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2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Wed better discuss the situation before we _ to business.问题1选项A.sit downB.put downC.come downD.get down【答案】B【解析】考查词组。A选项 sit down “坐下;扎营”;B选项 put down “着陆;羞辱;放下;写下;付定金;镇压(暴动、叛乱)”;C选项 come down “下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势”;D选项 get down “下来;吞下;使沮丧”。句意:我们最好在谈生意之前先讨论一下形势。结合此处语境,B为正确答案。2. 单选题Diet-related diseases also cost society in terms of decreased work productivity, increased absenteeism, poorer school performance, and reduced fitness on the part of military _, among other negative effects.问题1选项A.recruitsB.reengineeringC.weaponD.scene【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 recruits“新兵;新成员”;B选项 reengineering “企业再造;再造工程;重建”;C选项weapon “武器,兵器”;D选项scene “场面;情景;景象;事件”。句意:与饮食有关的疾病也对社会造成负面影响,如工作效率下降、旷工增多、学习成绩差、身体素质下降等。根据military(军队)以及fitness(身体素质)可推测空白处应该填“人”的单词,因此B、C、D选项都可排除。A选项recruits(新兵)符合,结合句意,A选项为正确答案。3. 单选题Cambridge University was easily _, and he returned there to begin his major research activities.问题1选项A.accessibleB.attributableC.attainableD.attachable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 accessible “易接近的;可进入的;可理解的”;B选项 attributable “可归于的;可归属的”;C选项 attainable “可得到的;可达到的;可到达的”;D选项 attachable “可附上的;可连接的;可逮捕的;可没收的”。句意:剑桥大学很容易进入,他回到那里开始了他的主要研究活动。根据句意可知A选项正确。4. 单选题She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor.问题1选项A.operateB.contributeC.monitorD.send【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项operate“操作;经营;引起;行动”;B选项 contribute “贡献,出力;投稿;捐献”;C选项 monitor “监控”;D选项send“发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射”。句意:然后,她可以在电脑屏幕上操纵3d图像,绘制出最短、侵袭性最小的肿瘤手术路径。结合此处关键短语map the shortest, least invasive surgical path “绘制出最短、侵袭性最小的肿瘤手术路径”,得知A选项最符合句意。5. 单选题The French word renaissance means rebirth. It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France, then adopted by historians of culture, by art historians, and eventually by music historians, all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450-1600. The concept of rebirth was appropriate to this period of European history because of the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that began in Italy and then spread throughout Europe. Scholars and artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries wanted to restore the learning and ideals of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. To these scholars this meant a return to human as opposed to spiritual-values. Fulfillment in lifeas opposed to concern about an afterlifebecame a desirable goal, and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasures of the senses were no longer frowned on.Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing. These changes in outlook deeply affected the musical culture of the Renaissance periodhow people thought about music as well as the way music was composed, experienced, discussed, and disseminateD.They could see the architectural monuments, sculptures, plays, and poems that were being rediscovered, but they could not actually hear ancient musicalthough they could read the writings of classical philosophers, poets, essayists, and music theorists that were becoming available in translation. They learned about the power of ancient music to move the listener and wondered why modern music did not have the same effect. For example, the influential religious leader Bernardino Cirillo expressed disappointment with the learned music of his time. He urged musicians to follow the example of the sculptors, painters, architects, and scholars who had rediscovered ancient art and literature.The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques. Furthermore, music changed so rapidly during this century and a half-though at different rates in different countriesthat we cannot define a single Renaissance style.1. What is the passage mainly about?2. What does the author mean by using the word eventually in Para.1?3. It can be inferred from the passage that thinkers of the Renaissance were seeking a rebirth of _.4. According to the passage, Renaissance artists and writers had all of the following intentions EXCEPT _.5. