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word酒店 英 亲爱的 最后一面语口语每天一点点 就是大进步!没有什么可不可能 只有自己想不想! - Perry常用酒店英语词汇Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以B&B 家庭式酒店 Boutique hotel 精品酒店Resort 度假村 King-size 特大号床Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间Single room 单人间 Suite 套房Studio suite 公寓套房 Adjoining room 相邻房Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾Receptionist 前台接待 Reception/Front desk 前台Coach 旅游大巴 Reservation 预订(不是预定)Doorman 门房 门童 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务 Ground 花园Tip 小费 Service charge 服务费Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服)Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌 lease Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌check-out 退房 check-in 登记入住lobby 大堂 Owner response: 业主回复Porter门房 Hotel Concierge酒店礼宾部Procurement Manager; Purchasing Manager采购部经理Food & Beverage Manager; Catering Manager餐饮部经理Table Hostess餐桌女服务员 Kitchen Hand; Kitchen Help;Kitchen Worker厨工 Cook; Chef厨师Head Chef厨师长 Cook炊事员Assistant Manager大堂副理 Lobby Manager大堂经理Tourist Guide导游 Sauce Cook调味汁厨师Restaurant Manager饭店经理 Rooms Division Manager房务部经理Second Chef副厨师长 Second Waiter副领班Trainee Manager见习经理 Receptionist接待员Bar Operative酒吧服务员 Hotel Accountant酒店会计Chief Accountant; Financial Controller酒店主管会计;财务总监Housekeeping Manager客房部经理 Chambermaid客房女服务员 Executive Housekeeper; Head Housekeeper客房部主管Head Waiter ;Captain领班 Floor Attendant楼层服务员Travel Agent 旅游中介 Doorman门童Pantryman配餐员 Front Desk Manager前台经理Front Office Supervisor前台领班 Front Office Manager前厅经理Assistant Front Office Manager前厅副理 Cleaner清洁工Food Checker食品检验员 Vegetable Cook蔬菜厨师Materials Manager物料经理 Western-Style Restaurant Manager西餐部经理Executive Assistant Manager行政副经理 Assistant Banquet Manager宴会部副经理Banquet Manager宴会部经理 Night Manager夜班经理Hotel Greeter迎宾员 Reservation Manager预订部经理Chinese-Style Restaurant Manager中餐部经理 Resident Manager驻店经理Front Clerk; Reception Clerk总台接待员酒店岗位:客房预定 room reservation 客 满 fully booked房间种类 types of rooms 双 人 房 double room标 准 房 standard room 双 床 房 twin room高 级 房 superior room 豪 华 房 deluxe room商 务 房 executive room 套 房 suite普通套房 junior room 高级套房 senior suite总统套房 Presidential suite 朝南的房间 a room facing south公寓套房 studio room 连 通 房 connecting room相 邻 房 adjoining room 没有按预定抵店 no show确 认 信 letter of confirmation 服 务 费 service charge额外费用 extra charge 班 车 shuttle bus全 价 full price 折 扣 价 discounted price标 准 价 rack rate 优 惠 价 special price免 费 plimentary rate 特大号床 king-size bed大 号 床 queen-size bed 推 迟 postpone空 房 Vacancy/vacant room 取消 cancel/cancellation更改 change 预定 book/reserve自动门 automatic door 登记入住 check in结帐 check out 一件行李 a piece of baggage/luggage背包 shoulder bag 纸箱 cardboard box手提箱 briefcase 汽车行李箱 luggage trunk送行李 send up 填写 fill out名牌 name tag 夜床服务 turn down service打扫房间 make up 稍稍整理 tidy up洗衣项目 laundry items 加快服务 express service核对 check 包间 private room菜单 menu 套餐 set menu定满了 fully booked 租 rent计划表 schedule推举 remend酒店内设施adapter 连接器 brief ease 公文包out of order 坏了 coupon奖券Food Mall 食品街 Ancient Culture Street古文化街fire sprinkler 灭火喷淋 coat hanger 大衣架 pillow 枕头heating control 加热控制 ice tongs 冰夹 chair 椅子bedside table 床头桌 ceiling light 顶灯luggage stand 行李架 swimming bag游泳袋power socket 电源插座 note pad 记事簿shoe