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2022年考博英语-西南科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 写作题Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 250 words based on the topic “Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment”?You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part,provide one or two reasons or your experience (s) to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.【答案】略2. 单选题The patterns of spoken language are( )from those of writing.问题1选项A.distinctB.distinctiveC.distinguishedD.distinguishing【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项distinct“独特的,有区别的”,be distinct from=be different from,表示“与不同”;B选项distinctive“有特色的,与众不同的”;C选项distinguished“卓越的,著名的”;D选项distinguishing“有区别的”,英语中没有be distinguishing from这样搭配。句意:口语的模式不同于书面语的模式。由选项意思和句意可知,A选项符合句意。3. 单选题In order to survive now and( )in the future, all the working staff must constantly create new ideas for every aspect of your business.问题1选项A.maximizeB.thriveC.erectD.recruit【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项maximize“最大化,极大”;B选项thrive“繁荣,兴旺,茁壮成长”;C选项erect“竖立,建造,创立”;D选项recruit“征募,聘用”。句意:为了现在的生存和未来的繁荣,所有的员工必须不断地为企业的各个方面创造新的想法。由选项意思和句意可知,B选项符合句意。4. 写作题Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of at least 200 words based on the topic “Tradition and Innovation”.You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide reasons or your experiences to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.【答案】There is a vivid saying which says “If tradition can be likened to the roots and trunk of a tree, innovation is its leaves and fruits.” I quite applaud this simile. From my perspective, tradition and innovation are doomed to coexist perpetually.First and foremost, tradition is a solid foundation for innovation, with abundant nutrition we can absorb, such as scientific experiment approaches and science spirits. Secondly, its the drawbacks of tradition in certain fields that give rise to inspiration and momentum to innovate. For instance, Thomas Edison, who caught the sight of the inconvenience of traditional gas light, conducted experiments and eventually invented light bulb. On the contrary, innovation will certainly fight against tradition. When an innovation satisfies peoples expectation, it can gain popularity and finally make itself a new element in tradition, which will be held in high esteem.In a word, tradition and innovation can never be separated. At the very time, with the ever-increasing speed of innovation, a diversity of newly-born technology and hi-tech products penetrate our daily life. Im convinced that wed better be absolutely conscious of our roottradition and give priority to it. Only when we gain a thorough comprehension of it can we accomplish magnificent innovation and exert positive effect on our society as a whole.5. 单选题Aleko denied( )Marys little lamb.问题1选项A.to stealB.to have stolenC.having to stealD.stealing【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。deny“否认,否定”,固定搭配:deny doing sth.“否认做某事,否认做过某事,拒绝做某事”。句意:阿莱科否认偷了玛丽的小羊,因此D选项正确。6. 单选题Last year, Matt earned( )his brother, who has a better position.问题1选项A.twice as much asB.twice as many asC.twice more asD.twice as more as【答案】A【解析】考查倍数的表达。1.倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+其它。这种结构又常演变成下列两类:倍数+as+ many+可数名词复数+as;倍数+as+much+不可数名词+as。如:There are seven times as many people as I expected.(是我预料的人数的七倍。),There is five times as much coffee in this glass as in that one.(这个杯子里的咖啡是那个杯子里的五倍。),这个句子前半句说马特赚得比他哥哥多,肯定是钱money赚得多,而money是不可数,所以不能用many,排除B选项。