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考研考博-考博英语-中央民族大学模拟考试题含答案1. 不定项选择题At first, the new business plan seemed counterintuitiveif not a quick route to bankruptcy. Koreans who ordered products from LG Home Shopping, a television shopping channel hawking everything from jewelry to cookware, could return them no questions asked and get a refund even before the items were collected from their home. All deliveries were free. And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.Little wonder that everyone including his staff thought LG Home Shopping Chief Executive Choi Yung Jae has a screw looses. Even as Choi offered one of the best bargains in Korea, he refused to sacrifice quality. One day, he appeared at a Seoul warehouse for a spot inspectionand canceled orders from nearly 70% of LGs suppliers. “Customer trust will make or break our business,” he declared. Not long after, Choi set up a fax line in his office to handle customer complaints directly. Complaints poured in. “But then,” says LG manager Shin Hyung Bum, “six months later he started getting complimentary faxes.” Executives are confident that sales will jump another 50% next year.Choi is still getting them. In 1998, LG Home Shopping earned its first profit as sales tripled to $169 million. The channel, which airs around the clock and prices items up to one-third cheaper than department stores, has thrived ever since. Despite the global slowdown, the company predicts sales of $ 779 million this year, up 68% from 2000.LG takes advantage of Korean demographics. Knowing that most middle-class women are homemakers, it has focused its marketing on females in their 30s and 40s. And delivery costs are minimal because nearly half of Koreas 14.3 million families reside in apartment blocks.The operation is also resolutely up-market, in contrast to similar U.S. channels. Because most cable-TV subscribers in Korea are well-to-do, LG sells no item for less than $ 23, which it figures is the minimum it can charge and still make a 4% margin after covering delivery. On average, LG shoppers spend $110 per order, triple what U.S. TV shoppers spend.Rivals acknowledge Chois contribution to electronic shopping, which has accounted for 3% of Koreas $90 billion retail market. “The whole industry is indebted to Chois pioneering campaign,” says Samsung Vice-President Suh Kang Ho, who heads the chaebols Internet Shopping division. “The big question is if LG can keep its growth in the face of tougher competition.”1. Which of the following best defines the word “counterintuitive” (L. 1, Para. 1)?2. By saying that “Choi Yung Jae has a screw looses” (L. 2, Para.2), the author means that( ).3. In the views of Choi( )4. From the text, we can infer that( )5. What is the attitude of Suh Kang Ho towards the future growth of LG?问题1选项A.Sensible.B.Irrational.C.Quick.D.Feasible.问题2选项A.the staff in the company are afraid of ChoiB.there is something wrong with the facility of the companyC.Choi is mad to some extentD.Chois bargains cannot be accepted by the staff问题3选项A.product quality is crucial to the success of the company.B.electronic shopping has a bright future.C.the American way of e-commerce has more disadvantages.D.the rival company has already acknowledged his contribution.问题4选项A.the new electronic shopping plan starts in an unfavorable economic situation.B.the majority of the customers of LGs service are women and children.C.the American electronic shopping companies are the rivals of LG.D.the price of the same product sold by LG is higher than that of the American Company.