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2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.They are on the verge of extinction because of pollution.B.They carry plant seeds and spread them to faraway places.C.They deliver pollutants from the ocean to their nesting sites.D.They can be used to deliver messages in times of emergency.问题2选项A.They originate from Devon Island in the Arctic area.B.They migrate to the Arctic Circle during the summer.C.They have the ability to survive in extreme weathers.D.They travel as far as 400 kilometers in search of food.问题3选项A.They had become more poisonous.B.They were carried by the wind.C.They poisoned some of the fulmars.D.They were less than on the continent.问题4选项A.The effects of the changing climate on Arctic seabirds.B.The harm Arctic seabirds may cause to humans.C.The diminishing colonies for Arctic seabirds.D.The threats humans pose to Arctic seabirds.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B【解析】Passage OneBirds are famous for carrying things around. Some, like homing pigeons, can be trained to deliver messages and packages. Other birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the ride.Canadian scientists have found a worrisome, new example of the power that birds have to spread stuff around. Way up north in the Canadian Arctic, 9 seabirds are picking up dangerous chemicals in the ocean and delivering them to ponds near where the birds live.Some 10,000 pairs of the birds, called fulmars, a kind of Arctic seabirds, make their nests on Devon Island, north of the Arctic Circle. 10 The fulmars travel some 400 kilometers over the sea to find food. When they return home, their droppings end up all around their nesting sites, including in nearby ponds.11 Previously, scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind. Salmon also carry dangerous chemicals, as the fish migrate between rivers and the sea. The bodies of fish and other meat-eaters can build up high levels of the chemicals.To test the polluting power of fulmars, researchers collected samples of deposits from 11 ponds on Devon Island. In ponds closest to the colony, the results showed that there were far more pollutants than in ponds less affected by the birds.The pollutants in the ponds appear to come from fish that fulmars eat when theyre out on the ocean.12 People who live, hunt, or fish near bird colonies need to be careful, the researchers say. The birds dont mean to cause harm, but the chemicals they carry can cause major problems.9. What have Canadian scientists found about some seabirds?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于海鸟,加拿大科学家们有什么发现?录音开头提到,加拿大的科学家发现海鸟能传播污染物:在加拿大北部的北极地区,海鸟从海洋中叼走危险的化学品,并运送到其栖息地附近的池塘里。C选项“它们把海洋里污染物运送到它们筑巢的地方”是对录音原文的同义转述,因此正确。A选项“污染导致它们濒临灭绝”录音中并没有提及;B选项“它们携带植物种子,并把种子传播到遥远的地方”这一信息虽然在录音中有所提及,但并不是加拿大科学家们的发现,因此排除;D选项“在紧急情况下,它们会传递信息”,录音中说的这种鸟类是信鸽,而不是海鸟,因此不正确。10. What does the speaker say about the seabirds called fulmars?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于管鼻藿这种海鸟,说话人说了什么?录音提到,有一种生活在北极的海鸟,名叫管鼻藿(fulmar)。大约有一万多对管鼻藿在北极圈以北的德文岛筑巢。它们会飞行约400公里,穿越海洋寻找食物。D选项“它们飞行400公里寻找食物”与录音原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“它们起源于北极地区的德文岛”,录音只是提及管鼻藿在北极圈以北的德文岛筑巢,并没有表明它们是起源于德文岛,因此不正确;B选项“它们在夏季迁徙到北极圈”和C选项“它们能在极端天气条件下生存”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。11. What did scientists previously notice about pollutants in the Arctic?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问科学家以前在北极发现的污染物是什么?录音提到,早前,科学家发现这些污染物是被风吹到北极地区的。B选项中的were carried by the wind是录音中arrivingwith the wind的同义转述。因此B选项“它们是被风吹来的”正确。A选项“它们毒性越来越大”;C选项“它们毒害了一些管鼻藿”和D选项“它们没有像大陆上残留的那么多”在录音中均没有相关信息提及,因此排除。12. What does the speaker warn about at the end of the talk?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问说话者在演讲结束时警告了什么?录音最后提到,研究人员认为,在鸟类栖息地附近生活、狩猎或捕鱼的人们需要提高警惕。这些鸟类本身不会造成危害,但它们携带的化学物质则会引起重大问题。由此可知,此处的“重大问题”应是指会对人类造成危害的问题,因此B选项“北极海鸟可能对人类造成危害”正确。A选项“气候变化对北极海鸟的影响”;C选项“北极海鸟栖息地的减少”和D选项“人类对北极海鸟构成的威胁”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。2. 