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2022年考博英语-重庆大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Several years ago, a former Saudi oil minister issued what has since become an oft-quoted prophecy: “The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil”. It was a lament, and acknowledgement that a day of reckoning was coming that would change the global balance of wealth and power. A fluke of geology had made the vast emptiness of the Saudi desert the number one source of the most important commodity on earth. But the good times would not, and could not, last forever, and he knew it.If you go back far enough, you can trace the prosperity and security of nations, corporations, and even individuals to energy. And in our petroleum-dependent world, that, for the most part, means Oil Government rise and fall on it, armies run on it, companies rely on it, and consumers depend on it from the time they wake to their clock radios to the moment they turn off their TVs and fall asleep. For the past century, despite rising prices and occasional “crises” more often than not manufactured events resulting from political or economic forces there has always been enough oil available to keep the engines of global growth humming. But that is a luxury of the past. In the future, a new and uncertain energy age is emerging.【答案】几年前,一位前沙特石油部长发表了这一预言,后来成为人们经常引用的预言:“石器时代并没有因为缺少石头而结束,石油时代将在世界石油枯竭之前结束。”他哀痛地承认,清算的日子即将到来,全球财富与权力的平衡将会被改变。地理上的意外收获使广袤空旷的沙特沙漠成为地球上最重要商品的最重要的来源。但是,美好的时光不可能永远持续下去,他很清楚这一点。如果你追溯到足够久远的时代,你可以将国家的安全和繁荣、企业甚至个人都能与能源联系起来。在我们这个依赖石油的世界上,在很大程度上,这意味着石油政府依赖于石油而起起落落,军队依赖于它而运行,公司依赖它,消费者也依赖它,当他们从收音机的闹钟中醒来的时候,直到他们关掉电视睡着的那一刻。在过去的一个世纪里,尽管价格不断上涨,偶尔也会发生危机,但往往是政治或经济力量造成的事件,使得总有足够的石油供应提供动力,来维持全球经济的增长。但这是过去的奢侈。未来,一个新的、不确定的能源时代正在形成。2. 单选题Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brains memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation. Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an objects features. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.1.The author is primarily concerned with( ).2.According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of the following suppositions about visual recognition?I. A retinal image is in exactly the same forms as its internal representation.II. An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis into component parts.III. The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in only one step.3.It can be inferred from the passage that the matching process in visual recognition is( ).问题1选项A.explaining how the brain receives imagesB.synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognitionC.examining the evidence supporting the serial recognition hypothesisD.discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to explain it问题2选项A.II onlyB.III onlyC.I and III onlyD.II and III only问题3选项A.not a neural activityB.not possible when an object is viewed for the very first timeC.not possible if a feature of a familiar object is changed in some wayD.now fully understood as a combination of the serial and parallel processes【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一句为整段的中心句,根据文章第一句,“Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories.”,可知本文的话题为视觉识别。下文对视觉识别的过程和原理通过一系列的假设进行具体的阐释。可判断出作者在本文涉及到的主要问题是讨论视觉识别,并提出一些假设来解释它。选项D符合题意。2.判断推理题。根据文章第五句,“Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation.”,格式塔学派的心理学家认为,物体是通过一个并行的过程被识别为一个整体的:内部表征与视网膜图像是在一个单独的操作中匹配的。可判断出“一个物体作为一个整体被识别,不需要拆解成组成部分”和“物体与其内部图像的匹配只需要一步”都是格式塔学派心理学家对视觉识别做出的假设。选项D符合题意。3.判断推理题。根据文章第二、三句,“Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brains memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized.”,视觉识别的过程为:由眼睛触发的神经活动在大脑的记忆系统中形成一个图像,这个图像构成了被观察物体的内部表象。当这个物体再次被看到时,物体与它内部的表象进行匹配,从而识别该对象。可判断出根据本文,视觉识别中的匹配过程是不可能发生在一个物体第一次被看到时。选项B符合题意。3. 填空题Persistent bullying is one of the worst experiences a child can face. How can it be prevented? Peter Smith, Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield, directed the Sheffield Anti-Bullying Intervention Project, funded by the Department for Education.Here the reports on his findings.Section ABullying can take a variety of forms, from the verbalbeing taunted or called hurtful namesto the physicalbeing kicked or shovedas well as indirect forms, such as being excluded from social groups. A survey I conducted with Irene Whitney found that in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of bullying, which in about one in ten cases was persistent. There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying, but these cases may be particularly recalcitrant.Section BBullying is clearly unpleasant, and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is thankfully rare. Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.Section CUntil recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem. “There is no bullying at this school” has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue. Fortunately more schools are now saying: “There is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.”Section DThree factors are involved in this change. First is an awareness of the severity of the problem. Second, a number of resources to help tackle bullying have become available in Britain. For example, the Scottish Council for Research in Education produced a package of materials, Action Against Bullying, circulated to all schools in England and Wales as well as in Scotland in summer 1992, with a second pack, Supporting Schools Against Bullying, produced the following year. In Ireland, Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour in Post-Primary Schools was published in 1993. Third, there is evidence that these materials work, and that schools can achieve something. This comes from carefully conducted “before and after” evaluations of interventions in schools, monitored by a research team. In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two year period, bullying was halved. The Sheffield investigation, which involved sixteen primary schools and seven secondary schools, found that most schools succeeded in reducing bullying.Section EEvidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying, saying clearly what is meant by bullying, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs, what records will be kept, who will be informed, what sanctions will be employed. The policy should be developed through consultation, over a period of time not just imposed from the head teachers office! Pupils, parents and staff should feel they have been involved in the policy, which needs to be disseminated and implemented effectively.Other actions can be taken to back up the policy. There are ways of dealing with the topic through the curriculum, using video, drama and literature. These are useful for raising awareness, and can best be tied in to early phases of development, while the school is starting to discuss the issue of bullying. They are also useful in renewing the policy for new pupils, or revising it in the light of experience. But curriculum work alone may only have short term effects; it should be an addition to policy work, not a substitute.There are also ways of working with individual pupils, or in small groups. Assertiveness training for pupils who are liable to be victims is worthwhile, and certain approaches to group bullying such as “no blame”, can be useful in changing the behaviour of bullying pupils without confronting them directly, although other sanctions may be needed for those who continue with persistent bullying.Work in the playground is important, too. One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying from playful fighting, and help them break up conflicts. Another possibility is to improve the playground environment, so that pupils are less likely to be led into bullying from boredom or frustration.Section FWith these developments, schools can expect that at least the most serious kinds of bullying can largely be prevented. The more effort put in and the wider the whole school involvement, the more substantial the results are likely to be. The reduction in bullyingand the consequent improvement in pupil happinessis surely a worthwhile objective.Complete the summary below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet.What steps should schools take to reduce bullying?The most important step is for the school authorities to produce a(1)which makes the schools attitude towards bullying quite clear. It should include detailed(2)as to how the school and its staff will react if bullying occurs.In addition, action can be taken through the(3). This is particularly useful in the early part of the process, as a way of raising awareness and encouraging discussion. On its own, however, it is insufficient to bring about a permanent solution.Effective work can also be done with individual pupils and small groups. For example, potential(4)of bullying can be trained to be more self-confident. Or again, in dealing with group bullying, a “no blame” approach, which avoids confronting the offender too directly, is often effective.Playground supervision will be more effective if members of staff are trained to recognize the difference between bullying and mere(5).