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2022年考博英语-西南财经大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 单选题He is quite sure that its ( )impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.问题1选项A.absolutelyB.exclusivelyC.fullyD.roughly【答案】A【解析】副词辨析题。absolutely绝对地,完全地;exclusively唯一地,专有地;fully充分地,彻底地;roughly粗糙地,概略地。句意:他很确定他绝对不可能在两天内完成这个任务。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题You shouldnt have written in the ( )since the book belongs to the library.问题1选项A.intervalB.borderC.marginD.edge【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。interval间隔,间距;border边境,边界;margin边缘,页边的空白;edge边缘,优势。句意:你不应该写在页边的空白处,因为这本书是属于图书馆的。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题Because of the tighter money policy,( )defense for the coming years is greatly cut.问题1选项A.reservationB.budgetC.allowanceD.finance【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。reservation “预约”;budget “预算”;allowance “津贴”;finance “财政;金融”。句意:由于财政政策紧张,来年的国防预算大大缩减了。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题After months of investigation, the policeman judges it as a (n) ( )murder.问题1选项A.willingB.purposefulC.voluntaryD.deliberate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。willing意为“乐意的,自愿的”;purposeful意为“有目的的,故意的”;voluntary意为“自愿的,自发的”;deliberate意为“故意的,蓄意的”。句意:经过几个月的调查,警察判定这是一场蓄意谋杀。5. 单选题When making modern cameras people began to ( )plastics for metal.问题1选项A.surroundB.substanceC.stretchD.substitute【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。surround “包围”;substance “物质;实质”;stretch “伸展,拉紧”;substitute “替代,代替”。句意:在制造现代相机时,人们开始用塑料代替金属。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the writer may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack the sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul, the quality of life. Who should write the biography of a family, for example? Because of their closeness to the subject, family members may have special information, but by the same token, they may not have the distance that would allow them to be fair. Similarly, a kings servant might not be the best one to write a biography of that king. But a foreigner might not have the knowledge and sympathy necessary to write the kings biographynot for a readership from within the kingdom, at any rate.There is no ideal position for such a task. The biographer has to work with the position he or she has in the world, adjusting that position as necessary to deal with the subject. Every position has strengths and weaknesses; to thrive, a writer must try to become aware of these, evaluate them in terms of the subject, and select a position accordingly.When their subjects are heroes or famous figures, biographies often reveal a democratic motive; they attempt to show that their subjects are only human, no better than anyone else. Other biographies are meant to change us, to invite us to become better than we are. The biographies of Jesus found in the Bible are in this class.Biographers may claim that their account is the “authentic” one. In advancing this claim, they are helped if the biography is “authorized” by the subject; this presumably allows the biographer special access to private information. “Unauthorized” biographies also have their appeal, however, since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer. In book promotions, the “unauthorized” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress. A subject might have several biographies, even several “authentic” ones. We sense intuitively that no one is in a position to tell “the” story of a life, perhaps not even the subject, and this has been proved by the history of biography.1.According to the authors an ideal biographer would be one who ( ).2.The author cites the biographies of Jesus in the Bible in order to show that( ).3.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?4.An unauthorized biography is likely to attract more readers because( ).5.In this passage, the author focuses on( ).