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2022大学英语-大学英语四级考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:Just because they cant sing opera or ride a bicycle doesnt mean that animals dont have culture. Theres no better example of this than killer whales. As one of the most _26_ predators (食肉动物), killer whales may not fit the _27_ of a cultured creature. However, these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly _28_ behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic development.The word culture comes from the Latin colere, which _29_ means to cultivate. In other words, it refers to anything that is _30_ or learnt, rather than instinctive or natural. Among human populations, culture not only affects the way we live, but also writes itself into our genes, affecting who we are. For instance, having spent many generations hunting the fat marine mammals of the Arctic, the Eskimos of Greenland have developed certain genetic _31_ that help them digest and utilize this fat- rich diet, thereby allowing them to _32_ in their cold climate.Like humans, killer whales have colonized a range of different _33_ across the globe, occupying every ocean basin on the planet with an empire that _34_ from pole to pole. As such, different populations of killer whales have had to learn different hunting techniques in order to gain the upper hand over their local prey (猎物). This, in turn, has a major effect on their diet, leading scientists to _35_ that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals, genetic development.A) acquiredB) adaptationsC) brutalD) deliberatelyE) expressedF) extendsG) habitatsH) humbleI) imageJ) literallyK) refinedL) revolvesM) speculateN) structureO) thrive答案:26-35:CIKJA BOGFM 本题解析:暂无解析2. 问答题:Forests in countries like Brazil and the Congo get a lot of attention from environmentalists, and it is easy to see why. South America and sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing deforestation on an enormous scale: every year almost 5 million hectares are lost. But forests are also changing in rich Western countries. They are growing larger, both in the sense that they occupy more and that the trees in them and bigger. What is going on?Forests are spreading in almost all Western countries, with fastest growth in places that historically had rather few trees. In 1990 28% of Spain was forests; now the proportion is 37%. In both Greece and Italy, the growth was from 26% to 32% over the same period. Forests are gradually taking more and in America and Australia. Perhaps most astonishing is the trend in Ireland. Roughly 1% of that country was forested when it became independent in 1922. Forests cover 11% of the land, and the government wants to push the proportion to 18% by the 2040s.Two things are fertilizing this growth. The first is the abandonment of farmland, especially in high, dry places where nothing grows terribly well. When farmers give up trying to earn a living from farming or herding trees simply move in. The second is government policy and subsidy. Throughout history, governments have protected and promoted forests for diverse reasons, ranging from the need for wooden warships to a desire to promote suburban house-building. Nowadays forests are increasingly welcome because they suck in carbon pollution from the air. The justification change; desire for more trees remains constant.The greening of the West does not delight everyone. Farmers complain that land is being taken out of use by generously subsidized tree plantations. Parts of Spain and Portugal suffer from terrible forest fires. Others simply dislike the appearance of forests planted in neat rows. They will have to get used to the trees, however. The growth of Western forests seems almost as unstoppable as deforestation elsewhere.51. What is catching environmentalists attention nowadays?A) Rich countries are striping poor ones of their resources.B) Forests are fast shrinking in many developing countries.C) Forests are eating away the fertile farmland worldwide.D) Rich countries are doing little to address deforestation.52. Which countries have the fastest forest growth?A) Those that have newly achieved independence.B) Those that have the greatest demand for timber.C) Those that used to have the lowest forest coverage.D) Those that provide enormous government subsidies.53. What has encouraged forest growth historically?A). The governments advocacy.B). The use of wood for fuel.C). The favorable climate.D) The green movement.54. What account for our increasing desire for forests?A) Their unique scenic beauty.B) Their use as fruit plantation.C) Their capability of improving air quality.D) Their stable supply of building materials.55. What does the author conclude about the prospects of forestation?A) Deserts in sub-Saharan Africa will diminish gradually.B) It will play a more and more important role in peoples lives.C) Forests destruction in the developing world will quickly slow down.D) Developed and developing countries are moving in opposite direction.答案:51 B. 52. C 53. A 54. C. 55. D. 本题解析:暂无解析3. 问答题:龙井 (Longing) 是一种绿茶,主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省。龙井茶独特的香味和口感为其赢得了“中国名茶”的称号,在中国深受大众的欢迎,在海外饮用的人也越来越多。龙井茶通常手工制作,其价格可能极其昂贵,也可能比较便宜。这取决于生长地、采摘时间和制作工艺。龙井茶富含维生素C和其它多种有益健康的元素。经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳,延缓衰老。