【答案】1.policy2.guidelines3.curriculum4.victims5.playful fighting【解析】1.根据文章Section E第一句“Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying, saying clearly what is meant by bullying, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs”,证据表明解决欺凌问题最关键的一步是制定一项关于欺凌的政策,明确欺凌的含义,并给出明确的指导方针,如果欺凌一旦发生应该如何应对。可判断出对于学校权威来说,最重要的事情是制定政策。句意:对于学校当局来说,最重要的一步是制定一项政策,使学校明确对待欺凌的态度。所以答案为policy。2.根据文章Section E第一句“saying clearly what is meant by bullying, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs”,应该明确欺凌的定义,并且对于应对措施给出详细的指导。句意:它应该包括详细的指导,关于欺凌发生时学校和其他工作人员应该如何行动。所以答案为guidelines。3.根据文章Section E第二段“There are ways of dealing with the topic through the curriculum, using video, drama and literature. These are useful for raising awareness”,可以通过课程的许多方式来处理这个问题,比如使用录像、戏剧和文学。这有助于提高意识。可判断出可以通过课程来采取行动和举措,以此提高意识,鼓励讨论,在初期发挥作用。句意:此外,可以通过课程采取行动。所以答案为curriculum。4.根据文章Section E第三段“There are also ways of working with individual pupils, or in small groups. Assertiveness training for pupils who are liable to be victims is worthwhile, and certain approaches to group bullying such as no blame”,有一些针对个别小学生和小组行动的方法。对于容易受伤害的学生进行自信心训练是有效的,也可以采取对于群体的特定措施,如“不责备”等。可判断出举措之一是针对那些易受欺凌的小学生的。句意:潜在的欺凌受害者可以参加自信心训练,而变得更自信。所以答案为victims。5.根据文章Section E“Work in the playground is important, too. One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying from playful fighting”。在运动场上的工作也很重要。其中一个有用的措施就是在培训午餐时段,让监督人检查并区分欺凌和嬉戏打斗。故应填入playful fighting。句意:如果监督工作人员能区分欺凌和单纯的嬉戏打斗,训练场上的监督将会更有效。4. 翻译题It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of commercial activity to a country and its people. In almost all developing countries, economic development depends upon growth in export trade, which in turn creates jobs and raises living standards. The increasing import requirements which flow from economic development must somehow be financed, from foreign exchange receipts, derived from export earnings and capital investment. Without dynamic expansion in exports the growth of your countrys economy will almost certainly slacken. Your objective as a commercial representative is obviously to do the best possible job improving your countrys export earnings in the broadest meaning of the term.The time has long since arrived to recognize commercial representation as a profession per se, the successful exercise or which is positively correlated with careful initial selection of commercial representatives, the level and content of their formal education and specialized training, the length and variety of their pertinent experience, and the quality of support they receive from the trade promotion organization (TPO) or ministry at home.【答案】商务活动对于一个国家及其人民来说,无论怎么强调它的重要性都不过分。在几乎所有发展中国家,经济发展取决于出口贸易的增长,而出口贸易反过来又能创造就业机会并提高生活水平。由于经济发展而增加的对进口物资的需求,这种需求必须以某种方式从外汇交易、出口收入和对外投资中获得资金。没有出口的有力扩张,国家的经济增长速度肯定会放慢。作为一名商务代表,你们的目标从广泛意义上来说显然是尽最大努力提高你们国家的出口创汇能力。驻外商务代表本身是一种职业,这是早就应该承认的事实,其成功与否与商务代表的慎重选择息息相关。是否有正规教育和专门训练的水平和内容、他们过去的相关经验的多少和内容,以及他们能从国内贸易促进组织(TPO)或商务部获得的什么样的支持,这些都是应该考虑的内容。5. 单选题Today, most countries in the world have canals. Some canals, such as the Suez or the Panama,(1)ships weeks on time by making their voyage a thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are not located on the coast(2)other canals drain lands where there is too much water, help or(3)fields where there is not enough water.The(4)of a canal depends on the kind of boats going through it. The canal must be wide enough to permit two of the(5)boats using it to(6)each other easily. It must be deep enough to leave about two feet of water(7)the keel of the largest boat using the canal.Some canals have sloping sides, while others have sides that are nearly(8)canals that are cut through rock can have nearly vertical sides.