问题5选项A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Suspicious.D.Indifferent.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:词义推断题。本题如果记过这个单词可以直接选择,如果不认识也没有关系,根据词根词缀法我们可以发现,单词由counter-和intuitive两部分组成,词缀counter意为“反对”,intuitive意为“直觉的”,因此这个单词的意思大概为“违背直觉的”,B项正确,如果不知道这个方法也可以从后文的“if not a quick route to bankruptcy.”(如果你不想快速破产的话)可见当时普通人对新商业计划的认知都是它是不正常的,违背常理的,答案为B。第2题:作者意图题。首先定位到这个句子的前后文,后面是说到Choi拒绝牺牲商品的质量,也就是他必须要保证每一件商品的质量,在后面提到说他去视察一个工厂时,直接让那个工厂70%的商品都标为不合格并且直接取消,说明他对于商品的质量是有着很疯狂的追求的,他绝对不会牺牲商品的质量来换取营业额,题干中的“screw looses”意为做事古怪的,也与C项相符。第3题:细节推断题。题干提问在Choi的观点中是怎么样的,A项说他认为产品的质量是公司成功的关键,这一点从第二段可以看出,他非常强调商品的质量,因此A 保留;B项全文并没有提及,电子购物现在已经发展得如火如荼,但是它的未来Choi并没有给出观点,要注意题干问的是Choi的观点,并不是考生的想法,不要代入自己的主观思想,要从题干中找信息;C项也没有提及;D项是Choi的对手三星总裁的观点,答案为A。第4题:文章推断题。A项在第一段的最后一句话“And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.”可以得出,A项保留;B项错误,电视购物的主力就是家庭妇女,并没有儿童;C项错误,LG的对手主要是韩国国内的其他平台;D项也不对,只是说LG的顾客会在购买时花得更多,而不是它的单价高。答案为A。第5题:作者态度题。根据人名定位到最后一段,Suh说道“The big question is if LG can keep its growth in the face of tougher competition.”意思是不确定LG能不能在之后更加激烈的竞争中胜出,说明他对于LG的未来是持怀疑态度的,答案为C。2. 不定项选择题To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, “All that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.” One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care. Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals no meat, no fur, no medicines. Asked if she opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research. When assured that they do, she replied, “Then I would have to say yes.” Asked what will happen when epidemics return, she said, “Dont worry, scientists will find some way of using computers.” Such well-meaning people just dont understand.Scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable way in human terms, not in the language of molecular biology. We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmothers hip replacement, a fathers bypass operation, a babys vaccinations, and even a pets shots. To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.Much can be done. Scientists could “adopt” middle school classes and present their own research. They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. Research institutions could be opened to tours, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care. Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress.1. The author begins his article with Edmund Burkes words to ( ).2. Misled people tend to think that using an animal in research is ( ).3. The example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the publics ( ).4. The author believes that, in face of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists should ( ).5. From the text we learn that Stephen Cooper is( ).问题1选项A.call on scientists to take some actionsB.criticize the misguided cause of animal rightsC.warn of the doom of biomedical researchD.show the triumph of the animal rights movement问题2选项A.cruel but naturalB.inhuman and unacceptableC.inevitable but viciousD.pointless and wasteful问题3选项A.discontent with animal researchB.ignorance about medical scienceC.indifference to epidemicsD.anxiety about animal rights问题4选项A.communicate more with the publicB.employ hi-tech means in researchC.feel no shame for their causeD.strive to develop new cures问题5选项A.a well-known humanistB.a medical practitionerC.an enthusiast in animal rightsD.a supporter of animal research【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:本题考查了考生对作者意图的把握。定位到第一段,Edmund Burke这句话的意思是“好人的不作为就是一个错误的观点想要盛行所需要的所有条件”,可以看出这是在讽刺好人不去做出应有的行为,再紧接着后文也提到“现在有一个组织他们呼吁不要用动物来做实验,动物也有自己的权利,而科学家必须采取行动来回复这些人”,可以得出,作者的目的是呼吁科学家们行动起来,因此答案为A。第2题:本题是细节推断题。