单选题In his will, the millionaire( )nearly all his fortunes to the housemaid who took care of him in his last days.问题1选项A.inheritedB.bequeathedC.owedD.remitted【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。inherit “继承(遗产)等”;bequeath “将(财物等)遗赠给”;owe “感恩;亏欠”;remit “宽恕;汇款”。句意:在他的遗嘱中,这个百万富翁将他几乎全部的财产留给了在他最后日子里照顾他的女佣。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Population explosion.B.Extinction of rare species.C.Chronic hunger.D.Environmental deterioration.问题2选项A.About half of them are unintended.B.They contribute to overpopulation.C.They have been brought under control.D.The majority of them tend to end halfway.问题3选项A.It is beginning to attract postgraduates attention.B.It is neglected in many of the developing countries.C.It is becoming a subject of interdisciplinary research.D.It is essential to the wellbeing of all species on earth.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D【解析】Recording ThreeWhy should you consider taking a course in demography in college? Youll be growing up in a generation where the baby boomers are going into retirement and dying. You will face problems in the aging of the population that have never been faced before. You will hear more and more about migration between countries and between rural areas and cities. You need to understand as a citizen and as a tax payer and as a voter whats really behind the arguments.I want to tell you about the past, present and future of the human population. So lets start with a few problems. 23 Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry. That means they wake up hungry, they are hungry all day, and they go to sleep hungry. A billion people are living in slums, not the same billion people, but there is some overlap. Living in slums means they dont have infrastructure to take the garbage away, they dont have secure water supplies to drink.Nearly a billion people are illiterate. Try to imagine your life being illiterate. You cant read the labels on the bottles in the supermarket, if you can get to a supermarket. Two-thirds of those people who are illiterate are women and about 200 to 215 million women dont have access to birth control they want, so that they can control their own fertility. This is not only a problem in developing countries. 24 About half of all pregnancies globally are unintended. So those are examples of population problems.Demography gives you the tools to understand and to address these problems. Its not only the study of human population, but the populations of non-human species, including viruses like influenza, the bacteria in your gut, plants that you eat, animals that you enjoy or that provide you with meat. Demography also includes the study of non-living objects like light bulbs and taxi cabs, and buildings because these are also populations. It studies these populations, in the past, present and future, using quantitative data and mathematical models as tools of analysis.I see demography as a central subject related to economics. It is the means to intervene more wisely and more effectively in the real world, 25 to improve the wellbeing, not only of yourselfimportant as that may bebut of people around you and of other species with whom we share the planet.23. What is one of the problems the speaker mentions in his talk?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问说话者在他的讲话中提到的问题之一是什么?录音中段提到,说话人首先要向听众介绍几个人口问题,这些问题分别是:长期饥饿、贫困、文盲、妇女节育和意外怀孕的问题。四个选项中,只有C选项“长期饥饿”正确。A选项“人口爆炸”;B选项“稀有物种的灭绝”和D选项“环境恶化”录音中均没有信息涉及,因此可排除。24. What does the speaker say about pregnancies?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于怀孕,说话者说了什么?录音中提及,全球意外怀孕的比率将近一半。A选项“其中大约有一半是无意中怀孕的”是录音原文原词的复现,因此正确。B选项“造成了人口过剩”;C选项“生育已得到了控制”和D选项“大部分在孕期中都容易流产”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除。25. How does the speaker view the study of populations?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问说话者如何看待人口研究?讲话人在最后表明,他认为人口统计学是 经济学的一个中心议题;是在现实世界中更明智、更有效的干预手段;能改善人类的福祉,这不仅关乎我们自身,也关乎我们周围的人,以及与我们共享这个星球的其他物种。