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2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 翻译题The Englishman has been called a political animal, and he values what is political and practical so much that ideas easily become objects of dislike in his eyes,and thinkers, miscreants, because practice is everything, a free play of the mind is nothing. The notion of the free play of mind upon all subjects being a pleasure in itself,being an object of desire,being an essential provider of elements without which a nations spirit,whatever compensations it may have for them,must in the long run,die of emptiness,hardly enters into an Englishmans thoughts. It is noticeable that the word curiosity,which in other languages is used in a good sense,to mean, as a high and fine quality of mans nature,just this disinterested love of a play of the mind on all subjects, for its own sakeit is noticeable,I say,that this word has in our language no sense of the kind,no sense but a rather bad and disparaging one. But criticism, real criticism, is essentially the exercise of this very quality.It obeys an instinct prompting it to try to know the best that is known and thought in the world, irrespectively of practice,politics,and everything of the kind; and to value knowledge and thought as they approach this best,without the intrusion of any other considerations whatsoever. This is an instinct for which there is,I think, little original sympathy in the practical English nature,and what there was of it has undergone a long benumbing period of blight and suppression in the epoch of Romanticism.It is of the last importance that English criticism should clearly discern what rule of its course,in order to avail itself of the field now opening to it,and to produce fruit for the future,it ought to take,which may be summed up in one worddisinterestedness. And how is criticism to show disinterestedness? By keeping aloof from what is called “the practical view of things”; by resolutely following the law of its own nature, which is to be a free play of the mind on all subjects it touches. By steadily refusing to lend itself to any of those concealed, political, practical considerations about ideas, which plenty of people will be sure to attach to them, but which criticism has nothing to do with. Its business is,as I have said,simply to know the best that is known and thought in the world, and by in its turn making this known, to create a current of true and fresh ideas. Its business is to do this with inflexible honesty, with due ability; but its business is to do no more.【答案】对所有事物的自由思考本身就是一种乐趣,一种愿望,为民族精神提供了赖以生存 的重要因素,不管其他什么样的补偿,一个国家的民族精神终究会由于空洞而消逝。但这种 认识很难进入英国人的思想。好奇心遵循一种本能,促使它不考虑实践、政治和所有类似的事物,汲取世界上知识 和思想的精华; 并且促使它在这个过程中不受任何其他考虑的侵扰,珍视知识和思想。至关重要的是,英国的批评界若想利用向它敞开的领域,若想在将来有所收获,必须 清楚应该为自己的发展道路选择什么样的原则。这种原则可以用“客观” 一词加以概括。2. 单选题Although he did not state his opinion, the ( )was that he doubted my words.问题1选项A.interruptionB.implicationC.impositionD.interaction【答案】B【解析】句意:尽管他没有陈述他的观点, 但隐含的意思是他怀疑我说的话。选项B符合语境。3. 单选题This research has attracted wide ( )coverage and has been featured on BBC televisions Tomorrows World.问题1选项A.messageB.informationC.mediaD.data【答案】C【解析】句意:这项研究吸引了媒体的广泛报道, 并在英国广播公司电视台的明日世界节目中进行了专题报道。选项中只有C选项符合句意。4. 单选题You will find the scenery is so beautiful if you view from the( ) of the hill.问题1选项A.ceilingB.summitC.mantleD.roof【答案】B【解析】句意:如果从山顶上看,你会发现风景是如此的美丽。只有选项B符合句意。5. 单选题After the music had( )there was a storm of applause.问题1选项A.died outB.died hardC.died offD.died away【答案】D【解析】die out灭绝,消失;die hard难改掉,难断气;die off相继死去,逐个死亡;died away减弱,消失。根据句意,这里指音乐减弱直至消失,所以选项D符合句意。6. 单选题An “obvious and striking feature of the late twentieth century world,” notes Sally Price in her book Primitive Art in Civilized Places, is the accessibility of its diverse cultures to those who enjoy membership in Western society.” Westerners can travel with relative ease to even the remotest comers of human civilization or stay at home and watch exotic images of world diversity on the television and movie screen. The world market system assures those who have the financial resources that they can buy just about anything from anywhere. Heidegger, also thinking on this phenomenon, says, “Yet the frantic abolition of all distances brings no nearness; for nearness does not consist in shortness of distance. What is least remote from us in point of distance, by virtue of its picture on film or its sound on the radio, can remain far from us. What is incalculably far from us in point of distance can be near to us.” Western technology and the market economy are shrinking the world, bringing the West closer to other peoples, and other previously accessible regions of the