没有C,D选项的用法。句意:去年马特比他哥哥赚得多两倍,而他哥哥的职位比他高。综上所述,本题的正确答案是A选项。7. 单选题The World Bank has funded many improvement schemes( ), including shantytown and transport improvements.问题1选项A.globalB.overallC.worldwideD.universally【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项global“全球的,总体的”;B选项overall“全部的,全体的”;C选项worldwide“遍及全球地”;D选项universally“普遍地,到处”。句意:世界银行资助了很多世界各地的改善计划,包括贫民区和交通的改善。根据句意,只有A、C选项符合意思。题干中的scheme是个名词,之后可以加副词作为定语修饰名词,而A选项是个形容词,故排除。所以本题的正确答案是C选项。8. 单选题Whether you are logging on to your personal computer, using a credit card, or disarming a door security system, passwords or PINs (personal identification numbers) guard access to numerous regular operations.It is estimated that within ten years, consumers could be faced with handling more than 100 passwords! Given the popularity of passwords, how can you choose ones that are sufficiently complicated to be secure yet are simple enough to remember?There are basic guidelines to bear in mind. Dont use as a password your name or that of a member of your family, even in modified form. Also avoid using your telephone number, your Social Security number, or your address. Such information can easily be obtained by a determined hacker.In addition, if possible, dont use passwords made up entirely of letters or digits. A relatively simple computer program can crack such a code quickly. Finally, do not use a word that can be found in any dictionary, even a foreign-language one. Huge lists are available that contain words, place names, and proper names from all languages. Programs can test for variations of these words, such as if they are spelled backward, capitalized, or combined.So, what kinds of passwords should be used? Usually ones that have a minimum of six to eight characters and that have a mixture of upper-and lower-case letters, digit and punctuation symbols. How difficult is it to crack such a combination of characters? One source says, “A machine that could try one million passwords per second would require, on the average, over one hundred years.”How can you choose a combination that is easy to remember? Some suggest that you take the title of a favorite book or film or a line from a song or poem and use the first letter from each word as your password, adding capital letters, punctuation, or other characters. For example, “to be or not be” could become “2B/not 2B.”Other suggestions include taking two short words and link them with a punctuation character, such as “High? Bug” or “Song; Tree”.Taking into account the suggestions outlined above can help you to protect important information from unwanted hackers. Remember, too, the importance of changing your passwords regularly. Just a final comment: Whatever passwords you decide to use, dont pick any of the examples given above.1. What is the main idea of this passage?2. Why shouldnt we use a word that can be found in any dictionary as a password?3. If you are choosing a password for your computer, which of the following is the best choice?4. How can you choose a password that is both secure and simple to remember?5. The word “Given” in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by( ).问题1选项A.How to strengthen security through a password.B.How to choose a password that is easy to remember.C.How to prevent your password from being cracked.D.How to choose a safe and convenient password.问题2选项A.Because it can be easily remembered by a computer hacker.B.Because computer programs can crack it.C.Because computer hackers are determined to crack it.D.Because the lists are so huge that the words are not easy to remember.