初中英语阅读拓展 名人励志演讲 为成功做好准备素材

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为成功做好准备Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, members of the university, graduates, ladies and gentlemen. As I look around this hall full of happy, proud faces, filled with enthusiasm and hope for the future, I am struck by the rich possibilities that await you. You have been educated in one of Australias and the worlds top universities, in the peaceful and beautiful environment of Canberra. You have studied with some of the most talented students and teachers you could find anywhere. You have been exposed to a kaleidoscope of cultural influences and you have achieved academic excellence.尊敬的校长,副校长,各位教职员工,全体毕业生们,女士们,先生们,你们好!环顾大厅四周,我看到一张张洋溢着幸福和自豪的脸庞,你们富有激情,对未来满怀希望,我为你们的大好前途感到惊叹不已。在宁静而美丽的首都堪培拉,你们在澳大利亚乃至世界上一流的大学接受了教育。在这儿,你们同世界上最出色的学生为伴,得到最博学的教师的谆谆教导。遨游在多种文化交织的海洋里,你们在学术上取得了卓越的成就。Leaving the global financial crisis aside for a moment, surely this is one of the best positions from which to start living the rest of your life. Hopefully you will all be happy and successful and live long fulfilling lives. So while you are celebrating your achievements today, lets take a moment to pause and reflect on what makes some people successful while others, with similar or greater talent and resources, founder.暂且抛开全球金融危机不谈,毋庸置疑,从这所大学毕业将成为你们今后美好生活的起点。我希望,你们所有人都能拥有幸福而成功的人生,能实现自己的人生价值。因此,在你们庆祝自己所取得的成就时,让我们暂停下来反思一个问题:拥有同样甚至更加卓越的才智和资源,为什么一些人成功而另一些人却失败呢?Over my career, I have had the privilege to work with some astounding people. People like Paul Keating who left school at barely 15 years of age, yet went to become one of Australias most visionary and far sighted prime ministers. As an executive coach, I am working with highly motivated, successful corporate leaders. Yet often I find myself helping them to work out what is missing in their lives and what to do about it.在我的职业生涯中,我非常有幸曾和一些杰出的人一起工作,比如保罗基廷。他不到15岁就离开了学校,然后后来却成为澳大利亚最具远见卓识的总理之一。作为一名高级主管指导员,我经常和富有活力且非常成功的公司领导人一起共事。然而,我发现自己经常帮他们寻找生活中迷失的东西,并帮助他们弥补。So what exactly is a successful life? How do you define it? Does being successful require you to amass material possessions or to wield great power? Must you be famous, or even become a celebrity? Perhaps its more about being devoted to serving others less fortunate than you or enjoying a life with family and friends, or living sustainably and leaving a legacy, such as world peace.那么,成功的人生究竟是什么样的?该如何定义成功?成功的人生是否意味着积累物质财富或是能够行使大权?是否意味着你要非常出色,甚至成为名人?也许成功的人生更意味着帮助比你不幸的人,和家人及朋友一起享受生活、和睦相处,或是为子孙后代留下遗产,比如世界和平。Trying to answer this question drew me to the innovative TED website earlier this year. TED (standing for technology, entertainment and design) is a small non-profit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading. They do this through their website and annual US and UK conferences where they bring together the worlds most fascinating thinkers and doers.在寻觅何谓成功人生时,我想到了年初见到的创新型网站TED。TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是一家小型非盈利机构,该机构通过他们的网站和美英年度会议致力于有价值的思想的传播。美英年度会议,即TED大会,会议云集世界上最杰出的思想家和实干家。This is where I found a very appealing definition of success, which was used by a well-known American basketball coach called John Wooden. He defines true success as peace of mind through knowing that you have made the effort to do the best of which you are capable. This is appealing because it means that anyone from anywhere can live a successful life with a bit of hard work and self-belief. He also argues that you should never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. And that is a great piece of advice.有一位著名的美国篮球教练约翰伍顿曾给成功下了一个很有感染力的定义。他认为,真正的成功是竭尽全力做好自己力所能及的事情从而达到内心的平和。