basket鞋篮 ice bucket 冰桶security latch安全门 dry cleaning docket 干洗单breakfast menu 早餐菜单 light switch 灯开关air conditioner vent 空调排风口 pillow case枕套coffee table 咖啡桌 wall paper 壁纸hair dryer 吹风机 standing lamp 地灯valet stand 衣物架 switch 开关desk chair (与书桌配套的)椅子 laundry docket 洗衣单Do Not Disturb Sign 请勿打扰牌 DND sign请勿打扰牌chest of drawers 带抽屉的柜厨 sheer curtains 纱窗帘desk lamp 台灯 television cabinet 电视柜single bed 单人床 double bed 双人床 desk书桌dusting 去尘 toilet brush 马桶刷子refuse bag 废物袋 mopping 拖地scrub 檫洗 dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子detergent 清洁剂 vacuum cleaner 吸尘器mop 拖把 shampoo 洗发水soap 香皂 bath foam 浴液sewing kit 针线盒 moisturizer 润肤露shower cap 浴帽 shoehorn鞋拔shoe shine檫皮鞋 Bedside lamp 床头灯smoke detector 烟感器wardrobe 衣柜 television guide电视指南Please Make Up sign 请收拾房间牌 PMU sign 请收拾房间牌slippers拖鞋 drapes 布帘 ceiling屋顶Laundry docket 洗衣单 window sill 窗台shopping bag 购物袋 bookshelf 书架ground floor (英)底,层,一楼 cabinet 橱柜switch 开关 Venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘 wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几 night table 床头柜first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼 folding screen 屏风hanger 挂钩 plug 插头wall plate 壁上挂盘 Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯 drawer 抽屉second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼 spring 弹簧cushion 靠垫,垫子 socket 插座,插口sitting room 起居室 voltage 电压floor 楼层,地板 carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几 bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子 mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶 transformer 变压器酒店前台用语:market price 市价 cashiers desk 兑换处coin 硬币 accounting desk 帐务处check-out time 退房时间 voucher 证件price list 价目表 check, cheque 支票sign (动)签字 interest 利息form 表格 reservation 预订reception desk 接待处 tip 小费reservation desk 预订处 luggage office 行李房spare (形)多余的 postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消 travelers cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写 administration 管理、经营 note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处 lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架 visit card 名片identification card 某某 rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率 charge (动)收费bill 帐单 change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序 information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签 overbooking 超额订房reasonable (形)合理的 cash (动)兑换keep (动)保存、保存 bank draft 汇票accept (动)承受 procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表酒店的种类:Designed hotel 设计酒店 boutique hotel 精品酒店certified hotel for tourism 旅游定点旅馆 family hotel 家庭旅馆B&B: 经济型酒店 resort hotel 度假区酒店酒店部门: 电脑部E.D.P. 市场营销部sales & Marketing Division销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department预订部Reservation Department 客务部Room Division前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping Department餐饮部Food & Beverage Department 康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department工程部Engineering Department 保安部Security Department行政部Rear-Service Department 商场部Shopping Arcade其他:Oriental Plaza: 东方新天地 Forbidden city:故宫High-speed wireless internet: 高速无线上网Owner response: 业主回复 Expatriates/ expats:外籍人士/外籍员工F&B:餐饮Mansion/ service-apartment:酒店式公寓English tea:英式红茶/英式下午茶CTS:中国旅行社Prepaid cell: 预付型手机Toiletries: 洗漱用品Morning call 唤醒服务情景对话在饭店购物中心.Good morning,sir. What can I do for you?