问题1选项A.knows the subject very well and yet maintains a proper distance from himB.is close to the subject and knows the techniques of biography writingC.is independent and treats the subjects with fairness and objectivityD.possesses special private information and is sympathetic toward the subject问题2选项A.the best biographies are meant to transform their readersB.biographies are authentic accounts of their subjects livesC.the best biographies are those of heroes and famous figuresD.biographies can serve different purposes问题3选项A.An authentic biography seldom appeals to its readersB.An authentic biography is one authorized by the subjectC.No one can write a perfect biographyD.Authorized biographies have a wider readership问题4选项A.it portrays the subject both faithfully and vividlyB.it contains interesting information about the subjects private lifeC.it reveals a lot of accurate details unknown to outsidersD.it usually gives a sympathetic description of the subjects character问题5选项A.the difficulty of a biographer in finding the proper perspective to do his jobB.the secret of a biographer to win more readersC.the techniques required of a biographer to write a good biographyD.the characteristics of different kinds of biographies【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中的The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the writer may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack the sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul, the quality of life.(传记作者必须在关于这个传记对象的两个不稳定的立场之间摇摆。关系太亲密,作者可能会失去客观性。关系不够近,作者可能缺乏足够的激情去努力刻画人物的思想、灵魂这些生活的本质)可知A选项“非常了解这个传记对象,并与其保持适当的距离”符合题意。第2题:推理判断题。文章第三段中的内容为:当他们的对象是英雄或著名人物时,传记往往揭示出一种民主的动机;他们试图向人民展示他们的主也只是人,并没有比任何人都好。而其它的传记则是有意要改变我们,鼓励我们变得比我们之前更好。圣经中耶稣的传记就属于后一类。由此可知作者引用了耶稣在圣经中的传记,是为了表明传记可以有不同的目的,因此选D。第3题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的We sense intuitively that no one is in a position to tell “the” story of a life, perhaps not even the subject, and this has been proved by the history of biography.(我们凭直觉认为没有作家是站在讲述一生的故事的位置的,可能甚至不是在传记对象的位置,这已经被传记的历史所证明了)可知C选项“没有人能写出完美的传记”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。由文章最后一段中的In book promotions, the “unauthorized” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress.(在图书促销中,“未经授权”的描述通常暗示着传记对象希望抑制流言蜚语)可知B选项“它包含了关于传记对象的私人生活的有趣信息”。第5题:主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了传记作家需要具备哪些能力以及不同种类传记的特点,因此D选项“不同类型传记的特点”。7. 单选题The ( )is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.问题1选项A.beanB.beamC.brakeD.battery【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。bean “豆;毫无价值的东西”;beam “横梁,光线,电波”; bake “烤,烘烤食品”;battery “电池,蓄电池”。句意:电池没电了,所以我不能启动车。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题The British Library ( )the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom.问题1选项A.containsB.retiresC.retainsD.conveys【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。contain意为“包含,容纳”;retire意为“退休”;retain意为“保持,保留”;convey意为“传达,传递”。句意:在英国出版的每一版新书,大英博物馆都拥有免费获得一册的权利。9. 单选题Russian and Norwegian scientists have reported finding stone objects and animal bones in the far north of European Russia. The scientists say the objects provide the first evidence that ancient hunters lived in the area more than 30 thousand years ago. They say this is at least 15 thousand years earlier than experts had thought.The Russian and Norwegian team worked at a camp along the Usa River and the Arctic Circle. The scientists say they found several ancient stone tools. They also found 123 bones from animals such as horses, reindeer and wolves.The scientists say their most important discovery was a tusk from an ancient elephant called a mammoth(猛码).The huge, curved tooth was more than 1 meter long. The tusk is covered with small cuts. The scientists believe humans made the marks with sharp-edged stone tools.The scientists used a process known as radiocarbon(放射性碳)dating to measure the age of the tusk. Radiocarbon dating shows the level of a radioactive form of carbon in a substance. The tests showed the tusk is about 36 thousand years old.The scientists say they are not sure what kind of humans left the stone objects and bones along the river. They said the people were either early humans called Neanderthals(穴居人)or modern humans.Modem humans spread through Europe and Asia 30 thousand years ago. The scientists say the ancient people needed a high level of social development to survive in the extremely cold environment.The objects were discovered about 300 kilometers northeast of another area where scientists say humans once lived. That area has objects more closely linked to modem humans. Those objects are believed to be about 28 thousand years old.Nature magazine also published a report by John Gowlett of the University of Liverpool in England. He said the discovery shows the ability of early humans to do the unexpected. He also said the discovery should renew debate about the effects of the climate on the movements of early human population.1.Before the finding of stone objects and animal bones in the north of European Russia, some experts thought human beings lived in that area