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北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业1辅导答案1. Perhaps no single monument in the USA is as famous as the Statue of Liberty. Standing on aPerhaps no single monument in the USA is as famous as the Statue of Liberty. Standing on a small island in New York Harbor, the crowned lady, holding aloft(在高处)in her right hand the torch of freedom and in her left hand a tablet which is inscribed(雕刻)July 4th, 1776, is a symbol of American democracy. She is colossal. She is 151 foot high and the pedestal(基座)on which she stands is almost as much. An elevator takes visitors to the top of the pedestal, around which a balcony runs. A spiral(螺旋形)staircase goes up to the crown, and another to the torch. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France in 1886, as a mark of friendship and also in memory of the aid France gave the Americans during the American Revolution. For millions of immigrants, the Statue was their first sight of the promised Land, and for a few it was also the last, as they sailed back home again. About a mile from Liberty Island, there is another small island, called Ellis Island, which was looked up on with dread by the immigrants. For it was here that they had to wait their turn to be examined by doctors and officials. Most of the immigrants could not speak a word of English. But only two out of 100 immigrants were refused admission to New York City. Often the person refused turned out to be a grandmother or a weary, frightened girl mistakenly labeled feebleminded. Sometimes husbands and wives were parted because one of them happened to have a bad cough and was suspected of having tuberculosis(肺结核). New York City was a bitter disillusionment to some immigrants. Far from being a city paved with gold, it was a city teeming(充满)with overcrowded, unhealthy and unsafe ghettos. The immigrants looked for earlier immigrants of their own national or religion. So Italian, Polish, Irish, Jewish neighborhoods grew up. Because they could not speak English, the newcomers found it difficult to get work at once, and their living quarters were often slums. However, they found in the USA opportunities of bettering themselves. Today immigrants no longer have to endure the indignities(侮辱)of Ellis Island. The grim buildings were closed down in 1924. In 1976, Ellis Island became an historic monument.Which of the following is the best title for this passage? _AGateway to the USA.BStatue of Liberty.CEllis Island.DImmigrants of the USA.正确答案:A这题问的是全文的主题。选项B、C、D在文章中都有所提及,但都是文章中的一个部分,不能作为全文的标题。选项A中的gateway(人口,关口)却概括了它们的全部内容。2. 常见的过渡形式有( )A.过渡段B.过渡句C.关联词语D.没有任何标示参考答案:AB3. 论文的中心论点就是纲,分论点就是目。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4. What does the word pest in the second sentence of Para.1 mean?Adestructive animal.BtroWhat does the word pest in the second sentence of Para.1 mean?Adestructive animal.Btroublesome thing.Cfavorite hobby.Dattractive device.正确答案:B解析:根据第1行“a pest and a time waster”及后几行的语意可知。5. 新闻文体中,使用频率最高,使用数量最多的是( )。A.消息B.自我性C.特写D.报告文学参考答案:A6. Enids wedding dress arrived at five oclock in the evening: just seventeen hours before herEnids wedding dress arrived at five oclock in the evening: just seventeen hours before her marriage! I must try it【C1】_, mother! She cried, as she ran up stairs. Three minutes later Enids cries【C2】_her mother to her. The dress was much【C3】_big for her. It was baggy(鼓鼓囊囊的)in the front, and the neckline looked all wrong. Enid was in【C4】_. Take it back to the dressmakers, Mrs. Bale said. She must【C5】_it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go. The dressmakers shop was closed. CLOSED FOR ONE WEEKS HOLI DAY, said a【C6】_on the door. Fresh tears【C7】_to Enids eyes. She ran home again to her