答案:Longing is a kind of green tea, which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province on the east coast of China. The tea has won the title of Famous Tea of China for its unique flavor and taste. It is widely beloved in China, and more and more people drink it overseas. The tea is usually handmade. Its price can be extremely expensive or relatively cheap, which depends on the place it grows, the time it is picked and the way in which it is processed. The tea is rich in vitamin C and many other healthy elements. Regular drinking of Longing helps to reduce fatigue and delay aging. 本题解析:暂无解析4. 问答题:铁观音 (Tieguanyin) 是中国最受欢迎的茶之一,原产自福建省安溪县西坪镇。如今安溪全县普遍种植,但该县不同地区生产的铁观音又各具风味。铁观音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋两季采摘的茶叶品质最佳。铁观音加工非常复杂,需要专门的技术和丰富的经验。铁观音含有多种维生素,喝起来口感独特。常饮铁观音有助于预防心脏病、降低血压、增强记忆力。答案:Tieguanyin is one of the most popular genes of tea in China, originated in Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province. Nowadays, it is widely planted in Anxi County, but Tieguanyin produced in different areas of the county has different flavors. The tea can be picked all year round, and the tea picked in spring and autumn is especially of the best quality. The processing of Tieguanyin is extremely complex and requires special technology and rich experience. The tea contains a variety of vitamins and tastes unique. Regular drinking of it can help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and enhance memory. 本题解析:暂无解析5. 问答题:火锅火锅中,重庆火锅(hotpot)最著名,也最受欢迎。重庆人认为以麻辣 (peppery and hot)著称的火锅是当地特色。人们喜欢围在用木炭(charcoal)、 电热或天然气加热的火锅旁边吃边聊美味和有营养的食物。人们可以选择辣汤、清汤以及鸳鸯(combo)锅底,再将肉片、鱼片、各种豆腐产品和蔬菜加进火锅,之后蘸上特制酱料即可食用。在寒冷的冬天里,吃火锅成为一件惬意十足的事情。答案:HotpotChongqing hotpot is the most famous and popular of all hotpots. In the eyes of people in Chongqing, hotpot noted for its peppery and hot taste is a local specialty. People enjoy gathering around a hotpot heated with charcoal, electricity or natural gas and chatting over the delicious and nutritious food. You have a choice of spicy, pure or combo for the soup, into which you may add thin sliced meat, fish, various bean curd products and vegetables, and dip them into a special sauce before eating. It is a very delightful experience to eat hotpot in the cold winter. 本题解析:1.以著称:可译为be noted for。noted作形容词,表示“著名的,显著的”,同样的搭配还有be noted as,表示“作为而著名”。两个词组有区别,使用时需要注意。2.当地特色:可译为local specialty。specialty可以表示“特产,招牌菜”。3.选择:可译为have a choice of,表示“有选择”。也可以用动词choose。4.酱料:可译为sauce。5.惬意十足的:即“令人愉悦的”,译为delightful或pleasing。6. 问答题:Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs (暗礁) perfect for scuba diving (水肺式潜泳) and preserving marine _26_. Turkish authorities have just sunk something a little different than a ship, and it wouldnt normally ever touch water, an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was _27_ of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today. Not only will the sunken plane _28_ the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area.The plane _29_ a total length of 54 meters, where experienced scuba divers will _30_ be able to venture through the cabin and around the planes _31_ Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US $ 100, 000, but they hope to see a return on that _32_ through the tourism industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the _33_ of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go, this Airbus A300 is the largest _34_ sunk aircraft ever.Taking a trip underwater and _35_ the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure, and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers, this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba divers paradise (天堂).A) createB) depressedC) eventuallyD) experiencesE) exploringF) exteriorG) habitatsH) innovateI) intentionallyJ) investmentK) revealingL) stretchesM) strippedN) territoryO) victim答案:26-35:GMALC FJOIE 本题解析:暂无解析7. 问答题:When travelling overseas, do you buy water in plastic bottles or take your chances with tap water? Imagine you are wandering about on a Thai island or _26_ the ruins of Angkor. Its hot so you grab a bottle of water from a local vendor. Its the safe thing to do, right? The bottle is _27_ , and the label says pure water. But maybe whats inside is not so _28_ . Would you still be drinking it if you knew that more than 90 percent of all bottled water sold around the world _29_ microplastics?Thats the conclusion of a recently _30_ study, which analysed 259 bottles from 11 brands sold in nine countries, _31_ an average of 325 plastic particles per litre of water. These microplastics included a _32_ commonly known as PET and widely used in the manufacture of clothing and food and _33_ containers. The study was conducted at the State University of New York on behalf of Orb Media, a journalism organisation. About a million bottles are bought every minute, not only by thirsty tourists but also by many of the 2.1 billion worldwide who live with unsafe drinking water.Confronted with this _34_ , several bottled-water manufacturers including Nestle and Coca-Cola undertook their own studies using the same methodology. These studies showed that their water did contain microplastics, but far less than the Orb study suggested. Regardless, the World Health Organisation has launched a review into the _35_ health risks of drinking water from plastic bottles.A) adequateB) admiringC) containsD) defendingE) evidenceF) instantG) liquidH) modifiedI) naturalJ) potentialK) releasedL) revealingM) sealedN) solvesO) substance答案:26.B27.M28.I29.C30.K31.L32.O33.G34.E35.J 本题解析:暂无解析8. 