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a reason for the absence of a single Renaissance musical style?问题1选项A.The musical compositions that best illustrate the developments during the European RenaissanceB.The musical techniques that were in use during the European RenaissanceC.The European Renaissance as a cultural development that included changes in musical styleD.The ancient Greek and Roman musical practices used during the European Renaissance问题2选项A.That music historians used the term “Renaissance” after the other historians didB.That most music historians used the term “Renaissance”C.The term “Renaissance” became widely used by art historians but not by music historiansD.That music historians used the term “Renaissance” very differently than it had been used by Jules Michelet问题3选项A.communication among artists across EuropeB.spirituality in everyday lifeC.a cultural emphasis on human valuesD.religious themes in art that would accompany the traditional secular themes问题4选项A.to use religious themesB.to portray only the pleasant parts of human experienceC.to produce art that people would find attractiveD.to create works that were easily understood问题5选项A.The musical Renaissance was defined by technique rather than styleB.The musical Renaissance was too short to give rise to a new musical styleC.Renaissance musicians adopted the styles of both Greek and Roman musiciansD.During the Renaissance, music never remained the same for very long【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干,通读全文,以及定位到文章尾段第一句 “The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques.”,中文翻译为:欧洲音乐复兴与其说是一套特定的音乐技巧,不如说是一场普遍的文化运动和一种精神状态。可以判断C选项“欧洲文艺复兴是一种包括音乐风格变化在内的文化发展。”正确。2.推理判断题。由题干关键字 “eventually”可以定位到原文第一段 “It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France, then adopted by historians of culture, by art historians, and eventually by music historians, all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450-1600.”,中文翻译为:1855年,历史学家朱尔斯米歇莱(Jules Michelet)在他的法国历史中首次使用了这个词,随后被文化历史学家、艺术历史学家和音乐历史学家采用,所有这些历史学家都在1450-1600年的150年间将其应用于欧洲文化。关键词 “eventually”意为“最后;终于”因此可知A选项:音乐历史学家在其他历史学家之后才使用“文艺复兴”这个词正确。3.细节事实题。由题干关键词“that thinkers of the Renaissance” 可定位到原文第一段“To these scholars this meant a return to human as opposed to spiritual-values.”,中文翻译为:对这些学者来说,这意味着回归人类,而不是灵魂价值。判断C选项“对人类价值的文化强调”正确。4.细节事实题。A选项“使用宗教主题”,C选项“创作出人们会觉得有吸引力的艺术作品”以及D选项“创作容易理解的作品”可定位到原文第二段“Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing. ”,中文翻译为:艺术家和作家现在转向世俗和宗教题材,力求使他们的作品易于理解和吸引人。可知B选项“只描绘人类经历中令人愉快的部分”未提及,符合题意。5.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到原文尾段 “Furthermore, music changed so rapidly during this century and a half-though at different rates in different countriesthat we cannot define a single Renaissance style.”,中文翻译为:此外,音乐在这一个半世纪里变化如此之快,尽管在不同的国家以不同的速度变化我们不能定义一个单一的文艺复兴风格。判断出D选项“在文艺复兴时期,音乐从未长时间保持不变。”正确。6. 单选题Three labour economists suggest that effort at work is correlated with race. After rejecting a number of 1 explanations for why this might be, they finally 2 the discrepancy to unexplained “cultural differences”. Acutely 3 of the sensitivity of these findings, they delayed publication until after the 4 election. The paper may yet be 5 on by those who are keen to root out “political correctness” and are unhappy with current anti-discrimination laws. The studys method is straightforwarD.The data come from nearly 36,000 “daily diaries”, self-reporting on how Americans spent their working hours, 6 from 2003 to 2012. Relying on the 7 that workers are equally honest in admitting sloth, the authors calculate the fraction of time spent not working while on the job-spent-relaxing or eating, say- and find that it varies by race to a small but 8 significant degree. The gap remains, albeit in weaker form, even with the addition of extensive controls for geography, 9 and union status, among others. Non-white male workers spend an 10 1.1% of the day not working while on the job, or an extra five minutes per day.