这个定义很有感染力,因为这意味着,无论任何人,不管来自哪里,只要努力并且充满自信,就能拥有成功的人生。他还说,永远不要让无法做成的事情影响到你能做到的事情。这可是一个很好的建议。Once we have defined our idea of success, the experts tell us that we should set some goals and then work out the actions or steps needed to reach them. Analyst Richard St John, speaker at the Big Ideas forum several years ago, did this by asking 500 other participants -who ranged from Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch to Goldie Hawn and Al Gore-to tell him what was their secrets of success. From these interviews, he came up with this list of eight steps:一旦我们对成功有所定义,专家们就会告诉我们要建立目标,并采取相应的措施达成目标。几年前曾在伟大思想论坛演讲的分析家理查德圣约翰就曾做了一项关于成功的秘诀的调查。这项调查采访了500人,包括比尔盖茨、鲁伯特默多克(传媒大亨),还有歌蒂韩以及阿尔戈尔(前美国副总统)。通过这些调查,他总结出了成功的八个步骤:Step 1 passion-find something that you are passionate about that you would do for love, not money, and the dollars will follow.第一步:激情。寻找你所热爱的工作,这样,工作就是出于热爱而不是为了金钱。金钱也会随之而来。Step 2 work-there is no substitute for hard work but if you love the work you do, then its not so hard. You become a workaholic.第二步:工作。工作的辛苦是无法避免的,但是如果你热爱自己的工作,自然就不会觉得很辛苦。你也会变成“工作狂”Step 3 good-be very good at something. Practice, practice, practice until you are perfect.第三步:专长。一定要在某一方面十分突出。练习,练习,不断练习直到非常熟练为止。Step 4 focus-on one thing so that all your energy and effort pour in one direction.第四步:专注。锁定一个目标,并为之投入全部精力和努力。Step 5 push-push yourself through shyness, self-doubt, and negative thoughts. And if this is too hard, he says, call your mother and she will do it for you.第五步:鞭策。努力让自己摆脱害羞、自我怀疑和消极思想的困扰。如果做不到这点,那就告诉你的母亲,她会帮助你。Step 6 serve-find some way to serve others. Millionaires do this by providing something of value to others willing to pay for it.第六步:服务。寻找为别人服务的机会。百万富翁为别人提供有价值的服务,而那些人也愿意为之偿付金钱。Step 7 ideas-look for ways to keep generating new ideas and act on the best of them.第七步:思想。不断让自己迸发新思想,并将其中最好的付诸行动。Step 8 persist-never give up no matter what is thrown at you.第八步:坚持。不管有多艰难,永远不言放弃。I dont know about you, but I love lists. You cant beat them as an organizational tool for getting things done. So when I first read Richards list, I thought that it looked like a great guide to action. But on closer scrutiny, I wasnt so sure. This was because, despite a few periods of great sadness, life has been very good to me and I know that I have experienced success in many parts of it.我不知道你们是否喜欢罗列清单,但我非常喜欢这样做。罗列清单能帮我们把事情做得井井有条,这一点毋庸置疑。所以当我第一次读到理查德的“成功八部曲”时,我就觉得这是行动的伟大向导。但细细品味,我又对此产生了怀疑。因为,虽然经历过一些痛苦,但我的生活依然很好,我在很多方面也获得了成功。Yet when I looked more closely at Richards list, I realized that I had skipped over some of his most important steps. For example, I am passionate about far too many things to concentrate on just one-be it politics and leadership, economic history, public policy, mentoring, rainforests and gardens, community and family-I could go on. Clearly I seem to lack focus! In fact, my whole career has been a bit of a random walk.然而,当我更加仔细品读理查德的“成功八部曲”时,我发现自己忽略了一些最重要的步骤。例如,我热爱太多的事情,并没有专注于一件事情我涉足过政界、做过领导,研究过经济史和社会政策,从事过教育,关注过雨林和园艺,还对社区和家庭感兴趣等待。显然,我缺乏专注。事实上,我的职业生涯有点像漫步。I started spruiking Australian wine at the New York food fair, before becoming a secretary in Washington because the World Bank did not recognize my ANU degree and I needed a job. Then I morphed from an economic policy wonk at the Commonwealth Treasury, to being a senior advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia, in charge of government business and multiculturalism.在华盛顿做秘书前,我在纽约食品市场推销过澳洲酒,因为当时世界银行不认可我在澳大利亚国立大学获得的学位,而我需要一份工作。后来,我从联邦财政部的经济政策专家转而成为澳大利亚总理的调理顾问,主要负责政府工作和多元文化研究。