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三年级人教版英语下学期阅读理解考前专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,完成问题。This is my bedroom. This is my desk and chair. I have many toys. This is my boat. It is on my desk. I have a bus. It is under the desk. This is my doll. It is on my chair. Where is my car? Oh! It is on my bed.( )(1)I have many.( )(2)My boat is on my.( )(3)My bus ismy desk.( )(4)My doll is on my.( )(5)My car ismy bed.2. 根据短文内容判断下列各句正误。My name is Mary. I m from China. I m a new student. I have many friends in the new school. Joey is nine years old. She is from Australia. Sue is from Australia, too. But she is ten years old. Mr White is from Japan. He is my English teacher. He is funny.(1)Mary is from Australia.( )(2)Mary has many friends in the new school.( )(3)Joey and Sue are from China.( )(4)Sue is nine years old.( )(5)Mr White is my English teacher.( )3. 判断正误。与短文内容相符的写“T”,否则写“F”。John: I like hot dogs.Amy: I like French fries .Mom: OK! Here you are . Hot dogs and French fries .John,Amy: Thank you .Amy: I like bread .John: Me too.Mom: OK! Have some bread.John,Amy: Thank you .Mom.Mom: Youre welcome.1Amy likes hot dogs.( )2John likes bread.( )3They dont like French fries.( )4They have some bread.( )5Mom likes chicken.( )4. 阅读判断。Look at my new bag! I have three white erasers, sixteen blue rulers and twenty green pencils. My bag is big!( )(1)I have a new bag.( )(2)I have twelve green pencils.( )(3)I have six green rulers.( )(4)My rulers are blue.( )(5)My bag is big.5. 读短文,判断下列句子与文中的描述是否相符,相符的打(T),不相符的打(F)。Hello, Im June. Im from the USA. Im eleven. Look at my picture. This is my family.This is my father. He is tall. He likes reading books. This is my mother. She is very beatiful. I love her. We often go to the zoo. I can see many animals in the zoo. I Love animals.( )1. June is ten.( )2. Junes father likes reading books.( )3. Junes mother is tall.( )4.June loves animals.( )5.June is from UK.6. 读对话,匹配。Jack:Hi, Mike. How many toy cars do you have?Mike:I have four.Jack:How many toy bears do you have,Amy?Amy:I have seven.Jack:Hello, John! How many crayons do you have?John:I have twelve.Jack:Do you have toy boats,Sally?Sally:Yes. I have nine.Jack:I have sixteen books. A.Amy A. B.John B. C.Mike C. D.Jack D. E.Sally E.7. 根据给出内容,填写Bob在各季节的活动。Hello! Im Bo B. I fly kites in spring. But my friend Tom goes to the park. In summer we go swimming. And we play basketball in autumn. I watch TV in winter and he plays table tennis in winter.(1)in spring:(2)in summer:(3)in autumn:(4)in winter:8. 看图,回答问题。(1)Is this a zoo?(2)How many boys can you see?(3)What can you see at the gate of the zoo? (说出三种动物)9. 阅读理解。Itseightoclock.Thechildrengotoschoolbycareveryday.Buttheyarewalkingtoschooltoday.Itstenoclock.Mrs.Greenusuallystaysathomeinthemorning.Butsheisgoingtotheshopsthismorning.Itsnineoclock.Mr.Greenusuallyreadshisnewspaperatnight.Butheisreadinganinterestingbookthisevening.( )(1)Whendothechildrencometoschool?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(2)Howaretheycometoschooltoday?A.Bycar. B.Bybus. C.Walking( )(3)WhenisMrs.Greengoingtotheshops?A.At8:00. B.At10:00. C.At9:00.( )(4)WhendoesMr.Greenreadhisnewspaper?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(5)WhatisMrGreendothisevening?A.Readingabook. B.Writingaletter. C.WatchingTV10. 阅读短文,选择符合短文内容的答案,将代号填入前面的括号内。Look, this is a picture of a park. It is not black and it is not white. It is red, yellow, blue and green. Is there a lake in the park? Yes. Are there any trees and flowers there? Yes, there are many. They are so beautiful. And we can see some people, too. They are sitting near the lake. They are looking at some goldfish.( )(1)How many colours are there in the picture?A. Two B. Three. C. Four.( )(2)Is there a lake in the picture?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, it is.( )(3)There are some beautifulin the park.A. trees B. flowers C. Both A and ( )(4)Can we see any animals in the picture?A. Yes, we can. B. No, we cant C. We cant see animals.( )(5)What are some people doing? TheyreA. sitting near the tree B. sitting near the lake C. stand under the tree11. 阅读,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Hello! Im Jack. Im ten. I like dogs , cats , pandas and elephants. I like blue. My dog is black,but(但是)my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs, and milk. I dont like cake.