mother. This is【C8】_, Mrs. Bale said. But what are we going to do? Shall I ask Mrs. Peters to help? She was a dressmaker【C9】_. Im sure she could help. Mrs. Peters was brought【C10】_and began work. She could see what was【C11】_. She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was a【C12】_job. Then she altered the necklinein fact she made it【C13】_. At ten oclock the work was finished, and Enid put on the dress and found it【C14】_her beautifully. The three women were having a cup of tea【C15】_the doorbell rang. Mrs. Bale answered it and looked【C16】_the worried eyes of a plump(丰满的)young woman. The woman was carrying a large box. Does Miss Enid Bale live here? she asked【C17】_. Yes, shes my daughter. Oh, Im glad Ive【C18】_you! There has been a【C19】_. Your daughter has my wedding dress, and Ive got hers. And Im getting married tomorrow! She【C20】_out the box to Mrs. Bale.【C1】AonBwithCoutDin正确答案:Atrysthon意为“试穿”,符合题意。tryout意为“试用,试验”,try不与介词in或with搭配。因此A选项on为正确答案。7. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them. A) more than B) rathNuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them.A) more thanB) rather thanC) other thanD) better thanBrather than“而不是”;more than“比更多”;other than“不同于,除了”;better than“比好”。句意:“发展核学应该造福人类,而不是危害人类。”8. 运思中确定主题提炼的方向和类型是一个首要问题。它将制约择体、选材和理序。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. We are _ your letter 26 June and have acted on your instruction. Ain receipt of/duly BWe are _ your letter 26 June and haveacted on your instruction.Ain receipt of/dulyBacknowledgement of/immediatelyCin priority of/quicklyDin arrangement of/considerablyA10. Xi an is only a 5hour journey_ Beijing by the express train. A. awayXi an is only a 5-hour journey_ Beijing by the express train.A. awayB. inC. from参考答案C11. I have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon queI have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon questionCout of the questionDout of question正确答案:C12. 第三人称代表着有别于作者和读者的小说世界,第一人称代表作者,第二人称代表读者。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A13. 与请示互相呼应、密切相关的一种公文形式是( )。A.批复B.写作的实质就是客观事物通过作者的主观意识在恰当的文字形式中的正确反映C.命令D.决定参考答案:A14. 不是构思主要特征的是( )。A.唯一性B.断要断得有理续要续得自然C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:A15. 举例说明,用具体例子来说明事物特点、本质及其规律。所用例子必须有代表性、典型性,能体现事物的本质特征及说明的需求。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. 真实性指新闻报道与所反映的客观事实的一致程度,这是新闻的本源和生命,是新闻最重要的特征。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17. 在四种文体中,整体上更讲究技巧性的一种文体是( )。A.诗歌B.字数C.小说D.戏剧参考答案:C18. The buyers normally select the big port with more sailings, or a big port which makes them easier toThe buyers normally select the big port with more sailings, or a big port which makes them easier to send a _.vessel19. There is no ( ) for air conditioners during the winter.A、saleB、sellingC、purchaseD、buy参考答案:C20. After carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of 15th April, we must be surpriAfter carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of 15th April, we must be surprised and be disappointed _ their quality.AinBtoCatDforC21. 汉字的特点主要有哪几方面?( )A.本身有表意作用,容易引起意象B.丰富的材料与单一的立意相相结合C.一字一音,可以摹写客观声音和主观感情方面的声音D.都带声调,富于音乐性参考答案:ABCD22. How long does the bus _? A. take, takes B. takes, take C. takes, takes-How long does the bus _?A. take, takesB. takes, takeC. takes, takes参考答案A23. 一篇好的通讯,须将叙述、描写、议论、抒情等多种表达方式综合起来,灵活运用,方能生动、形象、真切地予以表现。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. 修改的主要内容包括( )。A.改换标题B.思路宽阔,旁征博引,中外逢源,古今无阻C.增删材料D.间架调整参考答案:ABCD25. Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.A. shyB. politeC. sociable参考答案C26. 听力的文本驱动模式(名词解释)参考答案:文本驱动模式常作自下而上听力模式(bottom-up rnapproach)。本模式认为听力就是一个语音解码过程。听者利用语音、词汇和句子本身的知识进行语言因素分析达到对听力材料的理解。理解是从语音、单词、句子到整个讲篇逐步理解的过程。