题干中说“tend to think”提示我们答案可能在文中没有直接体现,需要我们结合原文进行推理,推理出这些被误导的人们对于动物实验是何种态度,题干关键词就是“misled people”,可以帮我们定位到第一段,最后一句说“当人们听到医学实验残忍对待动物的指控时,许多人都不明白为什么有人会故意伤害动物”。第二段是一个具体的被误导的祖母般的女士的例子,但是文中只是说她反对用动物来做研究。第三段最后一句非常关键:“对于他们来说,动物实验说得好是浪费,说得不好是残忍”。从以上的分析可以看出,受到误导的人们认为用动物做研究是残酷的、不可思议的。四个选项中,B最符合原文。 A中虽然提到了“cruel”,但是“natural”不对,因为被误导的人们不可能认为那是普通的事情。C说的是“不可避免的,但是邪恶的”,也不正确,因为文章中没有提到不可避免这个说法。D项说的是“毫无意义,浪费的”,文中没有提到毫无意义这个意思。第3题:这也是一道作者意图题,例子说的是一位老太太向大家发传单,呼吁大家不要用任何来自于动物或在动物身上试验过的东西。当她被问及是否反对使用疫苗时,老太太说,若疫苗也来源于动物,那么就不应使用疫苗,流行病自有科学家们用计算机来解决。可见老太太对科学的无知。而她的这种无知是很普遍的。作者在第二段最后一句话感叹“这些好心人压根儿就不明白”,所以答案为B。A说的是公众对动物试验的不满。但是,老太太的例子不仅是为了说明这一点,这个例子反映的不仅是他们的不满,更多的要透过现象看本质,全文来看,作者的目的是为了指出公众不满的根源对医学研究不了解,然后号召科学家们针对这个根源采取行动。因此老太太的例子是为了反映公众的无知。第4题:这里考查的是作者的态度题,解答这类问题时,考生需要代入作者的思维,从全文把握作者的感情色彩,作者对这个事件的看法,然后根据题干关键词去定位具体细节处。本题关键词“challenge from animal rights advocates”以及“sientits should”,解题线索可在最后两段中找出。作者向科学家们提出的建议都是有助于他们与公众更好的交流。答案很明显是A。选项B、 C以及D貌似合理,其实文中都没有提到。第5题:这是一道细节推断题。题干问我们Stephen Cooper是一个什么身份的人,我们根据人名定位到最后一段,我们可以找到线索“Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment.”,这句话告诉我们Cooper是个名人,同时也曾经生病过,他是高度赞扬过动物研究的,因此,我们可以得出他是动物研究的支持者。答案为D。3. 翻译题Directions: There are two passages in this part with 5 sentences underlined. You are required to translate those sentences from English into Chinese. Read the following short passages carefully and ONLY translate the 5 sentences that are underlined.(1) A new committee, set up by the editors of nine prominent medical journals, called last week for governments to tackle scientific misconduct and fraudulent publication in a more systematic way.“Cases are still exposed mostly by chance, and we worry about the scale of the problem,” says Richard Smith, editor of the British Medical Journal and a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is one of several organizations in Europe currently looking into ways to beef up mechanisms to deal with publication misconduct. (2) COPE, whose members include the editors of the Lancet, Gut, and The Journal of the American Medical Association, invited more than 100 other editors here to discuss the scope of the problem and how to deal with evidence of misconduct in publications submitted to them for review. Editors related their experiences with incidents including the forging of signatures of patients and members of ethics committees that monitor research programs, plagiarism of research published in major Western journals for republication in Eastern European journals, publishing reports of patients who could be identified without their consent.(3) These incidents were described without revealing names because of worries about libel laws and so that the careers of whistle blowers who brought cases to light would not be jeopardized.COPE, says Smith, will publish a list of reported cases of misconduct each year to sensitize editors to the problems.COPEs efforts are being matched by other initiatives in Europe. (4) The Max Planck Society, Germanys premier research organization, is also carrying out a review of procedures it may adopt to help counter misconduct, and the results are also expected shortly. And at the most recent meeting of the European heads of research councils in Dublin last month, the problem of scientific misconduct was at the top of the agenda. The council heads are looking in particular at Danish efforts that have culminated in a new national committee on scientific dishonesty. (5) Unlike the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, which can investigate misconduct claims only when they involve government funds, the Danish committee can work across the scientific spectrum. COPE is also interested in the U.S. and Danish efforts. “Editors can only go so far,” says Kennedy. “Eventually you need an independent body to investigate claims fairly.”