earth. Yet this dramatic global change has not opened the West to difference, either the nonhuman differences of the earth or the cultural differences of nonwestern peoples. On the contrary, the expansion of the West and the resultant “small world” is still, as in colonial days, primarily a movement of domination. It depends on the exploitation of the land and organic life, and the exploitation of the labor and lives of the majority of the earths peoples. Because the oppressions of the earth, of women, and of those who do not belong to “the abstract dominant non-group” called whites are intimately related and reinforce one another, caring for women and for the earth cannot be separated from caring for diverse human communities.Western economic development, Vandana Shiva explains, is supposed to be a model of progress for the so-called Third World that would improve productivity and growth. However, western development, as capital accumulation and commercialization of the economy for the generation of surplus and various and as natural resource utilization, emerged in the context of colonization, industrialization, and capitalist growth. This notion of economic development has been falsely universalized and applied, with disastrous results, to the entirely different context to attempting to satisfy basic needs of newly independent world peoples. Western so-called development in Third World countries has generated profit of various multinational corporations, created internal colonialism, undermined sustainable lifestyles, destroyed local ecologies and has, as a result, created true material property.From a western perspective, if a people do not anticipate in the market economy and do not consume western-style commodities produced for and distributed through the market, they are regarded as living in poverty. Because, moreover, from a western perspective, production and development take place only when mediated by technologies for commodity production and profit, such peoples are considered underdeveloped and unproductive. However, for most indigenous peoples, for example, maintaining an ecologically balanced connection to their land is much more essential to their being and culture than the lands monetary value and its so called natural resources.1.Whats Heideggers comment on “nearness” in passage 1?2.The attitude of westerners to cultural or uncultured difference in other peoples is that of .3.What is Vandana Shivas view about western economic development?4.The underlined word “indigenous” in the last paragraph means( ).问题1选项A.It is distance-oriented.B.It is visual or at least auditory.C.It is a phenomenon of globalization.D.It is not a geographical concept.问题2选项A.rejectionB.open-mindednessC.detestD.appreciation问题3选项A.It should be a model of progress for all the developed countries.B.It. would be balancing profit and production in an ecological way.C.It may not be adaptable to the Third World countries.D.It could be a disaster for people in the market economy.问题4选项A.intelligentB.localC.diligentD.bewildered【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B【解析】1.根据第一段Heidegger的描述:疯狂地消除一切距离并不能带来接近; 因为接近并不等于距离近。就距离而言,最不遥远的东西,凭借它在胶片上的影像或在收音机里的声音,可以离我们很远; 距离我们远得无法计算的东西,可能就在我们身边。也就是说,接近它不是一个地理概念,无法用距离衡量。所以选项D符合原文。2.根据第一段“Yet this dramatic global change has not opened the West to difference, either the nonhuman differences of the earth or the cultural differences of nonwestern peoples.”这一激动人心的全球变化并没有让西方世界接受这一差异,无论是地球上的非人类差异,还是非西方民族的文化差异。也就是说,西方人的态度是拒绝的。选项A正确。3.根据第二段倒数第二句“This notion of economic development has been falsely universalized and applied, with disastrous results, to the entirely different context to attempting to satisfy basic needs of newly independent world peoples.”这种经济发展的概念被错误地普及和运用到完全不同的环境中,试图满足独立世界人民的基本需要,以致于造成了灾难性的后果。选项D符合原文。4.根据上文连续提及两次“from a western perspective”以及转折词“However”可知,前面均是西方人的看法,再根据上下文内容可推测“indigenous peoples”指的是当地的人,土著人。选项B正确。7. 单选题The simplest animals are those whose bodies are simplest in structure and which do the things done by all living animals, such as eating, breathing, moving and feeling, in the most( ) way.问题1选项A.bizarreB.primitiveC.advantageousD.unique【答案】B【解析】bizarre奇异的;primitive原始的, 简单的;advantageous有利的, 有益的;unique独一无二的。句意:最简单的动物是那些身体结构单一的动物, 它们以最原始的方式做所有动物都做的事情, 如吃、呼吸、活动和感知。选项B符合语境。8. 