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Unit 2This morning we took a walk. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子中的单词1. We arrived at the airport at 3 oclock. 2. The shop sold many school things last year.3. A bird is singing at the top of the tree. 4. It is Sunday today. Hes lying on the sofa and relaxing himself. 5. The kings lived in the palace(宫殿) several hundred years ago. 6. I can speak a little English but I cant speak French(法语)7. When did Thomas Edison invent the light(电灯)?8. The Great Wall is worldfamous(举世闻名的) and thousands of people come to visit it. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Could you please take the tourist(s)(tour) to the hotel? 2. Im looking forward to seeing some great works(work) in the museum. 3. The Eiffel Tower is really(real) high. 4. What did you do last Sunday afternoon? I did some shopping(shop) with my parents. 5. It was a wonderful(wonder) trip and we enjoyed ourselves.6. We often have dinner in a French(France) restaurant with our friends. 根据句意在句中填上恰当的介词或副词1. Did the foreign guests arrive by plane? Yes, and we met them at the airport. 2. Where did you go the day before yesterday?3. When did you begin the tour of the city?4. In the museum,there are many worldfamous works of art. 5. There are so many people. Lets wait in line to get on the bus. 6. It was dark because all the lights werent on. 7. What do you want to buy for your mother? A nice scarf(围巾). 单项选择(D) 1. Did you enjoy _ at the beach last weekend?A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself(A) 2. Hello! Im very glad to see you. When _ you _ here?A. did; arrive B. will; arrive C. will; arrive in D. did; arrive in(C) 3. Yesterday we were free, _ we went to the zoo. A. but B. orC. so D. however(B) 4. We waited _ the rain stopped.A. when B. tillC. while D. so(D) 5. In summer, we often go to Yunnan _ ourselves.A. relax B. relaxedC. relaxing D. to relax(A) 6. I never saw _ beautiful picture before.A. such a B. so aC. a such D. a so. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1. 这些游客是前天乘飞机到达的。The tourists arrived by plane the day before yesterday. 2. 首先,我们必须知道一些规则。First of all,_we have to know some rules. 3. 人们很开心买到如此新鲜的水果和蔬菜。People were happy to buy such fresh fruit and vegetables. 4. 由于有了网上购物,人们不必再排队购物。Thanks to online shopping, people dont need to wait in line to buy things. 5. 他们在山顶一直等到太阳升了起来。At the top of the mountain, they waited till/until the sun rose. 语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入括号中单词的正确形式。I couldnt wait to go to Europe to see some cities I _1_(real) wanted to visit. It was great because I could choose what I enjoyed _2_(do) in each city. The train trip was fast and the views of the countryside were _3_(interest). Now I was in Salzburg, Austria. The quiet hills of Austria are great places _4_(relax). We saw the movie The Sound of Music. Mozart, the famous _5_(music), was born in Austria. I listened to some of his classical music. The train ride to Amsterdam was a long one. Amsterdam is a fun city, full of _6_(friend) locals and many tourists. I spent the whole day _7_(visit) the art museums there. The museum about the famous Dutch artist Van Gogh is filled with history and beautiful art. I took a boat ride and saw local people in _8_(tradition) dresses. I even got to taste some delicious Dutch cheese. Copenhagen, Denmark, is one of the safest _9_(place) in the world. I spent a busy and nice day at the Tivoli Amusement Park. It is a huge park which even has concerts and dance shows. Hans Christian Andersen, a famous writer of _10_(child) books, was born in this city. I found a lovely bookshop and bought two of his fairy tale books, The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling. What an interesting trip it is! I love it. 1. really2. doing3. interesting4. to_relax5. musician6. friendly7. visiting8. traditional9. places10. childrens. 完形填空(2019江西南昌市十九中期末)To go to the USA was my dream when I was a middle school student in Japan. I wanted to study _1_, and I wanted to see what I could do by myself in a very different country.I came here this June. When I first came here, I was very _2_. There are many differences between Japan and _3_. Japan is a very little country, but the USA is very large. I felt everything was _4_ here. There are different kinds of people here. I felt it was very interesting.I was also very stressed out because _5_ is in English. I heard English everywhere. When I watched TV, went shopping, or even took a walk, I _6_ only English. Everything was very hard for me _7_ I couldnt understand English at all then. Now I can understand much when I hear English, so its getting _8_.After I came here, I knew how much I _9_ my family, how difficult it is to live by myself, how exciting it is to live in another country, and how important it is to do _10_ I want to do. Ill never forget the time in the USA.(C) 1. A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. English D. French(A) 2. A. surprised B. happyC. excited D. busy(B) 3. A. Japan B. AmericaC. Canada D. England(D) 4. A. small B. cheapC. bad D. big(A) 5. A. everything B. anythingC. nothing D. something(B) 6. A. listened to B. heardC. saw D. looked at(C) 7. A. so B. whyC. because D. if (D) 8. A. good B. badC. worse D. better(A) 9. A. love B. hateC. take D. have(D) 10. A. this B. thatC. who D. what. 阅读理解(2019云南昆明中考)Alan Smith is blind(盲的). He teaches blind children in his country. To show the world that the blind can also do something amazing(令人惊奇的), he walked across the worlds largest salt desert, Salar de Uyuni, only with the help of a GPS.Walking across the desert is not easy for an ablebodied person, let alone(更不用说) a blind man. Before setting_off,_Alan spent three years training for the journey. He studied everything he could find about the place and asked for advice from other travelers. During his journey, he only took water, food and sleeping bags. He walked about 20 kilometers a day. He showed great perseverance(毅力) and finished the 140kilometer journey in just seven days. The brave teacher thought his weeklong journey was wonderful. He said, “The journey was quite good. There were snow storms and winds, but luckily I made it.”(D) 1. Why did Alan cross the desert on foot?A. To tell children a story.B. To have a wonderful journey.C. To take a risk for money.D. To show the ability of the blind.(B) 2. The underlined phrase “setting off” in the second paragraph probably means _.A. preparing a journeyB. starting a journeyC. breaking a journeyD. finishing a journey(A) 3. What did Alan do during the journey?A. He overcame all of the difficulties. B. He asked for advice from other travelers. C. He walked with an experienced tour guide.D. He studied something useful about the place.(B) 4. How long did Alans journey take? A. 140 days.B. One week.C. 20 months.D. 3 years. (C) 5. Which of the following can best describe Alans journey?A. It is a piece of cake.B. It is between a rock and a hard place. C. Nothing is impossible.D. Learning should be a lifelong journey.


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