。70.此处应该填入一个名词;整篇文章都在讲述办理护照的一个关键是对自己身份的证明,那么根据Some of the embassies are prepared to issue on-the-spot emergency passports, requiring no more than your oath to claim your(有些大使馆准备在紧急情况下签发现场护照,只需要你对进行宣誓就可以领取)得出,这里应该是填入“身份”,因此identity正确。16. 问答题Directions: In this part there is a page from the local telephone directory giving information about various services. Read the following situations and decide which number you would telephone. The first one has been done as an example. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.INSTANT CALL GUIDEDirectory AssistanceFor unknown, new and altered numbers 019Local.019International.055Faults and Service DifficultiesLocal.088International.044Business Customer Faults.008Operator Connected CallsFrom a private phone.076From a payphone042Charge enquiries.066International Telegrams.093Wake up/reminder ca


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