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2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The students listening to the pompous officials long speech were soon very boring; no doubt many of them had their minds more on what was for lunch than on what he was saying.问题1选项A.wereB.very boringC.had their mindsD.on what was for lunch than onE.没有问题【答案】B【解析】形容词误用。boring改为bored。 boring 令人厌烦的。bored 感到无聊的。2. 单选题I may still be feeling the effects of anesthesia when I come home from the hospital, so I hope you are willing to accompany with me there tomorrow and bring me back.问题1选项A.may still be feelingB.when I come home from theC.are willingD.accompany with meE.没有问题【答案】D【解析】固定短语误用。去掉with。由关键词“there那里”知这里表示“陪我到那里”意思,这里应用accompany sb. to somewhere陪某人到某地”,再由there “在那里”这个 副词前一般不用i词to (如go there “去那里”)知这里直接去掉with就可以了。 accompany with sb.意思为“陪伴某人”(后面一般不接表示地点的副词)。3. 填空题(1) of a series of unforeseen problems, Professor Bandini and his research group dont have(2 )money to finish their current project. Bandini has(3) to the ministry for (4)funds.【答案】1.Because2.enough3.applied to4.more【解析】1.固定搭配。Because of 因为。2.语义题。enough 足够的。3.固定搭配。apply to 申请4.语义题。More 更多的4. 填空题(1) to the weather report on the radio, its raining in Shanghai, but that (2)be true.I was just on the phone to Shanghai and the(3) I spoke with said it was sunny there.句意: 听收音机上的天气预报说伤害正在下雨,但那不可能是真的。我刚和上海的一个人通了电话,其说上海正出太阳。【答案】1.According2.cant3.person【解析】1.固定搭配。According to 根据, 此处表示 “据天气预报报道”。2.语义题。句意: 但那不可能是真的。3.语义题。person作spoke with的宾语。句意: 我刚和上海的一个人通了电话。5. 填空题How are your wedding plans going?Id (1)not talk about them, if you dont (2).Oh, Pm sorry, I didnt mean to pry句意:你的婚礼筹备的怎么样了?如果你不介意的话,我宁愿不讨论这个 。哦,不好意思啊,我不是想要打听的。【答案】1.rather2.mind【解析】1.固定搭配。Id rather not我宁可不。2.固定搭配。if you dont mind如果你不介意的话。6. 单选题The number of people buying private autos is still rising rapidly, therefore the effect of the governments ongoing efforts to cut air pollution remains open to question.问题1选项A.rapidly, thereforeB.ongoing efforts to cutC.remains openD.to question.E.没有问题【答案】E【解析】7. 单选题to acclaim A as X: to praise A publicly and enthusiastically as X.an anatomist: a medical scientist who cuts open dead bodies to study them to commission X: to order X (to be made or obtained) a corpse: a dead body to disinter: to unbury gynecology: the medical field dealing with womens diseases a henchman: a supporter or assistant willing to use violence or criminal means leukemia: blood cancer lucrative profitable a midwife: a person trained to help women give birthobese: very fat obstetrics: the medical field that deals with pregnancy and the delivery of babies pajamas: light clothes for sleeping in a par: a level a poorhouse: (historical) a public shelter in which jobless poor people were fed in exchange for work a practitioner: someone works actively in (a profession) proximity: nearness a serial killer: someone who murder a number of people in separate incidents Sherlock Holmes: the most famous detective in English literature a spree: a period of wild activity unsavoury: dishonest, untrustworthy and probably involved in crime1. William hunter and William Smellie commissioned a regular supply of corpses so they could study the physical effects of pregnancy, argues respected historian Don Shelton. These men are giants of medicine, pioneers of the care that women receive during childbirth and were the founding fathers of obstetrics. The names of William hunter and William Smellie still inspire respect among todays doctors, more than 250 years after they made their contributions to healthcare, Such were the duos reputations as outstanding physicians the clienteles of their private practices included the rich and famous of mid-18th-centruy London.2. But were they