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英语面试自我介绍A类:B: May I come in?我可以进来吗?A: Yes, please.请进。B: How are you doing, Sir? My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。B: Nice to see you, Mr.Wu.非常高兴见到你,吴先生。A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challengeand work well in high-stress environments.我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。A: So why did you choose our company?B: As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what Ive learned.A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that?有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何?B: Thats all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime?没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗?A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. Its not unusual.这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。A: What are your salary expectations?你期望多少薪水?B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.在讨论薪水前.我需要更多了解这份工作.或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少.A: 3000, with raises after the half yearaccording to your competence.起薪是每月3000元。半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。B: Well, I think its acceptable and I really like the job.我觉得可以接受。我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢?A: Do you have any other questions?我们会在7月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗?B: No. Thank you for the time.没有了。谢谢你的宝贵时间。A: Well, thats all for the interview. Thank you for your interest in this job.好了,面试到此结束,非常感谢你来面试这份工作。B: You are welcome. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me.不用谢。也非常感谢你在百忙中抽出时间来面试我。A: Goodbye.再见。B: Goodbye. 再见。B类A: Good morning, Im XXX. Please take a seat.B: Good morning, Im XXX. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you. To start with, can you tell me why you are interested in working for our company?B: First, as far as I know, your company has an impressive growth record. Second, I think my major and my past experience qualify me for the job. A: I see. Which university did you graduate from? And what is your major?B: I graduated from Peking University and my major is marketing.A: Which company do you work for now?B: BTC. A: And what is your chief responsibility there?B: Im in charge of marketing activities in East Asia, for example, organizing trading conferences and arranging exhibitions.1、 寒暄工作B: Whats your job now, XXX? Do you still work for that wholly funded American company?A: No, I left it three years ago. I have my own business now.B: Thats great! How do you feel as a self-employed entrepreneur ?A: I feel good. I can make a lot more money than before and I have a lot of independence in doing things. But, sometimes I get tired. As you know, its not very easy to run a business on your own. What about you, XXX? What are you doing now?B: Ive worked for several companies. After graduation, I went to a private company. Then a year later, I changed to a Sino-Japanese joint-venture enterprise and worked as a sales assistant. Two years later, I moved on to a computer company and worked in export sales. And now, Im an advertising executive.A: Oh, you are a real job-hopper. Why have you changed jobs so often?B: Im always interested in new challenges. I know changing jobs frequently can be a waste of a companys human resources, but Im gaining a lot of experience!2、 商务电话A类(订单者)A: Hello, International Sales.B: Hello, this is xxxx here, calling from England.A: Yes, Miss. xxx, who do you want to speak to ?B: Id like to speak to Mr. Wu.A: Fine. Hold the line, please. Im connecting you now. (connected)A: Hello. Mr. Wus office. Whos calling please?B: This is xxxx calling from England. Can I have a word with Mr.Wu?A: Im afraid Mr. Wu isnt available. Hes gone to Hong Kong on business for a few days.B: When do you expect him back?A: Hell be back on Friday afternoon. Is it urgent?B: Yes.A: Can I take a message for him?B: Yes, please. Will you tell him that weve just received your sample of the new assembly coffee table and are quite happy with it?A: Sure. Its very kind of you to say so. Can we expect an order from you?B: Thats why Im making the call. Please tell Mr. Wu were quite happy with the quality and design of the table, but the price is too high. We need some negotiation on it.A: OK, Miss. xxxx. Anything else ?B: One more thing. Please inform Mr. Wu that I wont be able to get to your company that early this Saturday because of the rail strike. Itll probably be afternoon before I arrive.A: No problem, Ill give him the message.B: Thanks.A: Youre welcome. Goodbye.B类(开头)A: Good afternoon, this is DNM. How can I help you?B: Good afternoon. Id like to speak to Mr. Miller, please.A: Mr. Miller? Hold on, please. Ill connect you.(connected)A: Mr. Miller speaking. Whos calling please?B: This is Ms. Mandel from BCM. Is this Henry Miller?3、 商务会议A类(请教如何开会)M: George, could you help me plan this meeting? I dont have much experience planning meetings and youve been with the company for a long time. So G: What kind of meeting is it going to be? M: Were going to have a meeting with some new clients and try to get them to buy our new line of sportswear. G: Well, that sounds easy. The first thing we need to do is to create an agenda for the meeting and then give copies of it to everyone who is going to be attending. M: No problem, I have a list of all the people right here. The boss says that he wants the people from the sales department to give a short presentation. G: OK, but we should let them know as soon as possible. Ask them how long they will need for their presentations. Also, we should ask them if they are going to need anything special for the meeting, like a projector. Is the boss going to make a presentation, too?M: Yes, he wants to tell the clients about the history of our company. G: OK, lets write the agenda. Its this Friday, the 1st of December. The first thing on the agenda should be to introduce everyone to each other. Then the boss gives them the information about our company. M: I think we should let the design people talk before the sales people, so that they can explain the products first. G: Thats a good idea. If they dont and the meeting is over more quickly than expected, you could give the clients a tour of the office. I think that would really impress the boss. M: Hey, this agenda looks good. Ill go make copies for everyone. G: Oh, one last thing, dont forget to dress up for the meeting. M: I know. Thanks for all of your help.B类(两人会议)B:Good afternoon! I appreciate you being here for this simple meeting. Leon has asked you to join us to talk about the problem. Youve all read the news report and the