单选题In the decades between 1910 and 1930, over ten percent of the Black population of the United States left the South, where the majority of the Black population had been located, and migrated to northern states, with the largest number moving, it is claimed, between 1916 and 1918. It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that most of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent factors: the collapse of cotton industry following boll-weevil infestation, which began in 1898, and increased demand in the North for labor following the cessation of European immigration caused by the outbreak of the first World War in 1914. This assumption has led to the conclusion that the migrants subsequent lack of economic mobility in the North is tied to rural background, a background that implies unfamiliarity with urban living and a lack of industrial skills.But the question of who actually left the South has never been investigated in detail. Although numerous investigations document a flight from rural southern areas to southern cities prior to the Great Migration, no one has considered whether the same migrants then moved on to northern cities. In 1910 over 600,000 Black workers, or ten percent of the Black work force reported themselves to be engaged in “manufacturing and mechanical pursuits”, the federal census category roughly including the entire industrial sector. The Great Migration could easily have been made up entirely of this group and their families. It is perhaps surprising to argue that an employed population could be tempted to move, but an explanation lies in the labor conditions then prevalent in the South.About thirty-five percent of the urban Black population in the South was engaged in skilled trades. Some were from the old artisan class of slaveryblacksmiths, masons, carpenters一which had a monopoly of certain trades? but they were gradually being pushed out by competition, mechanization, and obsolescence. The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industriestobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads. Wages in the South, however, were low, and Black workers were aware, through labor recruiters and the Black press, that they could earn more even as unskilled workers in the North than they could as artisans in the South. After the boll-weevil infestation, urban Black workers faced competition from the continuing influx of both Black and White rural workers, who were driven to undercut the wages formerly paid for industrial jobs. Thus, a move north would be seen as advantageous to a group that was already urbanized and steadily employed, and the easy conclusion tying their subsequent economic problems in the North to their rural backgrounds comes into question.1.The author indicates the Great Migration explicitly by using as her source of information( ).2.According to the text, which of the following is true of wages in southern cities in 1910?3.It can be inferred from the passage that the underlined phrase “the easy conclusion” is based on the assumption that ( ).4.The primary purpose of the passage is to ( ).5.The material in the passage would be most relevant to a long discussion of which of the following topics?问题1选项A.immigration Service reports in 1930B.the First World War in 1918C.the federal census in 1910D.southern newspapers in 1898问题2选项A.They were being pushed lower as a result of increased competition.B.They began to rise so that southern industry could attract rural workers.C.They had increased for skilled workers but decreased for unskilled workers.D.They had increased in large southern cities but decreased in small southern ones.问题3选项A.people who migrate from rural areas to large cities usually do so for economic reasonsB.most people who leave rural areas to work in cities return to rural areas as soon as it is financially possible for them to do soC.people with rural backgrounds are less likely to succeed economically in cities than those with urban backgroundsD.most people who were once skilled workers are not willing to work as unskilled workers问题4选项A.introduce a recently discovered source of informationB.support an alternative to an accepted methodologyC.present evidence that resolves a contradictionD.challenge a widely accepted explanation问题5选项A.The Effect of Migration on the Regional Economies of the United States Following the First World War.B.The Reasons for the Subsequent Economic Difficulties of Those Who Participated in the Great Migration.C.The Transition for the Subsequent Economic Difficulties of Those Who Participated in the Great Migration.D.The Transition of the Agricultural South Following the Boll-weevil Infestation【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.根据第二段的三四句,1910年,60多万黑人工人, 即黑人劳动力的10%,声称自己从事“制造业和机械制造业”,这一联邦人口普查类别基本上包括了整个工业部门。大迁移很可能完全由这个群体和他们的家庭组成。由此可知,作者以1910年联邦人口普查为资料来源,明确指出了大迁移。选项C正确。2.根据最后一段倒数第二句“After the boll-weevil infestation, . formerly paid for industrial jobs.”在棉铃虫泛滥之后, 由于农村的黑人工人和白人工人不断涌入,城里的黑人工人面临着竞争,他们被迫降低了工资。选项A符合原文。3.根据第三段最后一句,向北迁移将被认为对一个已经城市化并稳定就业的群体有利,而将他们随后在北方遇到的经济问题与他们的农村背景联系起来的简单结论将受到质疑。