about ( ).2.The following statements are true about the significance of this finding EXCEPT that( ).3.Which is the most important discovery among the findings?4.How old is the tusk? About( )years old.5.Which would be the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.10 thousand years agoB.15 thousand years agoC.28 thousand years agoD.20 thousand years ago问题2选项A.it brings forwards the time in which ancient hunters lived in the areaB.it provides the evidence of a high level of ancient human societyC.it showed the unexpected ability of the early humansD.it indicates the effect of climate on the movement of early human population问题3选项A.A mammoth tusk covered with small cuts.B.Ancient stone tools.C.123 bones from animals.D.A long elephant tusk.问题4选项A.25 thousandB.28 thousandC.40 thousandD.36 thousand问题5选项A.New Discovery of Ancient Human BeingsB.Evidence of Ancient HuntersC.Unexpected Surviving Abilities of Ancient Human BeingsD.New Findings of Ancient Animals【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】第1题:判断推理题。根据第一段最后两句“The scientists say the objects provide the first evidence that ancient hunters lived in the area more than 30 thousand years ago. They say this is at least 15 thousand years earlier than experts had thought.”科学家说,这些物体提供了第一手证据,证明古代猎人在3万多年前就生活在这个地区。他们说,这至少比专家们预想的早了1.5万年。由此可知,专家们预想的人类生活在这个地区的时间是在3万减去1.5万等于1.5万年以前,也就是15 thousand years ago,所以选项B正确。第2题:判断推理题。根据倒数第三段的内容“The scientists say the ancient people needed a high level of social development to survive in the extremely cold environment.”科学家们说,古人需要高度的社会发展才能在极端寒冷的环境中生存。由此可知,古代社会并没有高度发展所以选项B不正确。第3题:细节事实题。根据关键词“most important discovery”定位到第三段第一句“The scientists say their most important discovery was a tusk from an ancient elephant called a mammoth.The tusk is covered with small cuts.”科学家们表示,他们最重要的发现是一头名为猛犸象的古代大象的长牙。.长牙上有很多小切口。由此可知,选项A符合原文。第4题:细节事实题。根据第四段最后一句“The tests showed the tusk is about 36 thousand years old.”测试显示,这只象牙大约有3.6万年的历史。选项D符合原文。第5题:主旨大意题。原文第一段指出科学家在欧洲北部发现了很多有关古代猎人的证据,接下来的段落具体阐述和分析这些证据,最后得出结论,这些证据也体现了环境对早期人类迁徙的影响。由此可知,本文的主要内容是关于古代猎人的证据,选项B最为恰当。10. 单选题Physically we feel comfortable. But ( ), we suffer a lot.问题1选项A.psychologicallyB.moderatelyC.naturallyD.precisely【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。psychologically “心理上地”;moderately “适度地”;naturally “自然地”;precisely “精准地”。句意:我们身体上很舒服,但是精神上备受折磨。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题There are several possible explanations for the great job ( )in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.问题1选项A.creativityB.securityC.credibilityD.stability【答案】D【解析】名词辨析题。creativity创造性;security安全性;credibility确实性;stability稳定性。句意:与美国巨大的工作流动性相比,日本的工作稳定性高是有一些合理的解释的。根据下文的mobility可推测,两者形成对比,所以选项D正确。12. 单选题Government today plays an increasingly larger role in the ( )of welfare, economics,and education.问题1选项A.scopesB.rangesC.ranksD.domains【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。scope “范围,眼界,视野”;range “范围;幅度”;rank“级别,等级”;domain “领域,域,域名”。句意:现在政府在很多领域扮演着重要的角色,比如福利、经济和教育等。选项D符合题意。13. 单选题I wish to change my major in postgraduate study, because I know the competition in the computer department of Tsinghua is( ).问题1选项A.fragrantB.formidableC.fierceD.flexible【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。fragrant “芳香的,愉悦的”;formidable “强大的,可怕的”;fierce “凶猛的”;flexible “灵活的”。句意:我希望在研究生学习期间换个专业,因为我知道清华大学计算机学院的竞争太激烈。选项C符合题意。14. 单选题A good way to ( ) a language is to live in the native culture with the native speakers.问题1选项A.requireB.acquireC.inquireD.sustain【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。require “需要”;acquire “获得,取得;学到”;inquire “询问,查究”;sustain “维持,支撑”。句意:学习一种语言的好方式是跟那里的本地人一样居住在那个国家。选项B符合题意。15. 单选题Neglect has accelerated the process of this buildings ( )?问题1选项A.declineB.egenerationC.decayD.wither【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。decline下降,衰退;degeneration退化,恶化;decay衰减,衰败,腐烂;wither枯萎,凋谢。句意:疏忽大意加速了这座建筑物的衰败。选项C更符合语境。16. 单选题They had to eat a(n)( )meal, or they would be too late for the concert.问题1选项A.temporaryB.hastyC.immediateD.urgent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。temporary “暂时的,临时的”;hasty “匆忙的,轻率的”;immediate “立即的,直接的”;urgent “紧急的,急迫的”。句意:他们只能急匆匆地吃了饭,不然音乐会他们就会迟到了。选项B符合题意。17. 单选题Youll have to change your ( )of life now that you have got a baby.问题1选项A.formB.moldC.moodD.mode【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。form意为“形状,形式”;mold意为“模型,压模”;mood意为“心情”;mode意为“方式,风格,样式”。由change your _ of life(改变你的生活_)可知D选项最符合逻辑,mode of life表示“生活方式”。句意:既然你有了孩子,你就必须改变你的生活方式。18. 单选题The plot of the novel ( )the economic development of the village.