早上好,先生,我能帮您吗?892.Are you being attended to?有人接待您了吗?893.It is sold by the yard by a package.这个按码记价出售。894.Sorry,its out of stock.对不起,卖完了。895.What size and color do you take,sir?How about this one?先生,您穿几号的鞋,要什么颜色?这双怎么样?896.How about this color and this size?How do you like this one?这种颜色、尺寸怎么样?您看这个怎么样?897.You look lovely in this overcoat.您穿这件外套真漂亮。898.Here is your charge,sir,thank you and here is your receipt.这是找您的钱,先生,谢谢,这是您的收据。899.We are open from 9am to 9pm every Monday to Saturday.我们每周一到每周六开门时间式早上9点至晚上9点。900.Its my pleasure,good-bye. Have a nice day.很乐意为您效劳,再见。祝您愉快。在饭店美容美发室881.Good afternoon,sir. Take this chair,please.先生,下午好,请坐这。882.Good afternoon. I want a haircut and a shave,please.下午好,请替我理发,并修面。883.Very well,how would you like your hair cut?好的,您想剪什么发式?884.Would you keep the same fashion?照这样吗?885.Please have a look,is it all right ?请看一下,效果好吗?886.Would you like to have a shampoo?您要洗头吗?887.Do you want me to shave off your beard?胡须要不要给您刮掉?888.Do you want me to trim your moustache?要不要把您的胡须修剪一下?889.How would you like your hair done,madam?Permanent,cold wave,or washed and dressed?夫人,您的头发式想电烫,冷烫,还是洗一洗做?890.Can you show me some patterns of hair styles?您能否给我看一些发型的式样?在饭店医务室871.Whats wrong with you,sir?先生,您哪里补舒服?872.What seems to be the trouble to you?How is your appetite?您有什么疾病吗?您得胃口怎么样?873.Let me examine you,any pain here?Does it hurt you when I press here?让我给您检查一下,这里疼吗?我压这时疼吗?874.Yes,but only a little.疼,但只是一点点。875.I think that a blood test is necessary for you,sir.先生,我认为您需要验一下血。876.Let me give you a check-up first.让我先给您检查一下。877.Breathe deeper,please,cough,now again.请深呼吸,咳一下,再咳一次。878.Let me listen to your lungs and heart.让我检查一下您的心脏和肺部。879.Here is a prescription for some medicine as instructed and dont smoke,dont overwork either.这是开的一些药,请按时服药,不要吸烟,不要过度疲劳。880.I will give you an injection first,youd better stay in bed.我先给您打一针,您还是卧床休息为好。洗衣服务805.Good morning,Housekeeping,may I help you?早上好,客房部,我可以帮您吗?806.Yes,Id like to know about your laundry service hours.是的,我想了解你们的洗衣服务时间。807.If your laundry is received before 10am,we will deliver it to your room by 4pm the same day.如果您的衣服是在早上10点前送洗的,我们将在当天下午4点把衣服洗好送到您房间。808.If we receive your laundry before 3pm,we will get it back to you by noon the next day.如果您的衣服是下午3点送洗的,我们将在第二天中午前把您的衣服送回给您。809.The laundry rate chart is contained in the stationery folder in your dressers drawer,sir.洗衣价目表放在您梳妆台抽屉的文具夹里,先生。810.Would you please send someone to room 502 to pick up some laundry for me?您可以派人到502房间来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?811.Yes,sir. The roommaid will be there in a few minutes.好的,先生,服务员过几分钟就到您的房间来。812.I have some shirts to be washed. 我有一些衣服要洗。813.When do you need them,sir?您什么时候需要取回,先生?814.Will tomorrow morning be all right?明天早上送给您行吗?815.Thatll be fine,but I have a suit that I would like pressed before 7 this evening. 可以,不过我有一套衣服想在今晚7点前烫好。816.I am sorry. It wont be possible for this evening 对不起,今晚恐怕不行。817.Housekeeping,may I e in? can I help you?客房服务,我可以进来吗?有什么可以帮您?818.Could you fill out the laundry form,please?请您填一下这X洗衣单,好吗?819.The laundry form is in the drawer of the writing desk.