also serial killers? New research published in the JOURNAL OF THE Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) claims that they were. A detailed historical study accuses the doctors of arranging for the killing of dozens of women, many in the later stages of pregnancy, to dissect their corpses. “Smellie and Hunter were responsible for a series of 18th-century burking murders of pregnant women, with a death total greater than the combined murders committed by Burke and Hare and Jack the Ripper” writes Shelton. (“Burking” involved murdering people to order, usually for medical research; to avoid trouble with the law, it was important to kill the victims in such a way that they seemed to have died of natural causes. The verb “to burke” is derived from the name of William Burke, an Irishman convicted in Endinburgh in 1829of killing people so he could sell their bodies for medical experiments.)3. According to Shelton, Hunter and Smellie were between them responsible for the murders of-40 pregnant women and their unborn children. Acting separately, and using henchmen to deliver. Their supply, they organized a killing spree in London between 1749 and 1755and, after a period of inactivity enforced by mounting suspicion about the source of heir corpses, resumed between 1764 and 1774. Motivated by ego, personal rivalry and a shared desire to benefit from being acclaimed as the foremost childbirth doctors of their time, Hunter and Smellie sacrificed life after life in their quests to study pregnancys physical effects and to develop new techniques, the author says. “Although it sounds absolutely incredible, the circumstantial literary evidence suggests they were most likely competing with each other in experimenting with secret caesarean sections on conscious, or freshly murdered, victims, with a view to extracting and reviving the babies,” Shelton told the Observer.”4. Shelton examined the mens anatomical atlases, containing detailed images ofpregnant women who had been opened up, and medical literature and the causes of death in London at the time. Glasgows Hunterian museum and gallery is named after Scottish-born Hunter, who in 1762 became physician to Queen Charlotte, wife of George III, He helped her to deliver the future king George IV, Smellie, a fellow Scot, is no less distinguished, From Witchcraft to Wisdom, a textbook on the history of obstetric and gynaecological medicine, hails him as “the greatest obstetrician in the history of British obstetrics”. He has also been called “the father of British midwifery”.5. Shelton, though, regards the duo as on a par with Burke and Hare, who murdered 17 citizens of Edinburgh in 1827 and 1828, selling their remains to a local anatomist, The London of Hunter and Smellies time was unhealthy and semi-anarchic, and early death from disease was widespread, as was grave robbing. In his JRSM paper, Shelton claims to prove that the rival doctors could not have obtained their supply of corpses by any other means than murder. It was rare for Mothers-to-be to die or be murdered soon before they were due to give birth, says the historian, People from poorhouses who died were usually old, unwell or children, Thus the grave robbers of the time could not have fulfilled the obstetricians need for such a specific type of female, Concludes Shelton.6. Each used an assistant to commission killers, he says, naming Dr Colin Mackenzie as Smellies accomplice and John Hunter-Williams brother, who was a celebrated anatomistas his helper. Young women from the countryside were apparently favourite targets in a city where plenty of people “disappeared”. “There is great suspicion about the abundance of undelivered ninthmonth corpses procured, dissected and