问题3选项A.iaHgnahsB.19730508C.2B/not 2BD.Re-B, pl2问题4选项A.Taking the title of your favorite book or film.B.Taking a line from a song or poem you like best.C.Making up a nonsensical word which cannot be found in any dictionary.D.Using two short words linked with a punctuation character.问题5选项A.FixedB.GrantedC.SupposedD.Presented【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题干:这篇文章的主旨是?这文章全文是关于“密码”。文章第一段就出现了passwords和PINs。第二段即引出文章主旨,如何选择既安全又简单易记的密码。后面的内容对这个问题做出了回答,所以选项D“如何选择一个安全方便的密码”正确。A选项“如何通过密码加强安全性”,是文章第五段的主要内容。B选项“如何选择一个容易记住的密码”,是文章第六段的主要内容。C选项“如何防止你的密码被破解”,是文章第三,四段的主要内容。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。2.事实细节题。题干:为什么我们不能用一个在任何字典里都能找到的词作为密码呢?由题干定位到第四段第三、四、五句话Finally, do not use a word that can be found in any dictionary, even a foreign-language one. Huge lists are available that contain words, place names, and proper names from all languages. Programs can test for variations of these words, such as if they are spelled backward, capitalized, or combined.(最后,不要使用任何词典中都能找到的词,即使是外语词典。巨大的列表是可用的,包含单词,地名,和来自所有的语言的专有名称。比较简单的计算机程序能够很快地破译这类密码,比如它们是倒写、大写还是组合。),所以本题B选项“因为计算机程序可以破解它”,符合题意。A选项“因为电脑黑客很容易记住它”,是因为容易被破解所以不能用,并没有提到是否容易记忆,A选项排除。C选项“因为电脑黑客会下定决心破解它”,文章提到是有程序可以破解,而不是黑客会下决心破解,所以C选项不符合题意。D选项“因为单词表是如此之大以至于单词不容易记住”,在文中并没有提及。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。3.推理判断题。如果你正在为你的电脑选择一个密码,以下哪个是最好的选择?根据第四段第一句话In addition, if possible, dont use passwords made up entirely of letters or digits.(另外,如果可能的话,不要使用完全由字母或数字组成的密码。),可排除A和B选项。这篇文章的最后一句讲到Just a final comment: Whatever passwords you decide to use, dont pick any of the examples given above.(无论你决定选择什么密码,不要采用上面提到的任何一个例子。),而C选项正是文章所给的例子,所以排除。所以只有D选项,有不同种类的符号、数字、横线等的组合,才是最好的选择。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。4.推理判断题。题干:如何选择既安全又容易记忆的密码呢?根据文章第七段Other suggestions include taking two short words and link them with a punctuation character(还有建议就是使用两个简短的单词,并用标点符号将它们连接起来),可知D选项“用两个简短的单词连上一个标点符号”,符合题意。根据文章第六段第二句Some suggest that you take the title of a favorite book or film or a line from a song or poem and use the first letter from each word as your password, adding capital letters, punctuation, or other characters.(有人建议你用最喜欢的书或电影的标题,或一首歌曲或一首诗的台词,把每个单词的首字母作为你的密码,加上大写字母、标点符号或其他字符。),可知,A选项“选你最喜欢的书或电影的名字”和B选项“从你最喜欢的歌或诗中选取一句”,都不全面,选择书或者电影名字会容易被程序破解,所以B,C都不正确。C选项“编了一个在任何字典里都找不到的无意义的词”,随便编出来的没有意义的词会很容易忘记,所以C选项排除。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。5.推理判断题。题干:第二段的“Given”,可以由单词_替代。由题干定位到第二段It is estimated that within ten years, consumers could be faced with handling more than 100 passwords! Given the popularity of passwords, how can you choose ones that are sufficiently complicated to be secure yet are simple enough to remember?(据估计,在10年内,消费者可能要处理100多个密码!考虑到密码的流行,你如何选择一个足够复杂的安全而又足够简单的记忆密码呢?),A选项“确定,固定”,B选项“授予,允许”,C选项“假定,设想”,D选项“提出,提供”。文章是对10年后情况的推测,所以应该选择C选项符合题意。9. 单选题Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into( )ones.问题1选项A.turbulentB.tragicC.vulnerableD.suspicious【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项turbulent“动荡的”;B选项tragic“悲剧的,悲痛的”;C选项vulnerable“易受攻击的”;D选项suspicious“可疑的,怀疑的”。句意:谣言无处不在,它散布恐怖情绪,损害声誉,把稳定的局面搅得混乱不堪。所选形容词应与句中calm相对应,所以本题A选项符合句意。10. 单选题I wish I( )to swim when I( )younger.问题1选项A.was taughthad beenB.were taughthad beenC.had been taughthad beenD.had been taughtwas【答案】D【解析】考查虚拟语气。wish+宾语从句,宾语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气。本句表达的是对过去的虚拟。句子应该用过去完成时,had been taught,故排除A、B选项。