D选项“这对地球上所有物种的福祉至关重要”与原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“它开始吸引研究生的注意”;B选项“许多发展中国家都忽视了它”和C选项“它正在成为跨学科研究的主题”,录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除。4. 单选题Foreign businessmen( )hesitate to invest a large sum of money in a time-consuming and high-cost project if the country is under political disturbances.问题1选项A.permanentlyB.routinelyC.temporarilyD.unswervingly【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。permanently “永久地;长期不变地”;routinely “例行公事地,老一套地”;temporarily “临时地”;unswervingly “坚定不移地”。句意:如果一个国家政局不稳,外商通常会犹豫是否投资耗时长、成本高的项目。选项B符合题意。5. 翻译题现在我们正面临着一项严峻的挑战:全球变暖。地球气候持续恶化,正在演变成一场事关紧要的战争,而从任何一个方面来看,美国正在输掉这场战争。美国每年释放的温室气体约占全球总量的25%,并声称它不打算采取任何减排措施。困难还在于,即使绝大多数人认为气候变化是个全球性的紧急事件,如何解决这个问题很难达成共识。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的方案往往过于天真,以至于会严重阻碍美国社会和经济的发展。但是一个宏大而有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济增长?然而,只要我们能制定出可行的战略,将短期措施和长远目标结合起来,将务实精神和雄心壮志结合起来,我们就能做到既不损害经济,又帮助遏制气候变化带来的最坏影响,并保证我们的后代在这个世界上能生存下来。要实现这个目标,最需要的是决心和意志。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】Now we are confronted with a formidable challenge: global warming. The global climate goes on deteriorating and is evolving into a crucial war the United States is losing from any perspective. Every year, the United States emits nearly 25% of the global greenhouse gases and claims that it has no intention of taking any emission-reduction measures. The difficulty also lies in the fact that even the overwhelming majority of people consider the climate change to be a global emergency, it is very difficult to find a commom ground as to how to solve those problems. The industrial world has come up with schemes, which unfortunately are not solutions to problems. Environmentalists also suggest ways and means, but regrettably their schemes are so naive that they may hinder the social and economic development of the United States. But what on earth is a grand and effective scheme like? How can we possess both a safe environment and a fantastic economic growth?However, as long as we work out feasible tactics, combine short-term measures with long-term goals, integrate practical spirit with ambition, we can not only protect economy but also help hold back the worst effects caused by climate changes and ensure that our descendents survive in the world. To realize this goal, what we need most is determination and will.6. 单选题Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.She was uninterested in advertising.B.She found her outfit inappropriate.C.She was unhappy with fashion trends.D.She often checked herself in a mirror.问题2选项A.To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day.B.To meet the expectations of fashion-conscious clients.C.To keep up with the current trends.D.To save the expenses on clothing.问题3选项A.It enhances peoples ability to work independently.B.It helps people succeed in whatever they are doing.C.It matters a lot in jobs involving interaction with others.D.It boosts ones confidence when looking for employment.问题4选项A.Design their own uniform to appear unique.B.Wear classic pieces to impress their clients.C.Fight the ever-changing trends in fashion.D.Do whatever is possible to look smart.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D【解析】Passage TwoI work in advertising and I like to keep up with current trends, mainly because Im aware that we live in an image-obsessed world. 12 However, when I first started my job, occasionally Id catch a glimpse of myself in the lifts and find myself thinking that I looked a total mess. Was I being held back by my choice of clothing? The short answer is yes, especially when clients are quick to judge you on your style rather than your work. 13 But no one can be unique with their outfit every day. I mean thats why uniforms were invented. So heres what I did. I created my own uniform. To do this, I chose an appropriate outfit. Then I bought multiple items of the same style in different shades. Now I never worry about what Im wearing in the morning, even if I do get a bit tired of just wearing the