洗衣单放在写字台的抽屉里。820.Do you want these shirts starched,sir?您想要这些衬衣上浆吗,先生?821.Id like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water,it might shrink otherwise. 我想这件毛衣要放在冷水中用手洗,否如此它会缩水的。822.By hand in cold water,I understand.用冷水手洗,我明白了。823.Could you send someone to pick up my laundry,please?您能派人来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?824.Certainly,madam. But Im afraid its too late for todays laundry. We can deliver it tomorrow around 4pm.当然可以,太太,不过恐怕今天洗衣太晚了,我们可以明天下午4点前送回来。825.May I know your room number,please?请告诉我您的房号,好吗?826.Could you leave your laundry on the bed,if you are going out,sir?如果您要外出,先生,请您把送洗的衣服放在床上好吗?827.Id like this garment dry-cleaned,please.我想把这件衣服干洗一下。828.We dont have the facilities and we cannot take responsibility for any damage. 我们没有这方面的设施,而且我们对任何损坏不负责任。829.Im sorry,but we dont have the special equipment necessary.对不起,我们没有这种必备的特殊洗衣设备。830.Im sorry we couldnt help you,madam.非常抱歉,我们帮不了您。831.Do you have a mending service for clothes?你们有织补衣服服务吗?832.Im sorry,sir. We can mend a seam but not a hole.对不起先生,我们可以补裂缝,但不能补洞。833.There is a stain on this jacket,Id like it removed before its dry-cleaned.这件夹克上有污迹,我想在干洗前先去掉它。834.What kind of stain is it,sir?是哪种污迹,先生?835.I spilled some sauce on it.我把酱油洒在上面了。836.We will do our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉。837.For laundry service,please dial 101 and you will get the housekeeping.需要洗衣时,请拨101,那是客房部。838.The laundry forms and bags are in the top of the right-handed drawer of the writing table.洗衣单和洗衣袋放在写字台右手的第一个抽屉里。839.Is this for washing,madam?女士,这是要洗的衣服吗?840.Is this for dry-cleaned,sir?先生,这衣服要干洗吗?841.We have a special 4-hour laundry service. 我们有4小时特别洗衣服务。842.If you are a hurry,we have a two-hour quick service.如果您很急,我们有2个小时加急服务。843.We deliver your laundry within 4 hours at 50 extra charge.我们在4小时之内将衣服送给您,并加收50费用。844.There is an extra charge of 50 for quick service. 快洗服务要额外加收50费用。845.Im sorry,but we dont have the special equipment necessary. 对不起,我们没有所需的特种设备。846.Im afraid we couldnt remove the stain.恐怕我们无法擦掉这块污点。847.We can only do simple mending.我们只能做简单织补。848.We will refund the cost of the laundry and the new sweater.我们将退还您洗衣服的费用和毛衣钱。849.We are very sorry for the inconvenience.给您带来不便,非常抱歉。850.If you have some laundry to be washed,just leave it in the laundry bag. the laundry bag is hung behind the bathroom door.洗衣袋在浴室门的后面挂着,如果您有衣服要洗,请放在洗衣袋里,每天上午9点左右收取。851.Id like to have my overcoat dry-cleaned,my shirt and pyjamas laundered and my suit pressed.我的大衣要干洗,衬衫和睡衣要水洗,并烫一套西服。852.Im in a hurry,I have to wear it tomorrow morning.这件衣服要快件,明天早上我要穿。853.You can get your laundry back earlier,but there is an extra charge for quick service.衣服可以早些时间送回,但您要付额外的加急费。854.The collar of this woolen sweater isnt clean,please ask them to re-wash it. 这件羊毛衫领口没洗干净,请再洗一遍。855.Sorry,the cuff of your shirt was damaged when we pressed it. Well pay for it.对不起,这件衬衫的袖子烫坏了,我们会赔您的。856.We apologize for having trouble you so much.抱歉,我们给您添了许多麻烦。857.Please fill out this pressing form and I will call the laundry to get it for you.请填写这X烫衣表格,我会叫洗衣服务来收取的。858.Do you have anything to be cleaned?您有衣服要洗吗?859.Yes,I have two pairs of trousers and some other things to be washed and ironed.