(9)canals with earth banks may(10)if the angle of their sides is too steep. Some canals are lined with brick, stone, or concrete to keep the water(11)soaking into the mud. This also permits ships to go at(12)speeds, since they cannot make the banks fall in by(13)up the water. In small canals with mud banks, ships and barges (大平底船)must(14)their speed.When the canal goes(15)different levels of water, the ships must be(16)or lowered from one level to the other. This is generally done by(17)of locks. If a ship wants to go up to higher water, the lower end of the lock opens to let the boat in. Then this gate closes, and the water is let into the lock chamber from the upper level. This raised the level of the water in the lock.(18)it is the same as the upper level of water. Now the upper gates can be opened to(19)the ship into the higher water. Sometimes a canal contains a series of locks when the(20)in levels is very great.问题1选项A.takeB.saveC.costD.waste问题2选项A.SomeB.ManyC.EvenD.Still问题3选项A.disperseB.drainC.irrigateD.flood问题4选项A.widthB.depthC.lengthD.size问题5选项A.largestB.longestC.heaviestD.tallest问题6选项A.passB.encounterC.overtakeD.confront问题7选项A.downB.beneathC.aboveD.below问题8选项A.flatB.straightC.verticalD.horizontal问题9选项A.MeanwhileB.HenceC.ThereforeD.However问题10选项A.collideB.corruptC.crumbleD.deteriorate问题11选项A.awayB.fromC.downD.off问题12选项A.slowerB.fasterC.lowerD.greater问题13选项A.revolvingB.stirringC.mixingD.rotating问题14选项A.limitB.confineC.decreaseD.increase问题15选项A.acrossB.alongC.downD.through问题16选项A.raisedB.promotedC.hoistedD.alleviated问题17选项A.waysB.methodsC.meansD.approaches问题18选项A.afterB.untilC.byD.during问题19选项A.freeB.retrieveC.releaseD.expose问题20选项A.distanceB.varianceC.contrastD.difference【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A第6题:A第7题:B第8题:C第9题:D第10题:C第11题:B第12题:D第13题:B第14题:A第15题:D第16题:A第17题:C第18题:B第19题:C第20题:D【解析】1.逻辑关系题。根据文章第一段,“by making their voyage a thousand miles shorter.”,可知这些运河的开通能够大大缩短航行距离,能够节省航行时间。Save有节省(时间、金钱)的用法,选项B符合题意。2.逻辑关系题。空格上文提到其他运河允许船只到达非海岸城市,空格后一句提到其他的运河帮助排掉土地多余的水,前后两句构成转折关系,选用转折连词still “然而,不过”。选项D符合题意。3.动词词义辨析题。Disperse “分散,传播”;drain “耗尽,排掉水”;irrigate “灌溉”;flood “淹没,溢出”。句意:但其他的一些运河排掉土地多余的水,帮助或灌溉缺水的田地。选项C符合题意。4.上下文语义题。根据文章第二段,“The canal must be wide enoughIt must be deep enough”,可知先提到了运河的宽度,然后是运河的深浅,所以总体来看,第三段主要讲到了运河的大小尺寸,选项D符合题意。5.形容词词义辨析题。Largest “最大的”;longest “最长的”;heaviest “最重的”;tallest “最高的”。句意:运河必须足够宽,能够允许两只最大船只同时通过。选项A符合题意。6.动词词义辨析题。Pass “经过,通过”;encounter “遭遇,邂逅”;overtake “承担”;confront “面对”。句意:运河必须足够宽,能够允许两只最大船只同时通过,经过彼此。选项A符合题意。7.副词词义辨析题。Down “向下”;beneath “在下方”;above “在上方,超过”;below “在下方”。句意:它必须足够深,保证运河的最大船只的龙骨下留下大约两尺深的水。选项B符合题意。8.形容词词义辨析题。Vertical “垂直的”;flat “扁平的”;straight “笔直的,连续的”;horizontal “水平的”。句意:有些运河有倾斜的边,而另一些运河的边几乎是垂直的,这些运河穿过岩石时形成几乎垂直的边。根据下文的vertical sides,可选出vertical。选项C符合题意。9.逻辑关系题。上文提到有些运河的边几乎是垂直的,这些运河穿过岩石形成了垂直的边,空格后提到如果运河两边的角度太陡,有土堤的运河可能会坍塌。前后形成了转折关系。选用转折连词however。选项D符合题意。10.动词词义辨析题。Collide “使碰撞”;corrupt “使腐烂”;crumble “崩塌,粉碎”;deteriorate “恶化”。句意:如果运河两边的角度太陡,有土堤的运河可能会坍塌。选项C符合题意。11.固定搭配题。keep sth. from doing “防止,阻止,使免于”。句意:有些运河用砖、石头或混凝土砌成,以防止水渗入泥中。选项B符合题意。12.形容词词义辨析题。slower “较慢的”;faster “较快的”;lower “较低的”;greater “较大的”。根据句子结构,可知空格中填入形容词,用来修饰speed,slow和fast不能修饰speed,所以排除A和B选项。句意:这也允许船只以更快的速度航行。选项D符合题意。13.动词词义辨析题。revolve “使旋转,使循环”;stir “搅拌,微动”,stir up“激起,搅动”;mix “混合,配制”;rotate “使旋转,使转动”。句意:这也允许船只以更快的速度航行,因为它们不能通过搅动水使河岸下沉。选项B符合题意。14.动词词义辨析题。limit “限制”;confine “限制,禁闭”;decrease“减少”;increase “增加”。句意:在用泥土筑堤的小运河中,船和驳船(大平底船)必须限制他们的速度。选项A符合题意。15.词组辨析题。go across “穿过,横过”;go along “进行,支持,前进”;go down “下沉,下降,平静下来”;go through “通过,经受,仔细检查”。句意:当运河流经不同的水位时。选项D符合题意。16.动词词义辨析题。raise “提高,升起”;promote “促进,提升,发扬”;hoist “(用绳子)升起,吊起,抬高”;alleviate “减轻,缓和”。句意:当运河通过不同的水位时,船只必须从一个水位上升或下降到另一个水位。选项A符合题意。17.固定搭配题。by means of“借助于,用,凭借”。句意:这通常是借助于水闸来实现的。选项C符合题意。18.逻辑关系题。after“在之后”;until “直到”;during“在期间”;by“通过方式”。句意:这样就会使水闸内的水位上升,直到和上游的水位一样。选项B符合题意。19.动词词义辨析题。free“释放,解放(强调完全可按自己的意志行事)”;retrieve“检索,恢复,重新得到”;release“释放(强调放松限制、解除监禁或免除义务),发射”;expose“揭露,揭发,显示”。句意:现在可以打开上面的闸门把船释放,进入高水位的水中。水是无法“按自己的意志行事”的,因此选项C符合题意。20.名词辨析题。distance“距离”;variance“变异,变化”;contrast“对比”;difference“差异”。句意:有时,当水平面的差距非常大时,运河包含一系列的水闸。选项D符合题意。6. 填空题THE IRON BRIDGEThe Iron Bridge was the first of as kind in Europe and is universally recognized as a symbol of the Industrial Revolution.A: The Iron Bridge crosses the River Severn in Coalbrookdale, in the west of England. It was the first cast-iron bridge to be successfully erected, and the first large cast-iron structure of the industrial age in Europe, although the Chinese were expert iron-casters many centuries earlier.B: Rivers used to the equivalent of todays motorways, in that they were e


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