【答案】1.由九家著名医学杂志的编辑组建的一个新委员会上周呼吁各国政府以一种更系统的方式解决科学不当行为和虚假发表。2.COPE的成员包括柳叶刀肠道和美国医学会杂志的编辑,邀请了100多名其他编辑在这里讨论这个问题的范围,以及如何处理提交给他们审查的出版物中的不当行为证据。3.由于担心违反诽谤法,这些事件的描述没有透露姓名,这样将案件公布于众的告密者的职业生涯就不会受到损害。4.德国首要的研究机构马克斯普朗克学会(Max Planck Society)也在对可能采取的帮助打击不当行为的程序进行审查,结果也将很快公布。5.美国研究诚信办公室(Office of Research Integrity)只有在涉及到政府资金的情况下才能调查不当行为指控,与此不同的是,丹麦委员会可以在整个科学领域开展工作。4. 单选题Questions 14-16 are based on the following interview with Sherman Alexie, an American Indian poet. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14-16.14. Why did Sherman Alexie only take day jobs?15. What was his original goal at collage?16. Why did he take the poetry writing class?问题1选项A.He could bring unfinishied work home.B.He might have time to persue his interests.C.He might do some evening teaching.D.He could invest more emotion in his family.问题2选项A.To teach in high school.B.To write his own books.C.To be a medical doctor.D.To be a mathematician.问题3选项A.To follow his father.B.For an easy grade.C.To change his specialty.D.For knowledge of poetry.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B【解析】第1题:第2题:第3题:5. 不定项选择题“No man is an island,” wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was acknowledging one of our most (1) characteristics: the fact that we are social animals whose behavior and personalities are (2) by the groups to which we belong.Throughout life, most of our daily activities (3) in the company of others. Whether our purpose is working, playing, raising a family, learning, or simply relaxing. We usually (4) it in groups even if the group is as small as two or three people. Our need for human contacts is not merely a practical one; it is a deep psychological need as well. If people are (5) of the company of others for (6) periods, mental breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention, an international agreement that (7) the treatment of prisoners of war, recognizes this need. It regards (8) imprisonment for more than thirty days as a cruel form of torture.In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people (9) together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectation about one another s behavior. As a result of this interaction, members feel a common sense of “belonging.” They (10) members from members and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders.问题1选项A.oddB.distinctiveC.explicitD.obvious问题2选项A.shapedB.distinguishedC.identifiedD.justified问题3选项A.designedB.undertakedC.assignedD.performed问题4选项A.reachB.completeC.pursueD.accomplish问题5选项A.concernedB.deprivedC.relievedD.informed问题6选项A.continuousB.noticeableC.dramaticD.prolonged问题7选项A.regulatesB.prescribesC.rectifiesD.demonstrates问题8选项A.harshB.severeC.solitaryD.remote问题9选项A.livingB.interactingC.communicatingD.putting问题10选项A.distinguishB.isolateC.separateD.recognize【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:C第9题:B第10题:A【解析】第1题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项odd“奇怪的”,B项distinctive“独特的,有特色的;与众不同的”,C项explicit “直率的,清楚的,明确的”,D项obvious “明显的,显而易见的”,文中是说John是一个什么样的人,根据后文他阐述了人类是社会性动物,我们的行为和个性受我们所属的群体影响,因此可以看出他对人类是有做出贡献的,因此答案为B,“most distinctive characteristics”最杰出的人。第2题:本题考查了词组的含义。A项be shaped by“受影响”,B项be distinguished by “以为特征”,C项be identified by “被识别,被确定”,D项be justified by “以为依据”,根据上文的人类是社会性动物以及常识可以得出,这一空表达的是人类的行为是受他所属的群体所影响,其余选项代入不符合文意,答案为A。第3题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项designed“设计”,B项undertake“承担,保证”,C项assigned“分配”,D项performed“进行,表演”,根据句意我们可知,本句意思应当为:在我们的一生中,我们大部分的日常活动都是在他人的陪伴下进行的,其余答案都太过牵强,答案为D。