depicted in the anatomical atlases of Smellie and Hunter,” writes Shelton. “The impossibility of supply from random resurrections, taken with a careful analysis of events, and of 18dl-century medical literature, shows compelling evidence for burking,” By 1755 rumours were circulating that the women in Smellies journal had been murdered, and associates began pressing him on their origins. “As a result Smellie and Hunter both halted their research, both presumably fearing trial and execution,” although Hunterwho used his links to powerful families to ensure no investigation was ever undertakenresumed ordering murders, about once a year, in 1764, Shelton adds.7. Anthony Kenny, a gynaecologist in London for 40 years until his retirement in 2007, said: “These two guys are my heroes. The idea that they could have been involved in the murder of subjects is absolutely staggering.” Kenny is now the curator of the museum of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. “They were the first proper obstetricians in the country because of their pioneering work practicing what was then still a new branch of medicine.” While Kenny describes Sheltons paper as “extremely impressive” in its research, he cannot believe that his heroes were guilty of such terrible crimes. The trade in corpses was very lucrative and probably attracted unsavoury, unscrupulous characters, he pointed out.”And it could be that they didnt make proper inquiries as to the origins of the bodies, and so may not have known that the women were murdered.8. Ludmilla Jordanova, a professor of modem history at Kings College London who specializes in the history of medicine, says Sheltons assertion that Hunter and Smellie could not have come across so many dead pregnant women from any other source as “a striking claim, important research. is revealing the complexities of anatomical activities in 18thcentury London. This is an exciting and controversial area of historical investigation.” While Shelton acknowledges that the idea of pioneering medical researchers resorting to burking is shocking. He likes to quote Sherlock Holmes, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth.”1.According to the information in paragraph 2, William Burke ( )2.According to Don Shelton, pregnant women in 18th century London ( ),3.The strongest support for Sheltons thesis comes from( ) .4.In paragraph6, the word apparently means ( ).5.What Shelton writes about the pioneering gynecologists Hunter andSmellie ( ).问题1选项A.was a henchman of Hunter and SmellieB.gave his name to the practice of killing people without leaving any signs of murderC.is believed to have killed people for his own medical researchD.made money by killing people to provide bodies for medical research问题2选项A.Generally were not very likely to die in the last month of pregnancyB.Seldom died soon after giving birthC.were a very small part of the overall urban populationD.were quite numerous in its many poorhouses问题3选项A.the testimony of contemporary eyewitnessesB.statistics and probabilityC.police records of the timeD.literary reports of the abundant violence and crime in 18th century London问题4选项A.it is obvious thatB.there is no doubt thatC.it appears thatD.some people assert that问题5选项A.seems quite persuasive to Anthony KennyB.appalls and horrifies Anthony KennyC.clears them, in Anthony Kennys opinion, of any guilt or blame.D.Seems completely groundless to Anthony Kenny【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。第二段对William Burke进行了解释: an Irishman convicted in Endinburgh in 1829of killing people so he could sell their bodies for medical experiments(爱尔兰人, 1829年在恩丁堡被判杀人罪-出售尸体进行医学实验)。故选D。2.细节事实题。