letter, so lets get on with the discussion and try to solve the problem before it gets worse. Now, Amy, what do you think t? 4、 商务旅行A类(过海关)A: Good afternoon. May I see your passport, please?B: Of course. Here you are.A: Thank you. Whats the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure?B: Business.A: I see. How long will you be staying in our country?B: About a week.A: Is this all your luggage?B: Yes, thats all my luggage, one suitcase and one bag.A: Do you have anything to declare?B: I guess not. I mean Im not quite sure about it. You see, this is my first timeA: I see. Well, would you mind opening your suitcase?B: Oh, not at all.A: Thanks. Whats inside the bag?B: Thats my laptop computer. Do I have to pay duty on it?A: No, its duty-free.B: Good. And thanks for the information.A: All right. Heres your passport.B: Is that all the customs formalities?A: Yes. Youre through now. Have a pleasant stay.B: Thanks a lot.B类(订机票)A: Good morning .The United Airlines .What can I do for you?B: Yes, Id like to make a reservation to Boston next week.A: When do you want to fly?B: Monday, September 1.A: We have Flight 802 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether therere seats available. Im sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.B: Then, any alternatives?A: The next available flight leaves at 9:00 Tuesday morning September 2. Shall I book you a seat?B: Err.it is a direct flight, isnt it?A: Yes it is .You want to go first class or coach?B: I prefer first class. What the fare?A: One way is $200.B: Ok, I will take the 9:00 flight on Tuesday.A: A seat on Flight 801 to Boston 9:00 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir?B: Right. A: May I have your name & telephone number?B: My name is XXX , you can reach me at 12345678.A: I will notify you if there is cancellation.B: Thank you very much.A: My pleasure.C类(订酒店)A : Advance ReservationsCan I help you?B : Yes, Id like to book a room.A : Sure, we have different type of rooms, which would you like to choose?B : Im not very certain ,could you give me a brief introduction, please?A :Ok, our hotel provides standard single room and double room, accordingly, we also have special treatment for VIP.B :Thank you, I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 floor. Well, I need the personnel in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive there. Is that ok?A :Ok, sir, I already taken some notes about your requirements. Now let me check the room on my computer. Well, one standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window, anything else?B : Thanks, how much does it cost?A :That is 580 RMBA :When will you arrive at our hotel, sir?B :Around 15 to 3 P.M.A :OK. Its a great honor for us to serve for you and we are all waiting for your arrival.B : Thank you very much! Bye!D类(酒店Check in)A: Good morning. Welcome to Beijing hotel. May I help you? B: Good morning. Id like to check in. A: Do you have a reservation? B: Yes, I booked a double room for two nights. A: May I have your name, Sir? B: Sure, its Mr. Black.A: OK. Hold on please. You have a reservation for 2 nights, Mr. Black. If you are sure to stay tonight, I will help you to identify and make the registration. B: OK. Please. A: Please wait a minute. Could you sign the register? The registration number and your signature. B: OK. Here you are. A: Thank you. Here is your key, and youll be Room 714. And do you need help with your bags? B: Yes. My luggage is too heavy. I need help. Thank you. A: OK. I will get the porter to take your luggage. There is an elevator on your right. When you get off, go to your left, and your room will be right there, room 714. Enjoy your stay. B: Thank you. E类(酒店Check out) D: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, Id like to check out. D: May I have you name and your room number, please? B: Mr. Black in room 714. D: Hold on please. Okay, Mr. Black, its 200 dollars. How would you like to pay? B: On my Visa card. Do you need the card? D: No, we have your number on our computer. Let me print out the receipt for you. Here is your bill. a double room for tow nights at 200 dollars. If everything is okay, would you sign here please? B: Uhwhat is this charge for? D: let me seeI am sorry .That is my fault. This is the room service you asked for. B: Oh, thats right. Here you go. D: Thank you for staying at Beijing Hotel. I hope you will come to our hotel again. Would you like me to call a taxi for you? B: Yes. Id appreciate it. D: You have a nice day! B: Thanks, you too. F类(酒店投诉)G; May I speak to the hotel manager please?M: Hi, this is Benny Smith, the manager of Beijing hotel. How can I help you?G: Hi. My name is Lisa Wang. I would like to file a complaint of the poor service of your hotel. This is my first time to stay in Hotel and it will be my last one too.M: I am sorry to hear that. Could you tell me exactly what it is all about?G: When I checked in yesterday, the two girls at the front desk were quite rude. They were chatting with each other. And when I asked about some information of the local sceneries, they just threw a pamphlet at the desk and went on their chatting. That is very unprofessional.M: Mrs. Wang, I apologize for what had happened. I will look into it and give you a reply as soon as possible.G: Thank you for your attention in this matter .I really appreciate that.M: Gould you give me a number that I can reach you?G:123-456-789M: Ok. Mrs. Wang, thank you so much for calling. I sincerely ask you to come back to our hotel again and I promise you that what had happened to you yesterday will not repeat. Have a good day! Bye!G: Bye!5、 产品订购Seller: Hello. Jason Office products. What can I do for you?Caller: Im calling about office furniture and equipment. S: Could you tell me what you need? C: Well, I think we need 2 filing cabinets with locks that are suitable for files with large pages. Is that type of cabinet available?S: Yes, We have 3 kinds of those cabinets available right now, two with three drawers and on with 4 drawers. C: I prefer the one with four drawers. It will hold more files, right?S: Yes, but it takes up more room. Its 54-and-a-half inches high and 16 inches wide. C: Thats fine. Hmm, I need to know how deep each drawer is. S: 39 inches.C: Whats the unit price? S: It has been selling for a 20% discount since yesterday. Its only $748 now. C: Its still expensive.S: Yes, its not cheap, but Im sure its the best cabinet youll find in town. Its all steel and the guarantee period is 18 months. C: Well, that sounds like what I want. Ill drop in this afternoon. Thank you.S: My pleasure.


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