第4题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项reach“达到”,B项complete“完成,达成”,C项pursue“追求,从事”,一般指对人生价值和目标的追求,D项accomplish“完成,实现,达到”,题干的含义就是我们通常都是在一个组别里进行我们的所有活动,哪怕我们的小组只有两三个人,因此答案为C。第5题:本题考查了考生对于词语含义的掌握。A项concerned“有关,关心”,B项deprived“丧失,剥夺”,C项relived“减轻,消除”,D项informed“知道,使了解”,根据上文我们可以看出,本文强调的是人不能独自生活着,没有人是一座孤岛,我们都在社群中进行我们的活动,因此,本句话的句意为如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,答案为B。第6题:本题考查了词义。A项continuous“持续的”,B项noticeable“显而易见的,显著的”,C项dramtic“巨大的,急剧的,引人注目的”,D项prolonged“持续很久的,长时间的”,句子的意思应该是如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,因为其他的选项代入都不通顺且不合常理,因此答案为D。第7题:本题考查了词义。A项regulates“调节,规定”,B项prescribes“开处方,规定”,C项rectifies“改正”,D项demonsrates“证明,展示,论证”,从句意我们不难看出文章想表达的是,日内瓦公约也规定承认这一需要,A、B从句意来看都对,但是B项的规定没有A项那么正式,因此答案为A更符合用语习惯。第8题:本题考查了词义。A项harsh“严厉的,严酷的,刺耳的”,B项severe“严峻的,严厉的,剧烈的”,C项solitary“孤独的,隐居的”,D项remote“遥远的,偏僻的”,结合上下文,前文是在讲如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,因此这一空按照逻辑也应该与上文相匹配,因此答案为C,整个句子的意思是“它认为30天以上的单独监禁是一种残忍的酷刑”。第9题:本题考查上下文的掌握和词义。A项living“生活,居住”,B项interacting“互相影响,相互作用”,C项communicating“交流”,D项putting“放置”,这一空的解题关键在后文,下一句中讲到,“As a result of this interaction”,这一句话中的interaction提示了我们前一空的答案与之相呼应的是B项,意为:从最严格的意义上说,群体就是一群人的集合,他们按井然有序的方式在一起互动,并对彼此的行为抱有共同的期望。第10题:本题考查的是词义的辨析。A项distinguish“区分,辨别”,B项isolate“隔离,孤立”,C项separate“分离,使分开”,D项recognize“分诊,认得”,本题考查词义,从整个句子来看,我们不难猜测出,这一句的意思应该是:他们把成员和非成员区分开来,因此答案为A,distinguish from “区分,辨别”。6. 不定项选择题Many of us are fearful of making changes in our work livesfear is a natural human condition. We feel less threatened when we stick with the familiar. As long as we are receiving a paycheck, we tolerate the dissatisfaction. Better to just play it safe.But the safety net we preserve requires a big trade-off. It often denies us the opportunity to experience work that makes us happy, that is consistent with our desires while still meeting our monetary needs. Yet many of us strap ourselves into jobs in which the only reward is money.We breed cynicism when we treat our work as nothing more than a financial equation, a necessity we tolerate in order to acquire funds to live, with the hope of somehow achieving success and happiness along the way. Thats really most of us want to be happy. We spend 80,000 hours of our lives at work. Yet, we view happiness as something to be achieved “outside” of work. We hire ourselves out on Monday through Friday and “live” for the weekends.Most of us didnt choose our careers to fulfill a purpose or mission. On the contrary, we just looked for “a good job with a good company,” reflecting such criteria as pay, title and security. We reasoned that if we could “get a foot in the door” and work hard, our careers would grow over time, actually, that our careers and work lives would just happen “by accident.” Because of this, many of us have careers today that are just “accidents waiting to happen.” Everyday business decisions, a reorganization plan, an acquisition by another comply, a relocation out of the country of the company, can throw our work lives into danger. But despite this uncertainty, some of us still cling to our jobs, dissatisfying as they may be. Cant take that risk!“Hanging on” involves risk too. For when we sacrifice pleasure for pay, our work lacks dignity, uses our energy and, ultimately, breaks our spirit. An unhappy, unfulfilled work life contributes to an unhappy, unfulfilled personal life. Happiness in work, as happiness in love, demands a measure of risk.Author Marsha Simetar suggests that if you “do what you love, the money


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