This wandering path led me into the private sector where I moved from advising companies on how to deal effectively with governments, to running a $10 billion business in superannuation. And how I oscillate between being a non-executive director and an executive coach. As you see, my career has no clear direction, no single expertise and no sole passion. But I have pursued my own path and loved every minute of it.经过这些曲折,我辞去了在咨询公司向人们讲解如何有效地与政府沟通的工作,转而步入私营企业,用退休金经营了一个有100亿美元注册资金的公司。现在,至于是做公司的非执行董事,还是做一名行政人员教练,我也犹豫不定。你们看,我没有明确的职业方向,没有专长,也没有专注于一年事情的热情。但是,我在自己的职业道路上有追求,享受差点的每一分钟。I blame my mother for my persistence and motherhood for my fixation with multi-tasking! Like all lists of this sort, they seem to promise a quick and easy fix. Success risks becoming just a function of personality, public image, attitudes and behaviors, skills and techniques. While these factors are important, it leaves out ones inner compass-character, principles and values, things like courage, fairness, integrity, patience, service, and human dignity.母亲给予了我做事的耐性,母爱使我同时专注于多项工作。像所有同类清单一样,“成功八部曲”似乎能给我们提供一个快速而又简单的方法。个性、公众形象、态度和行为、技能和科技都是成功的重要因素。这些因素固然重要,但却忽略了内在因素,即性格、做事原则及价值观,还有勇气、公平、正直、耐心、服务以及人性尊严等。To quote Stephen Covey of Seven Habits fame, principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value. When these truths are internalized into habits, they empower people to create a wide variety of practices to deal with different situations. This is the way that we prepare for the sometimes harsh realities of life-like not getting ones dream job on the first attempt.正如斯蒂芬科维在高效人士的7个习惯一书中所说,原则是人类行为的向导。这一点已经被证实拥有持久不变的价值。当这些真理渐渐内化为一种习惯时,他们会赋予人类处理各种局面的能力。有了这种能力,我们就能坦然应对生活中的困境,比如第一次求职没有得到理想中的工作。As I watched the devastating Victorian bushfires that burned countless homes and killed too many people last February, it reminded me that we cannot ignore the possibility of bad things happening. I arrived at Melbourne airport that Saturday afternoon as the temperature hit 46 degrees and spent the rest of my stay stunned by the disaster that unfurled before us. The stories of those survivors showed unshakeable inner strength-something we all need if we are to overcome setbacks and forge our own path to success.去年二月,澳洲维多利亚发生了严重的森林火灾,无数的家园化为灰烬,许多人丧失生命,这让我意识到,我们不能忽视不好的事情发生的可能性。期间的一个周六的下午,我到达墨尔本机场,那里温度高达46摄氏度,火灾的阴影笼罩着我在墨尔本的日子。幸存者的事迹展现了人们内心坚不可摧的力量。我们所有人都需要拥有这种力量,克服挫折,缎造我们成功的道路。Our Governor General Ms. Quentin Bryce, in a speech she gave at the end of last year to the Kings School in Sydney, urged the boys to understand who you are. She went on to tell them that we need to know who we are so we can show others who we are. We need to belong to ourselves so we can belong among others. We need our own proof that we have what it takes to do what matters to us. Knowing who we are and being confident enough to do what matters to us-thats what counts.我们的州长昆廷布莱斯女士去年年终在悉尼国王学院发表演讲,督促男孩子们要“深入了解自己”。她接着告诉他们,“我们需要深入了解自己,然后才能更好地向别人展示自己。我们需要认清自己,才能在他人中间立足。我们需要证明自己有能力做好自己认为重要的事情。”了解自己,满怀自信,做好我们认为重要的事情,这才是最重要的。One of the things that give me the greatest satisfaction at present is my efforts to regenerate some of the beautiful rainforest around Mt Wilson in NSW. The peace of working in the dark rich soil amongst huge, 100 year old tree ferns, the grey mottled trunks of the sassafras and stately gums is only matched by the pleasure of knowing that I am planting a legacy for the next generation.目前最让我感到满意的事情是,努力让新南威尔士威尔逊山周围美丽的热带雨林得以修复。在林中肥沃的黑土地上平静地工作,百岁高龄的桫椤树,树干布满灰色斑纹的檫树和高大的橡胶树遍布林中,想到所能馈赠给下一代的这些遗产,心中便欣喜无比。To those of you graduating today, congratulations.祝贺你们,今天在座的所有毕业生们!You have every right to be proud of your achievements and Im sure that each of you will find a way to leave your own legacy.你们完全有理由为自己的成就感到自豪!我相信你们每个人都能找到一种方式给这个世界留下些什么。Good luck and best wishes for the future.祝你们好运!愿你们前程似锦!8


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