27. They accused their government _ betraying the interests of the people. A) about B) onThey accused their government _ betraying the interests of the people.A) aboutB) onC) forD) ofD固定搭配accuse somebody of (doing) something“控告某人(做了)某事。28. “新闻文体”即新闻的体裁、样式,是新闻事实在新闻报道中呈现出的信息内容、表达特色和结构方式的整体形态。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. By the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour. Aalready waitedBy the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour.Aalready waitedBhad already waitedChave already waitedDwere already waitingB30. 调查报告的结构形式一般包括哪几个部分?( )A.导语B.醒目C.正文D.结语参考答案:BCD31. We now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AWe now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a正确答案:B32. 广告、说明书、介绍信、游览须知、内容简介及操作规程等属于日常说明文。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B33. “自我性”是散文审美表现的重心。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A34. 意见可用于上级机关对下级机关,也可以用于下级机关对上级机关,还可以用于平级机关相互行文。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A35. _ him tell a lie since we became good friends. A) I never heard B) I have heard nev_ him tell a lie since we became good friends.A) I never heardB) I have heard neverC) Never have I heardD) Never I have heardC否定副词Never位于句首,句子部分倒装,需要加完成时助动词have。36. When sugar _ enough, a black substance appears. Aheats Bis heated Cwill heat DWhen sugar _ enough, a black substance appears.AheatsBis heatedCwill heatDwill be heatedB37. _ of Mrs. White&39;s came back home yesterday. She had been in the United States for years. A_ of Mrs. Whites came back home yesterday. She had been in the United States for years.A) One daughterB) The daughterC) Her daughterD) A daughterDa daughter of Mrs. Whites双重所有格,意思为“怀特夫人的一个女儿”。38. What are procedures of amending the L/C?What are procedures of amending the L/C?(1) The seller requests that the buyer make an amendment to the credit. This can be effected by a telephone call, a fax letter, or by face-to-face negotiation. (2) If the buyer agrees, the buyer orders the issuing bank to issue the amendment. (3) The issuing bank amends the credit and notifies the advising bank of the proposed amendment. (4) The advising bank notifies the seller of the amendment. 39. 图式理论(名词解释)参考答案:所谓图式理论,是指围绕某一个主题组织起来的知识的表征和贮存方式为基础的理论。40. A dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays. A) has cost B) costs C) cost D) are costA dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays.A) has costB) costsC) costD) are costCa dozen eggs意为“一打鸡蛋”复数概念。41. I am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . toI am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . to goD. to stay. . . to go参考答案:A42. 广告的“3B”创意原则不包括( )。A.美女BeautyB.通讯C.动物BeastD.身体Body参考答案:D43. Please let us know the premium at which breakage is _ by the insurers on your side (coverable,Please let us know the premium at which breakage is _ by the insurers on your side (coverable, coverage)coverable44. Jack AndersonJack graduated from the University of Trent with aDegree in Eco nomics tJack AndersonJack graduated from the University of Trent with aDegree in Eco nomics two years agoHe would llke an academic positionWhich position is bestfor him?A.Teacher in kindergartenB.University positionC.Secretary positionD.Shop assistant正确答案:B45. 散文区分于小说,诗歌,戏剧等文体的特性是( )。A.抒情性B.谐音双关C.真实性D.跳跃性参考答案:C46. 脉络,指存在于文章内部的血脉与经络。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B47. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?No, but I really wish I _ .AwillBhaveCdidDhadC48. He met the old professor _ times on the way to school. Adozen Bdozen of CdozensHe met the old professor _ times on the way to school.AdozenBdozen ofCdozensDdozens ofD49. The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)答案:当警察发现谋杀凶器时,谜团被解开了。50. “诗歌是想象和激情的语言”这是主张诗歌的( )。A.主情说B.叙事式C.语言结构说D.灵感说参考答案:B


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