再根据第一段最后一句,这一假设导致的结论是,北方移民随后缺乏经济流动性与其农村背景有关,农村背景意味着不熟悉城市生活和缺乏工业技能。选项C符合原文。4.结合文章内容可知,作者在第一段提出一个假设“大多数移民来自于农村”以及一个结论“北方移民随后缺乏经济流动性与其农村背景有关”;但在第二段,作者指出就业人口可能也会受到迁移的诱惑,原因在于当时盛行于南方的恶劣的劳动环境,这是在质疑第一段提出的假设。第三段也对第一段提出的结论进行了质疑,所以本文的目的是挑战一种被人们广泛接受的解释。选项D正确。5.根据原文内容可知,原文之所以提出大多数移民来自于农村的假设是因为人们向北方移民之后经济变得困难,所以本文其实是在探讨人们向北方移民之后经济困难的原因,选项B与原文相关。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:9. 单选题A friendship may be( ), casual, situational or deep and lasting.问题1选项A.identicalB.originalC.superficialD.critical【答案】C【解析】根据句意可知, 填空处的内容应该与or后面意思相反且与casual, situational意思相近。句意:友谊可以是浅薄的、随意的、场合性的, 也可以是深刻的、持久的。只有选项C符合语境。10. 单选题Developments in ship design and construction methods came about in ( )to challenges encountered in trading.问题1选项A.awarenessB.responseC.contrastD.agreement【答案】B【解析】in response to响应, 回答, 对.有反应;in contrast to与.形成对照;选项A和D无此用法。句意:船舶设计和建造方法的发展是为了应对贸易中遇到的挑战。选项B符合句意。11. 填空题Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many(1) .The simple(2 )for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things(3 )in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements (4 )interest, and more groups and organizations(5) different beliefs. In (6) , there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in(7) societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by (8) more areas of life to decision. In a simple-racial (9 ) , there are (10) occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for (11) because everything seems to be the same. And (12) conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Social change is also likely to occur more frequently and(13) in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in the(14) basic and emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in form rather than in(15) ; and in elements that are (16) to the culture rather than in strange elements. (17) , social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes(18) readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp differences. This is one reason why change has (19) come more quickly to Black Americans as (20) to other American minorities, because of sharp difference between them and their white counterparts. A. take downB. turn downC. cut downD. set down【答案】1、ways 2、reason 3、present 4、in 5、with6、addition 7、mixed 8、opening 9、society 10、fewer11、change 12、though/although 13、readily 14、less 15、substance16、acceptable 17、Furthermore 18、more 19、not 20、compared【解析】1、根据句意可知,这里指人们在许多方面都很相似。in many ways为常见搭配,表示在许多方面。2、上句提到社会变革大多发生在融合了不同种族的人类社会中,本句是解释这个现象出现的原因。3、根据句意:一个很简单的原因是,有更多不同的方法看待存在于第一类社会中的事物。present in表示存在于,出现于。4、in表示在.方面,原文指在兴趣方面有更多的想法和分歧。5、with表示拥有,原文指更多的团体和组织拥有不同的信仰。6、下文的内容是对上文的补充,In addition表示补充说明。7、这里讲的是拥有不同种族人群的社会,用mixed表示混合的。8、根据句意:所有这些因素都倾向于通过更多的生活领域来促进社会变革。open表示打开,开放,符合原文句意,by+v-ing形式,所以这里填入opening。9、本段前半部分提到的是拥有不同种族人群的社会,这里应该指种族单一的社会。10、根据下文,因为很多东西都是一样的,所以人们很少有机会看到变革的必要性或机会。fewer和上文的more相对。11、根据原文可知,这里指社会变革。12、根据句意: 生活条件可能不令人满意,但它们至少是一贯的无可争议的。though/although引导让步状语从句。13、根据句意可知,这里指社会变革在文化的物质方面比在非物质方面发生得更频繁,也更容易发生。 readily表示容易地。14、根据句意,这里指在社会中不那么基础的和不那么情绪化的方面。15、填空处填入的词应和form相对,form表示形式上的,substance表示实质上的,符合原文语境。16、根据下文的strange elements可推测,这里应填入可接受的,合理的 elements。17、第三段是在前面两段的基础上进一步加深,所以用Furthermore表示还有另一种情况。18、根据句意:它更容易出现在持续的人际关系中,而不是出现在有明显差异的人际关系中。more readily表示更加容易,符合原文句意。19、句意:这就是为什么变革在美国黑人当中没有来更快的原因。20、原文句意指,跟美国少数民族相比较,所以用compared。12. 单选题Despite the general negative findings, it is important to remember that all children who live through a divorce do not behave in the same way. The specific behavior depends on the childs individual personality,characteristics, age at the time of divorce, and gender. In terms of personality, when compared to those rated as relaxed and easy-going,children described as temperamental and irritable have more difficulty coping with parental divorce, as indeed they have more difficulty adapting to life change in general. Stress,such as that found in disrupted families,seems to impair the ability of temperamental children to adapt to their surroundings, the greater the amount of stress, the less well they adapt. In contrast,a moderate amount of stress may actually help an easy-going,relaxed child learn to cope with adversity.There is some relationship between age and childrens characteristic reaction to divorce. As the child grows older,the greater is the likelihood of a free expression of a variety of complex feelings, an understanding of those feelings,and a realization that the decision to divorce cannot be distributed to any one simple cause. Self-blame virtually disappears after the age of 6, fear of abandonment diminishes after the age of 8,and the confusion and fear of the young child is r


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