第五段指出: It was rare for Mothers-to-be to die or be murdered soon before they were due to give birth, says the historian, People from poorhouses who died were usually old, unwell or children(这位历史学家说,母亲在临产前不久死亡或被谋杀是很罕见的,来自贫民区的人通常都是老人、不舒服或孩子)。故选A。3.推理判断题。文章多出提到Sheltons的理论来源。第二段提到JOURNAL OF THE Royal Society of Medicine(皇家医学会杂志),后面又提到medical literature(医学文献)。故选D: 18世纪伦敦大量暴力和犯罪的文学报道。4.词义题。此处句意为: 在一个很多人都“消失”了的城市里,来自农村的年轻妇女显然是最受欢迎的目标。5.推理判断题。第七段: The idea that they could have been involved in the murder of subjects is absolutely staggering(他们可能参与了谋杀目标的说法绝对令人震惊), 后面也表达了他们难以置信的态度。故选B。8. 填空题After (1)about it for several weeks, we decided to do our fieldwork in an area of southeastern Yunnan (2)along the border with Vietnam. The (3)with our choice was that the area was closed, so we had to ask for official(4)to work at the site we had in mind. (5),the officials we spoke with were very open to our arguments, after we(6) our reasons for wanting to do fieldwork near the border, they quickly approved our request. We finished our fieldwork in 2005. Last month I went(7) to the area for the first time and discovered that things have changed greatly (8)then. The area is now completely open and there is a brisk trade in manufactured goods in the towns on sides of the border.句意:在开始工作几个星期后,我们决定去云南东南部一个沿途与越南接壤的地方进行 我们的野外作业。我们选择存在的一个问题是这个地方是关闭的,所以为了去在我们所想的地方作业,我们不得不去寻求官方的许可。幸运的是,与我们谈话的官员们非 常乐意接受我们的推理。在我们解释完我们选择在临近边境地方做野外工作的原因 后,他们很快就同意了我们的请求。我们在2005年完成了我们的野外工作。上个月我独自第一次去了那个地方,发现情况从那时起己发生很大变化。这个区域现在是完全开发的,边境两边城镇里的制 成品生意很兴隆。【答案】1.setting2.all3.problem4.approval5.Fortunately6.explained7.alone8.from【解析】1.固定搭配。Set about doing sth. 开始着手做某事。2.固定搭配。All along 沿途,一路。3.由后面的the area was closed “这个地方被关闭了”可推知“我的选择有问题”,根据“was”推测此处应用单数形式problem。4.语义题。句意: 在这个地方工作需要寻求官方的许可。5.逻辑衔接。本来以为官方人员不好打交道,幸运的是他们比较开明。6.逻辑衔接。说明施工原因。7.逻辑关系。由关键词“I我”知这里可用副词alone独自”来修饰went (动词go “去”的过去式)。8.由空格前的“have changed己发生变化”为现在完成时态及“then 那时”知可填一个表示“从起”的介词,故可填from来构成from then从那时起”。both空格后面为复数形式sides, 这里填入both表示边境的两边。9. 单选题Her advisor persuaded her to remain at Nanjing University to do her doctorate, but she decided to apply to the postgraduate division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.问题1选项A.persuadedB.to do her doctorateC.apply toD.of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.E.没有问题【答案】C【解析】固定短语误用。apply to改为apply for。 apply to适用于,应用于。apply for 申请,请求。题干意思事 申请中国科学院的研究生”,故需要改为apply for。10. 填空题While I was a student, I (1)many stories about the value of English for ones career,but I thought they were irrelevant(2) the life that I had planned for myself. In that(3)I was similar to many of todays students. After graduating, I (4)how accurate those stories were. I(5) many opportunities because my English was so poor, (6)I finally decided to correct* my earlier mistake. One day I (7)a tutor and began to studyEnglish seriously - as a tool of real communication, not a mere test subject for the first(8)in my life. This turned(9) to be one of the best decisions that Ive (10)made. After I(11) my attitude toward the language, I really started to enjoy using it, andas a (12)I made rapid(13) in it. Since then my career has benefited greatly (14)my new ability to use English actively.【答案】1.heard2.to3.respect4.realized5.lost6.so7.got8.time9.out10.ever11.changed12.result13.progress14.from【解析】1.固定搭配。Hear story about 听关于的故事。而且这里应该用过去式。2.固定搭配。be irrelevant to sth. 与某事无关。3.语义题。句意: 在这方面,我和今天的许多学生很相似。4.语义题。句意:我意识到这些故事是多么准确。5.固定搭配。Lose opportunities 失去机会。这里应该用过去式。6.逻辑分析。空格前后句子为因果关系:英语不好,我失去了很多机会。因此, 我决定纠正之前的错误。7.固定搭配。get a tutor 请家教。这里应用一般过去时态。8.固定搭配。For the first time 第一次。9.固定搭配。turn out to be 结果是,证明是。10.语义题。句意: 我曾经做的最好决定之一。11.语义题。句意: 在我改变对英语的态度后。12.固定搭配。as a result 结果。13.固定搭配。Make progress in 在方面取得巨大进步。14.固定搭配。benefit from sth. 受益于。11. 