问答题:The practice of paying children an allowance became popular in America about 100 years ago. Nowadays, American kids on average receive about $ 800 per year in allowance. But the vast majority of American parents who pay allowance tie it to the completion of housework. Although many parents believe that paying an allowance for completing chores benefits their children, a range of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal. In fact, the way chores work in many households worldwide points to another way.Suniya Luthar, a psychologist, is against paying kids for chores. Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances, but she thinks its important to establish that chores are done not because they will lead to payment, but because they keep the household running. Luthars suggested approach to allowance is compatible with that of writer Ron Lieber, who advises that allowances be used as a means of showing children how to save, give, and spend on things they care about. Kids should do chores, he writes, “for the same reason adults do, because the chores need to be done, and not with the expectation of compensation.”This argument has its critics, but considering the way are undertaken around the world may change peoples thinking. Professor David Lancy of Utah State University has studied how families around the world handle chores. At about 18months of age, Lancy says, most children become eager to help their parents, and in many cultures, they begin helping with housework at that age. They begin with very simple tasks, but their responsibilities gradually increase. And they do these tasks without payment. Lancy contrasts this with what happens in America. “We deny our childrens bids to help until they are 6 or 7 years old,” Lancy says, “when many have lost the desire to help and then try to motivate them with payment. The solution to this problem is not to try to use money as an incentive to do housework, but to get children involved in housework much earlier, when they actually want to do it.”51. What do some experts think about paying children for doing chores?A) It may benefit children in more ways than one.B) It may help children learn the worth of labor.C)It may not turn out to be the best thing to do.D)It may not be accepted by low-income parents.52. According to Suniya Luthar, doing chores will help children learn to .A) share family responsibilitiesB) appreciate the value of workC) cultivate the spirit of independenceD) manage domestic affairs themselves53. What does Ron Lieber think should be the goal of giving children allowances?A) To help to strengthen family ties.B) To teach them how to manage money.C)To motivate them to do more housework.D)To show parents appreciation of their help.54. What does David Laney say about 18-month-olds?A) They have a natural instinct to help around the house.B) They are too young to request money for what they do.C) They should learn to understand family responsibilities.D) They need a little incentive to get involved in housework.55. What does David Laney advise American parents to do?A) Set a good example for children in doing housework.B) Make children do housework without compensation.C)Teach children how to do housework.D)Accept childrens early bids to help.答案:DACBD 本题解析:暂无解析9. 问答题:生活在中国不同地区的人们饮食多种多样。北方人主要吃面食,南方人大多吃米饭。在沿海地区,海鲜和淡水水产品在人们饮食中占有相当大的比例,而在其他地区人们的饮食中,肉类和奶制品更为常见。四川、湖南等省份的居民普遍爱吃辛辣食物,而江苏和浙江人更喜欢甜食。然而,因为烹饪方式各异,同类食物的味道可能会有所不同。答案:People in diferent parts of China have a variety of diets. In the north the staplefood is pasta, while in the south rice.In coastal areas,seafood and freshwater productsmake up a large part of the local diet, while in other areas, mcat and dairy products aremore common on the table.People in Sichuan。Hunan and other provinces generallyprefer spicy food,while people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang prefer sweet food.However,due to different cooking methods, similar foods may taste different from one another. 本题解析:本套题目总体难度中等,绝大部分词汇和短语在英语中均有对应的表达,因此同学们直译即可。如果个别词汇造成翻译障碍,头脑中没有对应的英文表达,同学们要尝试变换对原文的理解,以便用上自己熟悉的英文表达方式,比如“占有相当大的比例”,如果“比例”(proportion)这样的词,脑海中根本没有对应的英文表达,那么一定要迅速进行原文的再理解,“相当大的比例”其实就是“很大一部分”,因此译为a big part of也是完全可以接受的10. 问答题:Finally, some good news about airplane travel. If you are on a plane with a sick passenger, you are unlikely to get sick. That is the _26_ of a new study that looked at how respiratory (呼吸道) viruses _27_ on airplanes. Researchers found that only people who were seated in the same row as a passenger with the flu, for example - or one row in front of or behind that individual - had a high risk of catching the illness. All other passengers had only a very _28_ chance of getting sick, according to the findings. Media reports have not necessarily presented _29_ information about the risk of getting infected on an airplane in the past. Therefore, these new findings should help airplane passengers to feel less _30_ to catching respiratory infections while traveling by air.Prior to the new study, little was known about the risks of getting _31_ infected by common respiratory viruses, such as the flu or common cold, on an airplane, the researchers said. So, to _32_ the risks of infection, the study team flew on 10 different _33_ in the U.S. during the flu season. The researchers found that passengers sitting within two seats on _34_ side of a person infected with the flu, as well as those sitting one row in front of or behind this individual, had about an 80 percent chance of getting sick. But other passengers were _35_ safe from infection. They had a less than 3 percent chance of catching the flu.A) accurateB) conclusionC) directlyD) eitherE) evaluateF) explorationsG) flightsH) largelyI) nearbyJ) respondK) slimL) spreadM) summitN) vividlyO) vulnerable答案:26-35:BLKAO CEGDH 本题解析:暂无解析


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