same classic pieces. Overall, when it comes to work, you have to ask yourself: will looking smarter enhance my ability to do my job? For some, this question may not be an issue at all, especially if you work remotely and rarely see your colleagues or clients face to face. 14 But if your job involves interacting with other people, the answer to this is often yes. So rather than fighting the system, 15 I think we should just do whatever helps us to achieve our goals at work. If that means playing it safe with your image, then lets face it. Its probably worth it.12. What do we learn about the speaker when she first started her job?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问说话者刚开始工作的时候,我们可以了解到什么?录音开头提到,当说话者刚开始工作的时候,偶尔会在电梯里瞥一眼自己,发现自己看起来一团糟(I looked a total mess)。后面指出,之所以一团糟是因为服装的原因,因此B选项“她发现她的服装很不合适”正确。A选项“对广告不感兴趣”利用录音开头的“advertising”设置干扰,录音说的是说话人从事的是广告业,并未提及她对广告业不感兴趣,因此排除;C选项“她对时尚潮流不满意”,录音开头说的是,说话者喜欢跟随当下的潮流,因此C选项不正确;D选项“她经常照镜子检查自己”在录音中并未提及,因此也可排除。13. Why were uniforms invented, according to the speaker?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问说话者谈及的制服被发明的原因。录音中提到,没有人可以每天穿着独一无二的衣服,这就是制服被发明的原因。A选项“为了省去每天选不同衣服的烦恼”与原文意思表述相符,因此正确。B选项“满足有时尚意识的客户的期望”和D选项“节省服装开支”在录音中均未提及,因此排除;C选项“跟上当前的潮流”,利用录音开头的keep up with current trends设置干扰,但这并不是发明制服的原因,因此不正确。14. What does the speaker say about looking smarter?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问的是说话者关于“看起来更时尚”的看法。在录音后半部分,说话者提出一个问题,即看起来更时尚是否会提升我们的工作能力,接下来随即对此进行了回答,如果你的工作需要与其他人进行面对面交谈,则答案是肯定的,C选项“这在需要与他人接洽的工作中很重要”与原文意思表述一致,因此正确。A选项“这能提高人们独立工作的能力”和D选项“这能增强求职者的信心”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。B选项“这帮助人们在他们所做的任何事情上取得成功”说法过于绝对,不符合题意。15. What does the speaker advise people to do in an image-obsessed world?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问在这个看重外貌形象的世界里,说话者建议人们怎么做?录音结尾提到,说话者认为人们应该竭尽所能去做能实现工作目标的事情,包括谨慎塑造自己的形象,这都是值得的。D选项“做任何能(使我们的形象)看起来时尚的事情”与原文意思符合,因此正确。A选项“设计他们自己的制服,使其看起来独一无二”;B选项“穿经典的衣服给客户留下深刻印象”和C选项“对抗不断变化的时尚潮流”均不正确,在原文找不到相关依据,因此排除。7. 单选题Defenders of special protective labor legislation for women often maintain that eliminating such laws would destroy the fruits of a century-long struggle for the protection of women works. Even a brief examination of the historic practice of courts and employers would show that the fruit of such laws has been bitter: they are, in practice, more of a curse than a blessing.Sex-defined protective laws have often been based on stereotypical assumptions concerning womens needs and abilities, and employers have frequently used them as legal excuses for discriminating against women. After the Second World War, for example, businesses and government sought to persuade women to vacate jobs in factories, thus making room in the labor force for returning veterans. The revival or passage of state laws limiting the daily or weekly work hours of women conveniently accomplished this. Employers had only to declare that overtime hours were a necessary condition of employment or promotion in their factory, and women could be quite legally fired, refused jobs, or kept at low wage levels, all in the name of “protecting” their health. By validating such laws when they are challenged by lawsuits, the courts have colluded over the years in establishing different, less advantageous employment terms for women than for men, thus reducing womens competitiveness on the job market. At the same time, even the most well-intentioned lawmakers, courts, and employers have often been blind to the real needs of women. The lawmakers and the courts continue to permit employers to offer employee health insurance plans that cover all known human medical disabilities except those relating to pregnancy and childbirth.Finally, labor laws protecting only special groups are often ineffective at protecting the workers who are actually in the workplace. Some chemicals, for example, pose reproductive risks for women of childbearing years; manufacturers using the chemicals comply with laws protecting women against these hazards by refusing to hire them. Thus