有的,这两条裤子要洗,还有一些要烫。860.When do you need them back?is it in a hurry?您想什么时候返回?要快洗吗?861.When can I get the laundry back?什么时候可以送回我的衣服?862.Here is the money we found in the pocket of your pants.这是我们在您交洗的裤子口袋里发现的钱。863.This coat is not mine,and there is one shirt missing.这件衣服不是我的,我还缺一件衬衣。864.Im sorry for this inconvenient. We will handle it soon. 给您带来不便真抱歉,我们会马上处理。865.There is a hole in this coat,please mend it for me.衣服上有一个洞,请代为织补一下。866.I dont think it will look nice after mending,because the hole is too big.这个洞比拟大,织补后不一定能恢复原样。867.Your coat has been mended,is it all right?您的衣服已织补好了,您看是否满意?868.Its very well done,indeed,thank you.织补得很好,谢谢。869.There is a button missing on my coat,can you sew on a button for me?我掉了一个扣子,你能帮我配一个吗?870.Its difficult to get a same one,Im afraid.配一样得,恐怕有点难。客房维修765.Good evening. Did you ring for service?what can I do for you?晚上好。您大 要求服务了吗?我能为您做些什么?766.The light in the room is too dim. Please get me a brighter one.房间的灯太暗了,请给我换一个亮点的。767.Do you mind if I move your things?您介意我挪动一下您的东西吗?768.If your need ant other things,please let us know.如果您需要其他什么东西,请与我们联系。769.Excuse me,what can I do for you,打扰了,我能为您做什么?770.I fell cold ,maybe I got a cold. 我觉得狠冷,也许我感冒了。771.Here is the a blanket,and hot water too. Anything else I can do for you?这是给您的毛毯,还有开水,您还需要我为您做点什么?772.Housekeeping,can I help you?客房部,我可以帮您吗?773.We will send someone to repair it immediately. 我们马上派人来修。774.What is your room number?请问您的房号?775.Room Maintenance,may I e in?客房维修,我可以进来吗?776.Whats the trouble with toilet?马桶怎么了?777.Let me see,the toilet is clogged. 让我看看,马桶堵了。778.Its all right now. you may try it.现在好了,您可以试试。779.The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep.水龙头的水滴了一整夜,我几乎一夜没睡。780.I will be back soon with a new part.我马上去哪一个零件回来。781.Did you call for service,sir?先生,您叫服务了吗?782.I very sorry about the noise,sir. We will check into it.对不起先生,噪音吵到您了,我们马上调查是怎么回事。783.Whats the matter,sir?怎么了,先生?784.Whats wrong with the toilet?卫生间出什么毛病了?785.Is there anything to be repaired?有哪里需要维修?786.What is the trouble?anything needs repairing?怎么了,有什么需要维修吗?787.I will fix for you. 我来修理。788.I will do it right away.我马上就为您做这事。789.I will bring it right away.我马上给您拿来。790.I will take care of it personally. 我会亲自解决这件事的。791.We will send someone up to repair it. 我们会派人去修。792.We will bring the replacement immediately. 我们马上给您换一个。793.It is hard to get a similar one.很难再找到和这一样的了。794.I am sorry,we cant fix it today.对不起,我们几天修不了。795.Would you mind changing a room?the toilet is hard to repair today.您换个房间好吗?卫生间今天修不好了。796.Let me call a repairman to do it. 我叫一个修理工来。797.The toilet is stopped up. 马桶堵住了。798.Since the water pipes are being repaired,cold water is not available from 9am to 4am. 由于水管维修,上午9点至下午4点没有冷水供给。799.Sorry for the inconvenience. We do hope you enjoy your stay here. 给您带来不便,真抱歉,真心希望您住店愉快。800.There is something wrong with the shower.喷头坏了。801.There is no water in the water closet,would you please have it repaired?马桶没有水,请修理一下好吗?802.Wait a moment,please. I will inform the Engineering Department to send someone to repair it. 请稍等,我马上通知工程部来人修理。803.Sir,the flush isnt working,I will send someone to fix it.先生,马桶不能冲了,我去找人来修理


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