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精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案2020学年度第_学期任教学科: _任教年级: _任教老师: _xx 市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planUnit 4 Having FunTopic 1 What Can I do for You?Section B . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and phrases:just, pair, think of, How about?=What about?, think about2. Learn how to make suggestions:(1)Why not try on that pair?(2)How about the blue one?3. Learn more expressions about shopping:(1) Can I help you? Im just looking, thanks.(2) How do you like the pants? Theyre too long.(3) What do you think of this green skirt? Oh, I don tlike it at all.(4)Well, I ll think about it. Thank you all the same. . Teaching aids 教具自制卡片 / 图片 /彩色粉笔 /录音机 /小黑板 /学生自带玩具/小气槌 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1Review 第一步复习 (时间 :10 分钟 )通过图片、 游戏等形式, 复习基数词和有关购物的交际用语,导出并学习本课生词及功能用语。1. (小组竞赛。复习基数词 twenty one hundred。把全班同学分成八个小组,每个小组选一名代表, 教师拿着自制的卡片分别考查学生代表。另选一名学生看着表,在规定的时间内,评选出优胜小组,并给予适当的表扬和鼓励。)A 组 S1: twenty, forty, eighty, one hundred育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planB 组 S9:forty, sixty, ninety,C 组 S17: fifty, eighty,D 组 S25: seventy, ninety,2. (教师出示一幅一个男人正在商场买鞋的图片, 复习购物用语,引出新词汇。)T:Where are they?Ss: They are in a shop.(教师帮助学生回答。)T:What will the salesgirl say?S2: What can I do for you, sir?/May I help you?T:What will the man say?S3: I want some/I d like some/Yes, please. Id likeT:What does the man want to buy?S4: He wants to buy shoes.T:Yes, he wants to buy a pair of shoes.(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)pair, a pair ofT: “Pair”means“ two ” .(伸出两指。 )( 出示一条小孩子的裤子的图片。)This is a pair of pants.( 出示一副眼镜的图片。) And this is a pair of glasses.( 出示一双玩具鞋的图片。) And this is a pair of shoes.(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)a pair of pants/glasses/shoes( 教学这三个词组,然后继续解释。)T: ( 用彩色粉笔标记 pants/glasses/shoes。 ) You see, they are all in plural forms( 翻译成“复数形式”). We can say “The shoes are nice”, but we cantsay“ This pair of shoes are nice ”. Weshould say“ This pair of shoes is nice ” .(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)This pair of shoes is nice.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planThe shoes are nice.( 用彩色粉笔在is 和 are 下面画一个。)T: I like this pair of shoes very much. How do you like this pair of shoes? S5:Oh, I don tlike them at all. ( 或其他答语。 )(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 )How do you like+ n.?I like it very much/a little.I don tlike them at all.They are very nice.They are too long/small/big.T: ( 出示一个玩具的图片。 ) S6, how do you like this toy? S6: I like it a little.T:( 出示一副眼镜的图片。 ) How do you like this pair of glasses? S6:I dontlike them at all.T: What do you think of this pair of glasses?S6:They are nice.( 教师帮助学生回答。)( 板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)think ofWhat do you think of+ n.?How do you like+ n.?=What do you think of+ n.?( 教学这两个句型,然后做口头反应操练。)T: I say“ How do you like ” and you say“ What do you think of ”, OK? Ss: OK.T: How do you like the pants?Ss: What do you think of the pants?T: How do you like the shoes?Ss: What do you think of the shoes?育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan3. (设置疑问,导入 1a。运用解决问题的方式引出新句型。)T: What will you say if( 翻译成“如果” ) you don twant to buy anything in a store?Ss: I m just looking./Well, I ll think about it.( 教师帮助学生回答。)(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。)justthink aboutT: What can I do for you? S7:I m just looking.T: What do you want to buy? S8:Well, I ll think about it.Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现 (时间 :10 分钟 )呈现 1a,导出关键词句和目标语言,为交际积累材料。1. (1)( 播放 1a 中 A 部分的录音,并让学生回答问题。)Does the boy want to buy anything?(2)( 播放 1a 中 B 部分的录音,并让学生回答问题。) What does the boy want to buy? How does he like the pants?(3)( 播放 1a 中 C 部分的录音,并让学生回答问题。) What do they want to buy? Does Jane like the green skirt? How about the blue one? Does Jane buy the blue skirt? ( 板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 )How about? = What about?( 核对答案。 )2. (再播放 1a 录音,学生跟读。注意语音语调。)3. (学生自读1a,加深对课文的理解,同时可以让学生找出疑难点,教师讲解。)Step 3Consolidation第三步巩固 (时间 :12 分钟 )通过组织拍卖活动、角色表演、听力测试,培养学生对语言的感知能力。育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan1. (角色表演 1a,完成 1b。 )2. (播放 2a 录音,核对答案,完成2a。 )3. (拍卖会:教师叫同学们把带来的玩具拿出来进行拍卖,先由教师做示范,然后由学生当主持人,可以用真钱。钱和玩具课后物归原主。)T: This pen is 2 yuan. Its Li Yuchun s pen. If you want it, how much do you want to give?S1:3 yuan.S2:5 yuan.S3:10 yuan.( 若再无学生加价,教师用小气槌打击桌面表示成交。)T: 10 yuan! 10 yuan! Any more?( 翻译成“还有更高的吗?”,然后敲击桌面)。 OK. S 3 , comeand take it!(S3 给钱,拿走物品。)(然后由学生当主持人,模仿刚才情景继续。)Step 4Practice 第四步练习 ( 时间 :8 分钟 )看图片拟定购物计划,培养学生的写作能力。1. (学生依据2a,分组讨论,列出购物清单,然后挑选几组汇报讨论结果,完成2b。此练习重在培养学生解决问题及合理理财的能力。)2. (看图,根据所示规则玩数字游戏,完成3。 )Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动 (时间 :5 分钟 )设置具体的活动场景,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (复习购物句型及数词。 )( 让学生把所带来的玩具拿出来放在课桌上,学生可以自由走动,寻找自己想买的东西,只要运用的语言正确,即可拿走,教师先示范。)T: What can I do for you, sir?S1:I want this toy.T: How do you like it?S1:It s very nice. How much is it?T: It s 2 yuan.S1:Thats fine. I ll take it.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planT: Here you are.(老师把玩具给S1。 )( 学生以此示范进行活动,谁买到的东西最多,谁就是当日“最佳采购员”。 )2. Homework:(1) 朗读 1a,复习购物用语。(2) 复习 Section A 和 B 的单词。(3) 用一百元钱制定你的购物计划。列出你想要购买的东西的名称、数量、颜色和价格。育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰


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