(柳州专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第四篇 教材过关篇 课时14 Modules 1-2(九上)习题

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(柳州专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第四篇 教材过关篇 课时14 Modules 1-2(九上)习题_第1页
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(柳州专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第四篇 教材过关篇 课时14 Modules 1-2(九上)习题_第3页
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课时14Modules1-2(九上)课时训练限时:30分钟.单项选择1.You can improve your English reading more.A. inB. withC. by2.Shall we go shopping now?Sorry, I cant. I my shirts.A.washB.washesC.am washing3.My boss is waiting for the report, so I cant leave here I finish it.A.sinceB.untilC.though 4.Theres one taken by the River Seine these photos. Can you find it out?A.exceptB.amongC.between 5.David never copies others homework, ?A.does he B.doesnt heC.isnt he 6.Ill go to visit my aunt in England the summer holidays start.A.sinceB.untilC.as soon as7.Would you liketo eat?Yes, please.A.anything delicious B.delicious anything C.something delicious 8.Well have a holiday next month.A.five-daysB.five-dayC.five days9.Can you hear someone in the classroom? Who is it?Yes. It is Mary.A.singB.singsC.singing10.Mum, Im going to school now. See you., Mary.A.Here we goB.Wait a moment C.Have a nice day.完形填空Probably you have seen photos of the Grand Canyon. But you must go there1 to feel its size and beauty. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest2 wonders of the world. The Colorado River made the Grand Canyon over3 years. Slowly, the river cut down4hard rocks. At the same time, the land was5. Today the canyon is very deep. Its also very6, about 20 kilometres. And7 its height, there are different kinds of plants and animals on both sides of the canyon. The canyon looks different at different times of the day, and8 different seasons and weather. At sunrise, the red, gold, brown and orange colours of the rocks are9 clear and bright. Whether you see the Grand Canyon from the top or the bottom, it will be a(n)10 that you will never forget. 1.A.youB.yourC.yourself2.A.natural B.modernC.ancient 3.A.million ofB.thousand of C.millions of 4.A.along B.through C.across 5.A.falling B.rising C.raising6.A.long B.deep C.wide7.A.as a resultB.because of C.thanks to 8.A.in B.on C.at 9.A.especiallyB.friendlyC.hardly 10.A.interviewB.trip C.experience.阅读理解Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it. Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with the above sentences. 1. They need hundreds of hours to study and practise, and that will not mean every adult language learner can be successful.2. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. However, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields. 3. For example, read as much as you can in the new language; practise speaking the language every day; live with people who speak the language you want to learn; dont translatetry to think in the new language; learn as a child would learnplay with language and so on.4. Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. First of all, successful language learners are independent(独立的)learners. Secondly, successful language learning is active learning. 5.What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.根据短文内容,从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A.Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose(目的).B.For them, learning a language is a very difficult task.C.But what does a successful language learner do?D.People learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.E.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.F.Children must learn how to learn at school.G.Language teachers often offer advice to language learners.口语运用根据对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。Lisa: Hey, Jane. 1.Jane: Really?Lisa: Yeah, its a dancing party.Jane: 2.Lisa: Do you want to go with me?Jane: Can I? I dont really know Susan. Lisa: 3. She said I could invite a friend.Jane: OK, then, Id love to go. 4.Lisa: On Saturday night.Jane: Wow, thats the day after tomorrow! I need to get a new dress.Lisa: 5. Theres a clothes shop near here. Lets go there after work.Jane: Sounds good!A.Me, too.B.My friend Susan is having a party this weekend.C.Of course you can.D.What a shame!E.Sounds like fun.F.When exactly is it?.综合填空A.单词拼写1.I (想知道) whether my mum will come back tomorrow or not.2.Look!Miss Wang is standing (在之中) the students.3.Eating (玉米) is good for us.4.The summer holiday is coming and the Whites are going to Hainan for the (假期).5.Wednesday is the (第四) day of the week.B.选词填空(根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。)themswimfullworldeasyIt is always very cold in Antarctic(南极洲). People have never lived there for long because it is too cold. There are scientists, but 6. only stay for a few months. In Antarctic, animals and plants cant live 7. on the land, but the sea is full of living things. Many different kinds of penguins(企鹅) and seals(海豹) live there all year. They spend most of their lives 8. in the freezing Antarctic water. The sea provides lots of food for them because it is 9. of fish and sea life. The largest seals in the 10. live in Antarctic. Theyre called elephant seals.连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1.school trip, a, only, have, once a year, we(我们每年只有一次学校旅行。)2.thinking about, Im, in Hainan, taking a vacation(我正在考虑去海南度假。)3.we, ten, to, count down, from, always, zero(我们总是倒计时,从十数到零。)4.so, hope, can, keep, join us, and, that, studying, I, you, one day(所以继续学习吧,我希望有一天你可以加入到我们的行列中来。)5.we, some time, can, our, spend, favourite, doing, things(我们可以花一些时间做我们最喜欢的事情。)参考答案.1.C解析 by意为“通过,用方式”。2.C解析 由问句句意“现在我们去购物吗?”及答语“Sorry, I cant.” 可知,要用现在进行时态。3.B4.B5.A解析 考查反意疑问句。由前面“never”一词可知,该句表示否定,所以附加疑问部分应用肯定形式。故选A。6.C7.C解析 在请求建议的问句中,用something;形容词修饰不定代词要后置。故选C。8.B解析 空格处的单词在名词之前作定语,分析所给的四个选项可知要用复合形容词,复合形容词由“数词-名词”构成,其中的名词必须用单数。故选B。9.C解析 hear sb. do sth.意为“听到某人做某事”,强调整个过程;hear sb. doing sth.意为“听到某人正在做某事”。由语境可知选C。10.C.1.C解析 句意: 但是你必须亲自去那儿感受它的规模和美丽。反身代词可以用作主语的同位语, 表示强调。故选C。2.A解析句意: 大峡谷是最伟大的世界自然奇观之一。natural意为“自然的”; modern意为“现代的”; ancient意为“古代的”。故选A。3.C解析 million, thousand等前无具体数字修饰时, 后面加“-s”和of。故选C。4.B解析 河流切穿岩石, 从内部穿过, 使用介词through。故选B。5.B解析 句意: 同时, 陆地正在升起。故选B。6.C解析 根据上下文可知, 此处表示“大峡谷也很宽”。wide意为“宽的”, 故选C。7.B解析 句意: 因为它的高度, 峡谷两侧有不同种类的植物和动物。as a result意为“结果”; because of意为“因为”; thanks to意为“多亏”。故选B。8.A解析 in different seasons意为“在不同的季节”。故选A。9.A解析 句意: 日出时, 红色、金色、棕色和橙色的岩石的颜色特别清晰、明亮。especially意为“特别”; friendly意为“友好的”; hardly意为“几乎不”。故选A。10.C解析 interview意为“面试;采访”; trip意为“旅行”; experience意为“经历”。句意: 不管你是从大峡谷的顶部还是底部观看, 它都将是你永远不会忘记的经历。故选C。.15BEGCA.15BECFA.A.1.wonder2.among3.corn4.vacation5.fourthB.6.they7.easily8.swimming9.full10.world.1.We have a school trip only once a year.2.Im thinking about taking a vacation in Hainan.3.We always count down from ten to zero.4.So keep studying, and I hope that you can join us one day.5.We can spend some time doing our favourite things.6


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