( )(1)Jack isA.6 B.10 C.8( )(2)Jack likesA.dogs,cats,pandasandelephants.B.dogs,cats,pandasandducksC.pigs,cats,pandasandducks( )(3)Jacks dog is A.red B.blue C.black( )(4)Jacks pencil box isA.blue B.yellow C.black( )(5)Jack doesnt like (不喜欢) A.eggs B.bread C.cake12. 阅读对话,判断句子的对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。Mike and John: Happy birthday! Two cakes and many bears.Sarah: Thank you!Mike and John: How old are you?Sarah: Im eight. How many bears?Mike and John: Ten.Sarah: Lets eat cakes.Mike and John: Gteat!1Mike is ten years old.( )2Sarah is ten years old.( )3Sarah has(有)four cakes.( )4Sarah has(有)three bears.( )5Sarah, Mike and John eat the cakes together(一起).( )13. 阅读理解。读短文判断正误,对的写T,错的写F。Hello! Im Mike. Im nine years old. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is blue. My pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, hamburger(汉堡)and juice. I have a toy(玩其)bear. Its brown.1Mike is 8 years old.( )2Mike likes dogs, cats, pandas and elephants.( )3Mike has(有)a green toy bear.( )4Mikes bag and eraser are blue.( )5Mike likes hamburger and juice.( )14. 阅读理解。There are many nice people at my school. Let me introduce one of them to you. This is my best friend Lisa. She is our monitor. She is polite and helpful. She helps her classmates with their homework. She turns off the lights every day after school. Lisa likes reading. She is also a student librarian. She works in our library every Monday to Wednesday. She puts down the books and tidies up the bookshelves. She likes talking with others, too. Some students may need help. Lisa takes care of them.(1)What does Lisa do everyday?( )A. turns off the lights B. sweep the floor C.tidies up the bookshelves(2)How do you think about Lisa?( )A. She is polite and helpful. B. She is lazy. C. She is hardworking.(3)When does Lisa work in the library?( )A. every day B. after school C. every Monday to Wednesday15. 阅读判断,用“正确”或“错误”表示。This is my classroom. It is not small. The windows are clean. There are many pictures in the classroom. We clean the door every day. I come to the classroom early in the morning. I do my homework in the classroom in the afternoon. I like my classroom.( )(1)The classroom is big.( )(2)There are many pictures in it.( )(3)The door is dirty.( )(4)I do the homework in the morning.( )(5)I dont like my classroom.16. 根据图片中的人物位置,回答下列问题。(1)Who is on the left of Ann?(2)Who is on the right of Ann.(3)Who is on the left of Tom?(4)Who is on the right of Lily?17. 读短文,判断正()误()。We have two new friends. The girl is Amy. She is nine years old. She is from the UK. She is short. She is pretty. She has big eyes. The boy is Zhang Peng. He is ten. He is from China. He is tall. Hes not thin. He has big eyes, too. We like Amy and Zhang Peng. We help each other.1We have two new friends, Amy and Wu Yifan.(_)2Amy is from the UK.(_)3Amy has big ears.(_)4Zhang Peng is thin.(_)5Zhang Peng has big eyes.(_)18. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is my new friend, Lily. She is a girl. She is 10 years old.She is from Canada. She is a good student.1I have a new.( )A.teacher B.friend2Lily is from.( )A.China B.Canada3Lily isyears old.( )A.ten B.nine4Lily is a good. ( )A.student B.teacher5My friend is a. ( )A.boy B.girl19. 按所给的价目表算出每人各需多少钱。Zoom: Hello, can I have some bread and juice?John: Can I have some rice, fish, and an egg,please?Chen Jie: Id like some milk, bread and 2 eggs.Amy: Can I have some milk and a cake?Sarah: Can I have some fish, rice and water?Zoom:( )¥John:( )¥Chen Jie:( )¥Amy:( )¥Sarah:( )¥20. 阅读短文,判断正误。Sam has got a bike. He goes to school by bike. Amy hasnt got a bike. Her father has got a car. She goes to school in her fathers car. Daming hasnt got a bike. He goes to school by bus.( )(1)Sam goes to school by bike.( )(2)Amy has got a bike.( )(3)Amy goes to school by car.( )(4)Daming has got a bike.( )(5)Daming goes to school by bus.21. 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。Im Likngling. I have got a new bike. Its a nice bike. I go to school by bike every day. My mother is a teacher. Her school is near our home. So she walks to work. My father is a doctor. He goes to work by car.( )(1)Lingling goes to school by bus.( )(2)Linglings mother walks to work.( )(3)Linglings father is a teacher, too.( )(4)Linglings father goes to work by car.9 / 9


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