问题1选项A.excusableB.plausibleC.rationalD.accountable问题2选项A.subscribeB.conferC.dueD.attribute问题3选项A.awareB.consciousC.knowingD.ignorant问题4选项A.presidentB.presidencyC.presidentialD.presiding问题5选项A.attackedB.seizedC.criticizedD.pin-downed问题6选项A.respondedB.documentedC.gatheredD.collected问题7选项A.assumptionB.resumptionC.thesisD.hypothesis问题8选项A.datumB.statisticC.presumablyD.statistically问题9选项A.industryB.provinceC.facultyD.discrepancy问题10选项A.addingB.additionalC.deductionD.induction【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:D第9题:A第10题:B【解析】1.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 excusable“可原谅的;可辩解的;可免除的”;B选项 plausible“看似可信的;花言巧语的,巧言令色的”;C选项rational“合理的;理性的”;D选项accountable“有责任的;有解释义务的”。根据上下文,以及关键字explanations(解释),可推测经济学家拒绝了许多合理的解释,由此可推测C选项正确。2.考查动词词义辨析。A选项subscribe“签署;赞成;捐助”;B选项 confer “授予;给予”;C选项 due to“由于;应归于”;D选项 attribute“归属;把归于”。根据上下文,以及关键字 discrepancy“矛盾”,可排除A、B选项,C选项due不能作为动词使用,也可排除。由此D选项正确。3.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项aware“意识到的;知道的”;B选项 conscious “意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的”;C选项knowing“明知的,故意的;认知的”;D选项ignorant“无知的;愚昧的”。根据关键字sensitivity(敏感性)判断出这几位科学家意识到这类发现有“敏感性”,以及后文they delayed publication(他们推迟出版)可排除C、D选项,B选项conscious(指内心的感觉,强调深刻的心理活动)因此也可排除,A选项aware(侧重感知,多与of连用),因此A选项正确。4.考查近义词词义辨析。A选项 president “总统;董事长;校长”;B选项 presidency “总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期)”;C选项 presidential“总统的;首长的;统辖”;D选项 presiding“主持;担任(会议)主席”。根据关键词theelection (选举)可排除D选项,B选项presidency(总统的职位)强调职位,也可排除,A选项president(总统)为名词,也可排除,中文翻译为:直到总统选举结束。判断出此处C选项正确。5.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 attacked “攻击;侵害”;B选项seized“逮住;咬住”;C选项 criticized“批评”;D选项 pin-downed“发现,查明;确定;使受约束”。句意:这份报告可能会被那些热衷于根除“政治正确性”并对现行反歧视法不满的人所利用。判断出B选项正确。6.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 responded“回答,回报;反应”;B选项 documented “记录”;C选项 gathered“聚集”;D选项 collected“收藏;聚集;聚积”。句意:他的数据来自于2003年至2012年收集的近36000份“每日日记”,这些日记是关于美国人如何度过工作时间的。根据关键词data(数据),A选项可排除。B选项,文中不是他本人所记录的,也可排除。C选项“gathered”,表示由少到多的收集,不符合题意,可排除。D选项“collect”表示有目的或有挑选的收集,可知D选项正确。7.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 assumption“假定;设想;担任”;B选项 resumption“恢复;重新开始;取回;重获”;C选项 thesis“论文;论点”;D选项 hypothesis“(凭空的)猜想”。根据下文workers are equally honest in admitting sloth(工人们同样坦诚地承认自己懒惰)可排除B、C选项。D选项hypothesis(凭空的)猜想也可排除,可知A选项正确。8.考查词义辨析。A选项 datum“数据,资料;基准点”;B选项statistic“统计资料;统计学”;C选项presumably“大概;推测起来;可假定”;D选项statistically“统计地;统计学上”。根据关键词significant(有意义的)可知前面应填副词,可排除A、B选项,C选项与文中significant不匹配,因此D选项正确。9.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 industry“产业;工业;勤勉”;B选项province“省;领域;职权”;C选项faculty“科,系;能力”;D选项discrepancy“不符;矛盾;相差”。根据关键词geography(地理)以及union status(工会地位)可推测,中间应填一个与其意思相近的名词,根据上下文,可知A选项正确。10.考查词义辨析。A选项 adding“增加”;B选项 additional“附加的,额外的”;C选项 deduction“扣除,减除;推论”;D选项induction“感应;归纳法;感应现象”。根据关键词“an”可排除C选项,根据1.1%可知应填形容词进行修饰,因此可排除A、D选项。可知B选项正确。7. 单选题The protective covering of lobsters, nobody could doubt, is an adaptation evolved by Darwinian selection.问题1选项A.adjustmentB.applicationC.argumentD.assembly【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 adjustment “调整,调节;调节器”;B选项 application “应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;(对事物、学习等)投入”;C选项 argument “论证;论据;争吵;内容提要;自变数;主词,受词”;D选项 assembly “装配;集会,集合;汇编,编译”。句意:毫无疑问,龙虾身上的保护层是由达尔文选择进化而来的一种适应。结合此处关键词adaptation “适应”,得知A为正确答案。8. 单选题Many scientists remain skeptical about the value of this research program.