填空题The (1)between Beijing and Tianjin is about 120 kilometers. On (2), the intercity high-speed train(3) 30 minutes to transport passengers from one city to the other. Urban geographers predict that the two cities will (4)grow together to form one huge metropolis.【答案】distance; average; needs; soon; gradually【解析】1.语义题。句意: 北京和天津的距离是120公里。因此第一空填distance。2.固定搭配。on average 平均,大体。3.语义题。句意: 一般来说,城际高速列车需要(花费)30 分钟时间将乘客从一个城市运到另一个城市。第三空需要填谓语动词表示 “花费,需要”。4.语义题。此空后面有动词grow,因此此空为一个副词修饰grow,gradually符合句意。12. 填空题Our initial fieldwork site(1) out to be completely unsuitable. Our team(2) over a week there before we recognized that we (3)never find the quality of fossils we were (4) for in that spot. 【答案】1. turned;2.worked;3.would;4. looking【解析】1.固定搭配。turn out to be被发现是,结果是。而且此处应为过去式turned。2.语义题。第二空填不及物动词,因此worked符合句意。3.语法分析。第三空填would表示过去将来时。4.固定搭配。we were for是定语从句修饰the quality of fossils,那么第四空可填现在分词looking,构成look for “寻找”。13. 单选题With traffic constantly on the increase in the streets of Beijing, the metro is the best way to get around the city during rush hours,however the crowds in the metro trains are now also a problem.问题1选项A.get around the cityB.constantly on the increaseC.get around the cityD.hours,howeverE.没有错误【答案】D【解析】句子连接错误。however后面加逗号。however在句子中表示然而,表示转折时,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。14. 单选题Dont get the idea that Ive bought a new car. Since the motor of my old Volkswagen started to make an odd noise last week, Im having it repaired. I drive this substitute for a few days.问题1选项A.get the idea thatB.Im having it repairedC.driveD.for a few daysE.没有错误【答案】C【解析】时态错误。把drive改成have been driving。根据后面的a few days跟句意可知C处应该用现在完成进行时。15. 填空题Im sorry, but I dont have(1 ) to that sort of information. Perhaps if you consult my colleagues upstairs, they can (2)you.【答案】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 1.access;2.help【解析】1.固定搭配。第一空为固定用法, have access to 有权查看或使用。2.语义题。第二空应填一个动词原形,句意:如果你咨询我同事,他们会帮助你。此处填入help “帮助”符合句意。16. 填空题Try not to use the air conditioning too much. The more power you use, the( ) your electrical bill will be.【答案】bigger【解析】语法题。考查“the+比较级the+比较级”的固定句型, ,表示“越 就越”,根据意思“使用的电越多,电费账单就会越大”,故需填入bigger。17. 填空题This afternoon were meeting with(1) E.U. environmental official and some Australian specialists to talk about how to(2) groundwater pollution in the Tianjin area.【答案】1.an2.prevent【解析】1.语法题。考查不定冠词。第一个空格后的“official官员”为单数知第一个空格应填一个不定冠词a 或an,再由EU的发音“,i: ju:中第一个字母为元音发音知第一个空应填“an”。2.语义题。句意: 探讨天津地区地下水污染防治对策18. 填空题Next month there is an important scientific conference in Berlin that I have agreed to(1). Im scheduled to leave Beijing on the 12th and(2) on the 18th. Ive been asked to give a 20- (3)presentation explaining our current research. I look(4) to this conference, (5)will give me an (6)to meet other researchers in my field. The only thing that Im (7)about is my spoken English, especially when I give the presentation. Ive(8) a coach who is now helping me to(9) my pronunciation and delivery.【答案】1.attend2.back3.minute4.forward5.which6.opportunity7.worried8.hired9.improve【解析】1.固定搭配。attend a conference 参加会议。2.语义题。根据前文中的leave Beijing on the 12th可知“on the 18th”表示“ 18日返回”。3.语义题。a 20- minute presentation 20分钟的演讲。4.固定搭配。look forward to 期盼,期待。5.语法题。考查定语从句关系词。此处为一个非限制性定语从句,故填入的引导词为which。6.语义题。Give me an opportunity 给我提供机会。7.固定搭配。be worried about 为担心。8.语义题。宾语a coach “教练”可以推断出谓语动词可以用hire(聘请),由于是现在完成时,故需要用hired。9.语义题。improve表示“提高发音和表达”。19. 填空题She couldnt buy the book anywhere. (1)of the bookstores in Beijing had any copies(2). They had all been sold as soon as they were put on the shelves.【答案】1.None2.since【解析】1.语义题。none of 没有.。2.逻辑分析。Since 因为,由于。20. 填空题Liz didnt tell her friends that she was ill, so as a result (1)of them came to see her(2 ) she was in the hospital.【答案】1.none2.


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