问题1选项A.evolves withB.emerges fromC.blends withD.attaches to【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。evolve with意为“随进化”;emerge from意为“(从)露出,浮现,产生于”;blend with意为“与协调或和谐”;attach to意为“依附,附属与,喜爱”。句意:小说情节随着村落经济的发展而演变。19. 单选题It was such a(n) ( )when Pat and Mike met each other in Tokyo. Each thought that the other was still in Hong Kong.问题1选项A.occurrenceB.coincidenceC.fancyD.destiny【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。occurrence “发生,事件”;coincidence “巧合,一致”;fancy “幻想,想象力”;destiny “命运,天命”。句意:派特和迈克能在东京偶遇是多么巧合的一件事。俩人都以为对方在香港。选项B符合题意。20. 单选题Gray clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10. It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail95 miles from Lolo Montana to Weippe in Idaho, across some of the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail“but with this weather?When Lewis climbed atop Lemhi Pass, 140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug. 12, 1805, he was astonished by what was in front of him: “immense ranges of high mountains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow”. Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in the Appalachians back East. Lewis and Clark werent merely off the map; they were traveling outside the American imagination.Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is a testimony to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships and the Native-Americans who prize and conserve the path as a sacred gift. It remains today in virtually the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it.The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather, although the snow seeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post office, the highest point on the trail at 7,033 ft., the drifts are 15 ft, and up. We have covered 12 miles in soft snow, and we barely have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken and couscous, I sit on a rock on top of the ridge. There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four days we do not see another human being. We are isolated in a way that mixes fear with joy. In our imagination we have finally caught up with Lewis and Clark.1.We learn from the passage that before 1805( ).2.Judging from the context, the word “trek” (Line 3, Para. 1) is closest in meaning to ( ).3.We learn from the passage that the Lolo Pass( ).4.Judging from the context. Lewis and Clark were most probably( ).5.We can infer from the passage that in crossing the Lolo Pass the author ( ).问题1选项A.no Americans knew about the existence of the Rocky MountainsB.there were no people living in the western part of AmericaC.no one ever imagined going west to the Pacific OceanD.the Appalachians were the western frontier of the Unites States问题2选项A.a lonely walk in isolated countryB.a long hard journey over rough terrainC.a tough climb up high mountainsD.a journey over un-traveled pathways问题3选项A.remains much as it was 200 years agoB.has changed a lot since 1805C.now attracts large numbers of touristsD.is the meeting point of two cultures问题4选项A.two native IndiansB.explorers of the early 19th centuryC.merchants who did business with the IndiansD.travelers whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass问题5选项A.was following the trail of Lewis and ClarkB.was trying to set a world recordC.was attempting the impossibleD.was gambling with weather and taking unnecessary risks【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed(在当时的美国,没有人知道落基山脉的存在)可知选A。第2题:词义题。由文章第一段中的It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains.(过去四天里,Bitterroot山脉一直在下雪)Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail可推测下雪天使爬山变得更加艰难,因此C选项“艰难的爬上高山”符合题意。trek表示“长途跋涉,艰难的旅程(尤指在山区)”。第3题:细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段的最后一句It remains today in virtually the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it.(如今它保持着与Lewis和Clark那时攀登上去一样的条件)可知A选项“保持和200年前一样”符合题意。第4题:推理判断题。由文章第二段中的When Lewis climbed atop Lemhi Pass, 140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug. 12, 1805(1805年8月12日, Lewis 爬上米苏拉以南140英里的 Lemhi Pass)和第三段中的Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is a testimony to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships(今天,他们穿过这些山脉的路径比他们所走过的任何其他地方都更具吸引力,因为原始的荒野证明了两种文化的特征:勇于面对艰辛的探险家)可推测他们是19世纪早期的探险家,因此选B。第5题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的最后一句In our imagination we have finally caught up with Lewis and Clark.(在我们的想象中,我们终于赶上了Lewis 和Clark)可推测他们是在追寻Lewis和Clark的足迹,因此选A。


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