问题1选项A.consciousB.doubtfulC.noveltyD.obscure【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 conscious “意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的”;B选项 doubtful “可疑的;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定的”;C选项 novelty “新奇;新奇的事物;新颖小巧而廉价的物品”;D选项 obscure “昏暗的,朦胧的;晦涩的,不清楚的;隐蔽的;不著名的,无名的”。句意:许多科学家对这个研究项目的价值仍持怀疑态度。结合此处关键词 skeptical “怀疑的”,得知B选项正确。9. 写作题In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? Write a passage on the topic in about 200 words. You must write clearly and logically on your Answer Sheet.【答案】略。10. 单选题As few household appliances are now perfect, this minor defect is negligible.问题1选项A.detectableB.triflingC.inexcusableD.magnificent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 detectable“可检测的;可发觉的”;B选项 trifling“微不足道的;轻浮的”;C选项 inexcusable“不可原谅的;没法辩解的;不可宽恕的”;D选项magnificent“高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的”。句意:由于现在很少有家用电器是完美的,这个小小的缺陷是可以忽略不计的。结合此处关键词minor(微小的),得知B选项正确。11. 单选题Since the 1950s, conservation efforts including stricter hunting rules and measures like trapping the birds and then releasing them into healthy forests helped restore wild turkey populations.问题1选项A.protectionB.conspiracyC.compensationD.destruction【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项protection“保护;防卫;护照”;B选项 conspiracy “阴谋;共谋”;C选项compensation “补偿;报酬;赔偿金”;D选项 destruction “破坏,毁灭;摧毁”。句意:自20世纪50年代以来,保护措施包括更严格的狩猎规则和诱捕火鸡然后将它们放归健康的森林等措施帮助了野生火鸡数量的恢复。结合此处关键短语 helped restore wild turkey populations(帮助恢复了野生火鸡的数量),可排除B、D选项,C选项不符合题意,也可排除,得知A选项正确。12. 单选题By being over-zealous with food restriction, the dieter inadvertently makes a binge on forbidden foods far more likely and you may as well forget the idea of banning things.问题1选项A.may properlyB.had betterC.should surelyD.may probably【答案】B【解析】A选项 may properly “适当地”;B选项 had better “最好”;C选项 should surely “应该”;D选项 may probably “也许可能”。句意:过度热衷于限制食物,节食者很可能会无意中暴饮暴食,你最好还是忘记禁食的想法。结合此处关键词 may as well “最好”,得知B为正确答案。13. 翻译题Despite the choking smog, Beijing is still the number one choice for graduate job seekers based on its “soft environment”, according to a report published last Tuesday. The Chinese capital is the preferred choice for finding work owing to its social environment, economic development, infrastructure, consumption habits and internationalized atmosphere. Although metropolises are still top choices for graduates to work in, the past three years have seen more university and college graduates work in prefecture-level cities, or even smaller cities.【答案】据上周二发布的一份报告显示,尽管烟雾弥漫,但基于“软环境”,北京仍然是毕业生求职者的首选。由于中国的社会环境、经济发展、基础设施、消费习惯和国际化的氛围,中国首都是求职的首选。尽管大城市仍然是毕业生就业的首选,但在过去的三年里,越来越多的大学毕业生到地级市,甚至更小的城市工作。14. 单选题The man had either to leave the country immediately or to surrender himself to the enemy and had no other choice.问题1选项A.alternativeB.hopeC.resourceD.approach【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项alternative“二中选一;供替代的选择 ”;B选项hope“希望”;C选项resource“资源”;D选项 approach“方式”。句意:这个人要么立即离开这个国家,要么向敌人投降,结合此处关键短语leave the country(离开这个国家)以及surrender himself to the enemy(向敌人投降),可推测他是在两者之间进行选择,由此得知A选项正确。15. 单选题Without departing from the fundamental laws of the selfish gene, we can see how cooperation and mutual assistance can _ even in a basically selfish worlD.问题1选项A.flourishB.flutterC.fluctuateD.flush【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 flourish “繁荣,茂盛;茁壮成长,处于旺盛时期;挥舞;炫耀”;B选项 flutter “飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓翼;飞来飞去;(心脏等)怦怦乱跳;(人)奔忙”;C选项 fluctuate “波动;涨落;动摇”;D选项 flush “发红;使发光;因兴奋;冲洗,冲掉;把赶出隐藏地;使暴露;绽出新芽;嵌平”。句意:在不违背自私基因的基本规律的情况下,我们可以看到即使在一个基本自私的世界里,合作和互助也是可以繁荣发展的。结合句意,A为正确答案。16. 单选题The volcano gave warning that it would soon pop: small earthquakes shuddered beneath its surface on September 23.问题1选项A.sankB.sentC.eruptedD.shook【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项sank“沉陷”;B选项 sent“送,寄出”;C选项erupted “爆发;长出”;D选项 shook “摇动”。句意:火山发出警告说它很快就会爆发:9月23日,它的地表下发生了小地震。