时间状语说的是过去年轻的时候,所以要用过去时:was。句意:我希望在我年轻的时候学了游泳。因此,本题的正确选项是D选项。11. 单选题Dont let such a( )matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.问题1选项A.trivialB.partialC.slightD.minimal【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项trivial“不重要的,琐碎的”,trivial matter是固定搭配,表示“琐事”;B选项partial“偏爱的,不公平的”;C选项slight“轻微的,少量的”;D选项minimal“最低的,最小限度的”。句意:不要让这件小事造成我们之间的障碍,以便我们能够将精力集中在主要的事情上。由选项意思和句意可知,A选项符合句意。12. 单选题That was not the first time he( )us. I think its high time we( )strong actions against him.问题1选项A.betrayedtakeB.had betrayedtookC.has betrayedtookD.has betrayedtake【答案】B【解析】考查时态和虚拟语气。当句子里有序数词first/second/third.、副词only或最高级best/worst/most的时候,后面的定语从句要用完成时态。例如:It is one of the most interesting books Ive ever read(这是我看过的最有趣的书之一。),因为that was not句子是过去时,这里应该用过去完成时:had betrayed。Its (high) time(是做的时候了),后面的句子要用谓语要用过去时或者should+动词原形,表示虚拟语气,所以这里要用took。句意:这已经不是他第一次背叛我们了,是我们采取强有力的行动对抗他的时候了。所以本题的正确答案是B选项。13. 单选题The meeting was( )over by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.问题1选项A.propelledB.pickedC.postponedD.presided【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项propel“推进,驱使”,B选项pick“挑选,采摘”,pick over“择优,分档挑选”;C选项postpone“延迟,缓办”;D选项preside“主持”,preside over“主持,负责”。句意:会议由市长主持,讨论城市税收增加问题。由选项意思和固定搭配可知,D选项符合句意。14. 单选题Jim had to( )all his skill( )to defeat his tennis opponent.问题1选项A.call into playB.call . to mindC.call to attentionD.call . into action【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项,没有call sth. into play的搭配,B选项call sth to mind“想起,记起”;C选项,没有call sth. to attention的搭配,call attention to sth.“提醒,唤起注意”D选项call sth. into action“将某事付诸行动”。句意:吉姆不得不使出浑身解数来击败他的网球对手。由选项意思和句意可知,D选项符合句意。15. 单选题( ), the girl ran out of the room.问题1选项A.Having tears in her eyes and turned suddenlyB.With a sudden turn, tearful eyesC.With tears in her eyes and suddenly turningD.Turning suddenly, with tears in her eyes【答案】D【解析】考查伴随状语,女孩应该是先转身然后再跑出房间,B、C选项都是伴随状语,B选项应该还有and连接才是对的,应该改为with a sudden turn and tearful eyes,C选项应该改为with tears in her eyes and a sudden turn。综上所述,D选项正确。16. 单选题It is an offence to show( )against people of different races.问题1选项A.distinctionB.differenceC.separationD.discrimination【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项distinction“区别,差别”;B选项difference“差异,不同”;C选项separation “分离,分开”;D选项discrimination“歧视,区别”句意:歧视其他种族的人是一种冒犯行为。由选项意思和句意可知,D选项符合句意。17. 单选题The scent of her perfume( )on in the classroom.问题1选项A.continuedB.lingeredC.coveredD.existed【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项continue“继续,逗留”continueon“继续”;B选项linger“消磨,缓慢度过”,lingeron“流连忘返,一直存在”;C选项cover“覆盖,包括”;D选项exist“存在,生存”,existon“靠为生”。句意:她的香水味在房间里久久不散。由选项意思和固定搭配可知,B选项符合句意。18. 单选题There has not been a great response to the sale,( )?问题1选项A.does thereB.hasnt thereC.hasnt itD.has there【答案】D【解析】考查反义疑问句。含有there be结构的反义疑问句,如果陈述部分为there be结构时,则疑问部分用be(not)there。例如:There is not much news,is there?本题用的是there be句型的完成时的否定形式,所以反义疑问句要用到完成时的肯定形式,即has there?句意:这次销售反响不太好,对吧?综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。19. 单选题The tooth that is being extracted by the dentist( )me for some time.问题1选项A.has hurtB.has been hurtingC.is hurtingD.hurts【答案】A【解析】考查时态。“for+一段时间”一般用现在完成时,“for some time”表示“一段时间以来”,句意:牙科医生正在拔的那颗牙痛了我一段时间了。所以本题选择A选项“has hurt”正确。20. 单选题The tone of the article( )the writers mood at the time.问题1选项A.reproducedB.reflectedC.imaginedD.imitated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项reproduce“复制,繁殖”;B选项reflect“反射,反应”;C选项imagine“想象,猜想”;D选项imitate“模仿,仿制”。句意:这篇文章的语气反映了作者当时的心情。由选项意思和句意可知,B选项符合句意。


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