the sex-defined legislation protects the hypothetical female worker, but has no affected whatever on the safety of any actual employee. The health risks to male employees in such industries cannot be negligible, since chemicals toxic enough to cause birth defects in fetuses or sterility in women are presumably harmful to the human metabolism. Protective laws aimed at changing production materials or techniques in order to reduce such hazards would benefit all employees without discriminating against any.In sum, protective labor laws for women are discriminatory and do not meet their intended purpose. Legislators should recognize that women are in the work force to stay, and that their needs-good health care, a decent wage, and a safe workplace-are the needs of all workers. Laws that ignore these facts violate womens rights for equal protection in employment.1. According to the author, which of the following resulted from the passage or revival of state laws limiting the work hours of women workers? .2.According to the first paragraph of the passage, the author considers which of the following to be most helpful in determining the value of special protective labor legislation for women?3.The main point of the passage is that special protective labor laws for women workers are( ).4.The author implies that which of the following is characteristic of many employeehealth insurance plans?5.According to the passage, special labor laws protecting women workers tend generally to have which of the following effects?问题1选项A.Women workers were compelled to leave their jobs in factories.B.Many employers had difficulty in providing jobs for returning veterans.C.Many employers found it hard to attract women workers.D.The health of most women factory workers improved.问题2选项A.comparative study of patterns of work-related illnesses in states that had such laws and in states that did not.B.An estimate of how many women workers are in favor of such laws.C.An analysis of the cost to employers of complying with such laws.D.An examination of the actual effects that such laws have had in the past on women workers.问题3选项A.unnecessary because most workers are well protected by existing labor laws.B.harmfol to the economic interests of women workers while offering them little or no actual protection.C.not worth preserving even though they do represent a hard-won legacy of the labor movement.D.controversial because male workers receive less protection than they require.问题4选项A.They cover all the common medical conditions affecting men, but only some of those affecting women.B.They lack the special provisions for women workers that proposed special labor laws for women would provide.C.They pay the medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth only for the spouses of male employees, not for female employees.D.They meet minimum legal requirements, but do not adequately safeguard the health of either male or female employees.问题5选项A.They tend to modify the stereotypes employees often hold concerning women.B.They increase the advantage to employers of hiring men instead of women, making it less likely that women will be hired.C.They decrease the likelihood that employers will offer more protection to women workers than that which is absolutely required by law.D.They increase the tendency of employers to deny health insurance and disability plans to women workers.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节题。根据题干定位至第二段第三句,此句前一句便是本题答案。2.细节题。根据题干定位至第一段: Even a brief examination of the historic practice of courts and employers would show that the fruit of such laws has been bitter: they are, in practice, more of a curse than a blessing (即使简短回顾法院和雇主的以往做法,这些法律的成果也似乎是苦涩的:实际上,它们更多的是一种诅咒,而不是好事)。3.主旨大意题。A、D可以排除。文章第一段提到,特别保护妇女的劳动法是经过一个世纪的斗争获得的,但是只要稍微审视一下过去就能发现这些法律与其说是一件好事,不如说是一种灾祸。这是C项的意思,但是下文都在证明的最后一段第一句话:protective labor laws for women are discriminatory and do not meet their intended purpose, 即这些法律使妇女失


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