结合此处关键词earthquakes(地震)可排除B、C选项,A选项sank(沉陷)也与地震不匹配,因此得知D选项正确。17. 单选题Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.问题1选项A.controlsB.aidsC.accumulationsD.transformations【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项controls“控制;控制装置”;B选项 aids“艾滋病”;C选项 accumulations“积聚,累积;堆积物”;D选项 transformations“转变”。句意:食品补贴对于压低乳制品和面包的价格是必要的。结合此处关键短语keeping down the price(压低价格),得知A选项正确。18. 单选题Film CriticMark Adams looks back over the last ten years of his workas a film critic for a newspaper called The Front PageWriting articles about films for The Front Page was my first proper joB.Before then I had done bits of reviewing novels for other newspapers, films for a magazine and anything I was asked to do for the radio. That was how I met Tom Seaton, the first arts editor of The Front Page who had also written for television. He hired me, but Tom was not primarily a journalist, or he would certainly have been more careful in choosing his staff.At first, his idea was that a team of critics should take care of the art forms that didnt require specialized knowledge: books, TV, theatre, film and radio. There would be a weekly lunch at which we would make our choices from the artistic material that Tom had decided we should cover, though there would also be guests to make the atmosphere sociable.It all felt like a bit of a dream at that time: a new newspaper, and I was one of the team. It seemed so unlikely that a paper could be introduced into a crowded market. It seemed just as likely that a millionaire wanted to help me personally, and was pretending to employ me. Such was my lack of self-confidence. In fact, the first time I saw someone reading the newspaper on the London underground, then turning to a page on which one of my reviews appeared, I didnt know where to look.Toms original scheme for a team of critics for the arts never took off. It was a good idea, but we didnt get together as planned and so everything was done by phone. It turned out, too, that the general public out there preferred to associate a reviewer with a single subject area, and so I chose film. Without Toms initial push, though, we would hardly have come up with the present arrangement, by which I write an extended weekly piece, usually on one film.The Luxury of this way of working suits me well. I wouldnt have been interested in the more standard film critics role, which involves considering every film that comes out. Thats a routine that would make me stale in no time at all. I would soon be sinking into my seat on a Monday morning with the sigh, “What insulting rubbish must I sit through now?” a style of sigh that can often be heard in screening rooms around the world.1. What do we learn about Tom Seaton from the first paragraph?2. A weekly lunch was arranged for critics to _.3. When Mark started working for The Front Page, he_.4. In the end, the organization of the team was influenced by_.5. Mark takes the new way of working as “luxury” (paragraph 5) because_.问题1选项A.He encouraged Mark to become a writerB.He had worked in various areas of the mediaC.He met Mark when working for televisionD.He prefers to employ people that he meets somewhere问题2选项A.get to know each otherB.exchange informationC.take works for new criticismD.entertain occasional visitors问题3选项A.doubted the paper would succeedB.was embarrassed at being recognizedC.felt it needed improvementD.was surprised to earn so much问题4选项A.the readers preferenceB.the availability of writersC.the pressure of timeD.the popularity of subjects问题5选项A.it enables him to play his roleB.it enables him to make a choiceC.it enables him to see the worldD.it enables him to see a lot of films【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干关键字the first paragraph可以定位到文章首段 “That was how I met Tom Seaton, the first arts editor of The Front P


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